{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Session
( Session
, SessionConfig(..)
, defaultConfig
, SessionMessage(..)
, SessionContext(..)
, SessionState(..)
, runSessionWithHandles
, get
, put
, modify
, modifyM
, ask
, asks
, sendMessage
, updateState
, withTimeout
, logMsg
, LogMsgType(..)
import Control.Concurrent hiding (yield)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens hiding (List)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Except
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State (get, put)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import Data.Conduit as Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Parser as Parser
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens hiding (error)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Decoding
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Exceptions
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Directory
import System.IO
type Session = ParserStateReader FromServerMessage SessionState SessionContext IO
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
instance MonadFail Session where
fail s = do
lastMsg <- fromJust . lastReceivedMessage <$> get
liftIO $ throw (UnexpectedMessage s lastMsg)
data SessionConfig = SessionConfig
{ messageTimeout :: Int
, logStdErr :: Bool
, logMessages :: Bool
, logColor :: Bool
, lspConfig :: Maybe Value
defaultConfig :: SessionConfig
defaultConfig = SessionConfig 60 False False True Nothing
instance Default SessionConfig where
def = defaultConfig
data SessionMessage = ServerMessage FromServerMessage
| TimeoutMessage Int
deriving Show
data SessionContext = SessionContext
serverIn :: Handle
, rootDir :: FilePath
, messageChan :: Chan SessionMessage
, requestMap :: MVar RequestMap
, initRsp :: MVar InitializeResponse
, config :: SessionConfig
, sessionCapabilities :: ClientCapabilities
class Monad m => HasReader r m where
ask :: m r
asks :: (r -> b) -> m b
asks f = f <$> ask
instance Monad m => HasReader r (ParserStateReader a s r m) where
ask = lift $ lift Reader.ask
instance Monad m => HasReader SessionContext (ConduitM a b (StateT s (ReaderT SessionContext m))) where
ask = lift $ lift Reader.ask
data SessionState = SessionState
curReqId :: LspId
, vfs :: VFS
, curDiagnostics :: Map.Map Uri [Diagnostic]
, curTimeoutId :: Int
, overridingTimeout :: Bool
, lastReceivedMessage :: Maybe FromServerMessage
class Monad m => HasState s m where
get :: m s
put :: s -> m ()
modify :: (s -> s) -> m ()
modify f = get >>= put . f
modifyM :: (HasState s m, Monad m) => (s -> m s) -> m ()
modifyM f = get >>= f >>= put
instance Monad m => HasState s (ParserStateReader a s r m) where
get = lift State.get
put = lift . State.put
instance Monad m => HasState SessionState (ConduitM a b (StateT SessionState m))
get = lift State.get
put = lift . State.put
type ParserStateReader a s r m = ConduitParser a (StateT s (ReaderT r m))
runSession :: SessionContext -> SessionState -> Session a -> IO (a, SessionState)
runSession context state session = runReaderT (runStateT conduit state) context
conduit = runConduit $ chanSource .| watchdog .| updateStateC .| runConduitParser (catchError session handler)
handler (Unexpected "ConduitParser.empty") = do
lastMsg <- fromJust . lastReceivedMessage <$> get
name <- getParserName
liftIO $ throw (UnexpectedMessage (T.unpack name) lastMsg)
handler e = throw e
chanSource = do
msg <- liftIO $ readChan (messageChan context)
yield msg
watchdog :: ConduitM SessionMessage FromServerMessage (StateT SessionState (ReaderT SessionContext IO)) ()
watchdog = Conduit.awaitForever $ \msg -> do
curId <- curTimeoutId <$> get
case msg of
ServerMessage sMsg -> yield sMsg
TimeoutMessage tId -> when (curId == tId) $ throw Timeout
runSessionWithHandles :: Handle
-> Handle
-> (Handle -> SessionContext -> IO ())
-> SessionConfig
-> ClientCapabilities
-> FilePath
-> Session a
-> IO a
runSessionWithHandles serverIn serverOut serverHandler config caps rootDir session = do
absRootDir <- canonicalizePath rootDir
hSetBuffering serverIn NoBuffering
hSetBuffering serverOut NoBuffering
reqMap <- newMVar newRequestMap
messageChan <- newChan
initRsp <- newEmptyMVar
mainThreadId <- myThreadId
let context = SessionContext serverIn absRootDir messageChan reqMap initRsp config caps
initState = SessionState (IdInt 0) mempty mempty 0 False Nothing
launchServerHandler = forkIO $ catch (serverHandler serverOut context)
(throwTo mainThreadId :: SessionException -> IO ())
(result, _) <- bracket launchServerHandler killThread $
const $ runSession context initState session
return result
updateStateC :: ConduitM FromServerMessage FromServerMessage (StateT SessionState (ReaderT SessionContext IO)) ()
updateStateC = awaitForever $ \msg -> do
updateState msg
yield msg
updateState :: (MonadIO m, HasReader SessionContext m, HasState SessionState m) => FromServerMessage -> m ()
updateState (NotPublishDiagnostics n) = do
let List diags = n ^. params . diagnostics
doc = n ^. params . uri
modify (\s ->
let newDiags = Map.insert doc diags (curDiagnostics s)
in s { curDiagnostics = newDiags })
updateState (ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit r) = do
allChangeParams <- case r ^. params . edit . documentChanges of
Just (List cs) -> do
mapM_ (checkIfNeedsOpened . (^. textDocument . uri)) cs
return $ map getParams cs
Nothing -> case r ^. params . edit . changes of
Just cs -> do
mapM_ checkIfNeedsOpened (HashMap.keys cs)
return $ concatMap (uncurry getChangeParams) (HashMap.toList cs)
Nothing -> error "No changes!"
