{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Options.Harg.Operations where

import           Data.Functor.Identity           (Identity(..))

import qualified Data.Barbie                     as B
import qualified Options.Applicative             as Optparse

import           Options.Harg.Cmdline            (mkOptparseParser)
import           Options.Harg.Config             (mkConfigParser, getConfig)
import           Options.Harg.Het.All            (All)
import           Options.Harg.Het.HList          (AssocListF, MapAssocList(..))
import           Options.Harg.Het.Prod           ((:*)(..))
import           Options.Harg.Het.Variant        (VariantF)
import           Options.Harg.Pretty             (ppSourceRunErrors)
import           Options.Harg.Sources            ( accumSourceResults
                                                 , DefaultSources, defaultSources
                                                 , HiddenSources, hiddenSources
import           Options.Harg.Sources.Types      (GetSource(..), RunSource(..), SourceRunError)
import           Options.Harg.Subcommands        (Subcommands(..))
import           Options.Harg.Types              (HargCtx(..), getCtx, Opt)
import           Options.Harg.Util               (toDummyOpts, allToDummyOpts, compose)

-- | Run the option parser and combine with values from the specified sources,
-- passing the context explicitly.
  :: forall c a.
     ( B.TraversableB a
     , B.ProductB a
     , B.TraversableB c
     , B.ProductB c
     , GetSource c Identity
     , RunSource (SourceVal c) a
  => HargCtx  -- ^ Context containing the environment and the cmdline args
  -> c Opt    -- ^ Source options
  -> a Opt    -- ^ Target configuration options
  -> IO (a Identity)
execOptWithCtx ctx conf opts = do
      = mkConfigParser ctx $ compose Identity (conf :* hiddenSources)
      = mkOptparseParser [] (toDummyOpts @String opts)
  config <- getConfig ctx configParser dummyParser
  sourceVals <- getSource ctx config
    (errs, sources)
      = accumSourceResults
        $ runSource sourceVals (compose Identity opts)
      = mkOptparseParser sources (compose Identity opts)
    -- parser that includes the configuration options, otherwise parsing
    -- will find more options and fail
      = (,) <$> optParser <*> configParser
  fst <$> if null errs
          then execParser ctx allParser
          else failParser allParser errs

-- | Run the option parser and combine with values from the specified sources
  :: forall c a.
     ( B.TraversableB a
     , B.ProductB a
     , B.TraversableB c
     , B.ProductB c
     , GetSource c Identity
     , RunSource (SourceVal c) a
  => c Opt  -- ^ Source options
  -> a Opt  -- ^ Target configuration options
  -> IO (a Identity)
execOpt conf opts = do
  ctx <- getCtx
  execOptWithCtx ctx conf opts

-- | Run the option parser only with default sources (environment variables),
-- passing the context explicitly.
  :: forall a.
     ( B.TraversableB a
     , B.ProductB a
  => HargCtx  -- ^ Context containing the environment and the cmdline args
  -> a Opt    -- ^ Target configuration options
  -> IO (a Identity)
execOptWithCtxDef ctx
  = execOptWithCtx ctx defaultSources

-- | Run the option parser only with default sources (environment variables)
  :: forall a.
     ( B.TraversableB a
     , B.ProductB a
  => a Opt -- ^ Target configuration options
  -> IO (a Identity)
  = execOpt defaultSources

-- | Run the subcommand parser and combine with values from the specified
-- sources, passing the context explicitly.
  :: forall c ts xs.
     ( B.TraversableB (VariantF xs)
     , B.TraversableB c
     , B.ProductB c
     , Subcommands ts xs
     , GetSource c Identity
     , All (RunSource (SourceVal (c :* HiddenSources))) xs
     , All (RunSource ()) xs
     , MapAssocList xs
  => HargCtx  -- ^ Context containing the environment and the cmdline args
  -> c Opt    -- ^ Source options
  -> AssocListF ts xs Opt  -- ^ Target options associated with subcommands
  -> IO (VariantF xs Identity)
execCommandsWithCtx ctx conf opts = do
      = mkConfigParser ctx $ compose Identity (conf :* hiddenSources)
    (_, dummyCommands)
      = mapSubcommand () (allToDummyOpts @String opts)
      = Optparse.subparser (mconcat dummyCommands)

  config <- getConfig ctx configParser dummyParser
  sourceVals <- getSource ctx config

    (errs, commands)
      = mapSubcommand sourceVals (mapAssocList (compose Identity) opts)
      = Optparse.subparser (mconcat commands)
    -- parser that includes the configuration options, otherwise parsing
    -- will find more options and fail
      = (,) <$> optParser <*> configParser
  fst <$> if null errs
          then execParser ctx allParser
          else failParser allParser errs

-- | Run the subcommand parser and combine with values from the specified
-- sources
  :: forall c ts xs.
     ( B.TraversableB (VariantF xs)
     , B.TraversableB c
     , B.ProductB c
     , Subcommands ts xs
     , GetSource c Identity
     , All (RunSource (SourceVal (c :* HiddenSources))) xs
     , All (RunSource ()) xs
     , MapAssocList xs
  => c Opt  -- ^ Source options
  -> AssocListF ts xs Opt  -- ^ Target options associated with subcommands
  -> IO (VariantF xs Identity)
execCommands conf opts = do
  ctx <- getCtx
  execCommandsWithCtx ctx conf opts

-- | Run the subcommand parser only with default sources (environment
-- variables), passing the context explicitly.
  :: forall ts xs.
     ( B.TraversableB (VariantF xs)
     , Subcommands ts xs
     , All (RunSource (SourceVal (DefaultSources :* HiddenSources))) xs
     , All (RunSource ()) xs
     , MapAssocList xs
  => HargCtx  -- ^ Context containing the environment and the cmdline args
  -> AssocListF ts xs Opt  -- ^ Target options associated with subcommands
  -> IO (VariantF xs Identity)
execCommandsWithCtxDef ctx
  = execCommandsWithCtx ctx defaultSources

-- | Run the subcommand parser only with default sources (environment
-- variables)
  :: forall ts xs.
     ( B.TraversableB (VariantF xs)
     , Subcommands ts xs
     , All (RunSource (SourceVal (DefaultSources :* HiddenSources))) xs
     , All (RunSource ()) xs
     , MapAssocList xs
  => AssocListF ts xs Opt  -- ^ Target options associated with subcommands
  -> IO (VariantF xs Identity)
  = execCommands defaultSources

-- | Run the optparse-applicative parser, printing accumulated errors. Errors
-- are printed as warnings if the parser succeeds.
  :: HargCtx
  -> Optparse.Parser a
  -> IO a
execParser HargCtx{..} parser
  = Optparse.handleParseResult (execParserPure _hcArgs parser)

  :: Optparse.Parser a
  -> [SourceRunError]
  -> IO a
failParser parser errs
  = Optparse.handleParseResult (Optparse.Failure failure)
      = Optparse.parserFailure
          (Optparse.ErrorMsg errStr)
      = Optparse.info (Optparse.helper <*> parser) Optparse.forwardOptions
      = ppSourceRunErrors errs

-- | Run the optparse-applicative parser and return the
-- 'Optparse.ParserResult'
  :: [String]
  -> Optparse.Parser a
  -> Optparse.ParserResult a
execParserPure args parser
  = let
        = Optparse.info (Optparse.helper <*> parser) Optparse.forwardOptions
    in Optparse.execParserPure Optparse.defaultPrefs parserInfo args