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fmt- A new formatting library

Safe HaskellNone




Overloaded strings

You need OverloadedStrings enabled to use this library. There are three ways to do it:

  • In GHCi: do :set -XOverloadedStrings.
  • In a module: add {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} to the beginning of your module.
  • In a project: add OverloadedStrings to the default-extensions section of your .cabal file.


Here's a bunch of examples because some people learn better by looking at examples.

Insert some variables into a string:

>>> let (a, b, n) = ("foo", "bar", 25)
>>> ("Here are some words: "+|a|+", "+|b|+"\nAlso a number: "+|n|+"") :: String
"Here are some words: foo, bar\nAlso a number: 25"

Print it:

>>> fmtLn ("Here are some words: "+|a|+", "+|b|+"\nAlso a number: "+|n|+"")
Here are some words: foo, bar
Also a number: 25

Format a list in various ways:

>>> let xs = ["John", "Bob"]
>>> fmtLn ("Using show: "+||xs||+"\nUsing listF: "+|listF xs|+"")
Using show: ["John","Bob"]
Using listF: [John, Bob]
>>> fmt ("YAML-like:\n"+|blockListF xs|+"")
- John
- Bob
>>> fmt ("JSON-like: "+|jsonListF xs|+"")
JSON-like: [
, Bob

Migration guide from formatting

Instead of using %, surround variables with +| and |+. You don't have to use sformat or anything else, and also where you were using build, int, text, etc in formatting, you don't have to use anything in fmt:

formatting    sformat ("Foo: "%build%", bar: "%int) foo bar
       fmt    "Foo: "+|foo|+", bar: "+|bar|+""

The resulting formatted string is polymorphic and can be used as String, Text, Builder or even IO (i.e. the string will be printed to the screen). However, when printing it is recommended to use fmt or fmtLn for clarity.

fmt provides lots of formatters (which are simply functions that produce Builder):

formatting    sformat ("Got another byte ("%hex%")") x
       fmt    "Got another byte ("+|hexF x|+")"

Instead of the shown formatter, either just use show or double brackets:

formatting    sformat ("This uses Show: "%shown%") foo
    fmt #1    "This uses Show: "+|show foo|+""
    fmt #2    "This uses Show: "+||foo||+""

Many formatters from formatting have the same names in fmt, but with added “F”: hexF, exptF, etc. Some have been renamed, though:

  fitLeft  -> prefixF
  fitRight -> suffixF

  left   -> padLeftF
  right  -> padRightF
  center -> padBothF

Stuff with numbers:
  ords   -> ordinalF
  commas -> commaizeF

Also, some formatters from formatting haven't been added to fmt yet. Specifically:

  • plural and asInt (but instead of asInt you can use fromEnum)
  • prefixBin, prefixOrd, prefixHex, and bytes
  • formatters that use Scientific (sci and scifmt)

They will be added later. (On the other hand, fmt provides some useful formatters not available in formatting, such as listF, mapF, tupleF and so on.)

Basic formatting

To format strings, put variables between (+|) and (|+):

>>> let name = "Alice" :: String
>>> "Meet "+|name|+"!" :: String
"Meet Alice!"

Of course, Text is supported as well:

>>> "Meet "+|name|+"!" :: Text
"Meet Alice!"

You don't actually need any type signatures; however, if you're toying with this library in GHCi, it's recommended to either add a type signature or use fmtLn:

>>> fmtLn ("Meet "+|name|+"!")
Meet Alice!

Otherwise the type of the formatted string would be resolved to IO () and printed without a newline, which is not very convenient when you're in GHCi. On the other hand, it's useful for quick-and-dirty scripts:

main = do
  [fin, fout] <- words <$> getArgs
  "Reading data from "+|fin|+"\n"
  xs <- readFile fin
  "Writing processed data to "+|fout|+"\n"
  writeFile fout (show (process xs))

Anyway, let's proceed. Anything Buildable, including numbers, booleans, characters and dates, can be put between (+|) and (|+):

>>> let starCount = "173"
>>> fmtLn ("Meet "+|name|+"! She's got "+|starCount|+" stars on Github.")
Meet Alice! She's got 173 stars on Github.

