{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
module Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory.Lmad
, index
, iota
, offsetIndex
, strideIndex
, permute
, rotate
, reshape
, slice
, base
, rebase
, repeat
, isContiguous
, shape
, rank
, getMonotonicity
, linearWithOffset
, rearrangeWithOffset
, isDirect
, isLinear
, substituteInIxFun
import Data.List as L hiding (repeat)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Prelude hiding (mod, repeat)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Futhark.Transform.Substitute
import Futhark.Transform.Rename
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Syntax
(ShapeChange, DimChange(..), DimIndex(..), Slice, unitSlice, VName)
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes
import Futhark.Util.IntegralExp
import Futhark.Util.Pretty
import Futhark.Analysis.PrimExp.Convert
type Shape num = [num]
type Indices num = [num]
type Permutation = [Int]
data DimInfo = Inc | Dec | Unknown
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Lmad num = Lmad num [(num, num, num, Int, DimInfo)]
deriving (Show,Eq)
data IxFun num = IxFun [Lmad num] (Shape num) Bool
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Pretty DimInfo where
ppr Inc = text "I"
ppr Dec = text "D"
ppr Unknown = text "U"
instance Pretty num => Pretty (Lmad num) where
ppr (Lmad tau srnps) =
let (ss, rs, ns, ps, fs) = unzip5 srnps
in text " | " <> ppr tau <>
text " + " <> brackets (commasep $ map ppr ss) <>
text "v" <> brackets (commasep $ map ppr rs) <>
text "v" <> brackets (commasep $ map ppr ns) <>
text "v" <> brackets (commasep $ map ppr ps) <>
text "v" <> brackets (commasep $ map ppr fs) <>
text " | "
instance Pretty num => Pretty (IxFun num) where
ppr (IxFun lmads orgshp cg) =
text "Shape: " <> braces (commasep $ map ppr orgshp) <>
text " LMADS: " <> braces (stack $ map ppr lmads) <>
text " CONTIG: "<> text (show cg)
instance Substitute num => Substitute (Lmad num) where
substituteNames substs = fmap $ substituteNames substs
instance Substitute num => Substitute (IxFun num) where
substituteNames substs = fmap $ substituteNames substs
instance Substitute num => Rename (Lmad num) where
rename = substituteRename
instance Substitute num => Rename (IxFun num) where
rename = substituteRename
instance FreeIn num => FreeIn (Lmad num) where
freeIn = foldMap freeIn
instance FreeIn num => FreeIn (IxFun num) where
freeIn = foldMap freeIn
instance Functor Lmad where
fmap f = runIdentity . traverse (return . f)
instance Functor IxFun where
fmap f = runIdentity . traverse (return . f)
instance Foldable Lmad where
foldMap f = execWriter . traverse (tell . f)
instance Foldable IxFun where
foldMap f = execWriter . traverse (tell . f)
instance Traversable Lmad where
traverse f (Lmad x l) =
Lmad <$> f x <*> traverse f' l
where f' (a, b, c, k, info) =
(,,,,) <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c <*> pure k <*> pure info
instance Traversable IxFun where
traverse f (IxFun lmads shp cg) =
IxFun <$> traverse (traverse f) lmads <*> traverse f shp <*> pure cg
substituteInLmad :: M.Map VName (PrimExp VName) -> Lmad (PrimExp VName)
-> Lmad (PrimExp VName)
substituteInLmad tab (Lmad off srnpds) =
let off' = substituteInPrimExp tab off
srnpds' = map (\(s,r,n,p,d) ->
( substituteInPrimExp tab s
, substituteInPrimExp tab r
, substituteInPrimExp tab n
, p, d
) srnpds
in Lmad off' srnpds'
substituteInIxFun :: M.Map VName (PrimExp VName) -> IxFun (PrimExp VName)
-> IxFun (PrimExp VName)
substituteInIxFun tab (IxFun lmads shp b) =
IxFun (map (substituteInLmad tab) lmads)
(map (substituteInPrimExp tab) shp)
isDirect :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => IxFun num -> Bool
isDirect (IxFun [Lmad off info] shp True)
| length shp == length info,
