{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Futhark.CLI.Dev (main) where
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Category (id)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Futhark.Pass
import Futhark.Actions
import Futhark.Compiler
import Language.Futhark.Parser (parseFuthark)
import Futhark.Util.Options
import Futhark.Pipeline
import qualified Futhark.Representation.SOACS as SOACS
import Futhark.Representation.SOACS (SOACS)
import qualified Futhark.Representation.Kernels as Kernels
import Futhark.Representation.Kernels (Kernels)
import qualified Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory as ExplicitMemory
import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory (ExplicitMemory)
import Futhark.Representation.AST (Prog, pretty)
import Futhark.TypeCheck (Checkable)
import qualified Futhark.Util.Pretty as PP
import Futhark.Internalise.Defunctorise as Defunctorise
import Futhark.Internalise.Monomorphise as Monomorphise
import Futhark.Internalise.Defunctionalise as Defunctionalise
import Futhark.Optimise.InliningDeadFun
import Futhark.Optimise.CSE
import Futhark.Optimise.Fusion
import Futhark.Pass.FirstOrderTransform
import Futhark.Pass.Simplify
import Futhark.Optimise.InPlaceLowering
import Futhark.Optimise.DoubleBuffer
import Futhark.Optimise.TileLoops
import Futhark.Optimise.Unstream
import Futhark.Pass.KernelBabysitting
import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels
import Futhark.Pass.ExpandAllocations
import Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations
import Futhark.Passes
data FutharkPipeline = PrettyPrint
| TypeCheck
| Pipeline [UntypedPass]
| Defunctorise
| Monomorphise
| Defunctionalise
data Config = Config { futharkConfig :: FutharkConfig
, futharkPipeline :: FutharkPipeline
, futharkAction :: UntypedAction
getFutharkPipeline :: Config -> [UntypedPass]
getFutharkPipeline = toPipeline . futharkPipeline
where toPipeline (Pipeline p) = p
toPipeline _ = []
data UntypedPassState = SOACS (Prog SOACS.SOACS)
| Kernels (Prog Kernels.Kernels)
| ExplicitMemory (Prog ExplicitMemory.ExplicitMemory)
getSOACSProg :: UntypedPassState -> Maybe (Prog SOACS.SOACS)
getSOACSProg (SOACS prog) = Just prog
getSOACSProg _ = Nothing
class Representation s where
representation :: s -> String
instance Representation UntypedPassState where
representation (SOACS _) = "SOACS"
representation (Kernels _) = "Kernels"
representation (ExplicitMemory _) = "ExplicitMemory"
instance PP.Pretty UntypedPassState where
ppr (SOACS prog) = PP.ppr prog
ppr (Kernels prog) = PP.ppr prog
ppr (ExplicitMemory prog) = PP.ppr prog
newtype UntypedPass = UntypedPass (UntypedPassState
-> PipelineConfig
-> FutharkM UntypedPassState)
data UntypedAction = SOACSAction (Action SOACS)
| KernelsAction (Action Kernels)
| ExplicitMemoryAction (Action ExplicitMemory)
| PolyAction (Action SOACS) (Action Kernels) (Action ExplicitMemory)
untypedActionName :: UntypedAction -> String
untypedActionName (SOACSAction a) = actionName a
untypedActionName (KernelsAction a) = actionName a
untypedActionName (ExplicitMemoryAction a) = actionName a
untypedActionName (PolyAction a _ _) = actionName a
instance Representation UntypedAction where
representation (SOACSAction _) = "SOACS"
representation (KernelsAction _) = "Kernels"
representation (ExplicitMemoryAction _) = "ExplicitMemory"
representation PolyAction{} = "<any>"
newConfig :: Config
newConfig = Config newFutharkConfig (Pipeline []) $ PolyAction printAction printAction printAction
changeFutharkConfig :: (FutharkConfig -> FutharkConfig)
-> Config -> Config
changeFutharkConfig f cfg = cfg { futharkConfig = f $ futharkConfig cfg }
type FutharkOption = FunOptDescr Config
passOption :: String -> UntypedPass -> String -> [String] -> FutharkOption
passOption desc pass short long =
Option short long
(NoArg $ Right $ \cfg ->
cfg { futharkPipeline = Pipeline $ getFutharkPipeline cfg ++ [pass] })
explicitMemoryProg :: String -> UntypedPassState -> FutharkM (Prog ExplicitMemory.ExplicitMemory)
explicitMemoryProg _ (ExplicitMemory prog) =
return prog
explicitMemoryProg name rep =
externalErrorS $ "Pass " ++ name ++
" expects ExplicitMemory representation, but got " ++ representation rep
soacsProg :: String -> UntypedPassState -> FutharkM (Prog SOACS.SOACS)
soacsProg _ (SOACS prog) =
return prog
soacsProg name rep =
externalErrorS $ "Pass " ++ name ++
" expects SOACS representation, but got " ++ representation rep
kernelsProg :: String -> UntypedPassState -> FutharkM (Prog Kernels.Kernels)
kernelsProg _ (Kernels prog) =
return prog
kernelsProg name rep =
