{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase #-}
module Futhark.CLI.Test (main) where
import Control.Applicative.Lift (runErrors, failure, Errors, Lift(..))
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (throwError)
import qualified Control.Monad.Except as E
import qualified Data.ByteString as SBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Process.ByteString (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.IO
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Futhark.Analysis.Metrics
import Futhark.Test
import Futhark.Util.Options
import Futhark.Util.Pretty (prettyText)
import Futhark.Util.Table
type TestM = ExceptT [T.Text] IO
eitherToErrors :: Either e a -> Errors e a
eitherToErrors = either failure Pure
throwError :: MonadError [e] m => e -> m a
throwError e = E.throwError [e]
runTestM :: TestM () -> IO TestResult
runTestM = fmap (either Failure $ const Success) . runExceptT
io :: IO a -> TestM a
io = liftIO
context :: T.Text -> TestM a -> TestM a
context s = withExceptT $
[] -> []
(e:es') -> (s <> ":\n" <> e):es'
accErrors :: [TestM a] -> TestM [a]
accErrors tests = do
eithers <- lift $ mapM runExceptT tests
let errors = traverse eitherToErrors eithers
ExceptT $ return $ runErrors errors
accErrors_ :: [TestM a] -> TestM ()
accErrors_ = void . accErrors
data TestResult = Success
| Failure [T.Text]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TestCase = TestCase { _testCaseMode :: TestMode
, testCaseProgram :: FilePath
, testCaseTest :: ProgramTest
, _testCasePrograms :: ProgConfig
deriving (Show)
instance Eq TestCase where
x == y = testCaseProgram x == testCaseProgram y
instance Ord TestCase where
x `compare` y = testCaseProgram x `compare` testCaseProgram y
data RunResult = ErrorResult Int SBS.ByteString
| SuccessResult [Value]
progNotFound :: T.Text -> T.Text
progNotFound s = s <> ": command not found"
optimisedProgramMetrics :: ProgConfig -> StructurePipeline -> FilePath -> TestM AstMetrics
optimisedProgramMetrics programs pipeline program =
case pipeline of SOACSPipeline ->
check "-s"
KernelsPipeline ->
check "--kernels"
SequentialCpuPipeline ->
check "--cpu"
GpuPipeline ->
check "--gpu"
where check opt = do
(code, output, err) <-
io $ readProcessWithExitCode (configFuthark programs) ["dev", opt, "--metrics", program] ""
let output' = T.decodeUtf8 output
case code of
| [(m, [])] <- reads $ T.unpack output' -> return m
| otherwise -> throwError $ "Could not read metrics output:\n" <> output'
ExitFailure 127 -> throwError $ progNotFound $ T.pack $ configFuthark programs
ExitFailure _ -> throwError $ T.decodeUtf8 err
testMetrics :: ProgConfig -> FilePath -> StructureTest -> TestM ()
testMetrics programs program (StructureTest pipeline (AstMetrics expected)) =
context "Checking metrics" $ do
actual <- optimisedProgramMetrics programs pipeline program
accErrors_ $ map (ok actual) $ M.toList expected
where ok (AstMetrics metrics) (name, expected_occurences) =
case M.lookup name metrics of
| expected_occurences > 0 ->
throwError $ name <> " should have occurred " <> T.pack (show expected_occurences) <>
" times, but did not occur at all in optimised program."
Just actual_occurences
| expected_occurences /= actual_occurences ->
throwError $ name <> " should have occurred " <> T.pack (show expected_occurences) <>
" times, but occured " <> T.pack (show actual_occurences) <> " times."
