
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Confluence

   ( isConfluent, checkConfluence, checkConfluenceWith

   , somewhereM

   , Config, defaultConfig, showTerm, complexity, termEquality

   ) where

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.RewriteRule

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Substitution

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Term

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Unification

import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator

import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Utils

import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate hiding (rewriteM)

normalForm :: [RewriteRule a] -> Term -> Term

normalForm rs = run []


   run hist a =

      case [ b | r <- rs, b <- somewhereM (rewriteTerm r) a ] of

         []   -> a

         hd:_ -> if hd `elem` hist

                 then error "cyclic"

                 else run (a:hist) hd

rewriteTerm :: RewriteRule a -> Term -> [Term]

rewriteTerm r t = do

   let lhs :~> rhs = ruleSpecTerm $

          renumberRewriteRule (nextMetaVar t) r

   sub <- match lhs t

   return (sub |-> rhs)

-- uniplate-like helper-functions

somewhereM :: Uniplate a => (a -> [a]) -> a -> [a]

somewhereM f = map unfocus . rec . uniplateNav


   rec ca = changeG f ca ++ concatMap rec (downs ca)

uniplateNav :: Uniplate a => a -> UniplateNavigator a

uniplateNav = focus


type Pair   a = (RewriteRule a, Term)

type Triple a = (RewriteRule a, Term, Term)

superImpose :: RewriteRule a -> RewriteRule a -> [UniplateNavigator Term]

superImpose r1 r2 = rec (uniplateNav lhs1)


    lhs1 :~> _ = ruleSpecTerm r1

    lhs2 :~> _ = ruleSpecTerm (renumber r1 r2)

    rec ca = case current ca of

                TMeta _ -> []

                a       -> maybe [] (return . (`subTop` ca)) (unify a lhs2) ++

                           concatMap rec (downs ca)

    subTop :: Substitution -> UniplateNavigator Term -> UniplateNavigator Term

    subTop s ca = fromMaybe ca $

       navigateTo (location ca) (change (s |->) (top ca))

    renumber r = case metaInRewriteRule r of

                    [] -> id

                    xs -> renumberRewriteRule (maximum xs + 1)

criticalPairs :: [RewriteRule a] -> [(Term, Pair a, Pair a)]

criticalPairs rs =

   [ (renumber a, (r1, renumber b1), (r2, renumber b2))

   | r1       <- rs

   , r2       <- rs

   , na <- superImpose r1 r2

   , compareId r1 r2 == LT || not (null (fromLocation (location na)))

   , let a = unfocus na

   , b1 <- rewriteTerm r1 a

   , b2 <- map unfocus (changeG (rewriteTerm r2) na)

   , let is  = nub (concatMap metaVars [a, b1, b2])

         sub = zip is [0..]

         renumber (TMeta i) = TMeta (fromMaybe i (lookup i sub))

         renumber t = descend renumber t


noDiamondPairs :: Config -> [RewriteRule a] -> [(Term, Triple a, Triple a)]

noDiamondPairs cfg rs = noDiamondPairsWith (normalForm rs) cfg rs

noDiamondPairsWith :: (Term -> Term) -> Config -> [RewriteRule a] -> [(Term, Triple a, Triple a)]

noDiamondPairsWith f cfg rs =

   [ (a, (r1, e1, nf1), (r2, e2, nf2))

   | (a, (r1, e1), (r2, e2)) <- criticalPairs rs

   , let (nf1, nf2) = (f e1, f e2)

   , not (termEquality cfg nf1 nf2)


reportPairs :: Config -> [(Term, Triple a, Triple a)] -> IO ()

reportPairs cfg = putStrLn . unlines . zipWith report [1::Int ..]


   f = showTerm cfg

   report i (a, (r1, e1, nf1), (r2, e2, nf2)) = unlines

      [ show i ++ ") " ++ f a

      , "  "   ++ showId r1

      , "    " ++ f e1 ++ if e1==nf1 then "" else "   -->   " ++ f nf1

      , "  "   ++ showId r2

      , "    " ++ f e2 ++ if e2==nf2 then "" else "   -->   " ++ f nf2



isConfluent :: [RewriteRule a] -> Bool

isConfluent = null . noDiamondPairs defaultConfig

checkConfluence :: [RewriteRule a] -> IO ()

checkConfluence = checkConfluenceWith defaultConfig

checkConfluenceWith :: Config -> [RewriteRule a] -> IO ()

checkConfluenceWith cfg = reportPairs cfg . noDiamondPairs cfg

data Config = Config

   { showTerm     :: Term -> String

   , complexity   :: Term -> Int

   , termEquality :: Term -> Term -> Bool


defaultConfig :: Config

defaultConfig = Config show (const 0) (==)


-- Example

_go :: IO ()

_go = checkConfluence [r1, r2, r3]


   r1, r2, r3 :: RewriteRule Term

   r1 = makeRewriteRule "a1" $ \a -> plus (TNum 0) a :~> a

   r2 = makeRewriteRule "a2" $ \a b c -> plus a (plus b c) :~> plus (plus a b) c

   r3 = makeRewriteRule "a3" $ \a -> plus a (TNum 0) :~> a

   plus :: Term -> Term -> Term

   plus x y = TCon (newSymbol "plus") [x, y]

_go2 :: IO ()

_go2 = checkConfluence [r1,r2,r3]


   -- example 7.7 in Baader-Nipkow

   r1, r2,r3  :: RewriteRule Term

   r1 = makeRewriteRule "a1" $ \x y z -> f(f(x,y),z) :~> f(x,f(y,z))

   r2 = makeRewriteRule "a2" $ \x -> f(x,x) :~> x

   r3 = makeRewriteRule "a3" $ \x y -> f(f(x,y),x) :~> x

   f(x,y) = TCon (newSymbol "f") [x,y]