{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Futhark.Internalise.Defunctionalise
( transformProg ) where
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Data.Bifunctor hiding (first, second)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Loc
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Language.Futhark
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Pretty ()
data StaticVal = Dynamic CompType
| LambdaSV [VName] Pattern StructType Exp Env
| RecordSV [(Name, StaticVal)]
| DynamicFun (Exp, StaticVal) StaticVal
| IntrinsicSV
deriving (Show)
type Env = M.Map VName StaticVal
localEnv :: Env -> DefM a -> DefM a
localEnv env = local $ second (env<>)
localNewEnv :: Env -> DefM a -> DefM a
localNewEnv env = local $ \(globals, old_env) ->
(globals, M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `S.member` globals) old_env <> env)
extendEnv :: VName -> StaticVal -> DefM a -> DefM a
extendEnv vn sv = localEnv (M.singleton vn sv)
askEnv :: DefM Env
askEnv = asks snd
isGlobal :: VName -> DefM a -> DefM a
isGlobal v = local $ first (S.insert v)
restrictEnvTo :: NameSet -> DefM Env
restrictEnvTo (NameSet m) = restrict <$> ask
where restrict (globals, env) = M.mapMaybeWithKey keep env
where keep k sv = do guard $ not $ k `S.member` globals
u <- M.lookup k m
Just $ restrict' u sv
restrict' Nonunique (Dynamic t) =
Dynamic $ t `setUniqueness` Nonunique
restrict' _ (Dynamic t) =
Dynamic t
restrict' u (LambdaSV dims pat t e env) =
LambdaSV dims pat t e $ M.map (restrict' u) env
restrict' u (RecordSV fields) =
RecordSV $ map (fmap $ restrict' u) fields
restrict' u (DynamicFun (e, sv1) sv2) =
DynamicFun (e, restrict' u sv1) $ restrict' u sv2
restrict' _ IntrinsicSV = IntrinsicSV
newtype DefM a = DefM (RWS (S.Set VName, Env) (Seq.Seq ValBind) VNameSource a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
MonadReader (S.Set VName, Env),
MonadWriter (Seq.Seq ValBind),
runDefM :: VNameSource -> DefM a -> (a, VNameSource, Seq.Seq ValBind)
runDefM src (DefM m) = runRWS m mempty src
collectFuns :: DefM a -> DefM (a, Seq.Seq ValBind)
collectFuns m = pass $ do
(x, decs) <- listen m
return ((x, decs), const mempty)
lookupVar :: SrcLoc -> VName -> DefM StaticVal
lookupVar loc x = do
env <- askEnv
case M.lookup x env of
Just sv -> return sv
| baseTag x <= maxIntrinsicTag -> return IntrinsicSV
| otherwise -> error $ "Variable " ++ pretty x ++ " at "
++ locStr loc ++ " is out of scope."
defuncExp :: Exp -> DefM (Exp, StaticVal)
defuncExp e@Literal{} =
return (e, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@IntLit{} =
return (e, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@FloatLit{} =
return (e, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp (Parens e loc) = do
(e', sv) <- defuncExp e
return (Parens e' loc, sv)
defuncExp (QualParens qn e loc) = do
(e', sv) <- defuncExp e
return (QualParens qn e' loc, sv)
defuncExp (TupLit es loc) = do
(es', svs) <- unzip <$> mapM defuncExp es
return (TupLit es' loc, RecordSV $ zip fields svs)
where fields = map (nameFromString . show) [(1 :: Int) ..]