Since the only thing (+|) and (|+) do is concatenate strings and do conversion, you can use any functions you want inside them. In this case, length:

>>> fmtLn (""+|name|+"'s name has "+|length name|+" letters")
Alice's name has 5 letters

If something isn't Buildable, just use show on it:

>>> let pos = (3, 5)
>>> fmtLn ("Character's position: "+|show pos|+"")
Character's position: (3,5)

Or one of many formatters provided by this library – for instance, for tuples of various sizes there's tupleF:

>>> fmtLn ("Character's position: "+|tupleF pos|+"")
Character's position: (3, 5)

Finally, for convenience there's the (|++|) operator, which can be used if you've got one variable following the other:

>>> let (a, op, b, res) = (2, "*", 2, 4)
>>> fmtLn (""+|a|++|op|++|b|+" = "+|res|+"")
2*2 = 4

Also, since in some codebases there are lots of types which aren't Buildable, there are operators (+||) and (||+), which use show instead of build:

(""+|show foo|++|show bar|+"") == (""+||foo||++||bar||+"")

Ordinary brackets

Operators for the operators god!

(+|) :: FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

Concatenate, then convert.

(|+) :: (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

build and concatenate, then convert.

Show brackets

More operators for the operators god!

(+||) :: FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

Concatenate, then convert.

(||+) :: (Show a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

show and concatenate, then convert.


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(Though you can just use "" between +| |+ instead of using these operators, and Show-brackets don't have to be used at all because there's show available.)

(|++|) :: (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

(||++||) :: (Show a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

(|++||) :: (Show a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

(||++|) :: (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b infixr 1 Source #

Old-style formatting

format :: (HasCallStack, FormatType r) => Format -> r Source #

An old-style formatting function taken from text-format (see Data.Text.Format). Unlike format from Data.Text.Format, it can produce String and strict Text as well (and print to console too). Also it's polyvariadic:

>>> format "{} + {} = {}" 2 2 4
2 + 2 = 4

You can use arbitrary formatters:

>>> format "0x{} + 0x{} = 0x{}" (hexF 130) (hexF 270) (hexF (130+270))
0x82 + 0x10e = 0x190

formatLn :: (HasCallStack, FormatType r) => Format -> r Source #

Like format, but adds a newline.

data Format Source #

A format string. This is intentionally incompatible with other string types, to make it difficult to construct a format string by concatenating string fragments (a very common way to accidentally make code vulnerable to malicious data).

This type is an instance of IsString, so the easiest way to construct a query is to enable the OverloadedStrings language extension and then simply write the query in double quotes.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Fmt

f :: Format
f = "hello {}"

The underlying type is Text, so literal Haskell strings that contain Unicode characters will be correctly handled.

Eq Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Template


(==) :: Format -> Format -> Bool #

(/=) :: Format -> Format -> Bool #

Ord Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Template

Show Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Template

IsString Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Template


fromString :: String -> Format #

Semigroup Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Template

Monoid Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Template

Helper functions

fmt :: FromBuilder b => Builder -> b Source #

fmt converts things to String, Text, ByteString or Builder.

Most of the time you won't need it, as strings produced with (+|) and (|+) can already be used as String, Text, etc. However, combinators like listF can only produce Builder (for better type inference), and you need to use fmt on them.

Also, fmt can do printing:

>>> fmt "Hello world!\n"
Hello world!

fmtLn :: FromBuilder b => Builder -> b Source #

Like fmt, but appends a newline.

pretty :: (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> b Source #

pretty shows a value using its Buildable instance.

prettyLn :: (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> b Source #

Like pretty, but appends a newline.

data Builder #

A Builder is an efficient way to build lazy Text values. There are several functions for constructing builders, but only one to inspect them: to extract any data, you have to turn them into lazy Text values using toLazyText.

Internally, a builder constructs a lazy Text by filling arrays piece by piece. As each buffer is filled, it is 'popped' off, to become a new chunk of the resulting lazy Text. All this is hidden from the user of the Builder.

