{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array.Multiply where
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Private as MatrixShape
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Box as Box
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private as ExtentPriv
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent as Extent
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.BandedHermitian.Basic as BandedHermitian
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Banded.Basic as Banded
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Triangular.Basic as Triangular
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Hermitian.Basic as Hermitian
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Basic as Basic
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Vector as Vector
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Private (Empty, Filled, Unit, NonUnit)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private (Small)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Triangular.Basic (Triangular)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Basic (swapMultiply, transpose)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Modifier (Transposition(NonTransposed, Transposed))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Private (Square, Full, mapExtent)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Unary as Unary
import Type.Data.Num.Unary ((:+:))
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked as Array
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked (Array)
class (Box.Box shape) => Scale shape where
scale :: (Class.Floating a) => a -> Array shape a -> Array shape a
scale = Vector.scale
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Scale (MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) where
(MatrixShape.Content lo, MatrixShape.Content up,
diag ~ NonUnit, Shape.C size) =>
Scale (MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up size) where
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
Scale (MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
class (Box.Box shape) => MultiplyRight shape where
matrixVector ::
(Class.Floating a) =>
Array shape a ->
Vector (Box.WidthOf shape) a ->
Vector (Box.HeightOf shape) a
class (Box.Box shape) => MultiplyLeft shape where
vectorMatrix ::
(Class.Floating a) =>
Vector (Box.HeightOf shape) a ->
Array shape a ->
Vector (Box.WidthOf shape) a
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Eq width, Shape.C width, Shape.C height) =>
MultiplyRight (MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) where
matrixVector = Basic.multiplyVector
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C height) =>
MultiplyLeft (MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) where
vectorMatrix v m = Basic.multiplyVector (transpose m) v
(Eq shape, Shape.C shape) =>
MultiplyRight (MatrixShape.Hermitian shape) where
matrixVector = Hermitian.multiplyVector NonTransposed
(Eq shape, Shape.C shape) =>
MultiplyLeft (MatrixShape.Hermitian shape) where
vectorMatrix = flip $ Hermitian.multiplyVector Transposed
(MatrixShape.Content lo, MatrixShape.Content up,
MatrixShape.TriDiag diag, Eq shape, Shape.C shape) =>
MultiplyRight (MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up shape) where
matrixVector m v = Triangular.multiplyVector m v
(MatrixShape.Content lo, MatrixShape.Content up,
MatrixShape.TriDiag diag, Eq shape, Shape.C shape) =>
MultiplyLeft (MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up shape) where
vectorMatrix v m = Triangular.multiplyVector (Triangular.transpose m) v
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Eq width, Shape.C width, Shape.C height) =>
MultiplyRight (MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
matrixVector m v = Banded.multiplyVector m v
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C height) =>
MultiplyLeft (MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
vectorMatrix v m = Banded.multiplyVector (Banded.transpose m) v
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Shape.C size, Eq size) =>
MultiplyRight (MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size) where
matrixVector = BandedHermitian.multiplyVector NonTransposed
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Shape.C size, Eq size) =>
MultiplyLeft (MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size) where
vectorMatrix = flip $ BandedHermitian.multiplyVector Transposed
(Box.Box shape, Box.HeightOf shape ~ Box.WidthOf shape) =>
MultiplySquare shape where
{-# MINIMAL transposableSquare | fullSquare,squareFull #-}
transposableSquare ::
(Box.HeightOf shape ~ height, Eq height, Shape.C width,
Extent.C horiz, Extent.C vert, Class.Floating a) =>
Transposition -> Array shape a ->
Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width a
transposableSquare NonTransposed a b = squareFull a b
transposableSquare Transposed a b =
transpose $ fullSquare (transpose b) a
