mpd-current-json: Print current MPD song and status as json

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Print currently playing MPD's song metadata and status as JSON

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Change log
Dependencies aeson (>=2.1 && <2.2), aeson-pretty (>=0.8 && <0.9), base (>= && <4.17), bytestring (>=0.11 && <0.12), libmpd (>=0.10 && <0.11), optparse-applicative (>=0.18 && <0.19) [details]
License Unlicense
Author Lucas G
Category Network
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by 11xx at 2023-10-17T04:44:10Z


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git clone
cd mpd-current-json

and to install the executable to ./dist, in the current directory:

cabal install --install-method=copy --overwrite-policy=always --installdir=dist

or to install to ${CABAL_DIR}/bin remove the --installdir=dist argument. CABAL_DIR defaults to ~/.local/share/cabal.


get values

mpd-current-json | jaq .tags.album
mpd-current-json | jaq .status.elapsed_percent

provide host and port with

mpd-current-json -h 'localhost' -p 4321




  1. Pragma language extensions

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
  2. Module declaration

    module Main ( main,
                  (.=?) ) where
  3. Imports

    Import for the libmpd library, added as libmpd == 0.10.* to mpd-current-json.cabal.

    import qualified Network.MPD as MPD
    import Network.MPD
        ( Metadata(..), Song, PlaybackState(Stopped, Playing, Paused) )
    import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
    import Data.Aeson ( object, Key, KeyValue(..), ToJSON )
    import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty ( encodePretty )
    import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
    import Text.Printf ( printf )
    import Options
        ( optsParserInfo, execParser, Opts(optPass, optHost, optPort) )
  4. Main

    {- | Where the program connects to MPD and uses the helper functions to
    extract values, organize them into a list of key/value pairs, make
    them a 'Data.Aeson.Value' using 'Data.Aeson.object', then encode it to
    a conventional JSON @ByteString@ with
    'Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty' for the pretty-print version.
    main :: IO ()
    main = do

    Parse the command-line options and bind the result to opts.

      opts <- execParser optsParserInfo

    Connect to MPD using either the provided arguments from the command-line or the default values, as defined in Parser Opts definition.

      cs <- MPD.withMPDEx (optHost opts) (optPort opts) (optPass opts) MPD.currentSong
      st <- MPD.withMPDEx (optHost opts) (optPort opts) (optPass opts) MPD.status

    where currentSong returns a Maybe (Just (Song {...})) and status returns Maybe (Status {...}) to be parsed.

    The data record Song from the command currentSong contains a field label "sgTags" that contains all embedded metadata tags in a fromList [...], in this let statement store the parser getTag function calls to be placed in the JSON object later:

      let artist                     = getTag Artist                     cs
          artistSort                 = getTag ArtistSort                 cs
          album                      = getTag Album                      cs
          albumSort                  = getTag AlbumSort                  cs
          albumArtist                = getTag AlbumArtist                cs
          albumArtistSort            = getTag AlbumArtistSort            cs
          title                      = getTag Title                      cs
          track                      = getTag Track                      cs
          name                       = getTag Name                       cs
          genre                      = getTag Genre                      cs
          date                       = getTag Date                       cs
          originalDate               = getTag OriginalDate               cs
          composer                   = getTag Composer                   cs
          performer                  = getTag Performer                  cs
          conductor                  = getTag Conductor                  cs
          work                       = getTag Work                       cs
          grouping                   = getTag Grouping                   cs
          comment                    = getTag Comment                    cs
          disc                       = getTag Disc                       cs
          label                      = getTag Label                      cs
          musicbrainz_Artistid       = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID       cs
          musicbrainz_Albumid        = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID        cs
          musicbrainz_Albumartistid  = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID  cs
          musicbrainz_Trackid        = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID        cs
          musicbrainz_Releasetrackid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID cs
          musicbrainz_Workid         = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID         cs

    Likewise, getStatusItem parses values from Status {...} returned by status, some may require additional Maybe checks to get the desired values.

