Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Definitions of primitive types, the values that inhabit these types, and operations on these values. A primitive value can also be called a scalar.
Essentially, this module describes the subset of the (internal) Futhark language that operates on primitive types.
- data IntType
- allIntTypes :: [IntType]
- data FloatType
- allFloatTypes :: [FloatType]
- data PrimType
- allPrimTypes :: [PrimType]
- data IntValue
- = Int8Value !Int8
- | Int16Value !Int16
- | Int32Value !Int32
- | Int64Value !Int64
- intValue :: Integral int => IntType -> int -> IntValue
- intValueType :: IntValue -> IntType
- valueIntegral :: Integral int => IntValue -> int
- data FloatValue
- floatValue :: Real num => FloatType -> num -> FloatValue
- floatValueType :: FloatValue -> FloatType
- data PrimValue
- = IntValue !IntValue
- | FloatValue !FloatValue
- | BoolValue !Bool
- | Checked
- primValueType :: PrimValue -> PrimType
- blankPrimValue :: PrimType -> PrimValue
- data UnOp
- allUnOps :: [UnOp]
- data BinOp
- = Add IntType
- | FAdd FloatType
- | Sub IntType
- | FSub FloatType
- | Mul IntType
- | FMul FloatType
- | UDiv IntType
- | SDiv IntType
- | FDiv FloatType
- | UMod IntType
- | SMod IntType
- | SQuot IntType
- | SRem IntType
- | SMin IntType
- | UMin IntType
- | FMin FloatType
- | SMax IntType
- | UMax IntType
- | FMax FloatType
- | Shl IntType
- | LShr IntType
- | AShr IntType
- | And IntType
- | Or IntType
- | Xor IntType
- | Pow IntType
- | FPow FloatType
- | LogAnd
- | LogOr
- allBinOps :: [BinOp]
- data ConvOp
- allConvOps :: [ConvOp]
- data CmpOp
- allCmpOps :: [CmpOp]
- doUnOp :: UnOp -> PrimValue -> Maybe PrimValue
- doComplement :: IntValue -> IntValue
- doAbs :: IntValue -> IntValue
- doFAbs :: FloatValue -> FloatValue
- doSSignum :: IntValue -> IntValue
- doUSignum :: IntValue -> IntValue
- doBinOp :: BinOp -> PrimValue -> PrimValue -> Maybe PrimValue
- doAdd :: IntValue -> IntValue -> IntValue
- doMul :: IntValue -> IntValue -> IntValue
- doSDiv :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Maybe IntValue
- doSMod :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Maybe IntValue
- doPow :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Maybe IntValue
- doConvOp :: ConvOp -> PrimValue -> Maybe PrimValue
- doZExt :: IntValue -> IntType -> IntValue
- doSExt :: IntValue -> IntType -> IntValue
- doFPConv :: FloatValue -> FloatType -> FloatValue
- doFPToUI :: FloatValue -> IntType -> IntValue
- doFPToSI :: FloatValue -> IntType -> IntValue
- doUIToFP :: IntValue -> FloatType -> FloatValue
- doSIToFP :: IntValue -> FloatType -> FloatValue
- intToInt64 :: IntValue -> Int64
- intToWord64 :: IntValue -> Word64
- doCmpOp :: CmpOp -> PrimValue -> PrimValue -> Maybe Bool
- doCmpEq :: PrimValue -> PrimValue -> Bool
- doCmpUlt :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Bool
- doCmpUle :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Bool
- doCmpSlt :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Bool
- doCmpSle :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Bool
- doFCmpLt :: FloatValue -> FloatValue -> Bool
- doFCmpLe :: FloatValue -> FloatValue -> Bool
- binOpType :: BinOp -> PrimType
- unOpType :: UnOp -> PrimType
- cmpOpType :: CmpOp -> PrimType
- convOpType :: ConvOp -> (PrimType, PrimType)
- primFuns :: Map String ([PrimType], PrimType, [PrimValue] -> Maybe PrimValue)
- zeroIsh :: PrimValue -> Bool
- oneIsh :: PrimValue -> Bool
- negativeIsh :: PrimValue -> Bool
- primBitSize :: PrimType -> Int
- primByteSize :: Num a => PrimType -> a
- intByteSize :: Num a => IntType -> a
- floatByteSize :: Num a => FloatType -> a
- commutativeBinOp :: BinOp -> Bool
- convOpFun :: ConvOp -> String
- prettySigned :: Bool -> PrimType -> String
An integer type, ordered by size. Note that signedness is not a property of the type, but a property of the operations performed on values of these types.