all (\((s,r,n,p,_),i,d) -> s==1 && r==0 && n==d && p==i)
(zip3 info [0..length info - 1] shp),
off == 0 = True
| otherwise = False
isDirect _ = False
isContiguous :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => IxFun num -> Bool
isContiguous (IxFun _ _ cg) = cg
shape0 :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => Lmad num -> Shape num
shape0 lmad@(Lmad _ srns) =
map (\(_,_,z,_,_)->z) $ permuteInv (getPermutation lmad) srns
shape :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => IxFun num -> Shape num
shape (IxFun [] _ _) = error "shape: empty index function"
shape (IxFun (lmad:_) _ _) = shape0 lmad
index :: (IntegralExp num, Eq num) =>
IxFun num -> Indices num -> num -> num
index (IxFun [] _ _) _ _ = error "index: empty index function"
index (IxFun [lmad] _ _) iis elm_size = index0 lmad iis elm_size
index (IxFun (lmad1:lmad2:lmads) oshp c) iis elm_size =
let i_flat = index0 lmad1 iis 1
new_inds = unflattenIndex (shape0 lmad2) i_flat
in index (IxFun (lmad2:lmads) oshp c) new_inds elm_size
index0 :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
Lmad num -> Indices num -> num -> num
index0 lmad@(Lmad tau srnps) inds elm_size =
let prod = sum $ zipWith flatOneDim
(map (\(s,r,n,_,_) -> (s,r,n)) srnps)
(permuteInv (getPermutation lmad) inds)
ind = tau + prod
in if elm_size == 1 then ind else ind * elm_size
iota :: (IntegralExp num) => Shape num -> IxFun num
iota ns = IxFun [makeRotIota Inc 0 $ zip rs ns] ns True
where rs = replicate (length ns) 0
permute :: IntegralExp num =>
IxFun num -> Permutation -> IxFun num
permute (IxFun [] _ _) _ = error "permute: empty index function"
permute (IxFun (lmad:lmads) oshp cg) ps =
let perm = map (\p -> ps !! p) $ getPermutation lmad
in IxFun (setPermutation perm lmad : lmads) oshp cg
repeat :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> [Shape num] -> Shape num -> IxFun num
repeat (IxFun [] _ _) _ _ = error "repeat: empty index function"
repeat (IxFun (lmad@(Lmad tau srnps) : lmads) oshp cg) shps shp =
let perm = getPermutation lmad
lens = map (\s -> 1 + length s) shps
(shps', lens') = unzip $ permuteInv perm $ zip shps lens
scn = drop 1 $ scanl (+) 0 lens'
perm' = concatMap (\(p,l) -> map (\i-> (scn!!p)-l+i) [0..l-1])
$ zip perm lens
tmp = length perm'
perm'' = perm' ++ [tmp..tmp-1+length shp]
srnps' = concatMap (\(shp_k, srnp)->
map fakeDim shp_k ++ [srnp]
) $ zip shps' srnps
lmad' = setPermutation perm'' $ Lmad tau (srnps' ++ map fakeDim shp)
in IxFun (lmad' : lmads) oshp cg
where fakeDim x = (0,0,x,0,Unknown)
rotate :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> Indices num -> IxFun num
rotate (IxFun [] _ _) _ = error "rotate: empty index function"
rotate (IxFun (lmad@(Lmad off srnps) : lmads) oshp cg) offs =
let srnps' = zipWith (\(s,r,n,p,f) o ->
if s == 0 then (0,0,n,p,Unknown)
else (s,r+o,n,p,f)
) srnps $ permuteInv (getPermutation lmad) offs
in IxFun (Lmad off srnps':lmads) oshp cg
slice :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> Slice num -> IxFun num
slice (IxFun [] _ _) _ = error "slice: empty index function"
slice _ [] = error "slice: empty slice ???"
slice ixfn dim_slices
| dim_slices == map (unitSlice 0) (shape ixfn) = ixfn
slice (IxFun (lmad@(Lmad _ srnpfs):lmads) oshp cg) is =
let perm= getPermutation lmad
is' = permuteInv perm is
contig = cg && preservesContiguous lmad is'
in if harmlessRotation lmad is'
then let lmad' = foldl sliceOne (Lmad (getOffset lmad) [])
$ zip is' srnpfs
perm' = updatePerm perm $ map fst $ filter isFixedDim $
zip [0..length is' - 1] is'
in IxFun (setPermutation perm' lmad':lmads) oshp contig
case slice (iota (shape0 lmad)) is of
IxFun [lmad'] _ _ -> IxFun (lmad':lmad:lmads) oshp contig
_ -> error "slice: reached impossible case!"