defuncExp (RecordLit fs loc) = do
(fs', names_svs) <- unzip <$> mapM defuncField fs
return (RecordLit fs' loc, RecordSV names_svs)
where defuncField (RecordFieldExplicit vn e loc') = do
(e', sv) <- defuncExp e
return (RecordFieldExplicit vn e' loc', (vn, sv))
defuncField (RecordFieldImplicit vn _ loc') = do
sv <- lookupVar loc' vn
case sv of
DynamicFun (e, sv') _ -> let vn' = baseName vn
in return (RecordFieldExplicit vn' e loc',
(vn', sv'))
_ -> let tp = Info $ typeFromSV sv
in return (RecordFieldImplicit vn tp loc', (baseName vn, sv))
defuncExp (ArrayLit es t@(Info t') loc) = do
es' <- mapM defuncExp' es
return (ArrayLit es' t loc, Dynamic t')
defuncExp (Range e1 me incl t@(Info t') loc) = do
e1' <- defuncExp' e1
me' <- mapM defuncExp' me
incl' <- mapM defuncExp' incl
return (Range e1' me' incl' t loc, Dynamic t')
defuncExp e@(Var qn _ loc) = do
sv <- lookupVar loc (qualLeaf qn)
case sv of
DynamicFun closure _ -> return closure
IntrinsicSV -> do
(pats, body, tp) <- etaExpand e
defuncExp $ Lambda [] pats body Nothing (Info (mempty, tp)) noLoc
_ -> let tp = typeFromSV sv
in return (Var qn (Info (vacuousShapeAnnotations tp)) loc, sv)
defuncExp (Ascript e0 tydecl loc)
| orderZero (typeOf e0) = do (e0', sv) <- defuncExp e0
return (Ascript e0' tydecl loc, sv)
| otherwise = defuncExp e0
defuncExp (LetPat tparams pat e1 e2 loc) = do
let env_dim = envFromShapeParams tparams
(e1', sv1) <- localEnv env_dim $ defuncExp e1
let env = matchPatternSV pat sv1
pat' = updatePattern pat sv1
(e2', sv2) <- localEnv (env <> env_dim) $ defuncExp e2
return (LetPat tparams pat' e1' e2' loc, sv2)
defuncExp (LetFun vn (dims, pats, _, rettype@(Info ret), e1) e2 loc) = do
let env_dim = envFromShapeParams dims
(pats', e1', sv1) <- localEnv env_dim $ defuncLet dims pats e1 rettype
(e2', sv2) <- extendEnv vn sv1 $ defuncExp e2
case pats' of
[] -> let t1 = combineTypeShapes (fromStruct ret) $
vacuousShapeAnnotations $ typeOf e1'
in return (LetPat dims (Id vn (Info t1) noLoc) e1' e2' loc, sv2)
_:_ -> let t1 = combineTypeShapes ret $
vacuousShapeAnnotations . toStruct $ typeOf e1'
in return (LetFun vn (dims, pats', Nothing, Info t1, e1') e2' loc, sv2)
defuncExp (If e1 e2 e3 tp loc) = do
(e1', _ ) <- defuncExp e1
(e2', sv) <- defuncExp e2
(e3', _ ) <- defuncExp e3
return (If e1' e2' e3' tp loc, sv)
defuncExp e@Apply{} = defuncApply 0 e
defuncExp (Negate e0 loc) = do
(e0', sv) <- defuncExp e0
return (Negate e0' loc, sv)
defuncExp e@(Lambda tparams pats e0 decl (Info (closure, ret)) loc) = do
when (any isTypeParam tparams) $
error $ "Received a lambda with type parameters at " ++ locStr loc
++ ", but the defunctionalizer expects a monomorphic input program."
let (dims, pat, ret', e0') = case pats of
[] -> error "Received a lambda with no parameters."
[pat'] -> (map typeParamName tparams, pat', ret, e0)
(pat' : pats') ->
let bound_by_pat = (`S.member` patternDimNames pat') . typeParamName
(pat_dims, rest_dims) = partition bound_by_pat tparams
in (map typeParamName pat_dims, pat',
foldFunType (map (toStruct . patternPatternType) pats') ret,
Lambda rest_dims pats' e0 decl (Info (closure, ret)) loc)
env <- restrictEnvTo (freeVars e)
let (fields, env') = unzip $ map closureFromDynamicFun $ M.toList env
return (RecordLit fields loc, LambdaSV dims pat ret' e0' $ M.fromList env')
where closureFromDynamicFun (vn, DynamicFun (clsr_env, sv) _) =
let name = nameFromString $ pretty vn
in (RecordFieldExplicit name clsr_env noLoc, (vn, sv))
closureFromDynamicFun (vn, sv) =
let name = nameFromString $ pretty vn
tp' = vacuousShapeAnnotations $ typeFromSV sv
in (RecordFieldExplicit name
(Var (qualName vn) (Info tp') noLoc) noLoc, (vn, sv))
defuncExp OpSection{} = error "defuncExp: unexpected operator section."
defuncExp OpSectionLeft{} = error "defuncExp: unexpected operator section."
defuncExp OpSectionRight{} = error "defuncExp: unexpected operator section."
defuncExp ProjectSection{} = error "defuncExp: unexpected projection section."
defuncExp IndexSection{} = error "defuncExp: unexpected projection section."
defuncExp (DoLoop tparams pat e1 form e3 loc) = do
let env_dim = envFromShapeParams tparams
(e1', sv1) <- defuncExp e1
let env1 = matchPatternSV pat sv1
(form', env2) <- case form of
For v e2 -> do e2' <- defuncExp' e2
return (For v e2', envFromIdent v)
ForIn pat2 e2 -> do e2' <- defuncExp' e2
return (ForIn pat2 e2', envFromPattern pat2)
While e2 -> do e2' <- localEnv (env1 <> env_dim) $ defuncExp' e2
return (While e2', mempty)
(e3', sv) <- localEnv (env1 <> env2 <> env_dim) $ defuncExp e3
return (DoLoop tparams pat e1' form' e3' loc, sv)
where envFromIdent (Ident vn (Info tp) _) = M.singleton vn $ Dynamic tp
defuncExp (BinOp qn (Info t) (e1, Info pt1) (e2, Info pt2) (Info ret) loc) =
defuncExp $ Apply (Apply (Var qn (Info t) loc)
e1 (Info (diet pt1)) (Info (Arrow mempty Nothing (fromStruct pt2) ret)) loc)
e2 (Info (diet pt2)) (Info ret) loc
defuncExp (Project vn e0 tp@(Info tp') loc) = do
(e0', sv0) <- defuncExp e0
case sv0 of
RecordSV svs -> case lookup vn svs of
Just sv -> return (Project vn e0' (Info $ typeFromSV sv) loc, sv)
Nothing -> error "Invalid record projection."