_ -> return ()
testWarnings :: [WarningTest] -> SBS.ByteString -> TestM ()
testWarnings warnings futerr = accErrors_ $ map testWarning warnings
where testWarning (ExpectedWarning regex_s regex)
| not (match regex $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 futerr) =
throwError $ "Expected warning:\n " <> regex_s <>
"\nGot warnings:\n " <> T.decodeUtf8 futerr
| otherwise = return ()
runTestCase :: TestCase -> TestM ()
runTestCase (TestCase mode program testcase progs) =
case testAction testcase of
CompileTimeFailure expected_error ->
context (mconcat ["Type-checking with '", T.pack futhark,
" check ", T.pack program, "'"]) $ do
(code, _, err) <-
io $ readProcessWithExitCode futhark ["check", program] ""
case code of
ExitSuccess -> throwError "Expected failure\n"
ExitFailure 127 -> throwError $ progNotFound $ T.pack futhark
ExitFailure 1 -> throwError $ T.decodeUtf8 err
ExitFailure _ -> checkError expected_error err
RunCases _ _ warnings | mode == TypeCheck -> do
let options = ["check", program] ++ configExtraCompilerOptions progs
context (mconcat ["Type-checking with '", T.pack futhark,
" check ", T.pack program, "'"]) $ do
(code, _, err) <- io $ readProcessWithExitCode futhark options ""
testWarnings warnings err
case code of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure 127 -> throwError $ progNotFound $ T.pack futhark
ExitFailure _ -> throwError $ T.decodeUtf8 err
RunCases ios structures warnings -> do
let backend = configBackend progs
extra_options = configExtraCompilerOptions progs
unless (mode == Compile) $
context "Generating reference outputs" $
ensureReferenceOutput futhark "c" program ios
unless (mode == Interpreted) $
context ("Compiling with --backend=" <> T.pack backend) $ do
compileTestProgram extra_options futhark backend program warnings
mapM_ (testMetrics progs program) structures
unless (mode == Compile) $
context "Running compiled program" $
accErrors_ $ map (runCompiledEntry program progs) ios
unless (mode == Compile || mode == Compiled) $
context "Interpreting" $
accErrors_ $ map (runInterpretedEntry futhark program) ios
where futhark = configFuthark progs
runInterpretedEntry :: String -> FilePath -> InputOutputs -> TestM()
runInterpretedEntry futhark program (InputOutputs entry run_cases) =
let dir = takeDirectory program
runInterpretedCase run@(TestRun _ inputValues _ index _) =
unless ("compiled" `elem` runTags run) $
context ("Entry point: " <> entry
<> "; dataset: " <> T.pack (runDescription run)) $ do
input <- T.unlines . map prettyText <$> getValues dir inputValues
expectedResult' <- getExpectedResult program entry run
(code, output, err) <-
io $ readProcessWithExitCode futhark ["run", "-e", T.unpack entry, program] $
T.encodeUtf8 input
case code of
ExitFailure 127 -> throwError $ progNotFound $ T.pack futhark
_ -> compareResult entry index program expectedResult'
=<< runResult program code output err
in accErrors_ $ map runInterpretedCase run_cases
runCompiledEntry :: FilePath -> ProgConfig -> InputOutputs -> TestM ()
runCompiledEntry program progs (InputOutputs entry run_cases) =
let binOutputf = dropExtension program
binpath = "." </> binOutputf
entry_options = ["-e", T.unpack entry]
runner = configRunner progs
extra_options = configExtraOptions progs
runCompiledCase run@(TestRun _ inputValues _ index _) =
context ("Entry point: " <> entry
<> "; dataset: " <> T.pack (runDescription run)) $ do
expected <- getExpectedResult program entry run
(progCode, output, progerr) <-
runProgram runner extra_options program entry inputValues
compareResult entry index program expected
=<< runResult program progCode output progerr
in context ("Running " <> T.pack (unwords $ binpath : entry_options ++ extra_options)) $
accErrors_ $ map runCompiledCase run_cases
checkError :: ExpectedError -> SBS.ByteString -> TestM ()
checkError (ThisError regex_s regex) err
| not (match regex $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 err) =
throwError $ "Expected error:\n " <> regex_s <>
"\nGot error:\n " <> T.decodeUtf8 err
checkError _ _ =
return ()
runResult :: FilePath -> ExitCode -> SBS.ByteString -> SBS.ByteString -> TestM RunResult
runResult program ExitSuccess stdout_s _ =
case valuesFromByteString "stdout" $ LBS.fromStrict stdout_s of