Bounded IntType Source # | |
Enum IntType Source # | |
Eq IntType Source # | |
Ord IntType Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.Representation.Primitive | |
Show IntType Source # | |
Pretty IntType Source # | |
allIntTypes :: [IntType] Source #
A list of all integer types.
A floating point type.
Bounded FloatType Source # | |
Enum FloatType Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.Representation.Primitive Methods succ :: FloatType -> FloatType # pred :: FloatType -> FloatType # fromEnum :: FloatType -> Int # enumFrom :: FloatType -> [FloatType] # enumFromThen :: FloatType -> FloatType -> [FloatType] # enumFromTo :: FloatType -> FloatType -> [FloatType] # enumFromThenTo :: FloatType -> FloatType -> FloatType -> [FloatType] # | |
Eq FloatType Source # | |
Ord FloatType Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.Representation.Primitive | |
Show FloatType Source # | |
Pretty FloatType Source # | |
allFloatTypes :: [FloatType] Source #
A list of all floating-point types.
Low-level primitive types.
Bounded PrimType Source # | |
Enum PrimType Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.Representation.Primitive | |
Eq PrimType Source # | |
Ord PrimType Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.Representation.Primitive | |
Show PrimType Source # | |
Pretty PrimType Source # | |
allPrimTypes :: [PrimType] Source #
A list of all primitive types.
An integer value.
Int8Value !Int8 | |
Int16Value !Int16 | |
Int32Value !Int32 | |
Int64Value !Int64 |
intValueType :: IntValue -> IntType Source #
data FloatValue Source #
A floating-point value.
Float32Value !Float | |
Float64Value !Double |
floatValue :: Real num => FloatType -> num -> FloatValue Source #
Create a FloatValue
from a type and a Rational
floatValueType :: FloatValue -> FloatType Source #
Non-array values.
IntValue !IntValue | |
FloatValue !FloatValue | |
BoolValue !Bool | |
Checked | The only value of type |
Eq PrimValue Source # | |
Ord PrimValue Source # | |
Defined in Futhark.Representation.Primitive | |
Show PrimValue Source # | |
ToExp PrimValue Source # | |
Pretty PrimValue Source # | |
IsValue PrimValue Source # | |
primValueType :: PrimValue -> PrimType Source #
The type of a basic value.
blankPrimValue :: PrimType -> PrimValue Source #
A "blank" value of the given primitive type - this is zero, or whatever is close to it. Don't depend on this value, but use it for e.g. creating arrays to be populated by do-loops.
Various unary operators. It is a bit ad-hoc what is a unary operator and what is a built-in function. Perhaps these should all go away eventually.
Not | E.g., |
Complement IntType | E.g., |
Abs IntType |
FAbs FloatType |
SSignum IntType | Signed sign function: |
USignum IntType | Unsigned sign function: |
Binary operators. These correspond closely to the binary operators in LLVM. Most are parametrised by their expected input and output types.
Add IntType | Integer addition. |
FAdd FloatType | Floating-point addition. |
Sub IntType | Integer subtraction. |
FSub FloatType | Floating-point subtraction. |
Mul IntType | Integer multiplication. |
FMul FloatType | Floating-point multiplication. |
UDiv IntType | Unsigned integer division. Rounds towards negativity infinity. Note: this is different from LLVM. |
SDiv IntType | Signed integer division. Rounds towards negativity infinity. Note: this is different from LLVM. |
FDiv FloatType | Floating-point division. |
UMod IntType | Unsigned integer modulus; the countepart to |
SMod IntType | Signed integer modulus; the countepart to |
SQuot IntType | Signed integer division. Rounds towards zero.
This corresponds to the |
SRem IntType | Signed integer division. Rounds towards zero.
This corresponds to the |
SMin IntType | Returns the smallest of two signed integers. |
UMin IntType | Returns the smallest of two unsigned integers. |
FMin FloatType | Returns the smallest of two floating-point numbers. |
SMax IntType | Returns the greatest of two signed integers. |
UMax IntType | Returns the greatest of two unsigned integers. |
FMax FloatType | Returns the greatest of two floating-point numbers. |
Shl IntType | Left-shift. |
LShr IntType | Logical right-shift, zero-extended. |
AShr IntType | Arithmetic right-shift, sign-extended. |
And IntType | Bitwise and. |
Or IntType | Bitwise or. |
Xor IntType | Bitwise exclusive-or. |
Pow IntType | Integer exponentiation. |
FPow FloatType | Floating-point exponentiation. |
LogAnd | Boolean and - not short-circuiting. |
LogOr | Boolean or - not short-circuiting. |
Conversion operators try to generalise the from t0 x to t1
instructions from LLVM.
