hkd-lens: Generic lens/prism/traversal-kinded data.

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This library uses GHC Generics to generate lenses, prisms, and traversals for higher-kinded data types.

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Versions 0.0.1, 0.0.1
Change log
Dependencies base (>= && <4.13), profunctors [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Trevor Cook
Author Trevor Cook
Category Data
Home page
Source repo this: git clone git:// 0.0.1)
Uploaded by trevorcook at 2019-06-04T02:38:01Z


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A library for creating traversals for higher kinded data (HKD) following the method detailed by Sandy Maguire ( It expands on the methodology given there by including data with multiple constructors and by allowing type-changing traversals, Traverse s t a b.

This library currently supplies lenses, prisms, and traversals. However, the methodology only allows traversals which target a single specific location in a data structure. This is an inherent feature of the method and will not change. Consult the package "generic-lens" for generic ways of targeting multiple locations. Consult also "generic-lens" for also providing everything else in this package.

Quick Start

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}

module Test where

import Generics.OneLiner --package one-liner
import Control.Lens      --package lens, used here for operators, e.g. (^.)
import HKD.Lens
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Generics(Generic)

First, we define a higher kinded data. Its a data wherein every field is wrapped in some control constructof f. The selection of f controls how the data is expressed.

type Character = Character' Z
data Character' f a = Character { name :: HK f String
                                , role :: HK f a }
                    deriving Generic
data Protagonist = Hero | Sidekick deriving Show
data Antagonist = Villian | Henchman deriving Show
deriving instance (Constraints (Character' f a) Show)  --provided by one-liner
  => Show (Character' f a)

This HKD is built not only with a control parameter, but with a type family, HK, which allows reversion to a lower, or base type, for the specially defined data Z.

data Z a
type family HK (f :: ( * -> * ) ) a where
  HK Z a = a
  HK f a = f a

A lens is made via the LensesOf type family to direct exactly what lenses will be made (this includes a Nat specifying the index of the control parameter), and the makeLensesOf function which supplies a Lens Kinded Data.

lensesForCharacters :: LensesOf (Character a) (Character b) 1
lensesForCharacters = makeLensesOf

What is a lens kinded data? Well, thats the original data parameterized by a f = LensOf type (exported from HKD.Lens). So, at each data field is a lens from the whole data to that field.

For instance, the "role" lens is retrieved using the role field and unwrapping the LensOf data to reveal the lens.

roleLens :: Lens (Character a) (Character b) a b
roleLens = getLensOf $ role lensesForCharacters

Similarly, the name field reveals a lens targeting the name field of the base kinded Character a. Note that this lens does not involve a change in type parameters.

nameLens :: Lens (Character a) (Character a) String String
nameLens = getLensOf $ name lensesForCharacters

Here's an application of the role lens. It is used to turn "Villians" into "Heroes"; specifically the evil henchman "Number One" changes his ways.

redemption :: Antagonist -> Protagonist
redemption Villian = Hero
redemption Henchman = Sidekick

evilNumberOne :: Character Antagonist
evilNumberOne = Character "Number One" Henchman
goodNumberOne = evilNumberOne & roleLens %~ redemption
-- goodNumberOne = Character {name = "Number One", role = Sidekick}

To showcase traversals, a Scene data type is created.

type Scene = Scene' Z
data Scene' f a b = Meeting { inAttendence :: HK f [a]
                            , meetingPlace :: HK f Place }
                  | Confrontation { attacker :: HK f [a]
                                  , attackee :: HK f [b]
                                  , confrontationPlace :: HK f Place}
                deriving Generic
data Place = ARoom | TheMountainTop deriving Show
deriving instance (Constraints (Scene' f a b) Show) => Show (Scene' f a b)

Here the Traversal-kinded data for the Meeting constructor is made.

meetingTraversals :: TraversalsOf (Scene a b) (Scene a b) 1
meetingTraversals = makeTraversalsOf @"Meeting"

A specific inAttendence traversal is called out. Note that since the type variable a is used in more than one location, we cannot change it's type.

meetingAttendeeTraversal :: Traversal (Scene a b) (Scene a b) [a] [a]
meetingAttendeeTraversal = getTraversalOf $ inAttendence meetingTraversals

someoneWalksIn :: a -> Scene a b -> Scene a b
someoneWalksIn a = meetingAttendeeTraversal %~ (a:)

However, we could create a traversal that changes the type of b.

confrontationTraversals :: TraversalsOf (Scene a b) (Scene a b') 1
confrontationTraversals = makeTraversalsOf @"Confrontation"

We change a scene of good and evil characters to a scene of evil and evil characters through the use of a Mind Control traversal.

evilMindControl :: Protagonist -> Antagonist
evilMindControl _ = Henchman

useMindControlGun :: Scene (Character Antagonist) (Character Protagonist)
                  -> Scene (Character Antagonist) (Character Antagonist)
useMindControlGun = getTraversalOf (attackee confrontationTraversals)
                  . mapped . roleLens
                  %~ evilMindControl

  :: Scene (Character Antagonist) (Character Protagonist)
poorNumberOneTrappedInARoom = Confrontation [] [goodNumberOne] ARoom

  :: Scene (Character Antagonist) (Character Antagonist)
numberOneReadyForEvilOnceAgain = useMindControlGun poorNumberOneTrappedInARoom
-- Confrontation [] [Character "Number One" Henchman}] ARoom

Ok, enough of the Hero business, the library also supplies Prisms.

type AB = AB' Z
data AB' f a b = A {getA::(HK f a)} | B (HK f b) deriving Generic
deriving instance (Constraints (AB' f a b) Show) => Show (AB' f a b)
aPrism :: PrismsOf (AB a b) (AB c d) 1
aPrism = makePrismsOf @"A"

its1 = (A 1 :: AB Int ()) ^? getPrismOf (getA aPrism)

Finally, lenses/prisms/traversals may also be provided for types whose fields match their type parameters. These are the most fundamental/simplest types. This is accomplished by signaling there is no HKD parameter with a 0 for the Nat which targets the HKD parameter.

_1 :: Lens (a,b) (c,b) a c
_1 = getLensOf . fst $ (makeLensesOf :: LensesOf (a,b) (c,d) 0)