Left e -> do
let actualf = program `addExtension` "actual"
io $ SBS.writeFile actualf stdout_s
throwError $ T.pack e <> "\n(See " <> T.pack actualf <> ")"
Right vs -> return $ SuccessResult vs
runResult _ (ExitFailure code) _ stderr_s =
return $ ErrorResult code stderr_s
compileTestProgram :: [String] -> FilePath -> String -> FilePath -> [WarningTest] -> TestM ()
compileTestProgram extra_options futhark backend program warnings = do
(_, futerr) <- compileProgram extra_options futhark backend program
testWarnings warnings futerr
compareResult :: T.Text -> Int -> FilePath -> ExpectedResult [Value] -> RunResult
-> TestM ()
compareResult _ _ _ (Succeeds Nothing) SuccessResult{} =
return ()
compareResult entry index program (Succeeds (Just expectedResult)) (SuccessResult actualResult) =
case compareValues1 actualResult expectedResult of
Just mismatch -> do
let actualf = program <.> T.unpack entry <.> show index <.> "actual"
expectedf = program <.> T.unpack entry <.> show index <.> "expected"
io $ SBS.writeFile actualf $
T.encodeUtf8 $ T.unlines $ map prettyText actualResult
io $ SBS.writeFile expectedf $
T.encodeUtf8 $ T.unlines $ map prettyText expectedResult
throwError $ T.pack actualf <> " and " <> T.pack expectedf <>
" do not match:\n" <> T.pack (show mismatch) <> "\n"
Nothing ->
return ()
compareResult _ _ _ (RunTimeFailure expectedError) (ErrorResult _ actualError) =
checkError expectedError actualError
compareResult _ _ _ (Succeeds _) (ErrorResult code err) =
throwError $ "Program failed with error code " <>
T.pack (show code) <> " and stderr:\n " <> T.decodeUtf8 err
compareResult _ _ _ (RunTimeFailure f) (SuccessResult _) =
throwError $ "Program succeeded, but expected failure:\n " <> T.pack (show f)
data TestStatus = TestStatus { testStatusRemain :: [TestCase]
, testStatusRun :: [TestCase]
, testStatusTotal :: Int
, testStatusFail :: Int
, testStatusPass :: Int
, testStatusRuns :: Int
, testStatusRunsRemain :: Int
, testStatusRunPass :: Int
, testStatusRunFail :: Int
catching :: IO TestResult -> IO TestResult
catching m = m `catch` save
where save :: SomeException -> IO TestResult
save e = return $ Failure [T.pack $ show e]
doTest :: TestCase -> IO TestResult
doTest = catching . runTestM . runTestCase
makeTestCase :: TestConfig -> TestMode -> (FilePath, ProgramTest) -> TestCase
makeTestCase config mode (file, spec) =
TestCase mode file spec $ configPrograms config
data ReportMsg = TestStarted TestCase
| TestDone TestCase TestResult
runTest :: MVar TestCase -> MVar ReportMsg -> IO ()
runTest testmvar resmvar = forever $ do
test <- takeMVar testmvar
putMVar resmvar $ TestStarted test
res <- doTest test
putMVar resmvar $ TestDone test res
excludedTest :: TestConfig -> TestCase -> Bool
excludedTest config =
any (`elem` configExclude config) . testTags . testCaseTest
statusTable :: TestStatus -> String
statusTable ts = buildTable rows 1
where rows =
[ [ mkEntry "", passed, failed, mkEntry "remaining"]
, map mkEntry ["programs", passedProgs, failedProgs, remainProgs']
, map mkEntry ["runs", passedRuns, failedRuns, remainRuns']
passed = ("passed", [SetColor Foreground Vivid Green])
failed = ("failed", [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red])
passedProgs = show $ testStatusPass ts
failedProgs = show $ testStatusFail ts
totalProgs = show $ testStatusTotal ts
totalRuns = show $ testStatusRuns ts
passedRuns = show $ testStatusRunPass ts
failedRuns = show $ testStatusRunFail ts
remainProgs = show . length $ testStatusRemain ts
remainProgs' = remainProgs ++ "/" ++ totalProgs
remainRuns = show $ testStatusRunsRemain ts
remainRuns' = remainRuns ++ "/" ++ totalRuns
tableLines :: Int
tableLines = 1 + (length . lines $ blankTable)
where blankTable = statusTable $ TestStatus [] [] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
spaceTable :: IO ()
spaceTable = putStr $ replicate tableLines '\n'
reportTable :: TestStatus -> IO ()
reportTable ts = do
putStrLn $ statusTable ts
putStrLn $ atMostChars 60 running
where running = "Now testing: " ++
(unwords . reverse . map testCaseProgram . testStatusRun) ts
moveCursorToTableTop :: IO ()
moveCursorToTableTop = cursorUpLine tableLines
atMostChars :: Int -> String -> String
atMostChars n s | length s > n = take (n-3) s ++ "..."
