Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- doc :: DocItem di => di -> s :-> s
- docGroup :: DocGrouping -> (inp :-> out) -> inp :-> out
- docStorage :: forall storage s. TypeHasDoc storage => s :-> s
- buildLorentzDoc :: (inp :-> out) -> ContractDoc
- buildLorentzDocWithGitRev :: DGitRevision -> (inp :-> out) -> ContractDoc
- renderLorentzDoc :: (inp :-> out) -> LText
- renderLorentzDocWithGitRev :: DGitRevision -> (inp :-> out) -> LText
- contractName :: Text -> (inp :-> out) -> inp :-> out
- contractGeneral :: (inp :-> out) -> inp :-> out
- contractGeneralDefault :: s :-> s
- cutLorentzNonDoc :: (inp :-> out) -> s :-> s
- type Markdown = Builder
- data DocElem d = DocElem {}
- class (Typeable d, DOrd d) => DocItem d where
- type DocItemPlacement d :: DocItemPlacementKind
- type DocItemReferenced d :: DocItemReferencedKind
- docItemPos :: Natural
- docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text
- docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown
- docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle
- docItemRef :: d -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement d) (DocItemReferenced d)
- docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> d -> Markdown
- docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> d -> Markdown
- docItemDependencies :: d -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem]
- docItemsOrder :: [d] -> [d]
- docItemPosition :: DocItem d => DocItemPos
- newtype DocItemId = DocItemId Text
- data DocItemPlacementKind
- newtype DocItemPos = DocItemPos (Natural, Text)
- data DocItemRef (p :: DocItemPlacementKind) (r :: DocItemReferencedKind) where
- data DocSection = DocItem d => DocSection (NonEmpty $ DocElem d)
- data DocSectionNameStyle
- data SomeDocItem where
- SomeDocItem :: forall d. DocItem d => d -> SomeDocItem
- data SomeDocDefinitionItem where
- SomeDocDefinitionItem :: forall d. (DocItem d, DocItemPlacement d ~ 'DocItemInDefinitions) => d -> SomeDocDefinitionItem
- newtype SubDoc = SubDoc DocBlock
- type DocGrouping = SubDoc -> SomeDocItem
- data ContractDoc = ContractDoc {
- cdContents :: DocBlock
- cdDefinitions :: DocBlock
- cdDefinitionsSet :: Set SomeDocDefinitionItem
- cdDefinitionIds :: Set DocItemId
- data DDescription = DDescription Markdown
- data DEntrypointExample = forall t.ParameterScope t => DEntrypointExample (Value t)
- mkDEntrypointExample :: forall a. NiceParameter a => a -> DEntrypointExample
- data DGitRevision
- = DGitRevisionKnown DGitRevisionInfo
- | DGitRevisionUnknown
- newtype GitRepoSettings = GitRepoSettings {
- grsMkGitRevision :: Text -> Text
- mkDGitRevision :: ExpQ
- morleyRepoSettings :: GitRepoSettings
- data DComment = DComment Text
- data DAnchor = DAnchor Anchor
- data DType where
- DType :: forall a. TypeHasDoc a => Proxy a -> DType
- dTypeDep :: TypeHasDoc t => SomeDocDefinitionItem
- docDefinitionRef :: (DocItem d, DocItemPlacement d ~ 'DocItemInDefinitions) => Markdown -> d -> Markdown
- contractDocToMarkdown :: ContractDoc -> LText
- subDocToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> SubDoc -> Markdown
- class (Typeable a, SingI (TypeDocFieldDescriptions a), FieldDescriptionsValid (TypeDocFieldDescriptions a) a) => TypeHasDoc a where
- type TypeDocFieldDescriptions a :: FieldDescriptions
- typeDocName :: Proxy a -> Text
- typeDocMdDescription :: Markdown
- typeDocMdReference :: Proxy a -> WithinParens -> Markdown
- typeDocDependencies :: Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem]
- typeDocHaskellRep :: TypeDocHaskellRep a
- typeDocMichelsonRep :: TypeDocMichelsonRep a
- data SomeTypeWithDoc where
