{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Lucid as L
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Tabular as T
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, printCSV)
balancemode = (defCommandMode $ ["balance"] ++ aliases) {
modeHelp = "show accounts and balances" `withAliases` aliases
,modeGroupFlags = C.Group {
groupUnnamed = [
flagNone ["change"] (\opts -> setboolopt "change" opts)
"show balance change in each period (default)"
,flagNone ["cumulative"] (\opts -> setboolopt "cumulative" opts)
"show balance change accumulated across periods (in multicolumn reports)"
,flagNone ["historical","H"] (\opts -> setboolopt "historical" opts)
"show historical ending balance in each period (includes postings before report start date)\n "
,flagNone ["tree"] (\opts -> setboolopt "tree" opts) "show accounts as a tree; amounts include subaccounts (default in simple reports)"
,flagNone ["flat"] (\opts -> setboolopt "flat" opts) "show accounts as a list; amounts exclude subaccounts except when account is depth-clipped (default in multicolumn reports)\n "
,flagNone ["average","A"] (\opts -> setboolopt "average" opts) "show a row average column (in multicolumn reports)"
,flagNone ["row-total","T"] (\opts -> setboolopt "row-total" opts) "show a row total column (in multicolumn reports)"
,flagNone ["no-total","N"] (\opts -> setboolopt "no-total" opts) "omit the final total row"
,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "omit N leading account name parts (in flat mode)"
,flagNone ["no-elide"] (\opts -> setboolopt "no-elide" opts) "don't squash boring parent accounts (in tree mode)"
,flagReq ["format"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "format" s opts) "FORMATSTR" "use this custom line format (in simple reports)"
,flagNone ["pretty-tables"] (\opts -> setboolopt "pretty-tables" opts) "use unicode to display prettier tables"
,flagNone ["sort-amount","S"] (\opts -> setboolopt "sort-amount" opts) "sort by amount instead of account code/name (in flat mode). With multiple columns, sorts by the row total, or by row average if that is displayed."
,flagNone ["budget"] (setboolopt "budget") "show performance compared to budget goals defined by periodic transactions"
,flagNone ["show-unbudgeted"] (setboolopt "show-unbudgeted") "with --budget, show unbudgeted accounts also"
,flagNone ["invert"] (setboolopt "invert") "display all amounts with reversed sign"
++ outputflags
,groupHidden = []
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
where aliases = ["b","bal"]
balance :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
balance opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportopts_=ropts} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
case lineFormatFromOpts ropts of
Left err -> error' $ unlines [err]
Right _ -> do
let format = outputFormatFromOpts opts
budget = boolopt "budget" rawopts
interval = interval_ ropts
case (budget, interval) of
(True, _) -> do
reportspan <- reportSpan j ropts
let budgetreport = dbg1 "budgetreport" $ budgetReport ropts assrt showunbudgeted reportspan d j
showunbudgeted = boolopt "show-unbudgeted" rawopts
assrt = not $ ignore_assertions_ $ inputopts_ opts
render = case format of
"csv" -> const $ error' "Sorry, CSV output is not yet implemented for this kind of report."
"html" -> const $ error' "Sorry, HTML output is not yet implemented for this kind of report."
_ -> budgetReportAsText ropts
writeOutput opts $ render budgetreport
(False, NoInterval) -> do
let report
| balancetype_ ropts `elem` [HistoricalBalance, CumulativeChange]
= let ropts' | flat_ ropts = ropts
| otherwise = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALTree}
in balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport ropts' (queryFromOpts d ropts) j
| otherwise = balanceReport ropts (queryFromOpts d ropts) j
render = case format of
"csv" -> \ropts r -> (++ "\n") $ printCSV $ balanceReportAsCsv ropts r
"html" -> \_ _ -> error' "Sorry, HTML output is not yet implemented for this kind of report."