where isFixedDim (_,DimFix{}) = True
isFixedDim _ = False
updatePerm ps inds = foldl (\acc p -> acc ++ decrease p) [] ps
where decrease p =
let d = foldl (\n i -> if i == p then (-1)
else if i > p
then n
else if n /= (-1) then n+1
else n
) 0 inds
in if d == (-1) then [] else [p-d]
harmlessRotation0 :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
(num,num,num,Int,DimInfo) -> DimIndex num -> Bool
harmlessRotation0 _ (DimFix _) = True
harmlessRotation0 (0,_,_,_,_) _ = True
harmlessRotation0 (_,0,_,_,_) _ = True
harmlessRotation0 (_,_,n,_,_) dslc
| dslc == DimSlice (n-1) n (-1) ||
dslc == unitSlice 0 n = True
harmlessRotation0 _ _ = False
harmlessRotation :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
Lmad num -> Slice num -> Bool
harmlessRotation (Lmad _ srnps) iss =
and $ zipWith harmlessRotation0 srnps iss
sliceOne :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
Lmad num -> (DimIndex num, (num,num,num,Int,DimInfo)) -> Lmad num
sliceOne (Lmad tau srns) (DimFix i, (s,r,n,_,_)) =
Lmad (tau + flatOneDim (s,r,n) i) srns
sliceOne (Lmad tau srns) (DimSlice _ ne _, (0,_,_,p,_)) =
Lmad tau (srns ++ [(0,0,ne,p,Unknown)])
sliceOne (Lmad tau srns) (dmind, srn@(_,_,n,_,_))
| dmind == unitSlice 0 n = Lmad tau (srns ++ [srn])
sliceOne (Lmad tau srns) (dmind, (s,r,n,p,f))
| dmind == DimSlice (n-1) n (-1) =
let r' = if r == 0 then 0 else n-r
in Lmad tau' (srns ++ [(s*(-1),r',n,p, invertInfo f)])
where tau' = tau + flatOneDim (s,0,n) (n-1)
sliceOne (Lmad tau srns) (DimSlice b ne 0, (s,r,n,p,_)) =
Lmad (tau + flatOneDim (s,r,n) b) (srns ++ [(0,0,ne,p,Unknown)])
sliceOne (Lmad tau srns) (DimSlice bs ns ss, (s,0,_,p,f)) =
let f' = case sgn ss of
Just 1 -> f
Just (-1) -> invertInfo f
_ -> Unknown
in Lmad (tau + s*bs) (srns ++ [(ss*s,0,ns,p,f')])
sliceOne _ _ = error "slice: reached impossible case!"
