{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Futhark.Test
( testSpecFromFile
, testSpecsFromPaths
, valuesFromByteString
, getValues
, getValuesBS
, compareValues
, compareValues1
, testRunReferenceOutput
, getExpectedResult
, compileProgram
, runProgram
, ensureReferenceOutput
, Mismatch
, ProgramTest (..)
, StructureTest (..)
, StructurePipeline (..)
, WarningTest (..)
, TestAction (..)
, ExpectedError (..)
, InputOutputs (..)
, TestRun (..)
, ExpectedResult (..)
, Success(..)
, Values (..)
, GenValue (..)
, Value
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString as SBS
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Void
import System.FilePath
import Codec.Compression.GZip
import Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal (DecompressError)
import qualified Control.Exception.Base as E
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (many, some)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Process.ByteString (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..), hFileSize, hClose)
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Temp
import Prelude
import Futhark.Analysis.Metrics
import Futhark.Representation.Primitive (IntType(..), FloatType(..), intByteSize, floatByteSize)
import Futhark.Test.Values
import Futhark.Util (directoryContents, pmapIO)
import Futhark.Util.Pretty (pretty, prettyText)
import Language.Futhark.Syntax (PrimType(..), Int32)
data ProgramTest =
ProgramTest { testDescription ::
, testTags ::
, testAction ::
deriving (Show)
data TestAction
= CompileTimeFailure ExpectedError
| RunCases [InputOutputs] [StructureTest] [WarningTest]
deriving (Show)
data InputOutputs = InputOutputs { iosEntryPoint :: T.Text
, iosTestRuns :: [TestRun] }
deriving (Show)
data ExpectedError = AnyError
| ThisError T.Text Regex
instance Show ExpectedError where
show AnyError = "AnyError"
show (ThisError r _) = "ThisError " ++ show r
data StructurePipeline = KernelsPipeline
| SOACSPipeline
| SequentialCpuPipeline
| GpuPipeline
deriving (Show)
data StructureTest = StructureTest StructurePipeline AstMetrics
deriving (Show)
data WarningTest = ExpectedWarning T.Text Regex
instance Show WarningTest where
show (ExpectedWarning r _) = "ExpectedWarning " ++ T.unpack r
data TestRun = TestRun
{ runTags :: [String]
, runInput :: Values
, runExpectedResult :: ExpectedResult Success
, runIndex :: Int
, runDescription :: String
deriving (Show)
data Values = Values [Value]
| InFile FilePath
| GenValues [GenValue]
deriving (Show)
data GenValue = GenValue [Int] PrimType
| GenInt Int32
deriving (Show)
genValueType :: GenValue -> String
genValueType (GenValue ds t) =
concatMap (\d -> "[" ++ show d ++ "]") ds ++ pretty t
genValueType (GenInt x) =
show x ++ "i32"
data ExpectedResult values
= Succeeds (Maybe values)
| RunTimeFailure ExpectedError
deriving (Show)
data Success = SuccessValues Values
| SuccessGenerateValues
deriving (Show)
type Parser = Parsec Void T.Text
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme p = p <* space
lexeme' :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme' p = p <* many (oneOf (" \t" :: String))
lexstr :: T.Text -> Parser ()
lexstr = void . try . lexeme . string
braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces p = lexstr "{" *> p <* lexstr "}"
parseNatural :: Parser Int
parseNatural = lexeme $ foldl' (\acc x -> acc * 10 + x) 0 .
map num <$> some digitChar
where num c = ord c - ord '0'
parseDescription :: Parser T.Text
parseDescription = lexeme $ T.pack <$> (anySingle `manyTill` parseDescriptionSeparator)
parseDescriptionSeparator :: Parser ()
parseDescriptionSeparator = try (string descriptionSeparator >>
void (satisfy isSpace `manyTill` newline)) <|> eof
descriptionSeparator :: T.Text
descriptionSeparator = "=="
parseTags :: Parser [T.Text]
parseTags = lexstr "tags" *> braces (many parseTag) <|> pure []
where parseTag = T.pack <$> lexeme (some $ satisfy tagConstituent)
tagConstituent :: Char -> Bool
tagConstituent c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-'
parseAction :: Parser TestAction
parseAction = CompileTimeFailure <$> (lexstr "error:" *> parseExpectedError) <|>
(RunCases <$> parseInputOutputs <*>
many parseExpectedStructure <*> many parseWarning)
parseInputOutputs :: Parser [InputOutputs]
parseInputOutputs = do
entrys <- parseEntryPoints
cases <- parseRunCases
return $ map (`InputOutputs` cases) entrys
parseEntryPoints :: Parser [T.Text]
parseEntryPoints = (lexstr "entry:" *> many entry <* space) <|> pure ["main"]
where constituent c = not (isSpace c) && c /= '}'
entry = lexeme' $ T.pack <$> some (satisfy constituent)
parseRunTags :: Parser [String]
parseRunTags = many parseTag
where parseTag = try $ lexeme $ do s <- some $ satisfy tagConstituent
guard $ s `notElem` ["input", "structure", "warning"]
return s
parseRunCases :: Parser [TestRun]
parseRunCases = parseRunCases' (0::Int)
where parseRunCases' i = (:) <$> parseRunCase i <*> parseRunCases' (i+1)
<|> pure []
parseRunCase i = do
tags <- parseRunTags
lexstr "input"
input <- if "random" `elem` tags
then parseRandomValues
else parseValues
expr <- parseExpectedResult
return $ TestRun tags input expr i $ desc i input
desc _ (InFile path)
| takeExtension path == ".gz" = dropExtension path
| otherwise = path
desc i (Values vs) =
"#" ++ show i ++ " (\"" ++ unwords (lines vs') ++ "\")"
where vs' = case unwords (map pretty vs) of
s | length s > 50 -> take 50 s ++ "..."