Dynamic _ -> return (Project vn e0' tp loc, Dynamic tp')
_ -> error $ "Projection of an expression with static value " ++ show sv0
defuncExp (LetWith id1 id2 idxs e1 body loc) = do
e1' <- defuncExp' e1
sv1 <- lookupVar (identSrcLoc id2) $ identName id2
idxs' <- mapM defuncDimIndex idxs
(body', sv) <- extendEnv (identName id1) sv1 $ defuncExp body
return (LetWith id1 id2 idxs' e1' body' loc, sv)
defuncExp expr@(Index e0 idxs info loc) = do
e0' <- defuncExp' e0
idxs' <- mapM defuncDimIndex idxs
return (Index e0' idxs' info loc, Dynamic $ typeOf expr)
defuncExp (Update e1 idxs e2 loc) = do
(e1', sv) <- defuncExp e1
idxs' <- mapM defuncDimIndex idxs
e2' <- defuncExp' e2
return (Update e1' idxs' e2' loc, sv)
defuncExp (RecordUpdate e1 fs e2 _ loc) = do
(e1', sv1) <- defuncExp e1
(e2', sv2) <- defuncExp e2
let sv = staticField sv1 sv2 fs
return (RecordUpdate e1' fs e2'
(Info $ vacuousShapeAnnotations $ typeFromSV sv1) loc,
where staticField (RecordSV svs) sv2 (f:fs') =
case lookup f svs of
Just sv -> RecordSV $
(f, staticField sv sv2 fs') : filter ((/=f) . fst) svs
Nothing -> error "Invalid record projection."
staticField (Dynamic t@Record{}) sv2 fs'@(_:_) =
staticField (svFromType t) sv2 fs'
staticField _ sv2 _ = sv2
defuncExp e@(Map fun arr t loc) = do
fun' <- defuncSoacExp fun
arr' <- defuncExp' arr
return (Map fun' arr' t loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Reduce comm fun ne arr loc) = do
fun' <- defuncSoacExp fun
ne' <- defuncExp' ne
arr' <- defuncExp' arr
return (Reduce comm fun' ne' arr' loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(GenReduce hist op ne bfun img loc) = do
hist' <- defuncExp' hist
op' <- defuncSoacExp op
ne' <- defuncExp' ne
bfun' <- defuncSoacExp bfun
img' <- defuncExp' img
return (GenReduce hist' op' ne' bfun' img' loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Scan fun ne arr loc) =
(,) <$> (Scan <$> defuncSoacExp fun <*> defuncExp' ne <*> defuncExp' arr
<*> pure loc)
<*> pure (Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Filter fun arr loc) = do
fun' <- defuncSoacExp fun
arr' <- defuncExp' arr
return (Filter fun' arr' loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Partition k fun arr loc) = do
fun' <- defuncSoacExp fun
arr' <- defuncExp' arr
return (Partition k fun' arr' loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Stream form lam arr loc) = do
form' <- case form of
MapLike _ -> return form
RedLike so comm e' -> RedLike so comm <$> defuncSoacExp e'
lam' <- defuncSoacExp lam
arr' <- defuncExp' arr
return (Stream form' lam' arr' loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Zip i e1 es t loc) = do
e1' <- defuncExp' e1
es' <- mapM defuncExp' es
return (Zip i e1' es' t loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp e@(Unzip e0 tps loc) = do
e0' <- defuncExp' e0
return (Unzip e0' tps loc, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp (Unsafe e1 loc) = do
(e1', sv) <- defuncExp e1
return (Unsafe e1' loc, sv)
defuncExp (Assert e1 e2 desc loc) = do
(e1', _) <- defuncExp e1
(e2', sv) <- defuncExp e2
return (Assert e1' e2' desc loc, sv)
defuncExp e@VConstr0{} = return (e, Dynamic $ typeOf e)
defuncExp (Match e cs t loc) = do
(e', sv) <- defuncExp e
csPairs <- mapM (defuncCase sv) cs
let cs' = map fst csPairs
sv' = case csPairs of
[] -> error "Matches must always have at least one case."
