haskelzinc: CP in Haskell through MiniZinc

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This package was created in the context of the GRACeFUL project).

The haskelzinc library defines an interface to the MiniZinc 2.0 constraint proramming language. It provides a Haskell abstract syntax tree for the MiniZinc language, with which one can represent MiniZinc models in Haskell, a pretty printer to print the representation of a MiniZinc model in MiniZinc and a parser that returns a representation of the solutions obtained by running the MiniZinc model.

An additional module gives the possibility to directly get the solutions of a MiniZinc finite domain model. Option for interactive interface is provided, as well as choice between two solvers: the G12/FD built-in solver of FlatZinc and choco3.

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Dependencies base (>=4.8 && <5), containers (>=0.5 && <0.6), filepath (>=1.2), parsec3 (>=, pretty, process [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Klara Marntirosian
Maintainer klara.mar@cs.kuleuven.be
Category Interfaces
Uploaded by klara_mar at 2016-09-10T14:12:59Z




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To use choco solver, also required:


  1. Create a file HZconf/conf.txt in the same directory level where you want to run your code.
  2. Fill in the corresponding paths by adding the equal sign (=) and the correct path. . MINIZINC_DIR: the directory where mzn2fzn and flatzinc executables are located . CHOCO_PARSER: the path of the choco parser java library . CHOCO_SOLVER: the path of the choco solver java libaray . ANTLR: the path of the antlr java libaray

Example: MINIZINC_DIR = path/to/dir

Not yet supported