Eq Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder


(==) :: Builder -> Builder -> Bool #

(/=) :: Builder -> Builder -> Bool #

Ord Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Show Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

IsString Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder


fromString :: String -> Builder #

Semigroup Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Monoid Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Text.Internal.Builder

Buildable Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Builder -> Builder #

FromBuilder Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Core

TupleF [Builder] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Fmt.Internal.Tuple


tupleF :: [Builder] -> Builder Source #

class Buildable p where #

The class of types that can be rendered to a Builder.


build :: p -> Builder #

Buildable Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Bool -> Builder #

Buildable Char 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Char -> Builder #

Buildable Double 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Double -> Builder #

Buildable Float 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Float -> Builder #

Buildable Int 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Int -> Builder #

Buildable Int8 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Int8 -> Builder #

Buildable Int16 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Int16 -> Builder #

Buildable Int32 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Int32 -> Builder #

Buildable Int64 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Int64 -> Builder #

Buildable Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Integer -> Builder #

Buildable Word 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Word -> Builder #

Buildable Word8 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Word8 -> Builder #

Buildable Word16 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Word16 -> Builder #

Buildable Word32 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Word32 -> Builder #

Buildable Word64 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Word64 -> Builder #

Buildable Void 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Void -> Builder #

Buildable WordPtr 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: WordPtr -> Builder #

Buildable IntPtr 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: IntPtr -> Builder #

Buildable DiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: DiffTime -> Builder #

Buildable NominalDiffTime 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable

Buildable Text 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Text -> Builder #

Buildable Text 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Text -> Builder #

Buildable Builder 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Builder -> Builder #

Buildable ZonedTime 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: ZonedTime -> Builder #

Buildable LocalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: LocalTime -> Builder #

Buildable TimeOfDay 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: TimeOfDay -> Builder #

Buildable TimeZone 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: TimeZone -> Builder #

Buildable UniversalTime 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable

Buildable UTCTime 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: UTCTime -> Builder #

Buildable Day 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Day -> Builder #

Buildable [Char] 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: [Char] -> Builder #

Buildable a => Buildable [a] 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: [a] -> Builder #

Buildable a => Buildable (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Maybe a -> Builder #

(Integral a, Buildable a) => Buildable (Ratio a) 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Ratio a -> Builder #

Buildable (Ptr a) 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Ptr a -> Builder #

HasResolution a => Buildable (Fixed a) 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Fixed a -> Builder #

Integral a => Buildable (Hex a) 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Hex a -> Builder #

Show a => Buildable (Shown a) 
Instance details

Defined in Formatting.Buildable


build :: Shown a -> Builder #



module Fmt.Time


indentF :: Int -> Builder -> Builder Source #

Indent a block of text.

>>> fmt $ "This is a list:\n" <> indentF 4 (blockListF [1,2,3])
This is a list:
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3

The output will always end with a newline, even when the input doesn't.

indentF' :: Int -> Text -> Builder -> Builder Source #

Add a prefix to the first line, and indent all lines but the first one.

The output will always end with a newline, even when the input doesn't.

nameF :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder Source #

Attach a name to anything:

>>> fmt $ nameF "clients" $ blockListF ["Alice", "Bob", "Zalgo"]
  - Alice
  - Bob
  - Zalgo

unwordsF :: (Foldable f, Buildable a) => f a -> Builder Source #

Put spaces between elements.

>>> fmt $ unwordsF ["hello", "world"]
hello world

Of course, it works on anything Buildable:

>>> fmt $ unwordsF [1, 2]
1 2

unlinesF :: (Foldable f, Buildable a) => f a -> Builder Source #

Arrange elements on separate lines.

>>> fmt $ unlinesF ["hello", "world"]


listF :: (Foldable f, Buildable a) => f a -> Builder Source #

A simple comma-separated list formatter.

>>> listF ["hello", "world"]
"[hello, world]"

For multiline output, use jsonListF.

listF' :: Foldable f => (a -> Builder) -> f a -> Builder Source #

A version of listF that lets you supply your own building function for list elements.

