{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.COpenCL
( compileProg
, GC.CParts(..)
, GC.asLibrary
, GC.asExecutable
) where
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Data.List
import qualified Language.C.Syntax as C
import qualified Language.C.Quote.OpenCL as C
import Futhark.Error
import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory hiding (GetSize, CmpSizeLe, GetSizeMax)
import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.COpenCL.Boilerplate
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC as GC
import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC.Options
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.OpenCL
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.OpenCL as ImpGen
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
compileProg :: MonadFreshNames m => Prog ExplicitMemory -> m (Either InternalError GC.CParts)
compileProg prog = do
res <- ImpGen.compileProg prog
case res of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right (Program opencl_code opencl_prelude kernel_names types sizes prog') ->
Right <$> GC.compileProg operations
(generateBoilerplate opencl_code opencl_prelude kernel_names types sizes)
include_opencl_h [Space "device", Space "local", DefaultSpace]
cliOptions prog'
where operations :: GC.Operations OpenCL ()
operations = GC.Operations
{ GC.opsCompiler = callKernel
, GC.opsWriteScalar = writeOpenCLScalar
, GC.opsReadScalar = readOpenCLScalar
, GC.opsAllocate = allocateOpenCLBuffer
, GC.opsDeallocate = deallocateOpenCLBuffer
, GC.opsCopy = copyOpenCLMemory
, GC.opsStaticArray = staticOpenCLArray
, GC.opsMemoryType = openclMemoryType
, GC.opsFatMemory = True
include_opencl_h = unlines ["#define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_2_APIS",
"#ifdef __APPLE__",
"#include <OpenCL/cl.h>",
"#include <CL/cl.h>",
cliOptions :: [Option]
cliOptions = [ Option { optionLongName = "platform"
, optionShortName = Just 'p'
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_set_platform(cfg, optarg);|]
, Option { optionLongName = "device"
, optionShortName = Just 'd'
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_set_device(cfg, optarg);|]
, Option { optionLongName = "default-group-size"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_set_default_group_size(cfg, atoi(optarg));|]
, Option { optionLongName = "default-num-groups"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_set_default_num_groups(cfg, atoi(optarg));|]
, Option { optionLongName = "default-tile-size"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_set_default_tile_size(cfg, atoi(optarg));|]
, Option { optionLongName = "default-threshold"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_set_default_threshold(cfg, atoi(optarg));|]
, Option { optionLongName = "dump-opencl"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_dump_program_to(cfg, optarg);|]
, Option { optionLongName = "load-opencl"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_load_program_from(cfg, optarg);|]
, Option { optionLongName = "dump-opencl-binary"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_dump_binary_to(cfg, optarg);|]
, Option { optionLongName = "load-opencl-binary"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_load_binary_from(cfg, optarg);|]
, Option { optionLongName = "print-sizes"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = NoArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|{
int n = futhark_get_num_sizes();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%s (%s)\n", futhark_get_size_name(i),
, Option { optionLongName = "size"
, optionShortName = Nothing
, optionArgument = RequiredArgument
, optionAction = [C.cstm|{
char *name = optarg;
char *equals = strstr(optarg, "=");
char *value_str = equals != NULL ? equals+1 : optarg;
int value = atoi(value_str);
if (equals != NULL) {
*equals = 0;
if (futhark_context_config_set_size(cfg, name, value) != 0) {
panic(1, "Unknown size: %s\n", name);
} else {
panic(1, "Invalid argument for size option: %s\n", optarg);
writeOpenCLScalar :: GC.WriteScalar OpenCL ()
writeOpenCLScalar mem i t "device" _ val = do
val' <- newVName "write_tmp"
let (decl, blocking) =
case val of
C.Const{} -> ([C.citem|static $ty:t $id:val' = $exp:val;|], [C.cexp|CL_FALSE|])
_ -> ([C.citem|$ty:t $id:val' = $exp:val;|], [C.cexp|CL_TRUE|])
GC.stm [C.cstm|{$item:decl
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(ctx->opencl.queue, $exp:mem, $exp:blocking,
$exp:i, sizeof($ty:t),
0, NULL, NULL));
writeOpenCLScalar _ _ _ space _ _ =
fail $ "Cannot write to '" ++ space ++ "' memory space."