| otherwise = s
reportText :: TestStatus -> IO ()
reportText ts =
putStr $ "(" ++ show (testStatusFail ts) ++ " failed, " ++
show (testStatusPass ts) ++ " passed, " ++
show num_remain ++ " to go).\n"
where num_remain = length $ testStatusRemain ts
runTests :: TestConfig -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
runTests config paths = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
let mode = configTestMode config
all_tests <- map (makeTestCase config mode) <$> testSpecsFromPaths paths
testmvar <- newEmptyMVar
reportmvar <- newEmptyMVar
concurrency <- getNumCapabilities
replicateM_ concurrency $ forkIO $ runTest testmvar reportmvar
let (excluded, included) = partition (excludedTest config) all_tests
_ <- forkIO $ mapM_ (putMVar testmvar) included
isTTY <- (&& not (configLineOutput config)) <$> hIsTerminalDevice stdout
let report = if isTTY then reportTable else reportText
clear = if isTTY then clearFromCursorToScreenEnd else putStr "\n"
numTestCases tc =
case testAction $ testCaseTest tc of
CompileTimeFailure _ -> 1
RunCases ios sts wts -> (length . concat) (iosTestRuns <$> ios)
+ length sts + length wts
getResults ts
| null (testStatusRemain ts) = report ts >> return ts
| otherwise = do
report ts
msg <- takeMVar reportmvar
case msg of
TestStarted test -> do
unless isTTY $
putStr $ "Started testing " <> testCaseProgram test <> " "
getResults $ ts {testStatusRun = test : testStatusRun ts}
TestDone test res -> do
let ts' = ts { testStatusRemain = test `delete` testStatusRemain ts
, testStatusRun = test `delete` testStatusRun ts
, testStatusRunsRemain = testStatusRunsRemain ts
- numTestCases test
case res of
Success -> do
let ts'' = ts' { testStatusRunPass =
testStatusRunPass ts' + numTestCases test
unless isTTY $
putStr $ "Finished testing " <> testCaseProgram test <> " "
getResults $ ts'' { testStatusPass = testStatusPass ts + 1}
Failure s -> do
when isTTY moveCursorToTableTop
T.putStr $ (T.pack (inRed $ testCaseProgram test) <> ":\n") <> T.unlines s
when isTTY spaceTable
getResults $ ts' { testStatusFail = testStatusFail ts' + 1
, testStatusRunPass = testStatusRunPass ts'
+ numTestCases test - length s
, testStatusRunFail = testStatusRunFail ts'
+ length s
when isTTY spaceTable
ts <- getResults TestStatus { testStatusRemain = included
, testStatusRun = []
, testStatusTotal = length included
, testStatusFail = 0
, testStatusPass = 0
, testStatusRuns = sum $ map numTestCases included
, testStatusRunsRemain = sum $ map numTestCases included
, testStatusRunPass = 0
, testStatusRunFail = 0
when isTTY $ cursorUpLine 1 >> clearLine
let excluded_str = if null excluded
then ""
else " (" ++ show (length excluded) ++ " program(s) excluded).\n"
putStr excluded_str
exitWith $ case testStatusFail ts of 0 -> ExitSuccess
_ -> ExitFailure 1
inRed :: String -> String
inRed s = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] ++ s ++ setSGRCode [Reset]
data TestConfig = TestConfig
{ configTestMode :: TestMode
, configPrograms :: ProgConfig
, configExclude :: [T.Text]
, configLineOutput :: Bool
defaultConfig :: TestConfig
defaultConfig = TestConfig { configTestMode = Everything
, configExclude = [ "disable" ]
, configPrograms =
