module Data.Trifunctor.Monoidal
  ( -- * Semigroupal
    Semigroupal (..),

    -- * Unital
    Unital (..),

    -- * Monoidal


import Control.Category.Tensor (Associative, Tensor)


-- | Given monoidal categories \((\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I_{\mathcal{C}})\) and \((\mathcal{D}, \bullet, I_{\mathcal{D}})\).
-- A bifunctor \(F : \mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3} \to \mathcal{D}\) is 'Semigroupal' if it supports a
-- natural transformation \(\phi_{ABC,XYZ} : F\ A\ B\ C \bullet F\ X\ Y\ Z \to F\ (A \otimes X)\ (B \otimes Y)\ (C \otimes Z)\), which we call 'combine'.
-- === Laws
-- __Associativity:__
-- \[ 
-- \require{AMScd}
-- \begin{CD}
-- (F A B C \bullet F X Y Z) \bullet F P Q R                                              @>>{\alpha_{\mathcal{D}}}>     F A B C \bullet (F X Y Z \bullet F P Q R) \\
-- @VV{\phi_{ABC,XYZ} \bullet 1}V                                                                                        @VV{1 \bullet \phi_{XYZ,PQR}}V \\
-- F (A \otimes X) (B \otimes Y) (C \otimes Z) \bullet F P Q R                            @.                             F A B C \bullet (F (X \otimes P) (Y \otimes Q) (Z \otimes R) \\
-- @VV{\phi_{(A \otimes X)(B \otimes Y)(C \otimes Z),PQR}}V                                                              @VV{\phi_{ABC,(X \otimes P)(Y \otimes Q)(Z \otimes R)}}V \\
-- F ((A \otimes X) \otimes P)  ((B \otimes Y) \otimes Q) ((C \otimes Z) \otimes R)       @>>{F \alpha_{\mathcal{C_1}}} \alpha_{\mathcal{C_2}}\alpha_{\mathcal{C_3}}>   F (A \otimes (X \otimes P)) (B \otimes (Y \otimes Q)) (C \otimes (Z \otimes R)) \\
-- \end{CD}
-- \]
-- @
-- 'combine' 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.grmap' 'Control.Category.Tensor.combine' 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.bwd' 'Control.Category.Tensor.assoc' ≡ 'Data.Functor.fmap' ('Control.Category.Tensor.bwd' 'Control.Category.Tensor.assoc') 'Control.Category..' 'combine' 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.glmap' 'combine'
-- @
  ( Associative cat t1
  , Associative cat t2
  , Associative cat t3
  , Associative cat to
  ) => Semigroupal cat t1 t2 t3 to f where
  -- | A natural transformation \(\phi_{ABC,XYZ} : F\ A\ B\ C \bullet F\ X\ Y\ Z \to F\ (A \otimes X)\ (B \otimes Y) (C \otimes Z)\). 
  combine :: to (f x y z) (f x' y' z') `cat` f (t1 x x') (t2 y y') (t3 z z')


-- | Given monoidal categories \((\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I_{\mathcal{C}})\) and \((\mathcal{D}, \bullet, I_{\mathcal{D}})\).
-- A bifunctor \(F : \mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3} \to \mathcal{D}\) is 'Unital' if it supports a morphism
-- \(\phi : I_{\mathcal{D}} \to F\ I_{\mathcal{C_1}}\ I_{\mathcal{C_2}}\ I_{\mathcal{C_3}}\), which we call 'introduce'.
class Unital cat i1 i2 i3 o f where
  -- | @introduce@ maps from the identity in \(\mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3}\) to the
  -- identity in \(\mathcal{D}\).
  introduce :: o `cat` f i1 i2 i3


-- | Given monoidal categories \((\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I_{\mathcal{C}})\) and \((\mathcal{D}, \bullet, I_{\mathcal{D}})\).
-- A bifunctor \(F : \mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2} \times \mathcal{C_3} \to \mathcal{D}\) is 'Monoidal' if it maps between
-- \(\mathcal{C_1} \times \mathcal{C_2}\ \times \mathcal{C_3}\) and \(\mathcal{D}\) while preserving their monoidal structure.
-- Eg., a homomorphism of monoidal categories.
-- See < NCatlab> for more details.
-- === Laws
-- __Right Unitality:__
-- \[ 
-- \require{AMScd}
-- \begin{CD}
-- F A B C \bullet I_{\mathcal{D}}   @>{1 \bullet \phi}>>                                                            F A B \bullet F I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}\\
-- @VV{\rho_{\mathcal{D}}}V                                                                                          @VV{\phi ABC,I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}}V \\
-- F A B C                           @<<{F \rho_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} \rho_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \rho_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}}<    F (A \otimes I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}}) (B \otimes I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}}) (C \otimes I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}})
-- \end{CD}
-- \]
-- @
-- 'combine' 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.grmap' 'introduce' ≡ 'Control.Category.Tensor.bwd' 'Control.Category.Tensor.unitr' 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.fwd' 'Control.Category.Tensor.unitr'
-- @
-- __ Left Unitality__:
-- \[ 
-- \begin{CD}
-- I_{\mathcal{D}} \bullet F A B C   @>{\phi \bullet 1}>>                                                                    F I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \bullet F A B C\\
-- @VV{\lambda_{\mathcal{D}}}V                                                                                               @VV{I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}}I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}},\phi ABC}V \\
-- F A B C                           @<<{F \lambda_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} \lambda_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \lambda_{\mathcal{C_{3}}}}<   F (I_{\mathcal{C_{1}}} \otimes A) (I_{\mathcal{C_{2}}} \otimes B) (I_{\mathcal{C_{3}}} \otimes C)
-- \end{CD}
-- \]
-- @
-- 'combine' 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.glmap' 'introduce' ≡ 'Data.Functor.fmap' ('Control.Category.Tensor.bwd' 'Control.Category.Tensor.unitl') 'Control.Category..' 'Control.Category.Tensor.fwd' 'Control.Category.Tensor.unitl'
-- @
  ( Tensor cat t1 i1
  , Tensor cat t2 i2
  , Tensor cat t3 i3
  , Tensor cat to io
  , Semigroupal cat t1 t2 t3 to f
  , Unital cat i1 i2 i3 io f
  ) => Monoidal cat t1 i1 t2 i2 t3 i3 to io f