For instance, to format a list of numbers as hex:

>>> listF' hexF [1234, 5678]
"[4d2, 162e]"

blockListF :: forall f a. (Foldable f, Buildable a) => f a -> Builder Source #

A multiline formatter for lists.

>>> fmt $ blockListF [1,2,3]
- 1
- 2
- 3

Multi-line elements are indented correctly:

>>> fmt $ blockListF ["hello\nworld", "foo\nbar\nquix"]
- hello
- foo

blockListF' Source #


:: Foldable f 
=> Text


-> (a -> Builder)

Builder for elements

-> f a

Structure with elements

-> Builder 

A version of blockListF that lets you supply your own building function for list elements (instead of build) and choose the bullet character (instead of "-").

jsonListF :: forall f a. (Foldable f, Buildable a) => f a -> Builder Source #

A JSON-style formatter for lists.

>>> fmt $ jsonListF [1,2,3]
, 2
, 3

Like blockListF, it handles multiline elements well:

>>> fmt $ jsonListF ["hello\nworld", "foo\nbar\nquix"]
, foo

jsonListF' :: forall f a. Foldable f => (a -> Builder) -> f a -> Builder Source #

A version of jsonListF that lets you supply your own building function for list elements.


mapF :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v) => t -> Builder Source #

A simple JSON-like map formatter; works for Map, HashMap, etc, as well as ordinary lists of pairs.

>>> mapF [("a", 1), ("b", 4)]
"{a: 1, b: 4}"

For multiline output, use jsonMapF.

mapF' :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => (k -> Builder) -> (v -> Builder) -> t -> Builder Source #

A version of mapF that lets you supply your own building function for keys and values.

blockMapF :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v) => t -> Builder Source #

A YAML-like map formatter:

>>> fmt $ blockMapF [("Odds", blockListF [1,3]), ("Evens", blockListF [2,4])]
  - 1
  - 3
  - 2
  - 4

blockMapF' :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => (k -> Builder) -> (v -> Builder) -> t -> Builder Source #

A version of blockMapF that lets you supply your own building function for keys and values.

jsonMapF :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v), Buildable k, Buildable v) => t -> Builder Source #

A JSON-like map formatter (unlike mapF, always multiline):

>>> fmt $ jsonMapF [("Odds", jsonListF [1,3]), ("Evens", jsonListF [2,4])]
    , 3
, Evens:
    , 4

jsonMapF' :: forall t k v. (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => (k -> Builder) -> (v -> Builder) -> t -> Builder Source #

A version of jsonMapF that lets you supply your own building function for keys and values.


tupleF :: TupleF a => a -> Builder Source #

Format a tuple (of up to 8 elements):

>>> tupleF (1,2,"hi")
"(1, 2, hi)"

If any of the elements takes several lines, an alternate format is used:

>>> fmt $ tupleF ("test","foo\nbar","more test")
( test
  more test )

You can also use tupleF on lists to get tuple-like formatting.


maybeF :: Buildable a => Maybe a -> Builder Source #

Like build for Maybe, but displays Nothing as <Nothing> instead of an empty string.


>>> build (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
>>> build (Just 1 :: Maybe Int)


>>> maybeF (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
>>> maybeF (Just 1 :: Maybe Int)

eitherF :: (Buildable a, Buildable b) => Either a b -> Builder Source #

Format an Either:

>>> eitherF (Right 1 :: Either Bool Int)
"<Right: 1>"


prefixF :: Buildable a => Int -> a -> Builder Source #

Take the first N characters:

>>> prefixF 3 "hello"

suffixF :: Buildable a => Int -> a -> Builder Source #

Take the last N characters:

>>> suffixF 3 "hello"

padLeftF :: Buildable a => Int -> Char -> a -> Builder Source #

padLeftF n c pads the string with character c from the left side until it becomes n characters wide (and does nothing if the string is already that long, or longer):

>>> padLeftF 5 '0' 12
>>> padLeftF 5 '0' 123456

padRightF :: Buildable a => Int -> Char -> a -> Builder Source #

padRightF n c pads the string with character c from the right side until it becomes n characters wide (and does nothing if the string is already that long, or longer):

