nemesis: a task management tool for Haskell

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Organize common shell tasks into a meaningful tree like structure with dependency tracking

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Versions 2009.6.12, 2009.6.13, 2009.6.13.1, 2009.6.13.2, 2009.6.14, 2009.6.14.1, 2009.6.14.2, 2009.6.14.3, 2009.6.24, 2009.6.25, 2009.8.4, 2009.8.16, 2009.8.17, 2009.8.18, 2009.10.7, 2010.10.4, 2010., 2011.6.12, 2011.6.19, 2011.10.12, 2012.5.24, 2012.5.24.1, 2012.12.18, 2013.6.13, 2013.6.16, 2013.6.22, 2013.7.27, 2014.5.19, 2015.5.4, 2016.3.19, 2018.1.27, 2018.1.27
Change log
Dependencies base (>4 && <=6), containers, directory, dlist, Glob (>=0.9), lens, mtl, process, time [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Jinjing Wang
Maintainer Jinjing Wang <>
Category Tools
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by JinjingWang at 2018-01-27T11:41:21Z




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[back to package description]

Nemesis: a task management tool for Haskell


import System.Nemesis

main = run $ do

    [ "**/*.hi"
    , "**/*.o"
    , "manifest"

  task "dist" $ do
    sh "cabal clean"
    sh "cabal configure"
    sh "cabal sdist"

  task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs")

  task "manifest" $ do
    sh "find . | grep 'hs$' > manifest"



cabal update
cabal install nemesis


Create a file named Nemesis

import System.Nemesis
import System.Nemesis.Utils ((-))
import Prelude hiding ((-))

main = run - do

  -- desc is optional, it gives some description to the task
  -- task syntax: task "keyword: space seperated dependencies" io-action
  desc "Hunter attack macro"
  task "attack: pet-attack auto-attack" (putStrLn "attack macro done!")

  desc "Pet attack"
  task "pet-attack: mark" - do
    sh "echo 'pet attack'"

  desc "Hunter's mark"
  task "mark" - do
    sh "echo \"casting hunter's mark\""

  desc "Auto attack"
  task "auto-attack" - do
    sh "echo 'auto shoot'"


runghc Nemesis

attack          Hunter attack macro
auto-attack     Auto attack
mark            Hunter's mark
pet-attack      Pet attack

runghc Nemesis attack

casting hunter's mark
pet attack
auto shoot
attack macro done!


Create namespaces for tasks with the keyword namespace

import System.Nemesis
import System.Nemesis.Utils ((-))
import Prelude hiding ((-))

main = run - do

  namespace "eat" - do

    task "bread: salad" - putStrLn "eating bread"
    task "salad: /drink/coke" - putStrLn "eating salad"

  namespace "drink" - do

    task "coke" - putStrLn "drinking coke"

Namespaces are referenced as path components.

runghc Nemesis bread

Nemesis: bread does not exist!

runghc Nemesis eat/bread

drinking coke
eating salad
eating bread
