{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Geometry.HalfSpace
-- Copyright   :  (C) Frank Staals
-- License     :  see the LICENSE file
-- Maintainer  :  Frank Staals
-- \(d\)-dimensional HalfSpaces
module Data.Geometry.HalfSpace where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Geometry.HalfLine
import Data.Geometry.HyperPlane
import Data.Geometry.Line
import Data.Geometry.Point
import Data.Geometry.Properties
import Data.Geometry.Transformation
import Data.Geometry.Boundary
import Data.Geometry.Vector
import Data.Vinyl.CoRec
import Data.Vinyl.Core
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits


-- $setup
-- >>> :{
-- let myVector :: Vector 3 Int
--     myVector = Vector3 1 2 3
--     myPoint = Point myVector
-- :}


-- | A Halfspace in \(d\) dimensions. Note that the intended side of
-- the halfspace is already indicated by the normal vector of the
-- bounding plane.
newtype HalfSpace d r = HalfSpace { _boundingPlane :: HyperPlane d  r }
                       deriving Generic
makeLenses ''HalfSpace

deriving instance (Arity d, Show r)   => Show    (HalfSpace d r)
-- deriving instance (NFData r, Arity d) => NFData  (HalfSpace d r)
deriving instance Arity d => Functor     (HalfSpace d)
deriving instance Arity d => Foldable    (HalfSpace d)
deriving instance Arity d => Traversable (HalfSpace d)

type instance NumType (HalfSpace d r)   = r
type instance Dimension (HalfSpace d r) = d

deriving instance (Arity d, Arity (d + 1), Fractional r) => IsTransformable (HalfSpace d r)

instance (Arity d, Eq r, Fractional r) => Eq (HalfSpace d r) where
  (HalfSpace h) == (HalfSpace h') = let u = h^.normalVec
                                        v = h'^.normalVec
                                        d = quadrance (u ^+^ v) - (quadrance u)
                                    in h == h' && signum d == 1


type HalfPlane = HalfSpace 2

-- | Get the halfplane left of a line (i.e. "above") a line
-- >>> leftOf $ horizontalLine 4
-- HalfSpace {_boundingPlane = HyperPlane {_inPlane = Point2 [0,4], _normalVec = Vector2 [0,1]}}
leftOf   :: Num r => Line 2 r -> HalfPlane r
leftOf l = (rightOf l)&boundingPlane.normalVec %~ ((-1) *^)

-- | Get the halfplane right of a line (i.e. "below") a line
-- >>> rightOf $ horizontalLine 4
-- HalfSpace {_boundingPlane = HyperPlane {_inPlane = Point2 [0,4], _normalVec = Vector2 [0,-1]}}
rightOf   :: Num r => Line 2 r -> HalfPlane r
rightOf l = HalfSpace $ l^.re _asLine

above :: Num r => Line 2 r -> HalfPlane r
above = leftOf

below :: Num r => Line 2 r -> HalfPlane r
below = rightOf


-- type HalfPlane r = GHalfSpace (Line 2 r)

-- type HalfSpace d r = GHalfSpace (HyperPlane d r)

-- TODO: Property test that in 2d this is the same as CCW

type instance IntersectionOf (Point d r) (HalfSpace d r) = [NoIntersection, Point d r]

instance (Num r, Ord r, Arity d) => Point d r `IsIntersectableWith` HalfSpace d r where
  nonEmptyIntersection = defaultNonEmptyIntersection

  q `intersects` h = q `inHalfSpace` h /= Outside

  q `intersect` h | q `intersects` h = coRec q
                  | otherwise        = coRec NoIntersection

type instance IntersectionOf (Line d r) (HalfSpace d r) =
    [NoIntersection, HalfLine d r, Line d r]

instance (Fractional r, Ord r) => Line 2 r `IsIntersectableWith` HalfSpace 2 r where
  nonEmptyIntersection = defaultNonEmptyIntersection

  l@(Line o v) `intersect` h = match (l `intersect` m) $
         (H $ \NoIntersection -> if o `intersects` h
                                   then coRec l
                                   else coRec NoIntersection)
      :& (H $ \p              -> if (p .+^ v) `intersects` h
                                   then coRec $ HalfLine p v
                                   else coRec $ HalfLine p ((-1) *^ v))
      :& (H $ \_l             -> coRec l)
      :& RNil
      m = h^.boundingPlane._asLine

-- | Test if a point lies in a halfspace
inHalfSpace                                  :: (Num r, Ord r, Arity d)
                                             => Point d r -> HalfSpace d r
                                             -> PointLocationResult
q `inHalfSpace` (HalfSpace (HyperPlane p n)) = case n `dot` (q .-. p) `compare` 0 of
                                                 LT -> Outside
                                                 EQ -> OnBoundary
                                                 GT -> Inside