{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.Cli.CompoundBalanceCommand (
) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, printCSV)
import Lucid as L
import Text.Tabular as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils (writeOutput)
data CompoundBalanceCommandSpec = CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
cbcname :: String,
cbcaliases :: [String],
cbchelp :: String,
cbctitle :: String,
cbcqueries :: [CBCSubreportSpec],
cbctype :: BalanceType
data CBCSubreportSpec = CBCSubreportSpec {
cbcsubreporttitle :: String
,cbcsubreportquery :: Journal -> Query
,cbcsubreportnormalsign :: NormalSign
,cbcsubreportincreasestotal :: Bool
type CompoundBalanceReport =
( String
, [DateSpan]
, [(String, MultiBalanceReport, Bool)]
, ([MixedAmount], MixedAmount, MixedAmount)
compoundBalanceCommandMode :: CompoundBalanceCommandSpec -> Mode RawOpts
compoundBalanceCommandMode CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} = (defCommandMode $ cbcname : cbcaliases) {
modeHelp = cbchelp `withAliases` cbcaliases
,modeGroupFlags = C.Group {
groupUnnamed = [
flagNone ["change"] (\opts -> setboolopt "change" opts)
("show balance change in each period" ++ defType PeriodChange)
,flagNone ["cumulative"] (\opts -> setboolopt "cumulative" opts)
("show balance change accumulated across periods (in multicolumn reports)"
++ defType CumulativeChange
,flagNone ["historical","H"] (\opts -> setboolopt "historical" opts)
("show historical ending balance in each period (includes postings before report start date)"
++ defType HistoricalBalance
,flagNone ["flat"] (\opts -> setboolopt "flat" opts) "show accounts as a list"
,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "flat mode: omit N leading account name parts"
,flagNone ["no-total","N"] (\opts -> setboolopt "no-total" opts) "omit the final total row"
,flagNone ["tree"] (\opts -> setboolopt "tree" opts) "show accounts as a tree; amounts include subaccounts (default in simple reports)"
,flagNone ["average","A"] (\opts -> setboolopt "average" opts) "show a row average column (in multicolumn reports)"
,flagNone ["row-total","T"] (\opts -> setboolopt "row-total" opts) "show a row total column (in multicolumn reports)"
,flagNone ["no-elide"] (\opts -> setboolopt "no-elide" opts) "don't squash boring parent accounts (in tree mode)"
,flagReq ["format"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "format" s opts) "FORMATSTR" "use this custom line format (in simple reports)"
,flagNone ["pretty-tables"] (\opts -> setboolopt "pretty-tables" opts) "use unicode when displaying tables"
,flagNone ["sort-amount","S"] (\opts -> setboolopt "sort-amount" opts) "sort by amount instead of account code/name"
,groupHidden = []
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
defType :: BalanceType -> String
defType bt | bt == cbctype = " (default)"
| otherwise = ""
compoundBalanceCommand :: CompoundBalanceCommandSpec -> (CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ())
compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts, rawopts_=rawopts} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
mBalanceTypeOverride =
case reverse $ filter (`elem` ["change","cumulative","historical"]) $ map fst rawopts of
"historical":_ -> Just HistoricalBalance
"cumulative":_ -> Just CumulativeChange
"change":_ -> Just PeriodChange
_ -> Nothing
balancetype = fromMaybe cbctype mBalanceTypeOverride
title = cbctitle ++ " " ++ showDateSpan requestedspan ++ maybe "" (' ':) mtitleclarification
requestedspan = queryDateSpan (date2_ ropts) userq `spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan (date2_ ropts) j
mtitleclarification = flip fmap mBalanceTypeOverride $ \t ->
case t of
PeriodChange -> "(Balance Changes)"
CumulativeChange -> "(Cumulative Ending Balances)"
HistoricalBalance -> "(Historical Ending Balances)"
| not (flat_ ropts) &&
interval_ ropts==NoInterval &&
balancetype `elem` [CumulativeChange, HistoricalBalance]
= ropts{balancetype_=balancetype, accountlistmode_=ALTree}
| otherwise
= ropts{balancetype_=balancetype}
userq = queryFromOpts d ropts'
format = outputFormatFromOpts opts
subreports =
map (\CBCSubreportSpec{..} ->
,mbrNormaliseSign cbcsubreportnormalsign $
compoundBalanceSubreport ropts' userq j cbcsubreportquery cbcsubreportnormalsign
subtotalrows =
[(coltotals, increasesoveralltotal)
| (_, MultiBalanceReport (_,_,(coltotals,_,_)), increasesoveralltotal) <- subreports
overalltotals = case subtotalrows of
[] -> ([], nullmixedamt, nullmixedamt)
rs ->
numcols = maximum $ map (length.fst) rs
paddedsignedsubtotalrows =
[map (if increasesoveralltotal then id else negate) $
take numcols $ as ++ repeat nullmixedamt
| (as,increasesoveralltotal) <- rs
coltotals = foldl' (zipWith (+)) zeros paddedsignedsubtotalrows
where zeros = replicate numcols nullmixedamt
grandtotal = sum coltotals
grandavg | null coltotals = nullmixedamt
| otherwise = grandtotal `divideMixedAmount` fromIntegral (length coltotals)
(coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)
colspans =
case subreports of
(_, MultiBalanceReport (ds,_,_), _):_ -> ds
[] -> []
cbr =
writeOutput opts $
case format of