externalErrorS $
"Pass " ++ name ++" expects Kernels representation, but got " ++ representation rep
typedPassOption :: (Checkable fromlore, Checkable tolore) =>
(String -> UntypedPassState -> FutharkM (Prog fromlore))
-> (Prog tolore -> UntypedPassState)
-> Pass fromlore tolore
-> String
-> FutharkOption
typedPassOption getProg putProg pass short =
passOption (passDescription pass) (UntypedPass perform) short long
where perform s config = do
prog <- getProg (passName pass) s
putProg <$> runPasses (onePass pass) config prog
long = [passLongOption pass]
soacsPassOption :: Pass SOACS SOACS -> String -> FutharkOption
soacsPassOption =
typedPassOption soacsProg SOACS
kernelsPassOption :: Pass Kernels Kernels -> String -> FutharkOption
kernelsPassOption =
typedPassOption kernelsProg Kernels
explicitMemoryPassOption :: Pass ExplicitMemory ExplicitMemory -> String -> FutharkOption
explicitMemoryPassOption =
typedPassOption explicitMemoryProg ExplicitMemory
simplifyOption :: String -> FutharkOption
simplifyOption short =
passOption (passDescription pass) (UntypedPass perform) short long
where perform (SOACS prog) config =
SOACS <$> runPasses (onePass simplifySOACS) config prog
perform (Kernels prog) config =
Kernels <$> runPasses (onePass simplifyKernels) config prog
perform (ExplicitMemory prog) config =
ExplicitMemory <$> runPasses (onePass simplifyExplicitMemory) config prog
long = [passLongOption pass]
pass = simplifySOACS
cseOption :: String -> FutharkOption
cseOption short =
passOption (passDescription pass) (UntypedPass perform) short long
where perform (SOACS prog) config =
SOACS <$> runPasses (onePass $ performCSE True) config prog
perform (Kernels prog) config =
Kernels <$> runPasses (onePass $ performCSE True) config prog
perform (ExplicitMemory prog) config =
ExplicitMemory <$> runPasses (onePass $ performCSE False) config prog
long = [passLongOption pass]
pass = performCSE True :: Pass SOACS SOACS
pipelineOption :: (UntypedPassState -> Maybe (Prog fromlore))
-> String
-> (Prog tolore -> UntypedPassState)
-> String
-> Pipeline fromlore tolore
-> String
-> [String]
-> FutharkOption
pipelineOption getprog repdesc repf desc pipeline =
passOption desc $ UntypedPass pipelinePass
where pipelinePass rep config =
case getprog rep of
Just prog ->
repf <$> runPasses pipeline config prog
Nothing ->
externalErrorS $ "Expected " ++ repdesc ++ " representation, but got " ++
representation rep
soacsPipelineOption :: String -> Pipeline SOACS SOACS -> String -> [String]
-> FutharkOption
soacsPipelineOption = pipelineOption getSOACSProg "SOACS" SOACS
kernelsPipelineOption :: String -> Pipeline SOACS Kernels -> String -> [String]
-> FutharkOption
kernelsPipelineOption = pipelineOption getSOACSProg "Kernels" Kernels
explicitMemoryPipelineOption :: String -> Pipeline SOACS ExplicitMemory -> String -> [String]
-> FutharkOption
explicitMemoryPipelineOption = pipelineOption getSOACSProg "ExplicitMemory" ExplicitMemory
commandLineOptions :: [FutharkOption]
commandLineOptions =
[ Option "v" ["verbose"]
(OptArg (Right . changeFutharkConfig . incVerbosity) "FILE")
"Print verbose output on standard error; wrong program to FILE."
, Option [] ["Werror"]
(NoArg $ Right $ changeFutharkConfig $ \opts -> opts { futharkWerror = True })
"Treat warnings as errors."
, Option "t" ["type-check"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts ->
opts { futharkPipeline = TypeCheck })
"Type-check the program and print errors on standard error."
, Option [] ["pretty-print"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts ->
opts { futharkPipeline = PrettyPrint })
"Parse and pretty-print the AST of the given program."
, Option [] ["compile-imperative"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts ->
opts { futharkAction = ExplicitMemoryAction impCodeGenAction })
"Translate program into the imperative IL and write it on standard output."
, Option [] ["compile-imperative-kernels"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts ->
opts { futharkAction = ExplicitMemoryAction kernelImpCodeGenAction })
"Translate program into the imperative IL with kernels and write it on standard output."
, Option [] ["range-analysis"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts -> opts { futharkAction = PolyAction rangeAction rangeAction rangeAction })
"Print the program with range annotations added."
, Option "p" ["print"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts -> opts { futharkAction = PolyAction printAction printAction printAction })
"Prettyprint the resulting internal representation on standard output (default action)."