squareFull ::
(Box.HeightOf shape ~ height, Eq height, Shape.C width,
Extent.C horiz, Extent.C vert, Class.Floating a) =>
Array shape a ->
Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width a
squareFull = transposableSquare NonTransposed
fullSquare ::
(Box.WidthOf shape ~ width, Eq width, Shape.C height,
Extent.C horiz, Extent.C vert, Class.Floating a) =>
Full vert horiz height width a ->
Array shape a -> Full vert horiz height width a
fullSquare = swapMultiply $ transposableSquare Transposed
(vert ~ Small, horiz ~ Small, Shape.C height, Eq height, height ~ width) =>
MultiplySquare (MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) where
transposableSquare NonTransposed = squareFull
transposableSquare Transposed = squareFull . transpose
squareFull a b = Basic.multiply (mapExtent Extent.fromSquare a) b
(Eq shape, Shape.C shape) =>
MultiplySquare (MatrixShape.Hermitian shape) where
transposableSquare = Hermitian.multiplyFull
(MatrixShape.Content lo, MatrixShape.Content up,
MatrixShape.TriDiag diag, Eq shape, Shape.C shape) =>
MultiplySquare (MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up shape) where
squareFull = Triangular.multiplyFull
fullSquare =
swapMultiply $ Triangular.multiplyFull . Triangular.transpose
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
vert ~ Small, horiz ~ Small, Shape.C height, Eq height, height ~ width) =>
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width) where
squareFull = Banded.multiplyFull . bandedGenSquare
fullSquare =
swapMultiply $ Banded.multiplyFull . bandedGenSquare . Banded.transpose
bandedGenSquare ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
Banded.Square sub super size a ->
Banded.Banded sub super vert horiz size size a
bandedGenSquare = Banded.mapExtent Extent.fromSquare
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Shape.C size, Eq size) =>
MultiplySquare (MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size) where
transposableSquare = BandedHermitian.multiplyFull
class (Box.Box shape) => MultiplySame shape where
same ::
(Class.Floating a) => Array shape a -> Array shape a -> Array shape a
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Eq height, height ~ width) =>
MultiplySame (MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) where
same = Basic.multiply
(MatrixShape.DiagUpLo lo up, MatrixShape.TriDiag diag,
Shape.C size, Eq size) =>
MultiplySame (MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up size) where
same = Triangular.multiply
class (Shape.C shapeA, Shape.C shapeB) => Multiply shapeA shapeB where
type Multiplied shapeA shapeB
matrixMatrix ::
(Class.Floating a) =>
Array shapeA a -> Array shapeB a -> Array (Multiplied shapeA shapeB) a
(Shape.C heightA, Shape.C widthA, Shape.C widthB,
widthA ~ heightB, Eq heightB,
Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA, Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB) =>
(MatrixShape.Full vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Full vertB horizB heightB widthB) where
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Full vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Full vertB horizB heightB widthB) =
(ExtentPriv.Multiply vertA vertB)
(ExtentPriv.Multiply horizA horizB)
heightA widthB
matrixMatrix a b =
case unifyFactors (fullExtent a) (fullExtent b) of
((ExtentPriv.TagFact, ExtentPriv.TagFact), (unifyLeft, unifyRight)) ->
(mapExtent unifyLeft a)
(mapExtent unifyRight b)
fullExtent ::
Full vert horiz height width a ->
Extent.Extent vert horiz height width
fullExtent = MatrixShape.fullExtent . Array.shape
unifyFactors ::
(Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA, Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB) =>
(ExtentPriv.Multiply vertA vertB ~ vertC) =>
(ExtentPriv.Multiply horizA horizB ~ horizC) =>
Extent.Extent vertA horizA height fuse ->
Extent.Extent vertB horizB fuse width ->
((ExtentPriv.TagFact vertC, ExtentPriv.TagFact horizC),
(Extent.Map vertA horizA vertC horizC height fuse,
Extent.Map vertB horizB vertC horizC fuse width))
unifyFactors a b =
(ExtentPriv.heightFact a) (ExtentPriv.heightFact b),
(ExtentPriv.widthFact a) (ExtentPriv.widthFact b)),
(ExtentPriv.Map $ flip ExtentPriv.unifyLeft b,
ExtentPriv.Map $ ExtentPriv.unifyRight a))
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ width, Eq width, Shape.C height) =>
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.Hermitian size)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.Hermitian size) =
MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix = fullSquare
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ height, Eq height, Shape.C width) =>
(MatrixShape.Hermitian size)
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Hermitian size)
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) =
MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix = squareFull
(Shape.C shapeA, shapeA ~ shapeB, Eq shapeB) =>
