License | BSD-3-Clause |
Maintainer | Oleg Grenrus <> |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module re-exports all request constructrors and data definitions from this package.
See GitHub.Request module for executing Request
, or other modules
of this package (e.g. GitHub.Users) for already composed versions.
The missing endpoints lists show which endpoints we know are missing, there might be more.
- repositoryEventsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request RO (Vector Event)
- userEventsR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request RO (Vector Event)
- stargazersForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- reposStarredByR :: Name Owner -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- myStarredR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Repo)
- myStarredAcceptStarR :: FetchCount -> GenRequest MtStar RA (Vector RepoStarred)
- starRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> GenRequest MtUnit RW ()
- unstarRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request RW ()
- watchersForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- reposWatchedByR :: Name Owner -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- gistsR :: Name Owner -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Gist)
- gistR :: Name Gist -> Request k Gist
- starGistR :: Name Gist -> GenRequest MtUnit RW ()
- unstarGistR :: Name Gist -> Request RW ()
- deleteGistR :: Name Gist -> Request RW ()
- commentsOnR :: Name Gist -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector GistComment)
- gistCommentR :: Id GistComment -> Request k GistComment
- blobR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Blob -> Request k Blob
- gitCommitR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name GitCommit -> Request k GitCommit
- referenceR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name GitReference -> Request k GitReference
- referencesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector GitReference)
- createReferenceR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewGitReference -> Request RW GitReference
- treeR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Tree -> Request k Tree
- nestedTreeR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Tree -> Request k Tree
- currentUserIssuesR :: IssueMod -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Issue)
- organizationIssuesR :: Name Organization -> IssueMod -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Issue)
- issueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> Request k Issue
- issuesForRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueRepoMod -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Issue)
- createIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewIssue -> Request RW Issue
- editIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> EditIssue -> Request RW Issue
- commentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request k IssueComment
- commentsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueComment)
- createCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Text -> Request RW Comment
- deleteCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request RW ()
- editCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Text -> Request RW Comment
- eventsForIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueEvent)
- eventsForRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueEvent)
- eventR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id IssueEvent -> Request k IssueEvent
- labelsOnRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueLabel)
- labelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> Request k IssueLabel
- createLabelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> String -> Request RW IssueLabel
- updateLabelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> Name IssueLabel -> String -> Request RW IssueLabel
- deleteLabelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> Request RW ()
- labelsOnIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueLabel)
- addLabelsToIssueR :: Foldable f => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> f (Name IssueLabel) -> Request RW (Vector IssueLabel)
- removeLabelFromIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> Name IssueLabel -> Request RW ()
- replaceAllLabelsForIssueR :: Foldable f => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> f (Name IssueLabel) -> Request RW (Vector IssueLabel)
- removeAllLabelsFromIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> Request RW ()
- labelsOnMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueLabel)
- milestonesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Milestone)
- milestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> Request k Milestone
- createMilestone :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewMilestone -> IO (Either Error Milestone)
- createMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewMilestone -> Request RW Milestone
- updateMilestone :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> UpdateMilestone -> IO (Either Error Milestone)
- updateMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> UpdateMilestone -> Request RW Milestone
- deleteMilestone :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> IO (Either Error ())
- deleteMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> Request RW ()
- publicOrganizationsForR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleOrganization)
- publicOrganizationR :: Name Organization -> Request k Organization
- organizationsR :: FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleOrganization)
- membersOfR :: Name Organization -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- membersOfWithR :: Name Organization -> OrgMemberFilter -> OrgMemberRole -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- isMemberOfR :: Name User -> Name Organization -> GenRequest MtStatus rw Bool
- orgInvitationsR :: Name Organization -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Invitation)
- teamsOfR :: Name Organization -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleTeam)
- teamInfoForR :: Id Team -> Request k Team
- createTeamForR :: Name Organization -> CreateTeam -> Request RW Team
- editTeamR :: Id Team -> EditTeam -> Request RW Team
- deleteTeamR :: Id Team -> Request RW ()
- listTeamMembersR :: Id Team -> TeamMemberRole -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector SimpleUser)
- listTeamReposR :: Id Team -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- teamMembershipInfoForR :: Id Team -> Name Owner -> Request k TeamMembership
- addTeamMembershipForR :: Id Team -> Name Owner -> Role -> Request RW TeamMembership
- deleteTeamMembershipForR :: Id Team -> Name Owner -> Request RW ()
- listTeamsCurrentR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Team)
- pullRequestsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> PullRequestMod -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimplePullRequest)
- pullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Request k PullRequest
