-- |
-- License     :  BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer  :  Oleg Grenrus <oleg.grenrus@iki.fi>
-- The Github Repos API, as documented at
-- <http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/>
module GitHub.Endpoints.Repos (
    -- * Querying repositories

    -- ** Create

    -- ** Edit

    -- ** Delete

    -- * Data
    module GitHub.Data,
    ) where

import GitHub.Data
import GitHub.Internal.Prelude
import GitHub.Request
import Prelude ()

repoPublicityQueryString :: RepoPublicity -> QueryString
repoPublicityQueryString RepoPublicityAll     = [("type", Just "all")]
repoPublicityQueryString RepoPublicityOwner   = [("type", Just "owner")]
repoPublicityQueryString RepoPublicityMember  = [("type", Just "member")]
repoPublicityQueryString RepoPublicityPublic  = [("type", Just "public")]
repoPublicityQueryString RepoPublicityPrivate = [("type", Just "private")]

-- | List your repositories.
currentUserRepos :: Auth -> RepoPublicity -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
currentUserRepos auth publicity =
    executeRequest auth $ currentUserReposR publicity FetchAll

-- | List your repositories.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-your-repositories>
currentUserReposR :: RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Repo)
currentUserReposR publicity =
    pagedQuery  ["user", "repos"] qs
    qs = repoPublicityQueryString publicity

-- | The repos for a user, by their login. Can be restricted to just repos they
-- own, are a member of, or publicize. Private repos will return empty list.
-- > userRepos "mike-burns" All
userRepos :: Name Owner -> RepoPublicity -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
userRepos = userRepos' Nothing

-- | The repos for a user, by their login.
-- With authentication.
-- > userRepos' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "mike-burns" All
    :: Maybe Auth
    -> Name Owner
    -> RepoPublicity
    -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
userRepos' auth user publicity =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ userReposR user publicity FetchAll

-- | List user repositories.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-user-repositories>
userReposR :: Name Owner -> RepoPublicity -> FetchCount -> Request k(Vector Repo)
userReposR user publicity =
    pagedQuery  ["users", toPathPart user, "repos"] qs
    qs = repoPublicityQueryString publicity

-- | The repos for an organization, by the organization name.
-- > organizationRepos "thoughtbot"
organizationRepos :: Name Organization -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
organizationRepos org = organizationRepos' Nothing org RepoPublicityAll

-- | The repos for an organization, by the organization name.
-- With authentication.
-- > organizationRepos (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "thoughtbot" All
    :: Maybe Auth
    -> Name Organization
    -> RepoPublicity
    -> IO (Either Error (Vector Repo))
organizationRepos' auth org publicity =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ organizationReposR org publicity FetchAll

-- | List organization repositories.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-organization-repositories>
    :: Name Organization
    -> RepoPublicity
    -> FetchCount
    -> Request k (Vector Repo)
organizationReposR org publicity =
    pagedQuery ["orgs", toPathPart org, "repos"] qs
    qs = repoPublicityQueryString publicity

-- | Details on a specific repo, given the owner and repo name.
-- > repository "mike-burns" "github"
repository :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error Repo)
repository = repository' Nothing

-- | Details on a specific repo, given the owner and repo name.
-- With authentication.
-- > repository' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "mike-burns" "github"
repository' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error Repo)
repository' auth user repo =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ repositoryR user repo

-- | Query single repository.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#get>
repositoryR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Repo
repositoryR user repo =
    query ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo] []

-- | Create a new repository.
-- > createRepo' (BasicAuth (user, password)) (newRepo "some_repo") {newRepoHasIssues = Just False}
createRepo' :: Auth -> NewRepo -> IO (Either Error Repo)
createRepo' auth nrepo =
    executeRequest auth $ createRepoR nrepo

-- | Create a new repository.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create>
createRepoR :: NewRepo -> Request 'RW Repo
createRepoR nrepo =
    command Post ["user", "repos"] (encode nrepo)

-- | Fork an existing repository.
forkExistingRepo' :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Maybe (Name Owner) -> IO (Either Error Repo)
forkExistingRepo' auth owner repo morg =
    executeRequest auth $ forkExistingRepoR owner repo morg

-- | Fork an existing repository.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/forks/#create-a-fork>
-- TODO: The third paramater (an optional Organisation) is not used yet.
forkExistingRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Maybe (Name Owner) -> Request 'RW Repo
forkExistingRepoR owner repo _morg =
    command Post ["repos", toPathPart owner, toPathPart repo, "forks" ] mempty