Multiply (MatrixShape.Hermitian shapeA) (MatrixShape.Hermitian shapeB)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Hermitian shapeA) (MatrixShape.Hermitian shapeB) =
MatrixShape.Square shapeA
matrixMatrix a = squareFull a . Hermitian.toSquare
(MatrixShape.Content lo, MatrixShape.Content up, MatrixShape.TriDiag diag,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ width, Eq width, Shape.C height) =>
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up size)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up size) =
MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix = fullSquare
(MatrixShape.Content lo, MatrixShape.Content up, MatrixShape.TriDiag diag,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ height, Eq height, Shape.C width) =>
(MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up size)
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Triangular lo diag up size)
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) =
MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix = squareFull
(Shape.C sizeA, sizeA ~ sizeB, Eq sizeB,
MultiplyTriangular loA upA loB upB,
MatrixShape.TriDiag diagA, MatrixShape.TriDiag diagB) =>
(MatrixShape.Triangular loA diagA upA sizeA)
(MatrixShape.Triangular loB diagB upB sizeB) where
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Triangular loA diagA upA sizeA)
(MatrixShape.Triangular loB diagB upB sizeB) =
MultipliedTriangular loA diagA upA loB diagB upB sizeB
matrixMatrix = triangularTriangular
(MatrixShape.Content loA, MatrixShape.Content upA,
MatrixShape.Content loB, MatrixShape.Content upB) =>
MultiplyTriangular loA upA loB upB where
triangularTriangular ::
(Class.Floating a, Shape.C size, Eq size,
MatrixShape.TriDiag diagA, MatrixShape.TriDiag diagB) =>
Triangular loA diagA upA size a ->
Triangular loB diagB upB size a ->
Array (MultipliedTriangular loA diagA upA loB diagB upB size) a
type MultipliedTriangular loA diagA upA loB diagB upB size =
(MultipliedPart loA loB)
(MultipliedDiag diagA diagB)
(MultipliedPart upA upB)
type family MultipliedPart a b :: *
type instance MultipliedPart Empty b = b
type instance MultipliedPart Filled b = Filled
type family MultipliedDiag a b :: *
type instance MultipliedDiag Unit b = b
type instance MultipliedDiag NonUnit b = NonUnit
type family ComposedTriangular lo diag up size :: *
type instance ComposedTriangular Empty diag up size =
MatrixShape.Triangular Empty diag up size
type instance ComposedTriangular Filled diag Empty size =
MatrixShape.LowerTriangular diag size
type instance ComposedTriangular Filled diag Filled size =
MatrixShape.Square size
instance MultiplyTriangular Empty Empty Empty Empty where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularConform
instance MultiplyTriangular Empty Empty Filled Filled where
triangularTriangular a = Triangular.multiplyFull a . Triangular.toSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Empty Filled Filled Filled where
triangularTriangular a = Triangular.multiplyFull a . Triangular.toSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Empty Filled Filled where
triangularTriangular a = Triangular.multiplyFull a . Triangular.toSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Empty Filled Empty Filled where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularConform
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Empty Filled Empty where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularConform
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Empty Empty Filled where
triangularTriangular a = Triangular.multiplyFull a . Triangular.toSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Empty Filled Filled Empty where
triangularTriangular a = Triangular.multiplyFull a . Triangular.toSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Filled Empty Empty where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularToSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Filled Empty Filled where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularToSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Filled Filled Empty where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularToSquare
instance MultiplyTriangular Filled Filled Filled Filled where
triangularTriangular = triangularTriangularToSquare
triangularTriangularToSquare ::
(MatrixShape.Content loA, MatrixShape.Content upA, MatrixShape.TriDiag diagA,
MatrixShape.Content loB, MatrixShape.Content upB, MatrixShape.TriDiag diagB,
Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a) =>
Triangular loA diagA upA size a ->
Triangular loB diagB upB size a ->
Square size a
triangularTriangularToSquare = fullSquare . Triangular.toSquare
newtype TriangularTriangularConform lo up size a diagB diagA =
TriangularTriangularConform {
getTriangularTriangularConform ::
Triangular lo diagA up size a ->
Triangular lo diagB up size a ->
Triangular lo (MultipliedDiag diagA diagB) up size a
triangularTriangularConform ::
(Shape.C size, Eq size, Class.Floating a,
MatrixShape.DiagUpLo lo up,