c':_ -> snd c'
return (Match e' cs' t loc, sv')
defuncExp' :: Exp -> DefM Exp
defuncExp' = fmap fst . defuncExp
defuncCase :: StaticVal -> Case -> DefM (Case, StaticVal)
defuncCase sv (CasePat p e loc) = do
let p' = updatePattern p sv
env = matchPatternSV p sv
(e', sv') <- localEnv env $ defuncExp e
return (CasePat p' e' loc, sv')
defuncSoacExp :: Exp -> DefM Exp
defuncSoacExp e@OpSection{} = return e
defuncSoacExp e@OpSectionLeft{} = return e
defuncSoacExp e@OpSectionRight{} = return e
defuncSoacExp e@ProjectSection{} = return e
defuncSoacExp (Parens e loc) =
Parens <$> defuncSoacExp e <*> pure loc
defuncSoacExp (Lambda tparams params e0 decl tp loc) = do
let env_dim = envFromShapeParams tparams
env = foldMap envFromPattern params
e0' <- localEnv (env <> env_dim) $ defuncSoacExp e0
return $ Lambda tparams params e0' decl tp loc
defuncSoacExp e
| Arrow{} <- typeOf e = do
(pats, body, tp) <- etaExpand e
let env = foldMap envFromPattern pats
body' <- localEnv env $ defuncExp' body
return $ Lambda [] pats body' Nothing (Info (mempty, tp)) noLoc
| otherwise = defuncExp' e
etaExpand :: Exp -> DefM ([Pattern], Exp, StructType)
etaExpand e = do
let (ps, ret) = getType $ typeOf e
(pats, vars) <- fmap unzip . forM ps $ \t -> do
x <- newNameFromString "x"
let t' = vacuousShapeAnnotations t
return (Id x (Info t') noLoc,
Var (qualName x) (Info t') noLoc)
let ps_st = map vacuousShapeAnnotations ps
e' = foldl' (\e1 (e2, t2, argtypes) ->
Apply e1 e2 (Info $ diet t2)
(Info (foldFunType argtypes (vacuousShapeAnnotations ret))) noLoc)
e $ zip3 vars ps (drop 1 $ tails ps_st)
return (pats, e', vacuousShapeAnnotations $ toStruct ret)
where getType (Arrow _ _ t1 t2) =
let (ps, r) = getType t2 in (t1 : ps, r)
getType t = ([], t)
defuncDimIndex :: DimIndexBase Info VName -> DefM (DimIndexBase Info VName)
defuncDimIndex (DimFix e1) = DimFix . fst <$> defuncExp e1
defuncDimIndex (DimSlice me1 me2 me3) =
DimSlice <$> defunc' me1 <*> defunc' me2 <*> defunc' me3
where defunc' = mapM defuncExp'
defuncLet :: [TypeParam] -> [Pattern] -> Exp -> Info StructType
-> DefM ([Pattern], Exp, StaticVal)
defuncLet dims ps@(pat:pats) body (Info rettype)
| patternOrderZero pat = do
let env = envFromPattern pat
bound_by_pat = (`S.member` patternDimNames pat) . typeParamName
(_pat_dims, rest_dims) = partition bound_by_pat dims
(pats', body', sv) <- localEnv env $ defuncLet rest_dims pats body (Info rettype)
closure <- defuncExp $ Lambda dims ps body Nothing (Info (mempty, rettype)) noLoc
return (pat : pats', body', DynamicFun closure sv)
| otherwise = do
(e, sv) <- defuncExp $ Lambda dims ps body Nothing (Info (mempty, rettype)) noLoc
return ([], e, sv)
defuncLet _ [] body (Info rettype) = do
(body', sv) <- defuncExp body
return ([], body', imposeType sv rettype )
where imposeType Dynamic{} t =
Dynamic $ fromStruct $ removeShapeAnnotations t
imposeType (RecordSV fs1) (Record fs2) =
RecordSV $ M.toList $ M.intersectionWith imposeType (M.fromList fs1) fs2
imposeType sv _ = sv
defuncApply :: Int -> Exp -> DefM (Exp, StaticVal)
defuncApply depth e@(Apply e1 e2 d t@(Info ret) loc) = do
let (argtypes, _) = unfoldFunType ret
(e1', sv1) <- defuncApply (depth+1) e1
(e2', sv2) <- defuncExp e2
let e' = Apply e1' e2' d t loc
case sv1 of
LambdaSV dims pat e0_t e0 closure_env -> do
let env' = matchPatternSV pat sv2
env_dim = envFromDimNames dims
(e0', sv) <- localNewEnv (env' <> closure_env <> env_dim) $ defuncExp e0
let closure_pat = buildEnvPattern closure_env
pat' = updatePattern pat sv2
let letPat (RecordPattern [] _) _ pbody = pbody
letPat (PatternParens pp _) pe pbody = letPat pp pe pbody
letPat (Id v1 _ _) pe (RecordLit [RecordFieldExplicit f (Var v2 _ _) floc] rloc)
| v1 == qualLeaf v2 =