- SomeTypeWithDoc :: forall td. TypeHasDoc td => Proxy td -> SomeTypeWithDoc
- class HaveCommonTypeCtor (a :: k) (b :: k1)
- class IsHomomorphic (a :: k)
- genericTypeDocDependencies :: (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem]
- customTypeDocMdReference :: (Text, DType) -> [DType] -> WithinParens -> Markdown
- homomorphicTypeDocMdReference :: (Typeable t, TypeHasDoc t, IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy t -> WithinParens -> Markdown
- poly1TypeDocMdReference :: forall (t :: Type -> Type) r a. (r ~ t a, Typeable t, Each '[TypeHasDoc] '[r, a], IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy r -> WithinParens -> Markdown
- poly2TypeDocMdReference :: forall (t :: Type -> Type -> Type) r a b. (r ~ t a b, Typeable t, Each '[TypeHasDoc] '[r, a, b], IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy r -> WithinParens -> Markdown
- homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep :: (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a)) => TypeDocHaskellRep a
- concreteTypeDocHaskellRep :: (Typeable a, GenericIsoValue a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a), HaveCommonTypeCtor b a) => TypeDocHaskellRep b
- concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe :: (Typeable a, GenericIsoValue a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a)) => TypeDocHaskellRep b
- haskellAddNewtypeField :: Text -> TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a
- haskellRepNoFields :: TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a
- haskellRepStripFieldPrefix :: HasCallStack => TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a
- homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep :: SingI (ToT a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep a
- concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep :: forall k a (b :: k). (Typeable a, SingI (ToT a), HaveCommonTypeCtor b a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep b
- concreteTypeDocMichelsonRepUnsafe :: forall k a (b :: k). (Typeable a, SingI (ToT a)) => TypeDocMichelsonRep b
- mdTocFromRef :: (DocItem d, DocItemReferenced d ~ 'True) => HeaderLevel -> Markdown -> d -> Markdown
docGroup :: DocGrouping -> (inp :-> out) -> inp :-> out Source #
Group documentation built in the given piece of code into block dedicated to one thing, e.g. to one entrypoint.
docStorage :: forall storage s. TypeHasDoc storage => s :-> s Source #
Insert documentation of the contract storage type. The type should be passed using type applications.
buildLorentzDoc :: (inp :-> out) -> ContractDoc Source #
buildLorentzDocWithGitRev :: DGitRevision -> (inp :-> out) -> ContractDoc Source #
renderLorentzDoc :: (inp :-> out) -> LText Source #
renderLorentzDocWithGitRev :: DGitRevision -> (inp :-> out) -> LText Source #
contractName :: Text -> (inp :-> out) -> inp :-> out Source #
Give a name to given contract. Apply it to the whole contract code.
contractGeneral :: (inp :-> out) -> inp :-> out Source #
Takes an instruction that inserts documentation items with
general information about the contract. Inserts it into general
section. See DGeneralInfoSection
contractGeneralDefault :: s :-> s Source #
Inserts general information about the contract using the default format.
Currently we only include git revision. It is unknown in the library code and is supposed to be updated in an executable.
cutLorentzNonDoc :: (inp :-> out) -> s :-> s Source #
Leave only instructions related to documentation.
This function is useful when your method executes a lambda coming from outside, but you know its properties and want to propagate its documentation to your contract code.