_ -> balanceReportAsText
writeOutput opts $ render ropts report
_ -> do
let report = multiBalanceReport ropts (queryFromOpts d ropts) j
render = case format of
"csv" -> (++ "\n") . printCSV . multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts
"html" -> (++ "\n") . TL.unpack . L.renderText . multiBalanceReportAsHtml ropts
_ -> multiBalanceReportAsText ropts
writeOutput opts $ render report
balanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> CSV
balanceReportAsCsv opts (items, total) =
["account","balance"] :
[[T.unpack (maybeAccountNameDrop opts a), showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice b] | (a, _, _, b) <- items]
if no_total_ opts
then []
else [["total", showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice total]]
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> String
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) = unlines $ concat lines ++ t
fmt = lineFormatFromOpts opts
lines = case fmt of
Right fmt -> map (balanceReportItemAsText opts fmt) items
Left err -> [[err]]
t = if no_total_ opts
then []
case fmt of
Right fmt ->
acctcolwidth = maximum' [T.length fullname | (fullname, _, _, _) <- items]
totallines = map rstrip $ renderBalanceReportItem opts fmt (T.replicate (acctcolwidth+1) " ", 0, total)
overlinewidth | isJust (format_ opts) = maximum' $ map length $ concat lines
| otherwise = defaultTotalFieldWidth
overline = replicate overlinewidth '-'
in overline : totallines
Left _ -> []
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> StringFormat -> BalanceReportItem -> [String]
balanceReportItemAsText opts fmt (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
renderBalanceReportItem opts fmt (
maybeAccountNameDrop opts accountName,
normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay amt
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> StringFormat -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> [String]
renderBalanceReportItem opts fmt (acctname, depth, total) =
lines $
case fmt of
OneLine comps -> concatOneLine $ render1 comps
TopAligned comps -> concatBottomPadded $ render comps
BottomAligned comps -> concatTopPadded $ render comps
render1 = map (renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total))
render = map (renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total))
defaultTotalFieldWidth = 20
renderComponent :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
DepthSpacerField -> formatString ljust Nothing max $ replicate d ' '
where d = case min of
Just m -> depth * m
Nothing -> depth
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max (T.unpack acctname)
TotalField -> fitStringMulti min max True False $ showamt total
showamt | color_ opts = cshowMixedAmountWithoutPrice
| otherwise = showMixedAmountWithoutPrice
_ -> ""
renderComponent1 :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent1 _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max ((intercalate ", " . lines) (indented (T.unpack acctname)))
indented = ((replicate (depth*2) ' ')++)
TotalField -> fitStringMulti min max True False $ ((intercalate ", " . map strip . lines) (showamt total))
showamt | color_ opts = cshowMixedAmountWithoutPrice
| otherwise = showMixedAmountWithoutPrice
_ -> ""
multiBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> CSV
multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts (MultiBalanceReport (colspans, items, (coltotals,tot,avg))) =
("Account" : map showDateSpan colspans
++ (if row_total_ opts then ["Total"] else [])
++ (if average_ opts then ["Average"] else [])
) :
[T.unpack (maybeAccountNameDrop opts a) :
map showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice
++ (if row_total_ opts then [rowtot] else [])
++ (if average_ opts then [rowavg] else []))
| (a, _, _, amts, rowtot, rowavg) <- items]
if no_total_ opts
then []
else [["Total:"]
++ map showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice (
++ (if row_total_ opts then [tot] else [])
++ (if average_ opts then [avg] else [])
multiBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportAsHtml ropts mbr =
(headingsrow,bodyrows,mtotalsrow) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
table_ $ mconcat $
++ bodyrows
++ maybe [] (:[]) mtotalsrow
multiBalanceReportHtmlRows :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> (Html (), [Html ()], Maybe (Html ()))
multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr =
headingsrow:rest = multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts mbr
(bodyrows, mtotalsrow) | no_total_ ropts = (rest, Nothing)
| otherwise = (init rest, Just $ last rest)
(multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts headingsrow
,map (multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts) bodyrows
,multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts <$> mtotalsrow
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow :: ReportOpts -> [String] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow _ [] = mempty
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts (acct:rest) =
defstyle = style_ ""
| row_total_ ropts && average_ ropts = (init $ init rest, [last $ init rest], [last rest])
| row_total_ ropts = (init rest, [last rest], [])
| average_ ropts = (init rest, [], [last rest])
| otherwise = (rest, [], [])
tr_ $ mconcat $
td_ [class_ "account"] (toHtml acct)
: [td_ [class_ "", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- amts]
++ [td_ [class_ "rowtotal", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- tot]
++ [td_ [class_ "rowaverage", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow :: ReportOpts -> [String] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow _ [] = mempty
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts (label:rest) =
defstyle = style_ "text-align:right"
| row_total_ ropts && average_ ropts = (init $ init rest, [last $ init rest], [last rest])
| row_total_ ropts = (init rest, [last rest], [])
| average_ ropts = (init rest, [], [last rest])
| otherwise = (rest, [], [])
tr_ $ mconcat $
td_ [class_ "account", style_ "text-align:left"] (toHtml label)
: [td_ [class_ "amount", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- amts]
++ [td_ [class_ "amount rowtotal", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- tot]
++ [td_ [class_ "amount rowaverage", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow :: ReportOpts -> [String] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow _ropts [] = mempty
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts (acct:rest) =
defstyle = style_ "text-align:right"
| row_total_ ropts && average_ ropts = (init $ init rest, [last $ init rest], [last rest])
| row_total_ ropts = (init rest, [last rest], [])
| average_ ropts = (init rest, [], [last rest])
| otherwise = (rest, [], [])
tr_ $ mconcat $
th_ [style_ "text-align:left"] (toHtml acct)
: [th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- amts]
++ [th_ [class_ "amount coltotal", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- tot]
++ [th_ [class_ "amount colaverage", defstyle] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
multiBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> String
multiBalanceReportAsText opts r =
printf "%s in %s:\n\n" desc (showDateSpan $ multiBalanceReportSpan r)
++ balanceReportTableAsText opts tabl
tabl = balanceReportAsTable opts r
desc = case balancetype_ opts of
PeriodChange -> "Balance changes"
CumulativeChange -> "Ending balances (cumulative)"
HistoricalBalance -> "Ending balances (historical)"
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table String String MixedAmount
balanceReportAsTable opts (MultiBalanceReport (colspans, items, (coltotals,tot,avg))) =
addtotalrow $
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
(map rowvals items)
mkDate = case balancetype_ opts of
PeriodChange -> showDateSpanMonthAbbrev
_ -> maybe "" (showDate . prevday) . spanEnd
colheadings = map mkDate colspans
++ (if row_total_ opts then [" Total"] else [])
++ (if average_ opts then ["Average"] else [])
accts = map renderacct items
renderacct (a,a',i,_,_,_)
| tree_ opts = replicate ((i-1)*2) ' ' ++ T.unpack a'
| otherwise = T.unpack $ maybeAccountNameDrop opts a
rowvals (_,_,_,as,rowtot,rowavg) = as
++ (if row_total_ opts then [rowtot] else [])
++ (if average_ opts then [rowavg] else [])
addtotalrow | no_total_ opts = id
| otherwise = (+----+ (row "" $
++ (if row_total_ opts && not (null coltotals) then [tot] else [])
++ (if average_ opts && not (null coltotals) then [avg] else [])
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table String String MixedAmount -> String
balanceReportTableAsText ropts = tableAsText ropts showamt
showamt | color_ ropts = cshowMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice
| otherwise = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice
tests_Balance = tests "Balance" [
tests "balanceReportAsText" [
test "unicode in balance layout" $ do
j <- io $ readJournal' "2009/01/01 * медвежья шкура\n расходы:покупки 100\n актив:наличные\n"
let opts = defreportopts
balanceReportAsText opts (balanceReport opts (queryFromOpts (parsedate "2008/11/26") opts) j) `is`
[" -100 актив:наличные"
," 100 расходы:покупки"
," 0"