, Option "m" ["metrics"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts -> opts { futharkAction = PolyAction metricsAction metricsAction metricsAction })
"Print AST metrics of the resulting internal representation on standard output."
, Option [] ["defunctorise"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts -> opts { futharkPipeline = Defunctorise })
"Partially evaluate all module constructs and print the residual program."
, Option [] ["monomorphise"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts -> opts { futharkPipeline = Monomorphise })
"Monomorphise the program."
, Option [] ["defunctionalise"]
(NoArg $ Right $ \opts -> opts { futharkPipeline = Defunctionalise })
"Defunctionalise the program."
, typedPassOption soacsProg Kernels firstOrderTransform "f"
, soacsPassOption fuseSOACs "o"
, soacsPassOption inlineAndRemoveDeadFunctions []
, kernelsPassOption inPlaceLowering []
, kernelsPassOption babysitKernels []
, kernelsPassOption tileLoops []
, kernelsPassOption unstream []
, typedPassOption soacsProg Kernels extractKernels []
, typedPassOption kernelsProg ExplicitMemory explicitAllocations "a"
, explicitMemoryPassOption doubleBuffer []
, explicitMemoryPassOption expandAllocations []
, cseOption []
, simplifyOption "e"
, soacsPipelineOption "Run the default optimised pipeline"
standardPipeline "s" ["standard"]
, kernelsPipelineOption "Run the default optimised kernels pipeline"
kernelsPipeline [] ["kernels"]
, explicitMemoryPipelineOption "Run the full GPU compilation pipeline"
gpuPipeline [] ["gpu"]
, explicitMemoryPipelineOption "Run the sequential CPU compilation pipeline"
sequentialCpuPipeline [] ["cpu"]
incVerbosity :: Maybe FilePath -> FutharkConfig -> FutharkConfig
incVerbosity file cfg =
cfg { futharkVerbose = (v, file `mplus` snd (futharkVerbose cfg)) }
where v = case fst $ futharkVerbose cfg of
NotVerbose -> Verbose
Verbose -> VeryVerbose
VeryVerbose -> VeryVerbose
main :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
main = mainWithOptions newConfig commandLineOptions "options... program" compile
where compile [file] config =
Just $ do
res <- runFutharkM (m file config) $
fst $ futharkVerbose $ futharkConfig config
case res of
Left err -> do
dumpError (futharkConfig config) err
exitWith $ ExitFailure 2
Right () -> return ()
compile _ _ =
m file config =
case futharkPipeline config of
TypeCheck -> do
(warnings, _, _) <- readProgram file
liftIO $ hPutStr stderr $ show warnings
PrettyPrint -> liftIO $ do
maybe_prog <- parseFuthark file <$> T.readFile file
case maybe_prog of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right prog -> putStrLn $ pretty prog
Defunctorise -> do
(_, imports, src) <- readProgram file
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . pretty) $
evalState (Defunctorise.transformProg imports) src
Monomorphise -> do
(_, imports, src) <- readProgram file
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . pretty) $ flip evalState src $
Defunctorise.transformProg imports
>>= Monomorphise.transformProg
Defunctionalise -> do
(_, imports, src) <- readProgram file
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . pretty) $ flip evalState src $
Defunctorise.transformProg imports
>>= Monomorphise.transformProg
>>= Defunctionalise.transformProg
Pipeline{} -> do
prog <- runPipelineOnProgram (futharkConfig config) id file
runPolyPasses config prog
runPolyPasses :: Config -> SOACS.Prog -> FutharkM ()
runPolyPasses config prog = do
prog' <- foldM (runPolyPass pipeline_config) (SOACS prog) (getFutharkPipeline config)
case (prog', futharkAction config) of
(SOACS soacs_prog, SOACSAction action) ->
actionProcedure action soacs_prog
(Kernels kernels_prog, KernelsAction action) ->
actionProcedure action kernels_prog
(ExplicitMemory mem_prog, ExplicitMemoryAction action) ->
actionProcedure action mem_prog
(SOACS soacs_prog, PolyAction soacs_action _ _) ->
actionProcedure soacs_action soacs_prog
(Kernels kernels_prog, PolyAction _ kernels_action _) ->
actionProcedure kernels_action kernels_prog
(ExplicitMemory mem_prog, PolyAction _ _ mem_action) ->
actionProcedure mem_action mem_prog
(_, action) ->
externalErrorS $ "Action " <>
untypedActionName action <>
" expects " ++ representation action ++ " representation, but got " ++
representation prog' ++ "."
where pipeline_config =
PipelineConfig { pipelineVerbose = fst (futharkVerbose $ futharkConfig config) > NotVerbose
, pipelineValidate = True
runPolyPass :: PipelineConfig
-> UntypedPassState -> UntypedPass -> FutharkM UntypedPassState
runPolyPass pipeline_config s (UntypedPass f) =
f s pipeline_config