normIndex :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
DimIndex num -> DimIndex num
normIndex (DimSlice b 1 _) = DimFix b
normIndex (DimSlice b _ 0) = DimFix b
normIndex d = d
preservesContiguous :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
Lmad num -> Slice num -> Bool
preservesContiguous (Lmad _ srnps) slc =
let (srnps', slc') = unzip $
filter (\((s,_,_,_,_),_) -> s /= 0) $
zip srnps $ map normIndex slc
(_, success) =
foldl (\(found,res) (slcdim, (_,r,n,_,_)) ->
case (slcdim, found) of
(DimFix{}, True ) -> (found, False)
(DimFix{}, False) -> (found, res)
(DimSlice _ ne ds, False) ->
let res' = (r == 0 || n == ne) && (ds == 1 || ds == (-1))
in (True, res && res')
(DimSlice _ ne ds, True) ->
let res' = (n == ne) && (ds == 1 || ds == (-1))
in (found, res && res')
) (False,True) $ zip slc' srnps'
in success
reshape :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> ShapeChange num -> IxFun num
reshape (IxFun [] _ _) _ =
error "reshape: empty index function"
reshape ixfn@(IxFun (lmad@(Lmad tau srnps):lmads) oshp cg) newshape
perm <- getPermutation lmad,
Just (head_coercions, reshapes, tail_coercions) <-
splitCoercions newshape,
hd_len <- length head_coercions,
num_coercions <- hd_len + length tail_coercions,
srnps' <- permuteFwd perm srnps,
mid_srnps <- take (length srnps - num_coercions) $
drop hd_len srnps',
num_rshps <- length reshapes,
num_rshps == 0 || (num_rshps == 1 && length mid_srnps == 1),
srnps'' <- map snd $ L.sortBy sortGT $
zipWith (\(s,r,_,p,f) n -> (p,(s,r,n,p,f)))
srnps' $ newDims newshape
= IxFun (Lmad tau srnps'':lmads) oshp cg
| perm <- getPermutation lmad,
Just (head_coercions, reshapes, tail_coercions) <-
splitCoercions newshape,
hd_len <- length head_coercions,
num_coercions <- hd_len + length tail_coercions,
srnps_perm <- permuteFwd perm srnps,
mid_srnps <- take (length srnps - num_coercions) $
drop hd_len srnps_perm,
all (\ (s,r,_,_,_) -> s /= 0 && r == 0) mid_srnps,
consecutive hd_len $ map (\(_,_,_,p,_)->p) mid_srnps,
info <- getMonotonicityRots True ixfn,
cg && (info == Inc || info == Dec),
rsh_len <- length reshapes,
diff <- length newshape - length srnps,
iota_shape <- [0..length newshape-1],
perm' <- map (\i -> let ind = if i < hd_len
then i else i - diff
in if (i>=hd_len) && (i < hd_len+rsh_len)
then i
else let (_,_,_,p,_) = srnps !! ind
in if p < hd_len
then p else p + diff
) iota_shape,
(suport_inds, repeat_inds) <-
foldl (\(sup,rpt) (i,shpdim,ip) ->
case (i < hd_len, i >= hd_len+rsh_len, shpdim) of
(True, _, DimCoercion n) ->
case srnps_perm !! i of
(0,_,_,_,_) -> ( sup, (ip,n) : rpt )
(_,r,_,_,_) -> ( (ip,(r,n)) : sup, rpt )
(_, True, DimCoercion n) ->
case srnps_perm !! (i-diff) of
(0,_,_,_,_) -> ( sup, (ip,n) : rpt )
(_,r,_,_,_) -> ( (ip,(r,n)) : sup, rpt )
(False, False, _) ->
( (ip, (0, newDim shpdim)) : sup, rpt )
_ -> error "reshape: reached impossible case!"
) ([],[]) $ reverse $ zip3 iota_shape newshape perm',
(sup_inds, support) <- unzip $ L.sortBy sortGT suport_inds,
(rpt_inds, repeats) <- unzip repeat_inds,
Lmad tau' srnps_sup <- makeRotIota info tau support,
repeats' <- map (\n -> (0,0,n,0,Unknown)) repeats,
srnps' <- map snd $ L.sortBy sortGT $
zip sup_inds srnps_sup ++ zip rpt_inds repeats'
= IxFun (setPermutation perm' (Lmad tau' srnps') : lmads) oshp cg
where splitCoercions newshape' = do
let (head_coercions, newshape'') = span isCoercion newshape'
let (reshapes, tail_coercions) = break isCoercion newshape''
guard (all isCoercion tail_coercions)
return (head_coercions, reshapes, tail_coercions)
isCoercion DimCoercion{} = True
isCoercion _ = False
consecutive _ [] = True
consecutive i [p]= i == p
consecutive i ps = and $ zipWith (==) ps [i, i+1..]