      let state :: Maybe String
          state = case getStatusItem st MPD.stState of
                    Just ps -> case ps of
                                 Playing -> Just "play"  -- same as mpc
                                 Paused  -> Just "pause"  -- same as mpc
                                 Stopped -> Just "stopped"
                    Nothing -> Nothing
          time = getStatusItem st MPD.stTime
          elapsed = case time of
            Just t -> case t of
                        Just (e, _) -> Just e
                        _           -> Nothing
            Nothing -> Nothing
          duration = case time of
            Just t -> case t of
                        Just (_, d) -> Just d
                        _           -> Nothing
            Nothing -> Nothing
          elapsedPercent :: Maybe Double
          elapsedPercent = case time of
            Just t -> case t of
                        Just t1 -> Just (read $ printf "%.2f" (uncurry (/) t1 * 100))
                        Nothing -> Just 0
            Nothing -> Nothing
          repeatSt       = getStatusItem st MPD.stRepeat
          randomSt       = getStatusItem st MPD.stRandom
          singleSt       = getStatusItem st MPD.stSingle
          consumeSt      = getStatusItem st MPD.stConsume
          pos            = getStatusItem st MPD.stSongPos
          playlistLength = getStatusItem st MPD.stPlaylistLength
          bitrate        = getStatusItem st MPD.stBitrate
          audioFormat    = getStatusItem st MPD.stAudio
          errorSt        = getStatusItem st MPD.stError

    The object . catMaybes constructs a JSON object by combining a list of key/value pairs. The .=? operator is used to create each key/value pair. If the value is Just, the key/value pair is included in the list; if the value is Nothing, it is filtered out using catMaybes to prevent generating fields with a value of null in the final JSON object. Then, the object function converts the list of key/value pairs [Pair] into a Value data structure that can be 'encoded' using Data.Aeson's "encode" or Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty's "encodePretty".

      -- sgTags
      let jTags = object . catMaybes $
            [ "artist"                     .=? artist
            , "artist_sort"                .=? artistSort
            , "album"                      .=? album
            , "album_sort"                 .=? albumSort
            , "album_artist"               .=? albumArtist
            , "album_artist_sort"          .=? albumArtistSort
            , "title"                      .=? title
            , "track"                      .=? track
            , "name"                       .=? name
            , "genre"                      .=? genre
            , "date"                       .=? date
            , "original_date"              .=? originalDate
            , "composer"                   .=? composer
            , "performer"                  .=? performer
            , "conductor"                  .=? conductor
            , "work"                       .=? work
            , "grouping"                   .=? grouping
            , "comment"                    .=? comment
            , "disc"                       .=? disc
            , "label"                      .=? label
            , "musicbrainz_artistid"       .=? musicbrainz_Artistid
            , "musicbrainz_albumid"        .=? musicbrainz_Albumid
            , "musicbrainz_albumartistid"  .=? musicbrainz_Albumartistid
            , "musicbrainz_trackid"        .=? musicbrainz_Trackid
            , "musicbrainz_releasetrackid" .=? musicbrainz_Releasetrackid
            , "musicbrainz_workid"         .=? musicbrainz_Workid
      -- status
      let jStatus = object . catMaybes $
            [ "state"           .=? state
            , "repeat"          .=? repeatSt
            , "elapsed"         .=? elapsed
            , "duration"        .=? duration
            , "elapsed_percent" .=? elapsedPercent
            , "random"          .=? randomSt
            , "single"          .=? singleSt
            , "consume"         .=? consumeSt
            , "song_position"   .=? pos
            , "playlist_length" .=? playlistLength
            , "bitrate"         .=? bitrate
            , "audio_format"    .=? audioFormat
            , "error"           .=? errorSt

    Having two objects, one for "tags" and other for "status", create a nested JSON with labels before each of them.

      let jObject = object [ "tags"   .= jTags
                           , "status" .= jStatus ]

    e.g. so they can be parsed as ".tags.title" or ".status.elapsed_percent".

    Finally, encode it to real JSON and print it to the terminal. Data.Aeson's encoding is returned as a ByteString so use the Data.ByteString... import that provides an implementation of putStrLn that supports ByteString​s.

      C.putStrLn $ encodePretty jObject
    1. Utility Functions

      The getStatusItem function takes an Either MPD.MPDError MPD.Status value and a field label function f as arguments. It returns Just (f st) if the input status is Right st, where st is the MPD.Status value. This function helps to extract a specific field from the status data record by providing the corresponding field label function. If the input status is not Right st, indicating an error, or the field label function is not applicable, it returns Nothing.

      {- | Extract a field from the returned MPD.Status data record.
      This takes an @Either@ 'Network.MPD.MPDError' 'Network.MPD.Status'
      value and a field label function @f@ as arguments. It returns @Just
      (f st)@ if the input status is @Right st@, where @st@ is the
      'Network.MPD.Status' value. This function helps to extract a
      specific field from the @MPD.Status@ data record by providing the
      corresponding field label function.  If the input status "@st@" is
      not @Right st@, indicating an error, or the field label function is
      not applicable, it returns @Nothing@.
      getStatusItem :: Either MPD.MPDError MPD.Status -> (MPD.Status -> a) -> Maybe a
      getStatusItem (Right st) f = Just (f st)
      getStatusItem _ _ = Nothing

      The getTag function takes a metadata type t and an Either value c containing a Maybe Song. It checks if the Either value is Left _, indicating an error, and returns Nothing. If the Either value is Right song, it calls the processSong function with the metadata type t and the Just song value, which extracts the tag value from the song. The getTag function helps to retrieve a specific tag value from the song if it exists.