RecordLit [RecordFieldExplicit f pe floc] rloc
letPat (RecordPattern [(pf,p)] _) (RecordLit [RecordFieldExplicit f pe _] _) pbody
| pf == f =
letPat p pe pbody
letPat pp pe pbody = LetPat [] pp pe pbody noLoc
inline RecordLit{} = True
inline TupLit{} = True
inline (Apply x y _ _ _) = inline x && inline y
inline (BinOp _ _ (x, _) (y, _) _ _) = inline x && inline y
inline Var{} = True
inline Literal{} = True
inline (LetPat _ _ x y _) = inline x && inline y
inline Negate{} = True
inline _ = False
if inline e0' && null dims
then return (letPat closure_pat e1' $ letPat pat' e2' e0', sv)
else do
let params = [closure_pat, pat']
rettype = buildRetType closure_env params e0_t $ typeOf e0'
liftedName i (Var f _ _) =
"lifted_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ baseString (qualLeaf f)
liftedName i (Apply f _ _ _ _) =
liftedName (i+1) f
liftedName _ _ = "lifted"
fname <- newNameFromString $ liftedName (0::Int) e1
liftValDec fname rettype dims params e0'
let t1 = vacuousShapeAnnotations . toStruct $ typeOf e1'
t2 = vacuousShapeAnnotations . toStruct $ typeOf e2'
fname' = qualName fname
return (Parens (Apply (Apply (Var fname' (Info (Arrow mempty Nothing (fromStruct t1) $
Arrow mempty Nothing (fromStruct t2) rettype)) loc)
e1' (Info Observe) (Info $ Arrow mempty Nothing (fromStruct t2) rettype) loc)
e2' d (Info rettype) loc) noLoc, sv)
DynamicFun _ sv ->
let (argtypes', rettype) = dynamicFunType sv argtypes
apply_e = Apply e1' e2' d (Info $ foldFunType argtypes' rettype) loc
in return (apply_e, sv)
| depth == 0 -> return (e', Dynamic $ typeOf e)
| otherwise -> return (e', IntrinsicSV)
_ -> error $ "Application of an expression that is neither a static lambda "
++ "nor a dynamic function, but has static value: " ++ show sv1
defuncApply depth e@(Var qn (Info t) loc) = do
let (argtypes, _) = unfoldFunType t
sv <- lookupVar loc (qualLeaf qn)
case sv of
DynamicFun _ _
| fullyApplied sv depth ->
let (argtypes', rettype) = dynamicFunType sv argtypes
in return (Var qn (Info (foldFunType argtypes' rettype)) loc, sv)
| otherwise -> do
fname <- newName $ qualLeaf qn
let (dims, pats, e0, sv') = liftDynFun sv depth
(argtypes', rettype) = dynamicFunType sv' argtypes
liftValDec fname (fromStruct rettype) dims pats e0
return (Var (qualName fname)
(Info (foldFunType argtypes' $ fromStruct rettype)) loc, sv')
IntrinsicSV -> return (e, IntrinsicSV)
_ -> return (Var qn (Info (vacuousShapeAnnotations $ typeFromSV sv)) loc, sv)
defuncApply _ expr = defuncExp expr
fullyApplied :: StaticVal -> Int -> Bool
fullyApplied (DynamicFun _ sv) depth
| depth == 0 = False
| depth > 0 = fullyApplied sv (depth-1)
fullyApplied _ _ = True
liftDynFun :: StaticVal -> Int -> ([VName], [Pattern], Exp, StaticVal)
liftDynFun (DynamicFun (e, sv) _) 0 = ([], [], e, sv)
liftDynFun (DynamicFun clsr@(_, LambdaSV dims pat _ _ _) sv) d
| d > 0 = let (dims', pats, e', sv') = liftDynFun sv (d-1)
in (dims ++ dims', pat : pats, e', DynamicFun clsr sv')
liftDynFun sv _ = error $ "Tried to lift a StaticVal " ++ show sv
++ ", but expected a dynamic function."
envFromPattern :: Pattern -> Env
envFromPattern pat = case pat of
TuplePattern ps _ -> foldMap envFromPattern ps
RecordPattern fs _ -> foldMap (envFromPattern . snd) fs
PatternParens p _ -> envFromPattern p
Id vn (Info t) _ -> M.singleton vn $ Dynamic $ removeShapeAnnotations t
Wildcard _ _ -> mempty
PatternAscription p _ _ -> envFromPattern p
PatternLit{} -> mempty
envFromShapeParams :: [TypeParamBase VName] -> Env
envFromShapeParams = envFromDimNames . map dim
where dim (TypeParamDim vn _) = vn
dim tparam = error $
"The defunctionalizer expects a monomorphic input program,\n" ++
"but it received a type parameter " ++ pretty tparam ++
" at " ++ locStr (srclocOf tparam) ++ "."
