{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Options.Harg.Sources.Types where

import Data.Functor.Compose  (Compose (..))
import Data.Kind             (Type)
import Data.String           (IsString(..))

import Options.Harg.Het.Prod
import Options.Harg.Types

-- | Holds errors that occur when running a source.
data SourceRunResult a
  = OptNotFound  -- ^ Source doesn't include the option
  | OptParsed a  -- ^ Successful parsing
  deriving Functor

data SourceRunError
  = SourceRunError
      { _sreOpt        :: Maybe SomeOpt
      , _sreSourceName :: String
      , _sreError      :: String

-- | Create a 'SourceRunError' by existentially wrapping an option in 'SomeOpt'.
  :: forall a.
     Opt a
  -> String
  -> String
  -> SourceRunError
  = SourceRunError . Just . SomeOpt

-- | This class enables a type that describes a source to fetch the source
-- contents, potentially producing side effects (e.g. reading a file).
class GetSource
    (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Type)
    (f :: (Type -> Type)) where
  -- | The type that will be returned when the source is read.
  type SourceVal c :: Type
  getSource :: HargCtx -> c f -> IO (SourceVal c)

    ( GetSource l f
    , GetSource r f
    ) => GetSource (l :* r) f where
  type SourceVal (l :* r) = (SourceVal l, SourceVal r)
  getSource ctx (l :* r)
    = (,) <$> getSource ctx l <*> getSource ctx r

-- | This class is used to run the result of running 'getSource' on the
-- configuration options. In order for it to work, all types used in the
-- source configuration need to have a 'GetSource' instance, and their
-- associated 'SourceVal' types need to have a 'RunSource' instance.
class RunSource s a where
    :: Applicative f
    => s
    -> a (Compose Opt f)
    -> [Either SourceRunError (a (Compose SourceRunResult f))]

    ( RunSource l a
    , RunSource r a
    ) => RunSource (l, r) a where
  runSource (l, r) opt
    = runSource l opt ++ runSource r opt

instance RunSource () a where
  runSource () _
    = []

-- | This type describes configuration files, for use with e.g. the JSON
-- source. The reason to not use 'FilePath' directly is that the user might
-- prefer to do nothing if the option for the config file has not been not
-- provided, and there's no default. Because this type has an 'IsString'
-- instance, it's very easy to define an option. For example, to define a json
-- source with a default value:
-- @
--   srcOpt :: JSONSource Opt
--   srcOpt = JSONSource jsonOpt
--     where
--       jsonOpt
--         = optionWith strParser
--             ( long "json-config"
--             . defaultVal (ConfigFile "~/config.json")
--             )
-- @
-- And an optional JSON source:
-- @
--   srcOpt :: JSONSource Opt
--   srcOpt = JSONSource jsonOpt
--     where
--       jsonOpt
--         = optionWith strParser
--             ( long "json-config"
--             . defaultVal NoConfigFile
--             )
-- @
data ConfigFile
  = ConfigFile FilePath
  | NoConfigFile

instance IsString ConfigFile where
  fromString = ConfigFile