modifyM $ \s -> do
newVFS <- liftIO $ changeFromServerVFS (vfs s) r
return $ s { vfs = newVFS }
let groupedParams = groupBy (\a b -> (a ^. textDocument == b ^. textDocument)) allChangeParams
mergedParams = map mergeParams groupedParams
forM_ mergedParams (sendMessage . NotificationMessage "2.0" TextDocumentDidChange)
let sortedVersions = map (sortBy (compare `on` (^. textDocument . version))) groupedParams
latestVersions = map ((^. textDocument) . last) sortedVersions
bumpedVersions = map (version . _Just +~ 1) latestVersions
forM_ bumpedVersions $ \(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri v) ->
modify $ \s ->
let oldVFS = vfs s
update (VirtualFile oldV t mf) = VirtualFile (fromMaybe oldV v) t mf
newVFS = Map.adjust update uri oldVFS
in s { vfs = newVFS }
where checkIfNeedsOpened uri = do
oldVFS <- vfs <$> get
ctx <- ask
unless (uri `Map.member` oldVFS) $ do
let fp = fromJust $ uriToFilePath uri
contents <- liftIO $ T.readFile fp
let item = TextDocumentItem (filePathToUri fp) "" 0 contents
msg = NotificationMessage "2.0" TextDocumentDidOpen (DidOpenTextDocumentParams item)
liftIO $ B.hPut (serverIn ctx) $ addHeader (encode msg)
modifyM $ \s -> do
newVFS <- liftIO $ openVFS (vfs s) msg
return $ s { vfs = newVFS }
getParams (TextDocumentEdit docId (List edits)) =
let changeEvents = map (\e -> TextDocumentContentChangeEvent (Just (e ^. range)) Nothing (e ^. newText)) edits
in DidChangeTextDocumentParams docId (List changeEvents)
textDocumentVersions uri = map (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri . Just) [0..]
textDocumentEdits uri edits = map (\(v, e) -> TextDocumentEdit v (List [e])) $ zip (textDocumentVersions uri) edits
getChangeParams uri (List edits) = map getParams (textDocumentEdits uri (reverse edits))
mergeParams :: [DidChangeTextDocumentParams] -> DidChangeTextDocumentParams
mergeParams params = let events = concat (toList (map (toList . (^. contentChanges)) params))
in DidChangeTextDocumentParams (head params ^. textDocument) (List events)
updateState _ = return ()
sendMessage :: (MonadIO m, HasReader SessionContext m, ToJSON a) => a -> m ()
sendMessage msg = do
h <- serverIn <$> ask
logMsg LogClient msg
liftIO $ B.hPut h (addHeader $ encode msg)
withTimeout :: Int -> Session a -> Session a
withTimeout duration f = do
chan <- asks messageChan
timeoutId <- curTimeoutId <$> get
modify $ \s -> s { overridingTimeout = True }
liftIO $ forkIO $ do
threadDelay (duration * 1000000)
writeChan chan (TimeoutMessage timeoutId)
res <- f
modify $ \s -> s { curTimeoutId = timeoutId + 1,
overridingTimeout = False
return res
data LogMsgType = LogServer | LogClient
deriving Eq
logMsg :: (ToJSON a, MonadIO m, HasReader SessionContext m)
=> LogMsgType -> a -> m ()
logMsg t msg = do
shouldLog <- asks $ logMessages . config
shouldColor <- asks $ logColor . config
liftIO $ when shouldLog $ do
when shouldColor $ setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull color]
putStrLn $ arrow ++ showPretty msg
when shouldColor $ setSGR [Reset]
where arrow
| t == LogServer = "<-- "
| otherwise = "--> "
| t == LogServer = Magenta
| otherwise = Cyan
showPretty = B.unpack . encodePretty