envFromDimNames :: [VName] -> Env
envFromDimNames = M.fromList . flip zip (repeat $ Dynamic $ Prim $ Signed Int32)
liftValDec :: VName -> PatternType -> [VName] -> [Pattern] -> Exp -> DefM ()
liftValDec fname rettype dims pats body = tell $ Seq.singleton dec
where dims' = map (flip TypeParamDim noLoc) dims
rettype_st = vacuousShapeAnnotations $ toStruct rettype
dec = ValBind
{ valBindEntryPoint = False
, valBindName = fname
, valBindRetDecl = Nothing
, valBindRetType = Info rettype_st
, valBindTypeParams = dims'
, valBindParams = pats
, valBindBody = body
, valBindDoc = Nothing
, valBindLocation = noLoc
buildEnvPattern :: Env -> Pattern
buildEnvPattern env = RecordPattern (map buildField $ M.toList env) noLoc
where buildField (vn, sv) = let tp = vacuousShapeAnnotations (typeFromSV sv)
in (nameFromString (pretty vn),
Id vn (Info tp) noLoc)
buildRetType :: Env -> [Pattern] -> StructType -> CompType -> PatternType
buildRetType env pats = comb
where bound = foldMap oneName (M.keys env) <> foldMap patternVars pats
boundAsUnique v =
maybe False (unique . unInfo . identType) $
find ((==v) . identName) $ S.toList $ foldMap patIdentSet pats
problematic v = (v `member` bound) && not (boundAsUnique v)
comb (Record fs_annot) (Record fs_got) =
Record $ M.intersectionWith comb fs_annot fs_got
comb Arrow{} t = vacuousShapeAnnotations $ descend t
comb got _ = fromStruct got
descend t@Array{}
| any (problematic . aliasVar) (aliases t) = t `setUniqueness` Nonunique
descend (Record t) = Record $ fmap descend t
descend t = t
typeFromSV :: StaticVal -> CompType
typeFromSV (Dynamic tp) = tp
typeFromSV (LambdaSV _ _ _ _ env) = typeFromEnv env
typeFromSV (RecordSV ls) = Record $ M.fromList $ map (fmap typeFromSV) ls
typeFromSV (DynamicFun (_, sv) _) = typeFromSV sv
typeFromSV IntrinsicSV = error $ "Tried to get the type from the "
++ "static value of an intrinsic."
typeFromEnv :: Env -> CompType
typeFromEnv = Record . M.fromList .
map (bimap (nameFromString . pretty) typeFromSV) . M.toList
dynamicFunType :: StaticVal -> [PatternType] -> ([PatternType], PatternType)
dynamicFunType (DynamicFun _ sv) (p:ps) =
let (ps', ret) = dynamicFunType sv ps in (p : ps', ret)
dynamicFunType sv _ = ([], vacuousShapeAnnotations $ typeFromSV sv)
matchPatternSV :: PatternBase Info VName -> StaticVal -> Env
matchPatternSV (TuplePattern ps _) (RecordSV ls) =
mconcat $ zipWith (\p (_, sv) -> matchPatternSV p sv) ps ls
matchPatternSV (RecordPattern ps _) (RecordSV ls)
| ps' <- sortOn fst ps, ls' <- sortOn fst ls,
map fst ps' == map fst ls' =
mconcat $ zipWith (\(_, p) (_, sv) -> matchPatternSV p sv) ps' ls'
matchPatternSV (PatternParens pat _) sv = matchPatternSV pat sv
matchPatternSV (Id vn (Info t) _) sv =
if orderZeroSV sv
then M.singleton vn $ Dynamic $ removeShapeAnnotations t
else M.singleton vn sv
matchPatternSV (Wildcard _ _) _ = mempty
matchPatternSV (PatternAscription pat _ _) sv = matchPatternSV pat sv
matchPatternSV PatternLit{} _ = mempty
matchPatternSV pat (Dynamic t) = matchPatternSV pat $ svFromType t
matchPatternSV pat sv = error $ "Tried to match pattern " ++ pretty pat
++ " with static value " ++ show sv ++ "."