"csv" -> printCSV (compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts cbr) ++ "\n"
"html" -> (++ "\n") $ TL.unpack $ L.renderText $ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr
_ -> compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts' cbr
compoundBalanceSubreport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> (Journal -> Query) -> NormalSign -> MultiBalanceReport
compoundBalanceSubreport ropts userq j subreportqfn subreportnormalsign = r'
ropts' = ropts { empty_=True, normalbalance_=Just subreportnormalsign }
q = And [subreportqfn j, userq]
r@(MultiBalanceReport (dates, rows, totals)) = multiBalanceReport ropts' q j
r' | empty_ ropts = r
| otherwise = MultiBalanceReport (dates, rows', totals)
rows' = filter (not . emptyRow) rows
emptyRow (_,_,_,amts,_,_) = all isZeroMixedAmount amts
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> String
compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts (title, _colspans, subreports, (coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)) =
title ++ "\n\n" ++
balanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtable'
singlesubreport = length subreports == 1
bigtable =
case map (subreportAsTable ropts singlesubreport) subreports of
[] -> T.empty
r:rs -> foldl' concatTables r rs
| no_total_ ropts || singlesubreport =
| otherwise =
row "Net:" (
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [grandavg] else [])
subreportAsTable ropts singlesubreport (title, r, _) = t
ropts' | singlesubreport = ropts
| otherwise = ropts{ no_total_=False }
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = balanceReportAsTable ropts' r
t = Table (T.Group SingleLine [Header title, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
concatTables (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =
Table (T.Group DoubleLine [hLeft, hLeft']) hTop (dat ++ dat')
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> CSV
compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (title, colspans, subreports, (coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)) =
addtotals $
padRow title :
("Account" :
map showDateSpanMonthAbbrev colspans
++ (if row_total_ ropts then ["Total"] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then ["Average"] else [])
) :
concatMap (subreportAsCsv ropts singlesubreport) subreports
singlesubreport = length subreports == 1
subreportAsCsv ropts singlesubreport (subreporttitle, multibalreport, _) =
padRow subreporttitle :
tail (multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts' multibalreport)
ropts' | singlesubreport = ropts
| otherwise = ropts{ no_total_=False }
padRow s = take numcols $ s : repeat ""
| null subreports = 1
| otherwise =
(3 +) $
(if row_total_ ropts then (1+) else id) $
(if average_ ropts then (1+) else id) $
maximum $
map (\(MultiBalanceReport (amtcolheadings, _, _)) -> length amtcolheadings) $
map second3 subreports
| no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = id
| otherwise = (++
["Net:" :
map showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice (
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [grandavg] else [])
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> CompoundBalanceReport -> Html ()
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
(title, colspans, subreports, (coltotals, grandtotal, grandavg)) = cbr
colspanattr = colspan_ $ TS.pack $ show $
1 + length colspans + (if row_total_ ropts then 1 else 0) + (if average_ ropts then 1 else 0)
leftattr = style_ "text-align:left"
blankrow = tr_ $ td_ [colspanattr] $ toHtmlRaw (" "::String)
titlerows =
[tr_ $ th_ [colspanattr, leftattr] $ h2_ $ toHtml title]
++ [thRow $
"" :
map showDateSpanMonthAbbrev colspans
++ (if row_total_ ropts then ["Total"] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then ["Average"] else [])
thRow :: [String] -> Html ()
thRow = tr_ . mconcat . map (th_ . toHtml)
subreportrows :: (String, MultiBalanceReport, Bool) -> [Html ()]
subreportrows (subreporttitle, mbr, _increasestotal) =
(_,bodyrows,mtotalsrow) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
[tr_ $ th_ [colspanattr, leftattr] $ toHtml subreporttitle]
++ bodyrows
++ maybe [] (:[]) mtotalsrow
++ [blankrow]
totalrows | no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = []
| otherwise =
let defstyle = style_ "text-align:right"
[tr_ $ mconcat $
th_ [class_ "", style_ "text-align:left"] "Net:"
: [th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] (toHtml $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice a) | a <- coltotals]
++ (if row_total_ ropts then [th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] $ toHtml $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice $ grandtotal] else [])
++ (if average_ ropts then [th_ [class_ "amount colaverage", defstyle] $ toHtml $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice $ grandavg] else [])
in do
style_ (TS.unlines [""
,"td { padding:0 0.5em; }"
,"td:nth-child(1) { white-space:nowrap; }"
,"tr:nth-child(even) td { background-color:#eee; }"
link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", href_ "hledger.css"]
table_ $ mconcat $
++ [blankrow]
++ concatMap subreportrows subreports
++ totalrows