      {- | @Either@ check for the returned value of 'Network.MPD.currentSong',
      then call 'processSong' or return @Nothing@.
      getTag :: Metadata -> Either a (Maybe Song) -> Maybe String
      getTag t c =
        case c of
          Left _ -> Nothing
          Right song -> processSong t song

      The processSong function takes a metadata type tag and a Maybe Song. If the Maybe Song value is Nothing, indicating an empty value, it returns Nothing. If the Maybe Song value is Just song, it retrieves the tag value using the MPD.sgGetTag function with the provided metadata type and song. It then applies the headMay function to extract the first element from the list of tag values and the valueToStringMay function to convert the value to a string within a Maybe context. This function helps to process the tag values of a song and convert them to strings if they exist.

      {- | Use 'Network.MPD.sgGetTag' to extract a @tag@ from a @song@, safely
      get only the head item of the returned @Maybe@ list, then safely
      convert it to a string.
      processSong :: Metadata -> Maybe Song -> Maybe String
      processSong _ Nothing = Nothing
      processSong tag (Just song) = do
        let tagVal = MPD.sgGetTag tag song
        valueToStringMay =<< (headMay =<< tagVal)

      The headMay function is a utility function that safely gets the head of a list. It takes a list as input and returns Nothing if the list is empty or Just x where x is the first element of the list.

      {- | Safely get the head of a list. Same as 'Safe.headMay'.
      headMay :: [a] -> Maybe a
      headMay []    = Nothing
      headMay (x:_) = Just x

      The valueToStringMay function is a utility function that converts a MPD.Value to a String within a Maybe context. It takes a MPD.Value as input and returns Just (MPD.toString x) where x is the input value converted to a string.

      {- | Convert 'Network.MPD.Value' to @String@ within a @Maybe@ context.
      This @Value@ is from 'Network.MPD' and is basically the same as a
      @String@ but used internally to store metadata values.
      processSong :: Metadata -> Maybe Song -> Maybe String
      processSong _ Nothing = Nothing
      processSong tag (Just song) = do
        let tagVal = MPD.sgGetTag tag song
        valueToStringMay =<< (headMay =<< tagVal)
      'MPD.sgGetTag' returns a @Maybe [Value]@. 'Network.MPD' also provides
      'Network.MPD.toString' that can convert, along other types, a
      'Network.MPD.Value' to a @String@.
      valueToStringMay :: MPD.Value -> Maybe String
      valueToStringMay x = Just (MPD.toString x)

      The .=? operator is a utility function to define optional fields in the key-value pairs of a JSON object. It takes a Key and a Maybe value v as input. If the Maybe value is Just value, it returns Just (key .= value), where key is the input key and value is the input value. If the Maybe value is Nothing, it returns Nothing. This operator helps to conditionally include or exclude fields in the JSON object based on the presence or absence of values.

      {- | Check if @Maybe v@ exists and is of type expected by
      'Data.Aeson.object' as defined in 'Data.Aeson.Value', if it is return
      both the @key@ and @value@ within the @Maybe@ context tied with
      'Data.Aeson..='. This gives support to \'optional\' fields using
      'Data.Maybe.catMaybes' that discard @Nothing@ values and is meant to
      prevent creating JSON key/value pairs with @null@ values, e.g.:
      jsonTags = object . catMaybes $
          [ "artist"  .=? artist
          , "album"   .=? album
          , "title"   .=? title
      Where if a value on the right is @Nothing@ that key/value pair will
      not be included in 'Data.Aeson.object' because of
      (.=?) :: (KeyValue a, ToJSON v) => Key -> Maybe v -> Maybe a
      key .=? Just value = Just (key .= value)
      _   .=? Nothing    = Nothing


module Options
  ( Opts(..)
  , execParser
  , prefs
  , showHelpOnEmpty
  , optsParser
  , optsParserInfo ) where

import Options.Applicative
    ( (<**>),
      hidden )

import Options.Applicative.Extra ( helperWith )

import Version ( versionStr, progName )
import Data.Kind (Type)

  1. Data record for holding parsed 'Parser' values

    data Opts = Opts  -- ^ Custom data record for storing 'Options.Applicative.Parser' values
      { optPort    :: Integer  -- ^ MPD port to connect.
      , optHost    :: String   -- ^ MPD host address to connect.
      , optPass    :: String   -- ^ Plain text password to connect to MPD.
      , optVersion :: Type -> Type  -- ^ Print program version.
  2. Parser Opts definition

    A Parser a is an option parser returning a value of type a.