reshape (IxFun lmads oshp cg) newshape =
let new_dims = newDims newshape
in case iota new_dims of
IxFun [lmad] _ _ -> IxFun (lmad : lmads) oshp cg
_ -> error "reshape: impossible case reached"
rank :: IntegralExp num =>
IxFun num -> Int
rank (IxFun [] _ _) = error "rank: empty index function"
rank (IxFun (Lmad _ sss : _) _ _) = length sss
base :: IxFun num -> Shape num
base (IxFun [] _ _) = error "base: empty index function"
base (IxFun _ osh _) = osh
rebase :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num
-> IxFun num
-> IxFun num
rebase (IxFun [] _ _) _ = error "base: empty index function 1"
rebase _ (IxFun [] _ _) = error "base: empty index function 2"
rebase newbase@(IxFun (lmad_base:lmads_base) shp_base cg_base)
ixfn@(IxFun lmads shp cg)
| lmad_full <- last lmads,
(repeats, lmad) <- shaveoffRepeats lmad_full,
perm <- getPermutation lmad,
srnps<- getLmadDims lmad,
base ixfn == shape newbase,
cg && length shp == length srnps,
and $ zipWith (\n2 (_,_,n1,_,i1) -> n1 == n2 && i1 /= Unknown)
shp srnps,
perm_base <- getPermutation lmad_base,
perm' <- map (\p -> perm !! p) perm_base,
lmad_base' <- setPermutation perm' lmad_base,
(srnps_base, taus_contrib) <- unzip $
zipWith (\ (s1,r1,n1,p1,_) (_,r2,_,_,i2) ->
let (s', tau') = if i2 == Inc then (s1,0)
else (s1*(-1),s1*(n1-1))
r' | i2 == Inc = if r2 == 0 then r1 else r1+r2
| r1 == 0 = r2
| r2 == 0 = n1-r1
| otherwise = n1-r1+r2
in ((s',r',n1,p1,Inc),tau')
) (getLmadDims lmad_base') $
permuteInv perm_base srnps,
tau_base' <- getOffset lmad_base' + sum taus_contrib,
lmad_base'' <- Lmad tau_base' srnps_base,
newbase' <- IxFun (lmad_base'':lmads_base) shp_base cg_base,
(reps, rep) <- repeats,
IxFun lmads_base'' _ _ <- repeat newbase' reps rep,
lmads' <- take (length lmads - 1) lmads ++ lmads_base''
= IxFun lmads' shp_base (cg && cg_base)
| base ixfn == shape newbase =
IxFun (lmads ++ lmad_base:lmads_base) shp_base (cg && cg_base)
| otherwise =
let IxFun lmads' shp_base' _ = reshape newbase $ map DimCoercion shp
in IxFun (lmads ++ lmads') shp_base' (cg && cg_base)
getMonotonicity :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => IxFun num -> DimInfo
getMonotonicity = getMonotonicityRots False
offsetIndex :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> IxFun num
offsetIndex ixfun i | i == 0 = ixfun
offsetIndex ixfun i =
case shape ixfun of
d:ds -> slice ixfun (DimSlice i (d-i) 1 : map (unitSlice 0) ds)
[] -> error "offsetIndex: underlying index function has rank zero"
strideIndex :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> IxFun num
strideIndex ixfun s =
case shape ixfun of
d:ds -> slice ixfun (DimSlice 0 d s : map (unitSlice 0) ds)
[] -> error "offsetIndex: underlying index function has rank zero"
linearWithOffset :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> Maybe num
linearWithOffset (IxFun [] _ _) _ =
error "linearWithOffset: empty index function"
linearWithOffset ixfn@(IxFun [lmad] _ cg) elem_size
| mon <- getMonotonicity ixfn,
perm <- getPermutation lmad,
cg && mon == Inc,
all (\(s,_,_,_,_) -> s /= 0) (getLmadDims lmad),
perm == [0..length perm - 1],
off <- getOffset lmad = return $ off * elem_size
| otherwise = Nothing
linearWithOffset _ _ = Nothing
rearrangeWithOffset :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
IxFun num -> num -> Maybe (num, [(Int,num)])
rearrangeWithOffset (IxFun [] _ _) _ =
error "rearrangeWithOffset: empty index function"
rearrangeWithOffset ixfn@(IxFun [lmad] _ cg) elem_size
| perm <- getPermutation lmad,