MatrixShape.TriDiag diagA, MatrixShape.TriDiag diagB) =>
(MultipliedDiag diagA diagB ~ diagC) =>
Triangular lo diagA up size a ->
Triangular lo diagB up size a ->
Triangular lo diagC up size a
triangularTriangularConform =
getTriangularTriangularConform $
(TriangularTriangularConform $ \a b ->
Triangular.multiply (Triangular.relaxUnitDiagonal a) b)
(TriangularTriangularConform $ \a b ->
Triangular.multiply a (Triangular.strictNonUnitDiagonal b))
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA,
Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB,
Shape.C heightA, Shape.C widthA, Shape.C widthB,
widthA ~ heightB, Eq heightB) =>
(MatrixShape.Full vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vertB horizB heightB widthB)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Full vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vertB horizB heightB widthB) =
(ExtentPriv.Multiply vertA vertB)
(ExtentPriv.Multiply horizA horizB)
heightA widthB
matrixMatrix a b =
case unifyFactors (fullExtent a) (bandedExtent b) of
((ExtentPriv.TagFact, ExtentPriv.TagFact), (unifyLeft, unifyRight)) ->
swapMultiply (Banded.multiplyFull . Banded.transpose)
(mapExtent unifyLeft a)
(Banded.mapExtent unifyRight b)
(Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA,
Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB,
Shape.C heightA, Shape.C widthA, Shape.C widthB,
widthA ~ heightB, Eq heightB) =>
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Full vertB horizB heightB widthB)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Full vertB horizB heightB widthB) =
(ExtentPriv.Multiply vertA vertB)
(ExtentPriv.Multiply horizA horizB)
heightA widthB
matrixMatrix a b =
case unifyFactors (bandedExtent a) (fullExtent b) of
((ExtentPriv.TagFact, ExtentPriv.TagFact), (unifyLeft, unifyRight)) ->
(Banded.mapExtent unifyLeft a)
(mapExtent unifyRight b)
(Unary.Natural subA, Unary.Natural superA,
Unary.Natural subB, Unary.Natural superB,
Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA,
Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB,
Shape.C heightA, Shape.C widthA, Shape.C widthB,
widthA ~ heightB, Eq heightB) =>
(MatrixShape.Banded subA superA vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Banded subB superB vertB horizB heightB widthB) where
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Banded subA superA vertA horizA heightA widthA)
(MatrixShape.Banded subB superB vertB horizB heightB widthB) =
(subA :+: subB) (superA :+: superB)
(ExtentPriv.Multiply vertA vertB)
(ExtentPriv.Multiply horizA horizB)
heightA widthB
matrixMatrix a b =
case unifyFactors (bandedExtent a) (bandedExtent b) of
((ExtentPriv.TagFact, ExtentPriv.TagFact), (unifyLeft, unifyRight)) ->
(Banded.mapExtent unifyLeft a)
(Banded.mapExtent unifyRight b)
bandedExtent ::
Banded.Banded sup super vert horiz height width a ->
Extent.Extent vert horiz height width
bandedExtent = MatrixShape.bandedExtent . Array.shape
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ width, Eq width, Shape.C height, Eq height) =>
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size) =
MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix = fullSquare
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Eq width) =>
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size)
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size)
(MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width) =
MatrixShape.Full vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix = squareFull
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ width, Eq width, Shape.C height, Eq height) =>
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width)
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size) =
(sub:+:offDiag) (super:+:offDiag) vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix a b =
Banded.multiply a (bandedGenSquare $ BandedHermitian.toBanded b)
(Unary.Natural offDiag, Unary.Natural sub, Unary.Natural super,
Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C size, size ~ height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Eq width) =>
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size)
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiag size)
(MatrixShape.Banded sub super vert horiz height width) =
(offDiag:+:sub) (offDiag:+:super) vert horiz height width
matrixMatrix a b =
Banded.multiply (bandedGenSquare $ BandedHermitian.toBanded a) b
(Unary.Natural offDiagA, Unary.Natural offDiagB,
Shape.C sizeA, sizeA ~ sizeB, Shape.C sizeB, Eq sizeB) =>
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiagA sizeA)
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiagB sizeB)
type Multiplied
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiagA sizeA)
(MatrixShape.BandedHermitian offDiagB sizeB) =
(offDiagA:+:offDiagB) (offDiagA:+:offDiagB)
Small Small sizeA sizeB
matrixMatrix a b =
Banded.multiply (BandedHermitian.toBanded a) (BandedHermitian.toBanded b)