orderZeroSV :: StaticVal -> Bool
orderZeroSV Dynamic{} = True
orderZeroSV (RecordSV fields) = all (orderZeroSV . snd) fields
orderZeroSV _ = False
updatePattern :: Pattern -> StaticVal -> Pattern
updatePattern (TuplePattern ps loc) (RecordSV svs) =
TuplePattern (zipWith updatePattern ps $ map snd svs) loc
updatePattern (RecordPattern ps loc) (RecordSV svs)
| ps' <- sortOn fst ps, svs' <- sortOn fst svs =
RecordPattern (zipWith (\(n, p) (_, sv) ->
(n, updatePattern p sv)) ps' svs') loc
updatePattern (PatternParens pat loc) sv =
PatternParens (updatePattern pat sv) loc
updatePattern pat@(Id vn (Info tp) loc) sv
| orderZero tp = pat
| otherwise = Id vn (Info . vacuousShapeAnnotations $
typeFromSV sv `setUniqueness` Nonunique) loc
updatePattern pat@(Wildcard (Info tp) loc) sv
| orderZero tp = pat
| otherwise = Wildcard (Info . vacuousShapeAnnotations $ typeFromSV sv) loc
updatePattern (PatternAscription pat tydecl loc) sv
| orderZero . unInfo $ expandedType tydecl =
PatternAscription (updatePattern pat sv) tydecl loc
| otherwise = updatePattern pat sv
updatePattern p@PatternLit{} _ = p
updatePattern pat (Dynamic t) = updatePattern pat (svFromType t)
updatePattern pat sv =
error $ "Tried to update pattern " ++ pretty pat
++ "to reflect the static value " ++ show sv
svFromType :: CompType -> StaticVal
svFromType (Record fs) = RecordSV . M.toList $ M.map svFromType fs
svFromType t = Dynamic t
newtype NameSet = NameSet (M.Map VName Uniqueness)
instance Semigroup NameSet where
NameSet x <> NameSet y = NameSet $ M.unionWith max x y
instance Monoid NameSet where
mempty = NameSet mempty
without :: NameSet -> NameSet -> NameSet
without (NameSet x) (NameSet y) = NameSet $ x `M.difference` y
member :: VName -> NameSet -> Bool
member v (NameSet m) = v `M.member` m
ident :: Ident -> NameSet
ident v = NameSet $ M.singleton (identName v) (uniqueness $ unInfo $ identType v)
oneName :: VName -> NameSet
oneName v = NameSet $ M.singleton v Nonunique
names :: S.Set VName -> NameSet
names = foldMap oneName
freeVars :: Exp -> NameSet
freeVars expr = case expr of
Literal{} -> mempty
IntLit{} -> mempty
FloatLit{} -> mempty
Parens e _ -> freeVars e
QualParens _ e _ -> freeVars e
TupLit es _ -> foldMap freeVars es
RecordLit fs _ -> foldMap freeVarsField fs
where freeVarsField (RecordFieldExplicit _ e _) = freeVars e
freeVarsField (RecordFieldImplicit vn t _) = ident $ Ident vn t noLoc
ArrayLit es _ _ -> foldMap freeVars es
Range e me incl _ _ -> freeVars e <> foldMap freeVars me <>
foldMap freeVars incl
Var qn (Info t) _ -> NameSet $ M.singleton (qualLeaf qn) $ uniqueness t
Ascript e t _ -> freeVars e <> names (typeDimNames $ unInfo $ expandedType t)
LetPat _ pat e1 e2 _ -> freeVars e1 <> ((names (patternDimNames pat) <> freeVars e2)
`without` patternVars pat)
LetFun vn (_, pats, _, _, e1) e2 _ ->
((freeVars e1 <> names (foldMap patternDimNames pats))
`without` foldMap patternVars pats) <>
(freeVars e2 `without` oneName vn)
If e1 e2 e3 _ _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2 <> freeVars e3
Apply e1 e2 _ _ _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
Negate e _ -> freeVars e
Lambda tps pats e0 _ _ _ -> (names (foldMap patternDimNames pats) <> freeVars e0)
`without` (foldMap patternVars pats <>
mconcat (map (oneName . typeParamName) tps))
OpSection{} -> mempty
OpSectionLeft _ _ e _ _ _ -> freeVars e
OpSectionRight _ _ e _ _ _ -> freeVars e
ProjectSection{} -> mempty
IndexSection idxs _ _ -> foldMap freeDimIndex idxs
DoLoop _ pat e1 form e3 _ -> let (e2fv, e2ident) = formVars form
in freeVars e1 <> e2fv <>
(freeVars e3 `without` (patternVars pat <> e2ident))
where formVars (For v e2) = (freeVars e2, ident v)
formVars (ForIn p e2) = (freeVars e2, patternVars p)
formVars (While e2) = (freeVars e2, mempty)
BinOp qn _ (e1, _) (e2, _) _ _ -> oneName (qualLeaf qn) <>
freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
Project _ e _ _ -> freeVars e
LetWith id1 id2 idxs e1 e2 _ ->
ident id2 <> foldMap freeDimIndex idxs <> freeVars e1 <>
(freeVars e2 `without` ident id1)
Index e idxs _ _ -> freeVars e <> foldMap freeDimIndex idxs
Update e1 idxs e2 _ -> freeVars e1 <> foldMap freeDimIndex idxs <> freeVars e2
RecordUpdate e1 _ e2 _ _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