mon <- getMonotonicity ixfn,
cg && mon == Inc,
all (\(s,_,_,_,_) -> s /= 0) (getLmadDims lmad),
perm /= [0..length perm - 1],
offset <- getOffset lmad * elem_size =
return (offset, zip perm $ rearrangeShape perm $ shape ixfn)
| otherwise = Nothing
rearrangeWithOffset _ _ = Nothing
isLinear :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => IxFun num -> Bool
isLinear =
(==Just 0) . flip linearWithOffset 1
invertInfo :: DimInfo -> DimInfo
invertInfo Inc = Dec
invertInfo Dec = Inc
invertInfo Unknown = Unknown
getOffset :: Lmad num -> num
getOffset (Lmad tau _) = tau
getPermutation :: Lmad num -> Permutation
getPermutation (Lmad _ srns) = map (\(_,_,_,p,_) -> p) srns
getLmadDims :: Lmad num -> [(num,num,num,Int,DimInfo)]
getLmadDims (Lmad _ srnps) = srnps
setPermutation :: Permutation -> Lmad num -> Lmad num
setPermutation perm (Lmad tau srnps) =
Lmad tau $ zipWith (\(s,r,n,_,i) p -> (s,r,n,p,i)) srnps perm
shaveoffRepeats :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => Lmad num ->
(([Shape num], Shape num), Lmad num)
shaveoffRepeats lmad =
let perm = getPermutation lmad
srnps = getLmadDims lmad
resacc= foldl (\acc (s,_,n,_,_) ->
case acc of
rpt:acc0 ->
if s == 0 then (n:rpt) : acc0
else [] : (rpt:acc0)
_ -> error "shaveoffRepeats: empty accum!"
) [[]] $ L.reverse $ permuteFwd perm srnps
last_shape = last resacc
shapes = take (length resacc - 1) resacc
howManyRepLT k =
foldl (\i (s,_,_,p,_) ->
if s == 0 && p < k then i + 1 else i
) 0 srnps
srnps' = foldl (\acc (s,r,n,p,info) ->
if s == 0 then acc
else let p' = p - howManyRepLT p
in (s,r,n,p',info):acc
) [] $ L.reverse srnps
lmad' = Lmad (getOffset lmad) srnps'
in ((shapes,last_shape), lmad')
permuteFwd :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permuteFwd [] _ = []
permuteFwd (p:ps) ds = (ds !! p) : permuteFwd ps ds
permuteInv :: Permutation -> [a] -> [a]
permuteInv ps elems = map snd $ L.sortBy sortGT $ zip ps elems
sortGT :: Ord a => (a, b1) -> (a, b2) -> Ordering
sortGT (a1, _) (a2, _)
| a1 > a2 = GT
| a1 < a2 = LT
| otherwise = GT
flatOneDim :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) =>
(num, num, num) -> num -> num
flatOneDim (s,r,n) i
| s == 0 = 0
| r == 0 = i*s
| otherwise = ((i+r) `mod` n) * s
makeRotIota :: (IntegralExp num) =>
DimInfo -> num -> [(num,num)] -> Lmad num
makeRotIota info tau support
| info == Inc || info == Dec =
let rk = length support
(rs,ns) = unzip support
ss0= L.reverse $ take rk $ scanl (*) 1 $ L.reverse ns
ss = if info == Inc then ss0
else map (*(-1)) ss0
ps = map fromIntegral [0..rk-1]
fi = replicate rk info
in Lmad tau $ zip5 ss rs ns ps fi
| otherwise = error "makeRotIota requires Inc or Dec!"
getMonotonicityRots :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => Bool -> IxFun num -> DimInfo
getMonotonicityRots _ (IxFun [] _ _) =
error "getMonotonicityRots: empty index function"
getMonotonicityRots ignore_rots (IxFun (lmad:lmads) _ _) =
let mon1 = getLmadMonotonicity ignore_rots lmad
in if all (==mon1) $ map (getLmadMonotonicity ignore_rots) lmads
then mon1 else Unknown
getLmadMonotonicity :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => Bool -> Lmad num -> DimInfo
getLmadMonotonicity ignore_rots (Lmad _ dims)
| all (isMonDim ignore_rots Inc) dims = Inc
| all (isMonDim ignore_rots Dec) dims = Dec
| otherwise = Unknown
isMonDim :: (Eq num, IntegralExp num) => Bool -> DimInfo ->
(num, num, num, Int, DimInfo) -> Bool
isMonDim ignore_rots mon (s,r,_,_,info) =
s == 0 || ((ignore_rots || r == 0) && mon == info)