fwgl- FRP 2D/3D game engine

Safe HaskellNone




Simplified 3D graphics system.



data Element Source

A 3D object with a Texture and a transformation.

cube :: GLES => Texture -> Element Source

A cube with a specified Texture.


data Geometry is Source

A set of attributes and indices.


type Geometry3 = `[Position3, UV, Normal3]` Source

A 3D geometry.

geom :: Texture -> Geometry Geometry3 -> Element Source

An element with a specified Geometry and Texture.

mkGeometry3 Source


:: GLES 
=> [V3]

List of vertices.

-> [V2]

List of UV coordinates.

-> [V3]

List of normals.

-> [Word16]

Triangles expressed as triples of indices to the three lists above.

-> Geometry Geometry3 

Create a 3D Geometry. The first three lists should have the same length.


data Texture Source

A texture.

textureURL Source


:: String


-> Texture 

Creates a Texture from an URL or a local file.

colorTex :: GLES => Color -> Texture Source

Generate a 1x1 texture.

mkTexture Source


:: GLES 
=> Int


-> Int


-> [Color]

List of pixels

-> Texture 

Creates a Texture from a list of pixels.


data V3 Source

Three-dimensional vector.


V3 !Float !Float !Float 

pos :: V3 -> Element -> Element Source

Translate an Element.

rotX :: Float -> Element -> Element Source

Rotate an Element around the X axis.

rotY :: Float -> Element -> Element Source

Rotate an Element around the X axis.

rotZ :: Float -> Element -> Element Source

Rotate an Element around the X axis.

rotAA :: V3 -> Float -> Element -> Element Source

Rotate an Element around an axis and an angle.

scaleV :: V3 -> Element -> Element Source

Scale an Element in three dimensions.

transform :: M4 -> Element -> Element Source

Transform an Element.


data Layer Source

An object associated with a program.

Element layers

elements :: BackendIO => [Element] -> Layer Source

Create a standard Layer from a list of Elements.

view :: BackendIO => M4 -> [Element] -> Layer Source

Create a Layer from a view matrix and a list of Elements.

Object layers

layer :: BackendIO => Object DefaultUniforms3D Geometry3 -> Layer Source

Create a Layer from a 3D Object, using the default shader.

layerPrg :: (BackendIO, Subset og pg) => Program pg Geometry3 -> Object og Geometry3 -> Layer Source

Create a Layer from a 3D Object, using a custom shader.


subLayer Source


:: Int

Texture width.

-> Int

Texture height.

-> Layer

Layer to draw on a Texture.

-> (Texture -> [Layer])

Layer to draw on the screen.

-> Layer 

Use a Layer as a Texture on another.

Custom 3D objects

data Object gs is Source

An object is a set of geometries associated with some uniforms.

object :: BackendIO => M4 -> [Element] -> Object DefaultUniforms3D Geometry3 Source

Create a graphical Object from a list of Elements and a view matrix.

object1 :: BackendIO => Element -> Object `[Transform3, Texture2]` Geometry3 Source

Create a graphical Object from a single Element. This lets you set your own globals individually. If the shader uses the view matrix View3 (e.g. the default 3D shader), you have to set it with viewObject.

(~~) :: (Equal gs gs', Equal is is') => Object gs is -> Object gs' is' -> Object (Union gs gs') (Union is is') Source

Join two objects.


global :: (Typeable g, UniformCPU c g) => g -> c -> Object gs is -> Object (g : gs) is Source

Sets a global (uniform) of an object.

globalTexture :: (BackendIO, Typeable g, UniformCPU ActiveTexture g) => g -> Texture -> Object gs is -> Object (g : gs) is Source

Sets a global (uniform) of an object using a Texture.

globalTexSize :: (BackendIO, Typeable g, UniformCPU c g) => g -> Texture -> ((Int, Int) -> c) -> Object gs is -> Object (g : gs) is Source

Sets a global (uniform) of an object using the dimensions of a Texture.

viewObject :: BackendIO => M4 -> Object gs Geometry3 -> Object (View3 : gs) Geometry3 Source

Set the value of the view matrix of a 3D Object.

type DefaultUniforms3D = Uniforms Source

The uniforms used in the default 3D program.

3D matrices

data V4 Source

Four-dimensional vector.


V4 !Float !Float !Float !Float 

data M4 Source

4x4 matrix.


M4 !V4 !V4 !V4 !V4 

mul4 :: M4 -> M4 -> M4 Source

4x4 matrix multiplication.

View matrices

perspectiveMat4 Source


:: Float


-> Float


-> Float


-> Float

Aspect ratio

-> M4 

4x4 perspective matrix.

cameraMat4 Source


:: V3


-> Float


-> Float


-> M4 

4x4 FPS camera matrix.

Transformation matrices

idMat4 :: M4 Source

4x4 identity matrix.

transMat4 :: V3 -> M4 Source

4x4 translation matrix.

rotXMat4 :: Float -> M4 Source

4x4 rotation matrix (X axis).

rotYMat4 :: Float -> M4 Source

4x4 rotation matrix (Y axis).

rotZMat4 :: Float -> M4 Source

4x4 rotation matrix (Z axis).

rotAAMat4 Source


:: V3


-> Float


-> M4 

4x4 rotation matrix.

scaleMat4 :: V3 -> M4 Source

4x4 scale matrix.