Map e1 e2 _ _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
Reduce _ e1 e2 e3 _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2 <> freeVars e3
GenReduce e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2 <> freeVars e3 <>
freeVars e4 <> freeVars e5
Scan e1 e2 e3 _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2 <> freeVars e3
Filter e1 e2 _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
Partition _ e1 e2 _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
Stream form e1 e2 _ -> freeInForm form <> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
where freeInForm (RedLike _ _ e) = freeVars e
freeInForm _ = mempty
Zip _ e es _ _ -> freeVars e <> foldMap freeVars es
Unzip e _ _ -> freeVars e
Unsafe e _ -> freeVars e
Assert e1 e2 _ _ -> freeVars e1 <> freeVars e2
VConstr0{} -> mempty
Match e cs _ _ -> freeVars e <> foldMap caseFV cs
where caseFV (CasePat p eCase _) = (names (patternDimNames p) <> freeVars eCase)
`without` patternVars p
freeDimIndex :: DimIndexBase Info VName -> NameSet
freeDimIndex (DimFix e) = freeVars e
freeDimIndex (DimSlice me1 me2 me3) =
foldMap (foldMap freeVars) [me1, me2, me3]
patternVars :: Pattern -> NameSet
patternVars = mconcat . map ident . S.toList . patIdentSet
combineTypeShapes :: (Monoid as, ArrayDim dim) =>
TypeBase dim as -> TypeBase dim as -> TypeBase dim as
combineTypeShapes (Record ts1) (Record ts2)
| M.keys ts1 == M.keys ts2 =
Record $ M.map (uncurry combineTypeShapes) (M.intersectionWith (,) ts1 ts2)
combineTypeShapes (Array als1 u1 et1 shape1) (Array als2 _u2 et2 shape2)
| Just new_shape <- unifyShapes shape1 shape2 =
Array (als1<>als2) u1 (combineElemTypeInfo et1 et2) new_shape
combineTypeShapes _ new_tp = new_tp
combineElemTypeInfo :: ArrayDim dim =>
ArrayElemTypeBase dim
-> ArrayElemTypeBase dim -> ArrayElemTypeBase dim
combineElemTypeInfo (ArrayRecordElem et1) (ArrayRecordElem et2) =
ArrayRecordElem $ M.map (uncurry combineRecordArrayTypeInfo)
(M.intersectionWith (,) et1 et2)
combineElemTypeInfo _ new_tp = new_tp
combineRecordArrayTypeInfo :: ArrayDim dim =>
RecordArrayElemTypeBase dim
-> RecordArrayElemTypeBase dim
-> RecordArrayElemTypeBase dim
combineRecordArrayTypeInfo (RecordArrayElem et1) (RecordArrayElem et2) =
RecordArrayElem $ combineElemTypeInfo et1 et2
combineRecordArrayTypeInfo (RecordArrayArrayElem et1 shape1)
(RecordArrayArrayElem et2 shape2)
| Just new_shape <- unifyShapes shape1 shape2 =
RecordArrayArrayElem (combineElemTypeInfo et1 et2) new_shape
combineRecordArrayTypeInfo _ new_tp = new_tp
defuncValBind :: ValBind -> DefM (ValBind, Env, Bool)
defuncValBind (ValBind True name _ (Info rettype) tparams params body _ loc)
| (rettype_ps, rettype') <- unfoldFunType rettype,
not $ null rettype_ps = do
(body_pats, body', _) <- etaExpand body
defuncValBind $ ValBind True name Nothing
(Info $ onlyConstantDims rettype')
tparams (params <> body_pats) body' Nothing loc
where onlyConstantDims = bimap onDim id
onDim (ConstDim x) = ConstDim x
onDim _ = AnyDim
defuncValBind valbind@(ValBind _ name retdecl rettype tparams params body _ _) = do
let env = envFromShapeParams tparams
(params', body', sv) <- localEnv env $ defuncLet tparams params body rettype
let dim_names = foldMap patternDimNames params'
tparams' = filter ((`S.member` dim_names) . typeParamName) tparams
let rettype' = vacuousShapeAnnotations . toStruct $ typeOf body'
return ( valbind { valBindRetDecl = retdecl
, valBindRetType = Info $ combineTypeShapes
(unInfo rettype) rettype'
, valBindTypeParams = tparams'
, valBindParams = params'
, valBindBody = body'
, M.singleton name sv
, case sv of DynamicFun{} -> True
_ -> False)
defuncVals :: [ValBind] -> DefM (Seq.Seq ValBind)
defuncVals [] = return mempty
defuncVals (valbind : ds) = do
((valbind', env, dyn), defs) <- collectFuns $ defuncValBind valbind
ds' <- localEnv env $ if dyn
then isGlobal (valBindName valbind') $ defuncVals ds
else defuncVals ds
return $ defs <> Seq.singleton valbind' <> ds'
transformProg :: MonadFreshNames m => [ValBind] -> m [ValBind]
transformProg decs = modifyNameSource $ \namesrc ->
let (decs', namesrc', liftedDecs) = runDefM namesrc $ defuncVals decs
in (toList $ liftedDecs <> decs', namesrc')