{ configBackend = "c"
, configFuthark = "futhark"
, configRunner = ""
, configExtraOptions = []
, configExtraCompilerOptions = []
, configLineOutput = False
data ProgConfig = ProgConfig
{ configBackend :: String
, configFuthark :: FilePath
, configRunner :: FilePath
, configExtraCompilerOptions :: [String]
, configExtraOptions :: [String]
deriving (Show)
changeProgConfig :: (ProgConfig -> ProgConfig) -> TestConfig -> TestConfig
changeProgConfig f config = config { configPrograms = f $ configPrograms config }
setBackend :: FilePath -> ProgConfig -> ProgConfig
setBackend backend config =
config { configBackend = backend }
setFuthark :: FilePath -> ProgConfig -> ProgConfig
setFuthark futhark config =
config { configFuthark = futhark }
setRunner :: FilePath -> ProgConfig -> ProgConfig
setRunner runner config =
config { configRunner = runner }
addCompilerOption :: String -> ProgConfig -> ProgConfig
addCompilerOption option config =
config { configExtraCompilerOptions = configExtraCompilerOptions config ++ [option] }
addOption :: String -> ProgConfig -> ProgConfig
addOption option config =
config { configExtraOptions = configExtraOptions config ++ [option] }
data TestMode = TypeCheck
| Compile
| Compiled
| Interpreted
| Everything
deriving (Eq, Show)
commandLineOptions :: [FunOptDescr TestConfig]
commandLineOptions = [
Option "t" ["typecheck"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \config -> config { configTestMode = TypeCheck })
"Only perform type-checking"
, Option "i" ["interpreted"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \config -> config { configTestMode = Interpreted })
"Only interpret"
, Option "c" ["compiled"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \config -> config { configTestMode = Compiled })
"Only run compiled code"
, Option "C" ["compile"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \config -> config { configTestMode = Compile })
"Only compile, do not run."
, Option [] ["no-terminal", "notty"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \config -> config { configLineOutput = True })
"Provide simpler line-based output."
, Option [] ["backend"]
(ReqArg (Right . changeProgConfig . setBackend) "BACKEND")
"Backend used for compilation (defaults to 'c')."
, Option [] ["futhark"]
(ReqArg (Right . changeProgConfig . setFuthark) "PROGRAM")
"Program to run for subcommands (defaults to 'futhark')."
, Option [] ["runner"]
(ReqArg (Right . changeProgConfig . setRunner) "PROGRAM")
"The program used to run the Futhark-generated programs (defaults to nothing)."
, Option [] ["exclude"]
(ReqArg (\tag ->
Right $ \config ->
config { configExclude = T.pack tag : configExclude config })
"Exclude test programs that define this tag."
, Option "p" ["pass-option"]
(ReqArg (Right . changeProgConfig . addOption) "OPT")
"Pass this option to programs being run."
, Option [] ["pass-compiler-option"]
(ReqArg (Right . changeProgConfig . addCompilerOption) "OPT")
"Pass this option to the compiler (or typechecker if in -t mode)."
main :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
main = mainWithOptions defaultConfig commandLineOptions "options... programs..." $ \progs config ->
Just $ runTests config progs