monoidal-functors- Monoidal Functors Library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




class (Associative cat t1, Associative cat t2, Associative cat t3, Associative cat to) => Semigroupal cat t1 t2 t3 to f where Source #

Given monoidal categories \((\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I_{\mathcal{C}})\) and \((\mathcal{D}, \bullet, I_{\mathcal{D}})\). A bifunctor \(F : \mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3} \to \mathcal{D}\) is Semigroupal if it supports a natural transformation \(\phi_{ABC,XYZ} : F\ A\ B\ C \bullet F\ X\ Y\ Z \to F\ (A \otimes X)\ (B \otimes Y)\ (C \otimes Z)\), which we call combine.



\[ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} (F A B C \bullet F X Y Z) \bullet F P Q R @>>{\alpha_{\mathcal{D}}}> F A B C \bullet (F X Y Z \bullet F P Q R) \\ @VV{\phi_{ABC,XYZ} \bullet 1}V @VV{1 \bullet \phi_{XYZ,PQR}}V \\ F (A \otimes X) (B \otimes Y) (C \otimes Z) \bullet F P Q R @. F A B C \bullet (F (X \otimes P) (Y \otimes Q) (Z \otimes R) \\ @VV{\phi_{(A \otimes X)(B \otimes Y)(C \otimes Z),PQR}}V @VV{\phi_{ABC,(X \otimes P)(Y \otimes Q)(Z \otimes R)}}V \\ F ((A \otimes X) \otimes P) ((B \otimes Y) \otimes Q) ((C \otimes Z) \otimes R) @>>{F \alpha_{\mathcal{C_1}}} \alpha_{\mathcal{C_2}}\alpha_{\mathcal{C_3}}> F (A \otimes (X \otimes P)) (B \otimes (Y \otimes Q)) (C \otimes (Z \otimes R)) \\ \end{CD} \]

combine . grmap combine . bwd assocfmap (bwd assoc) . combine . glmap combine


combine :: to (f x y z) (f x' y' z') `cat` f (t1 x x') (t2 y y') (t3 z z') Source #

A natural transformation \(\phi_{ABC,XYZ} : F\ A\ B\ C \bullet F\ X\ Y\ Z \to F\ (A \otimes X)\ (B \otimes Y) (C \otimes Z)\).


class Unital cat i1 i2 i3 o f where Source #

Given monoidal categories \((\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I_{\mathcal{C}})\) and \((\mathcal{D}, \bullet, I_{\mathcal{D}})\). A bifunctor \(F : \mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3} \to \mathcal{D}\) is Unital if it supports a morphism \(\phi : I_{\mathcal{D}} \to F\ I_{\mathcal{C_1}}\ I_{\mathcal{C_2}}\ I_{\mathcal{C_3}}\), which we call introduce.


introduce :: o `cat` f i1 i2 i3 Source #

introduce maps from the identity in \(\mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3}\) to the identity in \(\mathcal{D}\).


class (Tensor cat t1 i1, Tensor cat t2 i2, Tensor cat t3 i3, Tensor cat to io, Semigroupal cat t1 t2 t3 to f, Unital cat i1 i2 i3 io f) => Monoidal cat t1 i1 t2 i2 t3 i3 to io f Source #

Given monoidal categories \((\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I_{\mathcal{C}})\) and \((\mathcal{D}, \bullet, I_{\mathcal{D}})\). A bifunctor \(F : \mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3} \to \mathcal{D}\) is Monoidal if it maps between \(\mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2}\ \times \mathcal{C_3}\) and \(\mathcal{D}\) while preserving their monoidal structure. Eg., a homomorphism of monoidal categories.

See NCatlab for more details.


Right Unitality:

\[ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} F A B C \bullet I_{\mathcal{D}} @>{1 \bullet \phi}>> F A B \bullet F I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}\\ @VV{\rho_{\mathcal{D}}}V @VV{\phi ABC,I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}}V \\ F A B C @<<{F \rho_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} \rho_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \rho_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}}< F (A \otimes I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}}) (B \otimes I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}}) (C \otimes I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}) \end{CD} \]

combine . grmap introducebwd unitr . fwd unitr

Left Unitality:

\[ \begin{CD} I_{\mathcal{D}} \bullet F A B C @>{\phi \bullet 1}>> F I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \bullet F A B C\\ @VV{\lambda_{\mathcal{D}}}V @VV{I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}},\phi ABC}V \\ F A B C @<<{F \lambda_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} \lambda_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \lambda_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}}< F (I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} \otimes A) (I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \otimes B) (I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}} \otimes C) \end{CD} \]

combine . glmap introducefmap (bwd unitl) . fwd unitl