| otherwise -> s
desc _ (GenValues gens) =
unwords $ map genValueType gens
parseExpectedResult :: Parser (ExpectedResult Success)
parseExpectedResult =
(lexstr "auto" *> lexstr "output" $> Succeeds (Just SuccessGenerateValues)) <|>
(Succeeds . Just . SuccessValues <$> (lexstr "output" *> parseValues)) <|>
(RunTimeFailure <$> (lexstr "error:" *> parseExpectedError)) <|>
pure (Succeeds Nothing)
parseExpectedError :: Parser ExpectedError
parseExpectedError = lexeme $ do
s <- T.strip <$> restOfLine
if T.null s
then return AnyError
else ThisError s <$> makeRegexOptsM blankCompOpt defaultExecOpt (T.unpack s)
parseRandomValues :: Parser Values
parseRandomValues = GenValues <$> between (lexstr "{") (lexstr "}") (many parseGenValue)
parseGenValue :: Parser GenValue
parseGenValue = choice [ GenValue <$> many dim <*> parsePrimType
, lexeme $ GenInt . read <$> some (satisfy isDigit)
where dim = between (lexstr "[") (lexstr "]") $
lexeme $ read <$> some (satisfy isDigit)
parsePrimType :: Parser PrimType
parsePrimType =
choice [ lexstr "i8" $> Signed Int8
, lexstr "i16" $> Signed Int16
, lexstr "i32" $> Signed Int32
, lexstr "i64" $> Signed Int64
, lexstr "u8" $> Unsigned Int8
, lexstr "u16" $> Unsigned Int16
, lexstr "u32" $> Unsigned Int32
, lexstr "u64" $> Unsigned Int64
, lexstr "f32" $> FloatType Float32
, lexstr "f64" $> FloatType Float64
, lexstr "bool" $> Bool
parseValues :: Parser Values
parseValues = do s <- parseBlock
case valuesFromByteString "input block contents" $ BS.fromStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 s of
Left err -> fail err
Right vs -> return $ Values vs
<|> lexstr "@" *> lexeme (InFile . T.unpack <$> nextWord)
parseBlock :: Parser T.Text
parseBlock = lexeme $ braces (T.pack <$> parseBlockBody 0)
parseBlockBody :: Int -> Parser String
parseBlockBody n = do
c <- lookAhead anySingle
case (c,n) of
('}', 0) -> return mempty
('}', _) -> (:) <$> anySingle <*> parseBlockBody (n-1)
('{', _) -> (:) <$> anySingle <*> parseBlockBody (n+1)
_ -> (:) <$> anySingle <*> parseBlockBody n
restOfLine :: Parser T.Text
restOfLine = T.pack <$> (anySingle `manyTill` (void newline <|> eof))
nextWord :: Parser T.Text
nextWord = T.pack <$> (anySingle `manyTill` satisfy isSpace)
parseWarning :: Parser WarningTest
parseWarning = lexstr "warning:" >> parseExpectedWarning
where parseExpectedWarning = lexeme $ do
s <- T.strip <$> restOfLine
ExpectedWarning s <$> makeRegexOptsM blankCompOpt defaultExecOpt (T.unpack s)
parseExpectedStructure :: Parser StructureTest
parseExpectedStructure =
lexstr "structure" *>
(StructureTest <$> optimisePipeline <*> parseMetrics)
optimisePipeline :: Parser StructurePipeline
optimisePipeline = lexstr "distributed" $> KernelsPipeline <|>
lexstr "gpu" $> GpuPipeline <|>
lexstr "cpu" $> SequentialCpuPipeline <|>
pure SOACSPipeline
parseMetrics :: Parser AstMetrics
parseMetrics = braces $ fmap (AstMetrics . M.fromList) $ many $
(,) <$> (T.pack <$> lexeme (some (satisfy constituent))) <*> parseNatural
where constituent c = isAlpha c || c == '/'
testSpec :: Parser ProgramTest
testSpec =
ProgramTest <$> parseDescription <*> parseTags <*> parseAction
parserState :: Int -> FilePath -> s -> State s
parserState line name t =
State { stateInput = t
, stateOffset = 0
, statePosState = PosState
{ pstateInput = t
, pstateOffset = 0
, pstateSourcePos = SourcePos
{ sourceName = name
, sourceLine = mkPos line
, sourceColumn = mkPos 3 }
, pstateTabWidth = defaultTabWidth
, pstateLinePrefix = "-- "}
readTestSpec :: Int -> String -> T.Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text Void) ProgramTest
readTestSpec line name t =
snd $ runParser' (testSpec <* eof) $ parserState line name t
readInputOutputs :: Int -> String -> T.Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text Void) [InputOutputs]