- pullRequestPatchR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> GenRequest MtPatch rw ByteString
- pullRequestDiffR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> GenRequest MtDiff rw ByteString
- createPullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> CreatePullRequest -> Request RW PullRequest
- updatePullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> EditPullRequest -> Request RW PullRequest
- pullRequestCommitsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Commit)
- pullRequestFilesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector File)
- isPullRequestMergedR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> GenRequest MtStatus rw Bool
- mergePullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Maybe Text -> GenRequest MtStatus RW MergeResult
- pullRequestCommentsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Comment)
- pullRequestCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request k Comment
- createPullCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Text -> Text -> Int -> Text -> Request RW Comment
- pullRequestReviewsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Review)
- pullRequestReviews :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> IO (Either Error (Vector Review))
- pullRequestReviews' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> IO (Either Error (Vector Review))
- pullRequestReviewR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> Request k Review
- pullRequestReview :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error Review)
- pullRequestReview' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error Review)
- pullRequestReviewCommentsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> Request k [ReviewComment]
- pullRequestReviewCommentsIO :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error [ReviewComment])
- pullRequestReviewCommentsIO' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error [ReviewComment])
- currentUserReposR :: RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- userReposR :: Name Owner -> RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- organizationReposR :: Name Organization -> RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- repositoryR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Repo
- contributorsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Bool -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Contributor)
- languagesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Languages
- tagsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Tag)
- branchesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Branch)
- collaboratorsOnR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- isCollaboratorOnR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name User -> GenRequest MtStatus rw Bool
- addCollaboratorR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name User -> GenRequest MtUnit RW ()
- commentsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Comment)
- commitCommentsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Comment)
- commitCommentForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request k Comment
- commitsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Commit)
- commitsWithOptionsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> [CommitQueryOption] -> Request k (Vector Commit)
- commitR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> Request k Commit
- diffR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> Name Commit -> Request k Diff
- deploymentsWithOptionsForR :: FromJSON a => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> [DeploymentQueryOption] -> Request RA (Vector (Deployment a))
- createDeploymentR :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> CreateDeployment a -> Request RW (Deployment a)
- deploymentStatusesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id (Deployment a) -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector DeploymentStatus)
- createDeploymentStatusR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id (Deployment a) -> CreateDeploymentStatus -> Request RW DeploymentStatus
- forksForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
- webhooksForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector RepoWebhook)
- webhookForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> Request k RepoWebhook
- createRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewRepoWebhook -> Request RW RepoWebhook
- editRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> EditRepoWebhook -> Request RW RepoWebhook
- testPushRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> GenRequest MtStatus RW Bool
- pingRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> GenRequest MtStatus RW Bool
- deleteRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> Request RW ()
- releasesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Release)
- releaseR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Release -> Request k Release
- latestReleaseR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Release
- releaseByTagNameR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Text -> Request k Release
- searchReposR :: Text -> Request k (SearchResult Repo)
- searchCodeR :: Text -> Request k (SearchResult Code)
- searchIssuesR :: Text -> Request k (SearchResult Issue)
- userInfoForR :: Name User -> Request k User
- ownerInfoForR :: Name Owner -> Request k Owner
- userInfoCurrentR :: Request RA User
- currentUserEmailsR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Email)
- currentUserPublicEmailsR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Email)
- usersFollowingR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- usersFollowedByR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser)
- createStatusR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> NewStatus -> Request RW Status
- statusesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> FetchCount -> Request RW (Vector Status)
- statusForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> Request RW CombinedStatus
- rateLimitR :: Request k RateLimit
- module GitHub.Data
- module GitHub.Request
repositoryEventsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request RO (Vector Event) Source #
List repository events. See
userEventsR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request RO (Vector Event) Source #
List user public events. See
Missing endpoints:
- Check if you are starring a repository
stargazersForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
List Stargazers. See
reposStarredByR :: Name Owner -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
List repositories being starred. See
myStarredR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Repo) Source #
All the repos starred by the authenticated user. See
myStarredAcceptStarR :: FetchCount -> GenRequest MtStar RA (Vector RepoStarred) Source #
All the repos starred by the authenticated user. See
starRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> GenRequest MtUnit RW () Source #
Star a repo by the authenticated user. See
unstarRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request RW () Source #
Unstar a repo by the authenticated user. See
Missing endpoints:
- Query a Repository Subscription
- Set a Repository Subscription
- Delete a Repository Subscription
watchersForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
List watchers. See
reposWatchedByR :: Name Owner -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
List repositories being watched. See
Missing endpoints:
- Query a specific revision of a gist
- Create a gist
- Edit a gist
- List gist commits
- Check if a gist is starred
- Fork a gist
- List gist forks
gistsR :: Name Owner -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Gist) Source #
List gists. See
gistR :: Name Gist -> Request k Gist Source #
Query a single gist. See
starGistR :: Name Gist -> GenRequest MtUnit RW () Source #
Star a gist by the authenticated user. See
unstarGistR :: Name Gist -> Request RW () Source #
Unstar a gist by the authenticated user. See
deleteGistR :: Name Gist -> Request RW () Source #
Delete a gist by the authenticated user. See
Missing endpoints: * Create a comment * Edit a comment * Delete a comment
commentsOnR :: Name Gist -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector GistComment) Source #
List comments on a gist. See
gistCommentR :: Id GistComment -> Request k GistComment Source #
Query a single comment. See
Git Data
blobR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Blob -> Request k Blob Source #
Query a blob. See
gitCommitR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name GitCommit -> Request k GitCommit Source #
Query a commit. See
referenceR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name GitReference -> Request k GitReference Source #
Query a reference. See
referencesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector GitReference) Source #
Query all References. See
createReferenceR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewGitReference -> Request RW GitReference Source #
Create a reference. See
treeR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Tree -> Request k Tree Source #
Query a Tree. See
nestedTreeR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Tree -> Request k Tree Source #
Query a Tree Recursively. See
currentUserIssuesR :: IssueMod -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Issue) Source #
organizationIssuesR :: Name Organization -> IssueMod -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Issue) Source #
issueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> Request k Issue Source #
Query a single issue. See
issuesForRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueRepoMod -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Issue) Source #
List issues for a repository. See
createIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewIssue -> Request RW Issue Source #
Create an issue. See
editIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> EditIssue -> Request RW Issue Source #
Edit an issue. See
commentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request k IssueComment Source #
Query a single comment. See
commentsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueComment) Source #
List comments on an issue. See
createCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Text -> Request RW Comment Source #
Create a comment. See
deleteCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request RW () Source #
Delete a comment. See
editCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Text -> Request RW Comment Source #
Edit a comment. See
eventsForIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueEvent) Source #
List events for an issue. See
eventsForRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueEvent) Source #
List events for a repository. See
eventR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id IssueEvent -> Request k IssueEvent Source #
Query a single event. See
labelsOnRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueLabel) Source #
List all labels for this repository. See
labelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> Request k IssueLabel Source #
Query a single label. See
createLabelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> String -> Request RW IssueLabel Source #
Create a label. See
:: Name Owner | |
-> Name Repo | |
-> Name IssueLabel | old label name |
-> Name IssueLabel | new label name |
-> String | new color |
-> Request RW IssueLabel |
Update a label. See
deleteLabelR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name IssueLabel -> Request RW () Source #
Delete a label. See
labelsOnIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueLabel) Source #
List labels on an issue. See
addLabelsToIssueR :: Foldable f => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> f (Name IssueLabel) -> Request RW (Vector IssueLabel) Source #
Add lables to an issue. See
removeLabelFromIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> Name IssueLabel -> Request RW () Source #
Remove a label from an issue. See
replaceAllLabelsForIssueR :: Foldable f => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> f (Name IssueLabel) -> Request RW (Vector IssueLabel) Source #
Replace all labels on an issue. See
Sending an empty list will remove all labels from the issue.
removeAllLabelsFromIssueR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Issue -> Request RW () Source #
Remove all labels from an issue. See
labelsOnMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector IssueLabel) Source #
Query labels for every issue in a milestone. See
milestonesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Milestone) Source #
List milestones for a repository. See
milestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> Request k Milestone Source #
Query a single milestone. See
createMilestone :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewMilestone -> IO (Either Error Milestone) Source #
createMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewMilestone -> Request RW Milestone Source #
Create a milestone. See
updateMilestone :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> UpdateMilestone -> IO (Either Error Milestone) Source #
updateMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> UpdateMilestone -> Request RW Milestone Source #
Update a milestone. See
deleteMilestoneR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Milestone -> Request RW () Source #
Delete a milestone. See
Missing endpoints:
- List your organizations
- List all organizations
- Edit an organization
publicOrganizationsForR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleOrganization) Source #
List public user organizations. See
publicOrganizationR :: Name Organization -> Request k Organization Source #
Query an organization. See
organizationsR :: FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleOrganization) Source #
List all user organizations. See
Missing endpoints: All except Members List and Check Membership
membersOfR :: Name Organization -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
All the users who are members of the specified organization.