class (Typeable d, DOrd d) => DocItem d where #
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type DocItemPlacement d :: DocItemPlacementKind #
type DocItemPlacement d = 'DocItemInlined #
type DocItemReferenced d :: DocItemReferencedKind #
type DocItemReferenced d = 'False #
docItemPos :: Natural #
docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text #
docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown #
docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle #
docItemRef :: d -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement d) (DocItemReferenced d) #
docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> d -> Markdown #
docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> d -> Markdown #
docItemDependencies :: d -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] #
docItemsOrder :: [d] -> [d] #
docItemPosition :: DocItem d => DocItemPos #
Eq DocItemId | |
Ord DocItemId | |
Show DocItemId | |
ToAnchor DocItemId | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc |
data DocItemPlacementKind #
DocItemInlined | |
DocItemInDefinitions |
newtype DocItemPos #
DocItemPos (Natural, Text) |
Eq DocItemPos | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc | |
Ord DocItemPos | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods compare :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> Ordering # (<) :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> Bool # (<=) :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> Bool # (>) :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> Bool # (>=) :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> Bool # max :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> DocItemPos # min :: DocItemPos -> DocItemPos -> DocItemPos # | |
Show DocItemPos | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DocItemPos -> ShowS # show :: DocItemPos -> String # showList :: [DocItemPos] -> ShowS # | |
Buildable DocItemPos | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods build :: DocItemPos -> Builder # |
data DocItemRef (p :: DocItemPlacementKind) (r :: DocItemReferencedKind) where #
DocItemRef :: DocItemId -> DocItemRef 'DocItemInDefinitions 'True | |
DocItemRefInlined :: DocItemId -> DocItemRef 'DocItemInlined 'True | |
DocItemNoRef :: DocItemRef 'DocItemInlined 'False |
ToAnchor (DocItemRef d 'True) | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods toAnchor :: DocItemRef d 'True -> Anchor |
data DocSection #
DocItem d => DocSection (NonEmpty $ DocElem d) |
Show DocSection | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DocSection -> ShowS # show :: DocSection -> String # showList :: [DocSection] -> ShowS # |
data DocSectionNameStyle #
DocSectionNameBig | |
DocSectionNameSmall |
data SomeDocItem where #
SomeDocItem :: forall d. DocItem d => d -> SomeDocItem |
Show SomeDocItem | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SomeDocItem -> ShowS # show :: SomeDocItem -> String # showList :: [SomeDocItem] -> ShowS # | |
Show DocGrouping | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DocGrouping -> ShowS # show :: DocGrouping -> String # showList :: [DocGrouping] -> ShowS # | |
NFData SomeDocItem | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods rnf :: SomeDocItem -> () # |
data SomeDocDefinitionItem where #
SomeDocDefinitionItem :: forall d. (DocItem d, DocItemPlacement d ~ 'DocItemInDefinitions) => d -> SomeDocDefinitionItem |
Eq SomeDocDefinitionItem | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods (==) :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Bool # (/=) :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Bool # | |
Ord SomeDocDefinitionItem | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods compare :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Ordering # (<) :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Bool # (<=) :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Bool # (>) :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Bool # (>=) :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> Bool # max :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem # min :: SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem -> SomeDocDefinitionItem # |
SubDoc DocBlock |
Show DocGrouping | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DocGrouping -> ShowS # show :: DocGrouping -> String # showList :: [DocGrouping] -> ShowS # |
type DocGrouping = SubDoc -> SomeDocItem #
data ContractDoc #
ContractDoc | |
Semigroup ContractDoc | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods (<>) :: ContractDoc -> ContractDoc -> ContractDoc # sconcat :: NonEmpty ContractDoc -> ContractDoc # stimes :: Integral b => b -> ContractDoc -> ContractDoc # | |
Monoid ContractDoc | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Methods mempty :: ContractDoc # mappend :: ContractDoc -> ContractDoc -> ContractDoc # mconcat :: [ContractDoc] -> ContractDoc # |
data DDescription #
DDescription Markdown |
