futhark-0.9.1: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.

Safe HaskellNone




The type checker checks whether the program is type-consistent.



checkProg :: Checkable lore => Prog lore -> Either (TypeError lore) () Source #

Type check a program containing arbitrary type information, yielding either a type error or a program with complete type information.

data TypeError lore Source #

A type error.


Error [String] (ErrorCase lore) 
Checkable lore => Show (TypeError lore) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.TypeCheck


showsPrec :: Int -> TypeError lore -> ShowS #

show :: TypeError lore -> String #

showList :: [TypeError lore] -> ShowS #


data TypeM lore a Source #

The type checker runs in this monad.

MonadState Names (TypeM lore) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.TypeCheck


get :: TypeM lore Names #

put :: Names -> TypeM lore () #

state :: (Names -> (a, Names)) -> TypeM lore a #

Monad (TypeM lore) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.TypeCheck


(>>=) :: TypeM lore a -> (a -> TypeM lore b) -> TypeM lore b #

(>>) :: TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore b -> TypeM lore b #

return :: a -> TypeM lore a #

fail :: String -> TypeM lore a #

Functor (TypeM lore) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.TypeCheck


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore b #

(<$) :: a -> TypeM lore b -> TypeM lore a #

Applicative (TypeM lore) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.TypeCheck


pure :: a -> TypeM lore a #

(<*>) :: TypeM lore (a -> b) -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore b -> TypeM lore c #

(*>) :: TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore b -> TypeM lore b #

(<*) :: TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore b -> TypeM lore a #

Checkable lore => HasScope (Aliases lore) (TypeM lore) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.TypeCheck


lookupType :: VName -> TypeM lore Type Source #

lookupInfo :: VName -> TypeM lore (NameInfo (Aliases lore)) Source #

askScope :: TypeM lore (Scope (Aliases lore)) Source #

asksScope :: (Scope (Aliases lore) -> a) -> TypeM lore a Source #

bad :: ErrorCase lore -> TypeM lore a Source #

context :: String -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore a Source #

Add information about what is being type-checked to the current context. Liberal use of this combinator makes it easier to track type errors, as the strings are added to type errors signalled via bad.

class (Attributes lore, CanBeAliased (Op lore), CheckableOp lore) => Checkable lore where Source #

The class of lores that can be type-checked.

Minimal complete definition



checkExpLore :: ExpAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkBodyLore :: BodyAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkFParamLore :: VName -> FParamAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkLParamLore :: VName -> LParamAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkLetBoundLore :: VName -> LetAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkRetType :: [RetType lore] -> TypeM lore () Source #

matchPattern :: Pattern (Aliases lore) -> Exp (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

primFParam :: VName -> PrimType -> TypeM lore (FParam (Aliases lore)) Source #

matchReturnType :: [RetType lore] -> Result -> TypeM lore () Source #

matchBranchType :: [BranchType lore] -> Body (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkExpLore :: ExpAttr lore ~ () => ExpAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkBodyLore :: BodyAttr lore ~ () => BodyAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkFParamLore :: FParamAttr lore ~ DeclType => VName -> FParamAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkLParamLore :: LParamAttr lore ~ Type => VName -> LParamAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkLetBoundLore :: LetAttr lore ~ Type => VName -> LetAttr lore -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkRetType :: RetType lore ~ DeclExtType => [RetType lore] -> TypeM lore () Source #

matchPattern :: Pattern (Aliases lore) -> Exp (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

primFParam :: FParamAttr lore ~ DeclType => VName -> PrimType -> TypeM lore (FParam (Aliases lore)) Source #

matchReturnType :: RetType lore ~ DeclExtType => [RetType lore] -> Result -> TypeM lore () Source #

matchBranchType :: BranchType lore ~ ExtType => [BranchType lore] -> Body (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

Checkable SOACS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Representation.SOACS

Checkable InKernel Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Representation.Kernels

Checkable Kernels Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Representation.Kernels

Checkable InKernel Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory

Checkable ExplicitMemory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory

type Occurences = [Occurence] Source #

type UsageMap = Map VName [Usage] Source #

subCheck :: forall lore newlore a. (Checkable newlore, RetType lore ~ RetType newlore, LetAttr lore ~ LetAttr newlore, FParamAttr lore ~ FParamAttr newlore, LParamAttr lore ~ LParamAttr newlore) => TypeM newlore a -> TypeM lore a Source #


require :: Checkable lore => [Type] -> SubExp -> TypeM lore () Source #

require ts se causes a '(TypeError vn)' if the type of se is not a subtype of one of the types in ts.

requireI :: Checkable lore => [Type] -> VName -> TypeM lore () Source #

Variant of require working on variable names.

checkExp :: Checkable lore => Exp (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkStms :: Checkable lore => Stms (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore a Source #

checkStm :: Checkable lore => Stm (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore a Source #

checkType :: Checkable lore => TypeBase Shape u -> TypeM lore () Source #

matchExtPattern :: Checkable lore => Pattern (Aliases lore) -> [ExtType] -> TypeM lore () Source #

matchExtBranchType :: Checkable lore => [ExtType] -> Body (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

argType :: Arg -> Type Source #

argAliases :: Arg -> Names Source #

Remove all aliases from the Arg.

noArgAliases :: Arg -> Arg Source #

checkArg :: Checkable lore => SubExp -> TypeM lore Arg Source #

checkSOACArrayArgs :: Checkable lore => SubExp -> [VName] -> TypeM lore [Arg] Source #

checkLambda :: Checkable lore => Lambda (Aliases lore) -> [Arg] -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkFun' :: Checkable lore => (Name, [DeclExtType], [(VName, NameInfo (Aliases lore))], BodyT (Aliases lore)) -> [(VName, Names)] -> TypeM lore () -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkLambdaParams :: Checkable lore => [LParam lore] -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkBody :: Checkable lore => Body (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

checkLambdaBody :: Checkable lore => [Type] -> Body (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore () Source #

consume :: Checkable lore => Names -> TypeM lore () Source #

Proclaim that we have written to the given variables.

consumeOnlyParams :: [(VName, Names)] -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore a Source #

Permit consumption of only the specified names. If one of these names is consumed, the consumption will be rewritten to be a consumption of the corresponding alias set. Consumption of anything else will result in a type error.

binding :: Checkable lore => Scope (Aliases lore) -> TypeM lore a -> TypeM lore a Source #