    Specify how Options.Applicative should parse arguments. Their returned values are stored in the custom defined data record Opts.

    optsParser :: Parser Opts
      = Opts
      <$> portOptParser
      <*> hostOptParser
      <*> passOptParser
      <*> versionOptParse
    portOptParser :: Parser Integer
      = option auto
      $ long "port"
      <> short 'p'
      <> metavar "PORTNUM"
      <> value 6600
      <> help "Port number"
    hostOptParser :: Parser String
      = strOption
      $ metavar "ADDRESS"
      <> long "host"
      <> short 'h'
      <> value "localhost"
      <> help "Host address"
    passOptParser :: Parser String
      = option auto
      $ metavar "PASSWORD"
      <> long "password"
      <> short 'P'
      <> value ""
      <> help "Password for connecting (will be sent as plain text)"
    versionOptParse :: Parser (a -> a)
    versionOptParse =
      infoOption versionStr
      $ long "version"
      <> short 'V'
      <> help "Display the version number"
  3. Create ParserInfo

    A ParserInfo describes a command line program, used to generate a help screen. — Options.Applicative

    • optsParserInfo

      Utility function for Options.Applicative's "info" that create a ParserInfo given a Parser and a modifier, where Parser​s are defined using a ​custom data record​.

    optsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Opts
    optsParserInfo = info (optsParser <**> helper')
      $ fullDesc
      <> progDesc "Print currently playing song information as JSON"
      <> header (progName ++ " - " ++ "Current MPD song information as JSON")
  4. Custom helper

    Like helper, but with a minimal set of modifiers that can be extended as desired.

      opts :: ParserInfo Sample
      opts = info (sample <**> helperWith (mconcat [
               long "help",
               short 'h',
               help "Show this help text",
             ])) mempty

    — source of Options.Applicative#helper

    Define a helper command that only accepts long --help:

    helper' :: Parser (a -> a)
    helper' = helperWith
              $ long "help"
              -- <> help "Show this help text"
              <> hidden -- don't show in help messages


module Version ( versionStr,
                 progName ) where

import Data.Version (showVersion)

import Paths_mpd_current_json (version) -- generated by Cabal

progName :: [Char]
progName = "mpd-current-json"

versionStr :: [Char]
versionStr = progName ++ " version " ++ (showVersion version)


Allow runhaskell to use cabal

import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain



cabal-version:      3.0
name:               mpd-current-json
-- The package version.
-- See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) for standards
-- guiding when and how versions should be incremented.
-- PVP summary:     +-+------- breaking API changes
--                  | | +----- non-breaking API additions
--                  | | | +--- code changes with no API change
synopsis:           Print current MPD song and status as json

-- A longer description of the package.
description: Print currently playing MPD's song metadata and status as JSON

-- A URL where users can report bugs.
-- bug-reports:
license:            Unlicense
license-file:       UNLICENSE
author:             Lucas G

-- A copyright notice.
-- copyright:
category:           Network

source-repository head
    type:      git

executable mpd-current-json
    main-is:          Main.hs

    -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
    other-modules:    Options

    autogen-modules:  Paths_mpd_current_json

    -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
    -- other-extensions:
    build-depends:    base ^>=
                    , libmpd == 0.10.*
                    , optparse-applicative == 0.18.*
                    , aeson == 2.1.*
                    , bytestring == 0.11.*
                    , aeson-pretty == 0.8.*

    -- Directories containing source files.
    hs-source-dirs:   src
    default-language: Haskell2010

    -- [[][Haskell Style Guide :: Kowainik]]
    ghc-options:    -Wall


# v1.1.0.1
[comment]: # (2023-10-17)
- Added haddock comments
- Addressed `cabal check` warnings;
- setup for uploading as a Hackage package.

# v1.1.0.0
[comment]: # (2023-06-11)
- Remove `-h` from `--help` and use `-h` for `--host`
- Make `--help` option hidden in the help message

# v1.0.0.0
[comment]: # (2023-06-08)
Initial working version
- Added conditional tags printing, only non-empty values are printed
- Accept host, port and password
- Nested json objects for `status` and `tags`
- Added `elapsed_percent` key shortcut for `elapsed / duration * 100`

# v0.0.1.0
[comment]: # (2023-06-01)
- initial connection and parsing values
- First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.