readInputOutputs line name t =
snd $ runParser' (parseDescription *> space *> parseInputOutputs <* eof) $
parserState line name t
commentPrefix :: T.Text
commentPrefix = T.pack "--"
testSpecFromFile :: FilePath -> IO ProgramTest
testSpecFromFile path = do
blocks <- testBlocks <$> T.readFile path
let (first_spec_line, first_spec, rest_specs) =
case blocks of [] -> (0, mempty, [])
(n,s):ss -> (n, s, ss)
case readTestSpec (1+first_spec_line) path first_spec of
Left err -> error $ errorBundlePretty err
Right v -> foldM moreCases v rest_specs
where moreCases test (lineno, cases) =
case readInputOutputs lineno path cases of
Left err -> error $ errorBundlePretty err
Right cases' ->
case testAction test of
RunCases old_cases structures warnings ->
return test { testAction = RunCases (old_cases ++ cases') structures warnings }
_ -> fail "Secondary test block provided, but primary test block specifies compilation error."
testBlocks :: T.Text -> [(Int, T.Text)]
testBlocks = mapMaybe isTestBlock . commentBlocks
where isTestBlock (n,block)
| any ((" " <> descriptionSeparator) `T.isPrefixOf`) block =
Just (n, T.unlines block)
| otherwise =
commentBlocks :: T.Text -> [(Int, [T.Text])]
commentBlocks = commentBlocks' . zip [0..] . T.lines
where isComment = (commentPrefix `T.isPrefixOf`)
commentBlocks' ls =
let ls' = dropWhile (not . isComment . snd) ls
in case ls' of
[] -> []
(n,_) : _ ->
let (block, ls'') = span (isComment . snd) ls'
block' = map (T.drop 2 . snd) block
in (n, block') : commentBlocks' ls''
testSpecsFromPath :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, ProgramTest)]
testSpecsFromPath path = do
programs <- testPrograms path
zip programs <$> mapM testSpecFromFile programs
testSpecsFromPaths :: [FilePath] -> IO [(FilePath, ProgramTest)]
testSpecsFromPaths = fmap concat . mapM testSpecsFromPath
testPrograms :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
testPrograms dir = filter isFut <$> directoryContents dir
where isFut = (==".fut") . takeExtension
valuesFromByteString :: String -> BS.ByteString -> Either String [Value]
valuesFromByteString srcname =
maybe (Left $ "Cannot parse values from " ++ srcname) Right . readValues
getValues :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Values -> m [Value]
getValues _ (Values vs) =
return vs
getValues dir v = do
s <- getValuesBS dir v
case valuesFromByteString "file" s of
Left e -> fail $ show e
Right vs -> return vs
getValuesBS :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Values -> m BS.ByteString
getValuesBS _ (Values vs) =
return $ BS.fromStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.unlines $ map prettyText vs
getValuesBS dir (InFile file) =
case takeExtension file of
".gz" -> liftIO $ do
s <- E.try readAndDecompress
case s of
Left e -> fail $ show file ++ ": " ++ show (e :: DecompressError)
Right s' -> return s'
_ -> liftIO $ BS.readFile file'
where file' = dir </> file
readAndDecompress = do s <- BS.readFile file'
E.evaluate $ decompress s
getValuesBS dir (GenValues gens) =
mconcat <$> mapM (getGenBS dir) gens
getGenBS :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> GenValue -> m BS.ByteString
getGenBS dir gen = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dir </> "data"
exists_and_proper_size <- liftIO $
withFile (dir </> file) ReadMode (fmap (== genFileSize gen) . hFileSize)
`catch` \ex -> if isDoesNotExistError ex then return False
else E.throw ex
unless exists_and_proper_size $ liftIO $ do
s <- genValues [gen]
withTempFile (dir </> "data") (genFileName gen) $ \tmpfile h -> do
hClose h
SBS.writeFile tmpfile s
renameFile tmpfile $ dir </> file
getValuesBS dir $ InFile file
where file = "data" </> genFileName gen
genValues :: [GenValue] -> IO SBS.ByteString
genValues gens = do
