{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Decoding where
import Prelude hiding ( id )
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens
hiding ( error )
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Exceptions
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
getAllMessages :: Handle -> IO [B.ByteString]
getAllMessages h = do
done <- hIsEOF h
if done
then return []
else do
msg <- getNextMessage h
(msg :) <$> getAllMessages h
getNextMessage :: Handle -> IO B.ByteString
getNextMessage h = do
headers <- getHeaders h
case read . init <$> lookup "Content-Length" headers of
Nothing -> error "Couldn't read Content-Length header"
Just size -> B.hGet h size
addHeader :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
addHeader content = B.concat
[ "Content-Length: "
, B.pack $ show $ B.length content
, "\r\n"
, "\r\n"
, content
getHeaders :: Handle -> IO [(String, String)]
getHeaders h = do
l <- catch (hGetLine h) eofHandler
let (name, val) = span (/= ':') l
if null val then return [] else ((name, drop 2 val) :) <$> getHeaders h
where eofHandler e
| isEOFError e = throw UnexpectedServerTermination
| otherwise = throw e
type RequestMap = HM.HashMap LspId ClientMethod
newRequestMap :: RequestMap
newRequestMap = HM.empty
updateRequestMap :: RequestMap -> LspId -> ClientMethod -> RequestMap
updateRequestMap reqMap id method = HM.insert id method reqMap
getRequestMap :: [FromClientMessage] -> RequestMap
getRequestMap = foldl helper HM.empty
helper acc msg = case msg of
(ReqInitialize val) -> insert val acc
(ReqShutdown val) -> insert val acc
(ReqHover val) -> insert val acc
(ReqCompletion val) -> insert val acc
(ReqCompletionItemResolve val) -> insert val acc
(ReqSignatureHelp val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDefinition val) -> insert val acc
(ReqTypeDefinition val) -> insert val acc
(ReqFindReferences val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentHighlights val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentSymbols val) -> insert val acc
(ReqWorkspaceSymbols val) -> insert val acc
(ReqCodeAction val) -> insert val acc
(ReqCodeLens val) -> insert val acc
(ReqCodeLensResolve val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentFormatting val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentRangeFormatting val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentOnTypeFormatting val) -> insert val acc
(ReqRename val) -> insert val acc
(ReqExecuteCommand val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentLink val) -> insert val acc
(ReqDocumentLinkResolve val) -> insert val acc
(ReqWillSaveWaitUntil val) -> insert val acc
_ -> acc
insert m = HM.insert (m ^. id) (m ^. method)
matchResponseMsgType :: ClientMethod -> B.ByteString -> FromServerMessage
matchResponseMsgType req = case req of
Initialize -> RspInitialize . decoded
Shutdown -> RspShutdown . decoded
TextDocumentHover -> RspHover . decoded
TextDocumentCompletion -> RspCompletion . decoded
CompletionItemResolve -> RspCompletionItemResolve . decoded
TextDocumentSignatureHelp -> RspSignatureHelp . decoded
TextDocumentDefinition -> RspDefinition . decoded
TextDocumentTypeDefinition -> RspTypeDefinition . decoded
TextDocumentReferences -> RspFindReferences . decoded
TextDocumentDocumentHighlight -> RspDocumentHighlights . decoded
TextDocumentDocumentSymbol -> RspDocumentSymbols . decoded
WorkspaceSymbol -> RspWorkspaceSymbols . decoded
TextDocumentCodeAction -> RspCodeAction . decoded
TextDocumentCodeLens -> RspCodeLens . decoded
CodeLensResolve -> RspCodeLensResolve . decoded
TextDocumentFormatting -> RspDocumentFormatting . decoded
TextDocumentRangeFormatting -> RspDocumentRangeFormatting . decoded
TextDocumentOnTypeFormatting -> RspDocumentOnTypeFormatting . decoded
TextDocumentRename -> RspRename . decoded
WorkspaceExecuteCommand -> RspExecuteCommand . decoded
TextDocumentDocumentLink -> RspDocumentLink . decoded
DocumentLinkResolve -> RspDocumentLinkResolve . decoded
TextDocumentWillSaveWaitUntil -> RspWillSaveWaitUntil . decoded
x -> error . ((show x ++ " is not a request: ") ++) . show
where decoded x = fromMaybe (error $ "Couldn't decode response for the request type: "
++ show req ++ "\n" ++ show x)
(decode x)
decodeFromServerMsg :: RequestMap -> B.ByteString -> FromServerMessage
decodeFromServerMsg reqMap bytes =
case HM.lookup "method" (fromJust $ decode bytes :: Object) of
Just methodStr -> case fromJSON methodStr of
Success method -> case method of
TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics -> NotPublishDiagnostics $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WindowShowMessage -> NotShowMessage $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WindowLogMessage -> NotLogMessage $ fromJust $ decode bytes
CancelRequestServer -> NotCancelRequestFromServer $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WindowProgressStart -> NotProgressStart $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WindowProgressReport -> NotProgressReport $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WindowProgressDone -> NotProgressDone $ fromJust $ decode bytes
TelemetryEvent -> NotTelemetry $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WindowShowMessageRequest -> ReqShowMessage $ fromJust $ decode bytes
ClientRegisterCapability -> ReqRegisterCapability $ fromJust $ decode bytes
ClientUnregisterCapability -> ReqUnregisterCapability $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WorkspaceApplyEdit -> ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit $ fromJust $ decode bytes
WorkspaceWorkspaceFolders -> error "ReqWorkspaceFolders not supported yet"
WorkspaceConfiguration -> error "ReqWorkspaceConfiguration not supported yet"
Error e -> error e
Nothing -> case decode bytes :: Maybe (ResponseMessage Value) of
Just msg -> case HM.lookup (requestId $ msg ^. id) reqMap of
Just req -> matchResponseMsgType req bytes
Nothing -> error "Couldn't match up response with request"
Nothing -> error "Couldn't decode message"