readOpenCLScalar :: GC.ReadScalar OpenCL ()
readOpenCLScalar mem i t "device" _ = do
val <- newVName "read_res"
GC.decl [C.cdecl|$ty:t $id:val;|]
clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->opencl.queue, $exp:mem, CL_TRUE,
$exp:i, sizeof($ty:t),
0, NULL, NULL));
return [C.cexp|$id:val|]
readOpenCLScalar _ _ _ space _ =
fail $ "Cannot read from '" ++ space ++ "' memory space."
allocateOpenCLBuffer :: GC.Allocate OpenCL ()
allocateOpenCLBuffer mem size tag "device" =
GC.stm [C.cstm|OPENCL_SUCCEED_OR_RETURN(opencl_alloc(&ctx->opencl, $exp:size, $exp:tag, &$exp:mem));|]
allocateOpenCLBuffer _ _ _ "local" =
return ()
allocateOpenCLBuffer _ _ _ space =
fail $ "Cannot allocate in '" ++ space ++ "' space"
deallocateOpenCLBuffer :: GC.Deallocate OpenCL ()
deallocateOpenCLBuffer mem tag "device" =
GC.stm [C.cstm|OPENCL_SUCCEED_OR_RETURN(opencl_free(&ctx->opencl, $exp:mem, $exp:tag));|]
deallocateOpenCLBuffer _ _ "local" =
return ()
deallocateOpenCLBuffer _ _ space =
fail $ "Cannot deallocate in '" ++ space ++ "' space"
copyOpenCLMemory :: GC.Copy OpenCL ()
copyOpenCLMemory destmem destidx DefaultSpace srcmem srcidx (Space "device") nbytes =
GC.stm [C.cstm|
if ($exp:nbytes > 0) {
clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->opencl.queue, $exp:srcmem, CL_TRUE,
$exp:srcidx, $exp:nbytes,
$exp:destmem + $exp:destidx,
0, NULL, NULL));
copyOpenCLMemory destmem destidx (Space "device") srcmem srcidx DefaultSpace nbytes =
GC.stm [C.cstm|
if ($exp:nbytes > 0) {
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(ctx->opencl.queue, $exp:destmem, CL_TRUE,
$exp:destidx, $exp:nbytes,
$exp:srcmem + $exp:srcidx,
0, NULL, NULL));
copyOpenCLMemory destmem destidx (Space "device") srcmem srcidx (Space "device") nbytes =
GC.stm [C.cstm|{
if ($exp:nbytes > 0) {
$exp:srcmem, $exp:destmem,
$exp:srcidx, $exp:destidx,
0, NULL, NULL));
if (ctx->debugging) {
copyOpenCLMemory destmem destidx DefaultSpace srcmem srcidx DefaultSpace nbytes =
GC.copyMemoryDefaultSpace destmem destidx srcmem srcidx nbytes
copyOpenCLMemory _ _ destspace _ _ srcspace _ =
error $ "Cannot copy to " ++ show destspace ++ " from " ++ show srcspace
openclMemoryType :: GC.MemoryType OpenCL ()
openclMemoryType "device" = pure [C.cty|typename cl_mem|]
openclMemoryType "local" = pure [C.cty|unsigned char|]
openclMemoryType space =
fail $ "OpenCL backend does not support '" ++ space ++ "' memory space."