(code, stdout, stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode "futhark-dataset" args mempty
case code of
ExitSuccess ->
return stdout
ExitFailure e ->
fail $ "futhark-dataset failed with exit code " ++ show e ++ " and stderr:\n" ++
map (chr . fromIntegral) (SBS.unpack stderr)
where args = "-b" : concatMap argForGen gens
argForGen g = ["-g", genValueType g]
genFileName :: GenValue -> FilePath
genFileName gen = genValueType gen ++ ".in"
genFileSize :: GenValue -> Integer
genFileSize = genSize
where header_size = 1 + 1 + 1 + 4
genSize (GenValue ds t) = header_size + toInteger (length ds) * 8 +
product (map toInteger ds) * primSize t
genSize (GenInt _) = header_size + primSize (Signed Int32)
primSize (Signed it) = intByteSize it
primSize (Unsigned it) = intByteSize it
primSize (FloatType ft) = floatByteSize ft
primSize Bool = 1
testRunReferenceOutput :: FilePath -> T.Text -> TestRun -> FilePath
testRunReferenceOutput prog entry tr =
</> takeBaseName prog
<> ":" <> T.unpack entry
<> "-" <> map clean (runDescription tr)
<.> "out"
where clean '/' = '_'
clean ' ' = '_'
clean c = c
getExpectedResult :: MonadIO m =>
FilePath -> T.Text -> TestRun
-> m (ExpectedResult [Value])
getExpectedResult prog entry tr =
case runExpectedResult tr of
(Succeeds (Just (SuccessValues vals))) ->
Succeeds . Just <$> getValues (takeDirectory prog) vals
Succeeds (Just SuccessGenerateValues) ->
getExpectedResult prog entry
tr { runExpectedResult = Succeeds $ Just $ SuccessValues $ InFile $
testRunReferenceOutput prog entry tr }
Succeeds Nothing ->
return $ Succeeds Nothing
RunTimeFailure err ->
return $ RunTimeFailure err
compileProgram :: (MonadIO m, MonadError [T.Text] m) =>
[String] -> FilePath -> String -> FilePath
-> m (SBS.ByteString, SBS.ByteString)
compileProgram extra_options futhark backend program = do
(futcode, stdout, stderr) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode futhark (backend:options) ""
case futcode of
ExitFailure 127 -> throwError [progNotFound $ T.pack futhark]
ExitFailure _ -> throwError [T.decodeUtf8 stderr]
ExitSuccess -> return ()
return (stdout, stderr)
where binOutputf = dropExtension program
options = [program, "-o", binOutputf] ++ extra_options
progNotFound s = s <> ": command not found"
runProgram :: MonadIO m =>
String -> [String]
-> String -> T.Text -> Values
-> m (ExitCode, SBS.ByteString, SBS.ByteString)
runProgram runner extra_options prog entry input = do
let progbin = dropExtension prog
dir = takeDirectory prog
binpath = "." </> progbin
entry_options = ["-e", T.unpack entry]
(to_run, to_run_args)
| null runner = (binpath, entry_options ++ extra_options)
| otherwise = (runner, binpath : entry_options ++ extra_options)
input' <- getValuesBS dir input
liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode to_run to_run_args $ BS.toStrict input'
ensureReferenceOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadError [T.Text] m) =>
FilePath -> String -> FilePath -> [InputOutputs]
-> m ()
ensureReferenceOutput futhark compiler prog ios = do
missing <- filterM isReferenceMissing $ concatMap entryAndRuns ios
unless (null missing) $ do
void $ compileProgram [] futhark compiler prog
liftIO $ void $ flip pmapIO missing $ \(entry, tr) -> do
(code, stdout, stderr) <- runProgram "" ["-b"] prog entry $ runInput tr
case code of
ExitFailure e ->
fail $ "Reference dataset generation failed with exit code " ++
show e ++ " and stderr:\n" ++
map (chr . fromIntegral) (SBS.unpack stderr)
ExitSuccess ->
SBS.writeFile (file (entry, tr)) stdout
where file (entry, tr) =
takeDirectory prog </> testRunReferenceOutput prog entry tr
entryAndRuns (InputOutputs entry rts) = map (entry,) rts
isReferenceMissing (entry, tr)
| Succeeds (Just SuccessGenerateValues) <- runExpectedResult tr =
liftIO . fmap not . doesFileExist . file $ (entry, tr)
| otherwise =
return False