-- | Create a new repository for an organization.
-- > createOrganizationRepo (BasicAuth (user, password)) "thoughtbot" (newRepo "some_repo") {newRepoHasIssues = Just False}
createOrganizationRepo' :: Auth -> Name Organization -> NewRepo -> IO (Either Error Repo)
createOrganizationRepo' auth org nrepo =
    executeRequest auth $ createOrganizationRepoR org nrepo

-- | Create a new repository for an organization.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create>
createOrganizationRepoR :: Name Organization -> NewRepo -> Request 'RW Repo
createOrganizationRepoR org nrepo =
    command Post ["orgs", toPathPart org, "repos"] (encode nrepo)

-- | Edit an existing repository.
-- > editRepo (BasicAuth (user, password)) "some_user" "some_repo" def {editDescription = Just "some description"}
    :: Auth
    -> Name Owner      -- ^ owner
    -> Name Repo             -- ^ repository name
    -> EditRepo
    -> IO (Either Error Repo)
editRepo auth user repo body =
    executeRequest auth $ editRepoR user repo body

-- | Edit an existing repository.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#edit>
editRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> EditRepo -> Request 'RW Repo
editRepoR user repo body =
    command Patch ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo] (encode b)
    -- if no name is given, use curent name
    b = body {editName = editName body <|> Just repo}

-- | The contributors to a repo, given the owner and repo name.
-- > contributors "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
contributors :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Contributor))
contributors = contributors' Nothing

-- | The contributors to a repo, given the owner and repo name.
-- With authentication.
-- > contributors' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
contributors' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Contributor))
contributors' auth user repo =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ contributorsR user repo False FetchAll

-- | List contributors.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-contributors>
    :: Name Owner
    -> Name Repo
    -> Bool              -- ^ Include anonymous
    -> FetchCount
    -> Request k (Vector Contributor)
contributorsR user repo anon =
    pagedQuery ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "contributors"] qs
    qs | anon      = [("anon", Just "true")]
       | otherwise = []

-- | The contributors to a repo, including anonymous contributors (such as
-- deleted users or git commits with unknown email addresses), given the owner
-- and repo name.
-- > contributorsWithAnonymous "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
contributorsWithAnonymous :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Contributor))
contributorsWithAnonymous = contributorsWithAnonymous' Nothing

-- | The contributors to a repo, including anonymous contributors (such as
-- deleted users or git commits with unknown email addresses), given the owner
-- and repo name.
-- With authentication.
-- > contributorsWithAnonymous' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
contributorsWithAnonymous' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Contributor))
contributorsWithAnonymous' auth user repo =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ contributorsR user repo True FetchAll

-- | The programming languages used in a repo along with the number of
-- characters written in that language. Takes the repo owner and name.
-- > languagesFor "mike-burns" "ohlaunch"
languagesFor :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error Languages)
languagesFor = languagesFor' Nothing

-- | The programming languages used in a repo along with the number of
-- characters written in that language. Takes the repo owner and name.
-- With authentication.
-- > languagesFor' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "mike-burns" "ohlaunch"
languagesFor' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error Languages)
languagesFor' auth user repo =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ languagesForR user repo

-- | List languages.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-languages>
languagesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request k Languages
languagesForR user repo =
    query ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "languages"] []

-- | The git tags on a repo, given the repo owner and name.
-- > tagsFor "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
tagsFor :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Tag))
tagsFor = tagsFor' Nothing

-- | The git tags on a repo, given the repo owner and name.
-- With authentication.
-- > tagsFor' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
tagsFor' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Tag))
tagsFor' auth user repo =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ tagsForR user repo FetchAll

-- | List tags.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-tags>
tagsForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Tag)
tagsForR user repo =
    pagedQuery  ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "tags"] []

-- | The git branches on a repo, given the repo owner and name.
-- > branchesFor "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
branchesFor :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Branch))
branchesFor = branchesFor' Nothing

-- | The git branches on a repo, given the repo owner and name.
-- With authentication.
-- > branchesFor' (Just (BasicAuth (user, password))) "thoughtbot" "paperclip"
branchesFor' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error (Vector Branch))
branchesFor' auth user repo =
    executeRequestMaybe auth $ branchesForR user repo FetchAll

-- | List branches.
-- See <https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-branches>
branchesForR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> FetchCount -> Request k (Vector Branch)
branchesForR user repo =
    pagedQuery  ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "branches"] []

-- | Delete an existing repository.
-- > deleteRepo (BasicAuth (user, password)) "thoughtbot" "some_repo"
deleteRepo :: Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> IO (Either Error ())
deleteRepo auth user repo =
    executeRequest auth $ deleteRepoR user repo

deleteRepoR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Request 'RW ()
deleteRepoR user repo =
    command Delete ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo] mempty