DocItem DDescription | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Associated Types type DocItemPlacement DDescription :: DocItemPlacementKind # type DocItemReferenced DDescription :: DocItemReferencedKind # Methods docItemPos :: Natural # docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text # docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown # docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle # docItemRef :: DDescription -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement DDescription) (DocItemReferenced DDescription) # docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> DDescription -> Markdown # docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> DDescription -> Markdown # docItemDependencies :: DDescription -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # docItemsOrder :: [DDescription] -> [DDescription] # | |
type DocItemPlacement DDescription | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc | |
type DocItemReferenced DDescription | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc |
data DEntrypointExample Source #
Modify the example value of an entrypoint
forall t.ParameterScope t => DEntrypointExample (Value t) |
DocItem DEntrypointExample Source # | |
Defined in Lorentz.Doc Associated Types type DocItemPlacement DEntrypointExample :: DocItemPlacementKind # type DocItemReferenced DEntrypointExample :: DocItemReferencedKind # Methods docItemPos :: Natural # docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text # docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown # docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle # docItemRef :: DEntrypointExample -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement DEntrypointExample) (DocItemReferenced DEntrypointExample) # docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> DEntrypointExample -> Markdown # docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> DEntrypointExample -> Markdown # docItemDependencies :: DEntrypointExample -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # docItemsOrder :: [DEntrypointExample] -> [DEntrypointExample] # | |
type DocItemPlacement DEntrypointExample Source # | |
Defined in Lorentz.Doc | |
type DocItemReferenced DEntrypointExample Source # | |
Defined in Lorentz.Doc |
mkDEntrypointExample :: forall a. NiceParameter a => a -> DEntrypointExample Source #
data DGitRevision #
DGitRevisionKnown DGitRevisionInfo | |
DGitRevisionUnknown |
DocItem DGitRevision | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Associated Types type DocItemPlacement DGitRevision :: DocItemPlacementKind # type DocItemReferenced DGitRevision :: DocItemReferencedKind # Methods docItemPos :: Natural # docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text # docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown # docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle # docItemRef :: DGitRevision -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement DGitRevision) (DocItemReferenced DGitRevision) # docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> DGitRevision -> Markdown # docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> DGitRevision -> Markdown # docItemDependencies :: DGitRevision -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # docItemsOrder :: [DGitRevision] -> [DGitRevision] # | |
type DocItemPlacement DGitRevision | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc | |
type DocItemReferenced DGitRevision | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc |
newtype GitRepoSettings #
GitRepoSettings | |
mkDGitRevision :: ExpQ #
DocItem DComment | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Associated Types type DocItemPlacement DComment :: DocItemPlacementKind # type DocItemReferenced DComment :: DocItemReferencedKind # Methods docItemPos :: Natural # docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text # docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown # docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle # docItemRef :: DComment -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement DComment) (DocItemReferenced DComment) # docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> DComment -> Markdown # docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> DComment -> Markdown # docItemDependencies :: DComment -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # docItemsOrder :: [DComment] -> [DComment] # | |
type DocItemPlacement DComment | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc | |
type DocItemReferenced DComment | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc |
DAnchor Anchor |
DocItem DAnchor | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc Associated Types type DocItemPlacement DAnchor :: DocItemPlacementKind # type DocItemReferenced DAnchor :: DocItemReferencedKind # Methods docItemPos :: Natural # docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text # docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown # docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle # docItemRef :: DAnchor -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement DAnchor) (DocItemReferenced DAnchor) # docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> DAnchor -> Markdown # docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> DAnchor -> Markdown # docItemDependencies :: DAnchor -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # docItemsOrder :: [DAnchor] -> [DAnchor] # | |