membersOfWithR :: Name Organization -> OrgMemberFilter -> OrgMemberRole -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
with filters.
isMemberOfR :: Name User -> Name Organization -> GenRequest MtStatus rw Bool Source #
Check if a user is a member of an organization.
orgInvitationsR :: Name Organization -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Invitation) Source #
List pending organization invitations
Missing endpoints:
- Query team member (deprecated)
- Add team member (deprecated)
- Remove team member (deprecated)
- Check if a team manages a repository
- Add team repository
- Remove team repository
teamsOfR :: Name Organization -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleTeam) Source #
List teams. See
teamInfoForR :: Id Team -> Request k Team Source #
Query team. See
createTeamForR :: Name Organization -> CreateTeam -> Request RW Team Source #
Create team. See
editTeamR :: Id Team -> EditTeam -> Request RW Team Source #
Edit team. See
listTeamMembersR :: Id Team -> TeamMemberRole -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
List team members.
listTeamReposR :: Id Team -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
Query team repositories. See
teamMembershipInfoForR :: Id Team -> Name Owner -> Request k TeamMembership Source #
Query team membership. See <
addTeamMembershipForR :: Id Team -> Name Owner -> Role -> Request RW TeamMembership Source #
Add team membership. See
deleteTeamMembershipForR :: Id Team -> Name Owner -> Request RW () Source #
Remove team membership. See
listTeamsCurrentR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Team) Source #
List user teams. See
Pull Requests
pullRequestsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> PullRequestMod -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimplePullRequest) Source #
List pull requests. See
pullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Request k PullRequest Source #
Query a single pull request. See
pullRequestPatchR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> GenRequest MtPatch rw ByteString Source #
Query a single pull request to obtain the patch See
pullRequestDiffR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> GenRequest MtDiff rw ByteString Source #
Query a single pull request to obtain the diff See
createPullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> CreatePullRequest -> Request RW PullRequest Source #
Create a pull request. See
updatePullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> EditPullRequest -> Request RW PullRequest Source #
Update a pull request. See
pullRequestCommitsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Commit) Source #
List commits on a pull request. See
pullRequestFilesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector File) Source #
List pull requests files. See
isPullRequestMergedR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> GenRequest MtStatus rw Bool Source #
Query if a pull request has been merged. See
mergePullRequestR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Maybe Text -> GenRequest MtStatus RW MergeResult Source #
Merge a pull request (Merge Button).
Review comments
Missing endpoints:
- List comments in a repository
- Edit a comment
- Delete a comment
pullRequestCommentsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Comment) Source #
List comments on a pull request. See
pullRequestCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request k Comment Source #
Query a single comment. See
createPullCommentR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IssueNumber -> Text -> Text -> Int -> Text -> Request RW Comment Source #
Create a comment.
Pull request reviews
Missing endpoints:
- Delete a pending review
- Create a pull request review
- Submit a pull request review
- Dismiss a pull request review
pullRequestReviewsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Review) Source #
List reviews for a pull request. See
pullRequestReviews :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> IO (Either Error (Vector Review)) Source #
All reviews for a pull request given the repo owner, repo name and the pull request id.
pullRequestReviews "thoughtbot" "paperclip" (Id 101)
pullRequestReviews' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> IO (Either Error (Vector Review)) Source #
All reviews for a pull request given the repo owner, repo name and the pull request id. With authentication.
pullRequestReviews' (Just ("github-username", "github-password")) "thoughtbot" "paperclip" (Id 101)
pullRequestReviewR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> Request k Review Source #
Query a single pull request review. see
pullRequestReview :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error Review) Source #
A detailed review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id.
pullRequestReview "thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)
pullRequestReview' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error Review) Source #
A detailed review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id. With authentication.
pullRequestReview' (Just ("github-username", "github-password"))
"thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)
pullRequestReviewCommentsR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> Request k [ReviewComment] Source #
Query the comments for a single pull request review. see
pullRequestReviewCommentsIO :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error [ReviewComment]) Source #
All comments for a review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id.
pullRequestReviewComments "thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)
pullRequestReviewCommentsIO' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error [ReviewComment]) Source #
All comments for a review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id. With authentication.
