{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | This module defines a generator for @getopt_long@ based command
-- line argument parsing.  Each option is associated with arbitrary C
-- code that will perform side effects, usually by setting some global
-- variables.
module Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC.Options
       ( Option (..)
       , OptionArgument (..)
       , generateOptionParser

import Data.Maybe

import qualified Language.C.Syntax as C
import qualified Language.C.Quote.C as C

-- | Specification if a single command line option.  The option must
-- have a long name, and may also have a short name.
-- In the action, the option argument (if any) is stored as in the
-- @char*@-typed variable @optarg@.
data Option = Option { optionLongName :: String
                     , optionShortName :: Maybe Char
                     , optionArgument :: OptionArgument
                     , optionAction :: C.Stm

-- | Whether an option accepts an argument.
data OptionArgument = NoArgument
                    | RequiredArgument
                    | OptionalArgument

-- | Generate an option parser as a function of the given name, that
-- accepts the given command line options.  The result is a function
-- that should be called with @argc@ and @argv@.  The function returns
-- the number of @argv@ elements that have been processed.
-- If option parsing fails for any reason, the entire process will
-- terminate with error code 1.
generateOptionParser :: String -> [Option] -> C.Func
generateOptionParser fname options =
  [C.cfun|int $id:fname(struct futhark_context_config *cfg, int argc, char* const argv[]) {
       int $id:chosen_option;

       static struct option long_options[] = { $inits:option_fields, {0, 0, 0, 0} };

       while (($id:chosen_option =
                 getopt_long(argc, argv, $string:option_string, long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
         if ($id:chosen_option == ':') {
           panic(-1, "Missing argument for option %s\n", argv[optind-1]);
         if ($id:chosen_option == '?') {
           panic(-1, "Unknown option %s\n", argv[optind-1]);
       return optind;
  where chosen_option = "ch"
        option_string = ':' : optionString options
        option_applications = optionApplications chosen_option options
        option_fields = optionFields options

optionFields :: [Option] -> [C.Initializer]
optionFields = zipWith field [(1::Int)..]
  where field i option =
          [C.cinit| { $string:(optionLongName option), $id:arg, NULL, $int:i } |]
          where arg = case optionArgument option of
                        NoArgument       -> "no_argument"
                        RequiredArgument -> "required_argument"
                        OptionalArgument -> "optional_argument"

optionApplications :: String -> [Option] -> [C.Stm]
optionApplications chosen_option = zipWith check [(1::Int)..]
  where check i option =
          [C.cstm|if ($exp:cond) $stm:(optionAction option)|]
          where cond = case optionShortName option of
                         Nothing -> [C.cexp|$id:chosen_option == $int:i|]
                         Just c  -> [C.cexp|($id:chosen_option == $int:i) ||
                                            ($id:chosen_option == $char:c)|]
optionString :: [Option] -> String
optionString = concat . mapMaybe optionStringChunk
  where optionStringChunk option = do
          short <- optionShortName option
          return $ short :
            case optionArgument option of
              NoArgument       -> ""
              RequiredArgument -> ":"
              OptionalArgument -> "::"