hspec-expectations-match: An hspec expectation that asserts a value matches a pattern.

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This package provides a single expectation for use with hspec, shouldMatch. The shouldMatch expectation uses Template Haskell to assert that a value matches a particular pattern.

>>> $([|Just True|] `shouldMatch` [p|Just _|])
>>> $([|Nothing|] `shouldMatch` [p|Just _|])

Additionally, any bindings created by the pattern will be returned if the pattern is successfully matched, making it easier to extract the result of some assertion and use it to make further assertions.

>>> $([|Just True|] `shouldMatch` [p|Just x|])
>>> $([|[1, 2]|] `shouldMatch` [p|[x, y]|])
(1, 2)

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Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies base (>=4.9 && <5), hspec-expectations (>=0.3.2 && <1), template-haskell (>=2.11 && <2.13), transformers-base (<1) [details]
License ISC
Copyright 2017 CJ Affiliate by Conversant
Author Alexis King <lexi.lambda@gmail.com>
Maintainer Alexis King <lexi.lambda@gmail.com>
Category Testing
Home page https://github.com/cjdev/hspec-expectations-match#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/cjdev/hspec-expectations-match/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/cjdev/hspec-expectations-match
Uploaded by lexi_lambda at 2017-11-15T23:35:32Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2017-11-16 [all 1 reports]

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hspec-expectations-match Build Status

hspec-expectations-match is a Haskell package that provides a single expectation for use with hspec, shouldMatch. The shouldMatch expectation uses Template Haskell to assert that a value matches a particular pattern.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

ghci> $([|Just True|] `shouldMatch` [p|Just _|])
ghci> $([|Nothing|] `shouldMatch` [p|Just _|])
*** Exception: Nothing failed to match pattern (Just x)

Additionally, any bindings created by the pattern will be returned if the pattern is successfully matched, making it easier to extract the result of some assertion and use it to make further assertions.

ghci> $([|Just True|] `shouldMatch` [p|Just x|])
ghci> $([|[1, 2]|] `shouldMatch` [p|[x, y]|])
(1, 2)

For more information, see the documentation on Hackage.