>>> padRightF 5 ' ' "foo"
"foo  "
>>> padRightF 5 ' ' "foobar"

padBothF :: Buildable a => Int -> Char -> a -> Builder Source #

padBothF n c pads the string with character c from both sides until it becomes n characters wide (and does nothing if the string is already that long, or longer):

>>> padBothF 5 '=' "foo"
>>> padBothF 5 '=' "foobar"

When padding can't be distributed equally, the left side is preferred:

>>> padBothF 8 '=' "foo"


hexF :: FormatAsHex a => a -> Builder Source #

Format a number or bytestring as hex:

>>> hexF 3635
>>> hexF ("\0\50\63\80" :: BS.ByteString)


base64F :: FormatAsBase64 a => a -> Builder Source #

Convert a bytestring to base64:

>>> base64F ("\0\50\63\80" :: BS.ByteString)

base64UrlF :: FormatAsBase64 a => a -> Builder Source #

Convert a bytestring to base64url (a variant of base64 which omits / and thus can be used in URLs):

>>> base64UrlF ("\0\50\63\80" :: BS.ByteString)


ordinalF :: (Buildable a, Integral a) => a -> Builder Source #

Add an ordinal suffix to a number:

>>> ordinalF 15
>>> ordinalF 22

commaizeF :: (Buildable a, Integral a) => a -> Builder Source #

Break digits in a number:

>>> commaizeF 15830000

Base conversion

octF :: Integral a => a -> Builder Source #

Format a number as octal:

>>> listF' octF [7,8,9,10]
"[7, 10, 11, 12]"

binF :: Integral a => a -> Builder Source #

Format a number as binary:

>>> listF' binF [7,8,9,10]
"[111, 1000, 1001, 1010]"

baseF :: (HasCallStack, Integral a) => Int -> a -> Builder Source #

Format a number in arbitrary base (up to 36):

>>> baseF 3 10000
>>> baseF 7 10000
>>> baseF 36 10000


floatF :: Real a => a -> Builder Source #

Format a floating-point number:

>>> floatF 3.1415

Numbers smaller than 1e-6 or bigger-or-equal to 1e21 will be displayed using scientific notation:

>>> listF' floatF [1e-6,9e-7]
"[0.000001, 9.0e-7]"
>>> listF' floatF [9e20,1e21]
"[900000000000000000000.0, 1.0e21]"

exptF :: Real a => Int -> a -> Builder Source #

Format a floating-point number using scientific notation, with the given amount of decimal places.

>>> listF' (exptF 5) [pi,0.1,10]
"[3.14159e0, 1.00000e-1, 1.00000e1]"

fixedF :: Real a => Int -> a -> Builder Source #

Format a floating-point number without scientific notation:

>>> listF' (fixedF 5) [pi,0.1,10]
"[3.14159, 0.10000, 10.00000]"

Conditional formatting

whenF :: Bool -> Builder -> Builder Source #

Display something only if the condition is True (empty string otherwise).

Note that it can only take a Builder (because otherwise it would be unusable with (+|)-formatted strings which can resolve to any FromBuilder). You can use build to convert any value to a Builder.

unlessF :: Bool -> Builder -> Builder Source #

Display something only if the condition is False (empty string otherwise).

Generic formatting

genericF :: (Generic a, GBuildable (Rep a)) => a -> Builder Source #

Format an arbitrary value without requiring a Buildable instance:

>>> data Foo = Foo { x :: Bool, y :: [Int] } deriving Generic
>>> fmt (genericF (Foo True [1,2,3]))
  x: True
  y: [1, 2, 3]

It works for non-record constructors too:

>>> data Bar = Bar Bool [Int] deriving Generic
>>> fmtLn (genericF (Bar True [1,2,3]))
<Bar: True, [1, 2, 3]>

Any fields inside the type must either be Buildable or one of the following types:

The exact format of genericF might change in future versions, so don't rely on it. It's merely a convenience function.