type DocItemPlacement DAnchor | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc | |
type DocItemReferenced DAnchor | |
Defined in Michelson.Doc |
DType :: forall a. TypeHasDoc a => Proxy a -> DType |
Eq DType | |
Ord DType | |
Show DType | |
DocItem DType | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc Associated Types type DocItemPlacement DType :: DocItemPlacementKind # type DocItemReferenced DType :: DocItemReferencedKind # Methods docItemPos :: Natural # docItemSectionName :: Maybe Text # docItemSectionDescription :: Maybe Markdown # docItemSectionNameStyle :: DocSectionNameStyle # docItemRef :: DType -> DocItemRef (DocItemPlacement DType) (DocItemReferenced DType) # docItemToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> DType -> Markdown # docItemToToc :: HeaderLevel -> DType -> Markdown # docItemDependencies :: DType -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # docItemsOrder :: [DType] -> [DType] # | |
type DocItemPlacement DType | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc | |
type DocItemReferenced DType | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc |
dTypeDep :: TypeHasDoc t => SomeDocDefinitionItem #
docDefinitionRef :: (DocItem d, DocItemPlacement d ~ 'DocItemInDefinitions) => Markdown -> d -> Markdown #
subDocToMarkdown :: HeaderLevel -> SubDoc -> Markdown #
class (Typeable a, SingI (TypeDocFieldDescriptions a), FieldDescriptionsValid (TypeDocFieldDescriptions a) a) => TypeHasDoc a where #
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type TypeDocFieldDescriptions a :: FieldDescriptions #
typeDocName :: Proxy a -> Text #
typeDocMdDescription :: Markdown #
typeDocMdReference :: Proxy a -> WithinParens -> Markdown #
typeDocDependencies :: Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] #
typeDocHaskellRep :: TypeDocHaskellRep a #
typeDocMichelsonRep :: TypeDocMichelsonRep a #
data SomeTypeWithDoc where #
SomeTypeWithDoc :: forall td. TypeHasDoc td => Proxy td -> SomeTypeWithDoc |
class HaveCommonTypeCtor (a :: k) (b :: k1) #
HaveCommonTypeCtor (a :: k) (a :: k) | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc | |
HaveCommonTypeCtor ac bc => HaveCommonTypeCtor (ac a :: k2) (bc b :: k4) | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc |
class IsHomomorphic (a :: k) #
IsHomomorphic (a :: k) | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc | |
(TypeError ('Text "Type is not homomorphic: " :<>: 'ShowType (a b)) :: Constraint) => IsHomomorphic (a b :: k2) | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc |
genericTypeDocDependencies :: (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] #
homomorphicTypeDocMdReference :: (Typeable t, TypeHasDoc t, IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy t -> WithinParens -> Markdown #
poly1TypeDocMdReference :: forall (t :: Type -> Type) r a. (r ~ t a, Typeable t, Each '[TypeHasDoc] '[r, a], IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy r -> WithinParens -> Markdown #
poly2TypeDocMdReference :: forall (t :: Type -> Type -> Type) r a b. (r ~ t a b, Typeable t, Each '[TypeHasDoc] '[r, a, b], IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy r -> WithinParens -> Markdown #
homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep :: (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a)) => TypeDocHaskellRep a #
concreteTypeDocHaskellRep :: (Typeable a, GenericIsoValue a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a), HaveCommonTypeCtor b a) => TypeDocHaskellRep b #
concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe :: (Typeable a, GenericIsoValue a, GTypeHasDoc (Rep a)) => TypeDocHaskellRep b #
haskellAddNewtypeField :: Text -> TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a #
haskellRepNoFields :: TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a #
haskellRepStripFieldPrefix :: HasCallStack => TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a #
homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep :: SingI (ToT a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep a #
concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep :: forall k a (b :: k). (Typeable a, SingI (ToT a), HaveCommonTypeCtor b a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep b #
concreteTypeDocMichelsonRepUnsafe :: forall k a (b :: k). (Typeable a, SingI (ToT a)) => TypeDocMichelsonRep b #
mdTocFromRef :: (DocItem d, DocItemReferenced d ~ 'True) => HeaderLevel -> Markdown -> d -> Markdown #
Orphan instances
Each '[Typeable :: [Type] -> Constraint, ReifyList TypeHasDoc] '[i, o] => TypeHasDoc (i :-> o) Source # | |
Associated Types type TypeDocFieldDescriptions (i :-> o) :: FieldDescriptions # Methods typeDocName :: Proxy (i :-> o) -> Text # typeDocMdDescription :: Markdown # typeDocMdReference :: Proxy (i :-> o) -> WithinParens -> Markdown # typeDocDependencies :: Proxy (i :-> o) -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] # typeDocHaskellRep :: TypeDocHaskellRep (i :-> o) # typeDocMichelsonRep :: TypeDocMichelsonRep (i :-> o) # |