staticOpenCLArray :: GC.StaticArray OpenCL ()
staticOpenCLArray name "device" t vs = do
let ct = GC.primTypeToCType t
vs' = [[C.cinit|$exp:v|] | v <- map GC.compilePrimValue vs]
num_elems = length vs
name_realtype <- newVName $ baseString name ++ "_realtype"
GC.libDecl [C.cedecl|static $ty:ct $id:name_realtype[$int:num_elems] = {$inits:vs'};|]
GC.contextField (pretty name) [C.cty|struct memblock_device|] Nothing
GC.atInit [C.cstm|{
typename cl_int success;
ctx->$id:name.references = NULL;
ctx->$id:name.size = 0;
ctx->$id:name.mem =
clCreateBuffer(ctx->opencl.ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
($int:num_elems > 0 ? $int:num_elems : 1)*sizeof($ty:ct), NULL,
if ($int:num_elems > 0) {
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(ctx->opencl.queue, ctx->$id:name.mem, CL_TRUE,
0, $int:num_elems*sizeof($ty:ct),
0, NULL, NULL));
GC.item [C.citem|struct memblock_device $id:name = ctx->$id:name;|]
staticOpenCLArray _ space _ _ =
fail $ "OpenCL backend cannot create static array in memory space '" ++ space ++ "'"
callKernel :: GC.OpCompiler OpenCL ()
callKernel (GetSize v key) =
GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->sizes.$id:key;|]
callKernel (CmpSizeLe v key x) = do
x' <- GC.compileExp x
GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->sizes.$id:key <= $exp:x';|]
GC.stm [C.cstm|if (ctx->logging) {
fprintf(stderr, "Compared %s <= %d.\n", $string:(pretty key), $exp:x');
callKernel (GetSizeMax v size_class) =
let field = "max_" ++ pretty size_class
in GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->opencl.$id:field;|]
callKernel (HostCode c) =
GC.compileCode c
callKernel (LaunchKernel name args num_workgroups workgroup_size) = do
zipWithM_ setKernelArg [(0::Int)..] args
num_workgroups' <- mapM GC.compileExp num_workgroups
workgroup_size' <- mapM GC.compileExp workgroup_size
launchKernel name num_workgroups' workgroup_size'
where setKernelArg i (ValueKArg e bt) = do
v <- GC.compileExpToName "kernel_arg" bt e
GC.stm [C.cstm|
OPENCL_SUCCEED_OR_RETURN(clSetKernelArg(ctx->$id:name, $int:i, sizeof($id:v), &$id:v));
setKernelArg i (MemKArg v) = do
v' <- GC.rawMem v
GC.stm [C.cstm|
OPENCL_SUCCEED_OR_RETURN(clSetKernelArg(ctx->$id:name, $int:i, sizeof($exp:v'), &$exp:v'));
setKernelArg i (SharedMemoryKArg num_bytes) = do
num_bytes' <- GC.compileExp $ innerExp num_bytes
GC.stm [C.cstm|
OPENCL_SUCCEED_OR_RETURN(clSetKernelArg(ctx->$id:name, $int:i, $exp:num_bytes', NULL));
launchKernel :: C.ToExp a =>
String -> [a] -> [a] -> GC.CompilerM op s ()
launchKernel kernel_name num_workgroups workgroup_dims = do
global_work_size <- newVName "global_work_size"
time_start <- newVName "time_start"
time_end <- newVName "time_end"
time_diff <- newVName "time_diff"
local_work_size <- newVName "local_work_size"
GC.stm [C.cstm|
if ($exp:total_elements != 0) {
const size_t $id:global_work_size[$int:kernel_rank] = {$inits:kernel_dims'};
const size_t $id:local_work_size[$int:kernel_rank] = {$inits:workgroup_dims'};
typename int64_t $id:time_start = 0, $id:time_end = 0;
if (ctx->debugging) {
fprintf(stderr, "Launching %s with global work size [", $string:kernel_name);
$stms:(printKernelSize global_work_size)
fprintf(stderr, "] and local work size [");
$stms:(printKernelSize local_work_size)
fprintf(stderr, "].\n");
$id:time_start = get_wall_time();
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->opencl.queue, ctx->$id:kernel_name, $int:kernel_rank, NULL,
$id:global_work_size, $id:local_work_size,
0, NULL, NULL));
if (ctx->debugging) {
$id:time_end = get_wall_time();
long int $id:time_diff = $id:time_end - $id:time_start;
ctx->$id:(kernelRuntime kernel_name) += $id:time_diff;
ctx->$id:(kernelRuns kernel_name)++;
fprintf(stderr, "kernel %s runtime: %ldus\n",
$string:kernel_name, $id:time_diff);
where kernel_rank = length kernel_dims
kernel_dims = zipWith multExp num_workgroups workgroup_dims
kernel_dims' = map toInit kernel_dims
workgroup_dims' = map toInit workgroup_dims
total_elements = foldl multExp [C.cexp|1|] kernel_dims
toInit e = [C.cinit|$exp:e|]
multExp x y = [C.cexp|$exp:x * $exp:y|]
printKernelSize :: VName -> [C.Stm]
printKernelSize work_size =
intercalate [[C.cstm|fprintf(stderr, ", ");|]] $
map (printKernelDim work_size) [0..kernel_rank-1]
printKernelDim global_work_size i =
[[C.cstm|fprintf(stderr, "%zu", $id:global_work_size[$int:i]);|]]