pullRequestReviewComments' (Just ("github-username", "github-password")) "thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)
Missing endpoints:
- List all public repositories
- List Teams
- Query Branch
- Enabling and disabling branch protection
currentUserReposR :: RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
List your repositories. See
userReposR :: Name Owner -> RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
List user repositories. See
organizationReposR :: Name Organization -> RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
List organization repositories. See
repositoryR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Repo Source #
Query single repository. See
:: Name Owner | |
-> Name Repo | |
-> Bool | Include anonymous |
-> FetchCount | |
-> Request k (Vector Contributor) |
List contributors. See
languagesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Languages Source #
List languages. See
tagsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Tag) Source #
List tags. See
branchesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Branch) Source #
List branches. See
collaboratorsOnR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
List collaborators. See
:: Name Owner | Repository owner |
-> Name Repo | Repository name |
-> Name User | Collaborator? |
-> GenRequest MtStatus rw Bool |
Check if a user is a collaborator. See
:: Name Owner | Repository owner |
-> Name Repo | Repository name |
-> Name User | Collaborator to add |
-> GenRequest MtUnit RW () |
Invite a user as a collaborator. See
Missing endpoints:
- Create a commit comment
- Update a commit comment
- Delete a commit comment
commentsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Comment) Source #
List commit comments for a repository. See
commitCommentsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Comment) Source #
List comments for a single commit. See
commitCommentForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Comment -> Request k Comment Source #
Query a single commit comment. See
commitsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Commit) Source #
List commits on a repository. See
commitsWithOptionsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> [CommitQueryOption] -> Request k (Vector Commit) Source #
List commits on a repository. See
commitR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> Request k Commit Source #
Query a single commit. See
diffR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> Name Commit -> Request k Diff Source #
Compare two commits. See
Missing endpoints: * Get a single deployment * Update a deployment * Get a single deployment status
deploymentsWithOptionsForR :: FromJSON a => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> [DeploymentQueryOption] -> Request RA (Vector (Deployment a)) Source #
List deployments. See
createDeploymentR :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => Name Owner -> Name Repo -> CreateDeployment a -> Request RW (Deployment a) Source #
Create a deployment. See
deploymentStatusesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id (Deployment a) -> FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector DeploymentStatus) Source #
List deployment statuses. See
createDeploymentStatusR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id (Deployment a) -> CreateDeploymentStatus -> Request RW DeploymentStatus Source #
Create a deployment status. See
forksForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo) Source #
List forks. See
webhooksForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector RepoWebhook) Source #
List hooks. See
webhookForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> Request k RepoWebhook Source #
Query single hook. See
createRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> NewRepoWebhook -> Request RW RepoWebhook Source #
Create a hook. See
editRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> EditRepoWebhook -> Request RW RepoWebhook Source #
Edit a hook. See
testPushRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> GenRequest MtStatus RW Bool Source #
Test a push hook. See
pingRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> GenRequest MtStatus RW Bool Source #
Ping a hook. See
deleteRepoWebhookR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id RepoWebhook -> Request RW () Source #
Delete a hook. See
releasesR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Release) Source #
List releases for a repository. See
releaseR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id Release -> Request k Release Source #
Get a single release. See
latestReleaseR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Release Source #
Get the latest release. See
releaseByTagNameR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Text -> Request k Release Source #
Get a release by tag name See
searchReposR :: Text -> Request k (SearchResult Repo) Source #
Search repositories. See
searchCodeR :: Text -> Request k (SearchResult Code) Source #
Search code. See
searchIssuesR :: Text -> Request k (SearchResult Issue) Source #
Search issues. See
Missing endpoints:
- Update the authenticated user
- Query all users
userInfoForR :: Name User -> Request k User Source #
Query a single user. See
ownerInfoForR :: Name Owner -> Request k Owner Source #
Query a single user or an organization. See
userInfoCurrentR :: Request RA User Source #
Query the authenticated user. See
Missing endpoints:
- Add email address(es)
- Delete email address(es)
- Toggle primary email visibility
currentUserEmailsR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Email) Source #
List email addresses. See
currentUserPublicEmailsR :: FetchCount -> Request RA (Vector Email) Source #
List public email addresses. See
Missing endpoints:
- Check if you are following a user
- Check if one user follows another
- Follow a user
- Unfollow a user
usersFollowingR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
List followers of a user. See
usersFollowedByR :: Name User -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector SimpleUser) Source #
List users followed by another user. See
createStatusR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> NewStatus -> Request RW Status Source #
Create a new status See
statusesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> FetchCount -> Request RW (Vector Status) Source #
All statuses for a commit See
statusForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Name Commit -> Request RW CombinedStatus Source #
The combined status for a specific commit See
Rate Limit
rateLimitR :: Request k RateLimit Source #
Get your current rate limit status.
Data definitions
module GitHub.Data
Request handling
module GitHub.Request