indexable: Containers Subsetting and Slicing

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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), containers, hashable, split, text, unordered-containers, vector [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 Ningji Wei
Author Ningji Wei
Category Data
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Uploaded by tidues at 2018-08-13T01:42:01Z



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Indexable: Containers Subsetting and Slicing

This is a Haskell package mainly used for subsetting and slicing all kinds of containers or nested containers that may have different types.

This package defined a typeclass called "indexable", whose main operator is slicing operator (&). The folllowing is a small example (in ghci)

import Indexable    -- import the package

lst = [0..10]       -- create a list
lst&[""]            -- select all elements
lst&["0,3,8"]       -- select elements of index 0, 3 and 8
lst&["2:"]          -- select all elements from index 2 to the end
lst&[":-1"]         -- select all elements except the last one
lst&["1:-1:2"]      -- select elements in range with step size 2
lst&["1:3,4:6,8"]   -- elements 1:3, 4:6 and the 8th.

the outputs in ghci are:


One Dimension Slicing

A slicing request is a string with multiple slicing terms connected by separator ",", like

slicing_request1 = "1,3,5"                -- has three terms "1", "3" and "5"
slicing_request2 = "1:10:2,11:20,78,90"   -- has four terms "1:10:2", "11:20", "78", "90"

Each term is a string represents a list of keys or indexes in numbers.

Index Slicing (for list-like container)

The general version of a term is "a:b:c" where a is the starting index, b is the ending index, c is the step. The defualt value (when term is ":b:c") is 0, default for b is the length of the container, default value for c is 1.

Like in python, value of b can be negative, in this case it means how many elements you want to dissmiss at the end of the container.

Key Slicing (for map-like container)

Slicing for map-like containers has only one requirement on the type of key, that is readable. Each slicing term is composed in the form

key_slice_term1 = "xxxx[1:10:2]xxxxx"
key_slice_term2 = "xxxx"

i.e. it can be a string represent the key, or a string with "[slicing term]" (not request, just term) inside. You can still connect terms together as a key slicing requrest like below

key_slice_request = "key[0:5], newkey1, oldkey2, other[3:8:2]key"

Multiple Dimension Slicing

Lift Nested Container into Composed Type

The multiple dimensional containers need to be constructed as a composed type. Below is an example of map of lists (in ghci).

import Indexable                        -- import indexable package
import Data.Map.Strict                  -- import the map container
import Data.Functor.Compose             -- import the compose functor

mlst = [(i,[i..i+3]) | i<-[0..3]]       -- an list of tuples with first value as key
                                        -- second as a list of numbers.

mmap = fromList mlst                    -- construct map of lists, the type is (Map Integer [Integer])

cmap = Compose mmap                     -- lift nested container to composed type
                                        -- so we can use slicing operator (&) on it

Apply Slicing on Composed Containers

We can slice on any nested container with a list of slicing requests, with the ith request perform on the ith dimension. Continues on the example above:

cmap&[":","0,1"]        -- all rows in the map, with first two entries of each list
cmap&["1:3","1:-1"]     -- rows (items in the map) 1 and 2, with each list from index 1 to len-1
cmap&["::2"]            -- all rows with step 2, and all elements in list of each row

the outputs are:

Compose (fromList [(0,[0,1]),(1,[1,2]),(2,[2,3]),(3,[3,4])])

Compose (fromList [(1,[2,3]),(2,[3,4])])

Compose (fromList [(0,[0,1,2,3]),(2,[2,3,4,5])])

For higher level nested containers, we need to first construct composed type with the corresponding level. For example, the map of lists of vectors, say mlv, needs to be composed twice, cmlv = Compose $ Compose mlv before applying (&) operator.

Current Instances of Indexable

  1. Data.List
  2. Data.Map.Strict
  3. Data.HashMap.Strict
  4. Data.IntMap
  5. Data.Sequence
  6. Data.Vector

and all finite nested combination of above containers.

Create New Instances

To add new containers f with key b as indexable, two minimal functions need to be provided:

  1. (&?) :: f a -> b -> Maybe a : a function safely return the element of type a by a key of tyep b.
  2. fromLst :: (Typeable b) => [(b,a)] -> f a : a function that construct container f of value a from a list of key value pairs. (list-like containers should forget the keys in this function).

After appling these two function, new container can be nested with other containers and using slicing operator (&).

Other Operators Available in Indexable

  1. (&?) safe lookup
  2. (&!) unsafe lookup

How to Install

This package is currently in the candidate package pool of Hackage. You can download from there, or simply clone this git.