ZExt IntType IntType | Zero-extend the former integer type to the latter. If the new type is smaller, the result is a truncation. |
SExt IntType IntType | Sign-extend the former integer type to the latter. If the new type is smaller, the result is a truncation. |
FPConv FloatType FloatType | Convert value of the former floating-point type to the latter. If the new type is smaller, the result is a truncation. |
FPToUI FloatType IntType | Convert a floating-point value to the nearest unsigned integer (rounding towards zero). |
FPToSI FloatType IntType | Convert a floating-point value to the nearest signed integer (rounding towards zero). |
UIToFP IntType FloatType | Convert an unsigned integer to a floating-point value. |
SIToFP IntType FloatType | Convert a signed integer to a floating-point value. |
IToB IntType | Convert an integer to a boolean value. Zero becomes false; anything else is true. |
BToI IntType | Convert a boolean to an integer. True is converted to 1 and False to 0. |
allConvOps :: [ConvOp] Source #
A list of all conversion operators for all types.
Comparison operators are like BinOp
s, but they return PrimType
The somewhat ugly constructor names are straight out of LLVM.
CmpEq PrimType | All types equality. |
CmpUlt IntType | Unsigned less than. |
CmpUle IntType | Unsigned less than or equal. |
CmpSlt IntType | Signed less than. |
CmpSle IntType | Signed less than or equal. |
FCmpLt FloatType | Floating-point less than. |
FCmpLe FloatType | Floating-point less than or equal. |
CmpLlt | Boolean less than. |
CmpLle | Boolean less than or equal. |
Unary Operations
doComplement :: IntValue -> IntValue Source #
E.g., ~(~1) = 1
doFAbs :: FloatValue -> FloatValue Source #
abs(-2.0) = 2.0
Binary Operations
doSDiv :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Maybe IntValue Source #
Signed integer division. Rounds towards negativity infinity. Note: this is different from LLVM.
doSMod :: IntValue -> IntValue -> Maybe IntValue Source #
Signed integer modulus; the countepart to SDiv
Conversion Operations
doZExt :: IntValue -> IntType -> IntValue Source #
Zero-extend the given integer value to the size of the given type. If the type is smaller than the given value, the result is a truncation.
doSExt :: IntValue -> IntType -> IntValue Source #
Sign-extend the given integer value to the size of the given type. If the type is smaller than the given value, the result is a truncation.
doFPConv :: FloatValue -> FloatType -> FloatValue Source #
Convert the former floating-point type to the latter.
doFPToUI :: FloatValue -> IntType -> IntValue Source #
Convert a floating-point value to the nearest unsigned integer (rounding towards zero).
doFPToSI :: FloatValue -> IntType -> IntValue Source #
Convert a floating-point value to the nearest signed integer (rounding towards zero).
doUIToFP :: IntValue -> FloatType -> FloatValue Source #
Convert an unsigned integer to a floating-point value.
doSIToFP :: IntValue -> FloatType -> FloatValue Source #
Convert a signed integer to a floating-point value.
intToInt64 :: IntValue -> Int64 Source #
intToWord64 :: IntValue -> Word64 Source #
Comparison Operations
doCmpEq :: PrimValue -> PrimValue -> Bool Source #
Compare any two primtive values for exact equality.
doFCmpLt :: FloatValue -> FloatValue -> Bool Source #
Floating-point less than.
doFCmpLe :: FloatValue -> FloatValue -> Bool Source #
Floating-point less than or equal.
Type Of
convOpType :: ConvOp -> (PrimType, PrimType) Source #
The input and output types of a conversion operator.
Primitive functions
primFuns :: Map String ([PrimType], PrimType, [PrimValue] -> Maybe PrimValue) Source #
A mapping from names of primitive functions to their parameter types, their result type, and a function for evaluating them.
negativeIsh :: PrimValue -> Bool Source #
Is the given value kind of negative?
primBitSize :: PrimType -> Int Source #
The size of a value of a given primitive type in bites.
primByteSize :: Num a => PrimType -> a Source #
The size of a value of a given primitive type in eight-bit bytes.
intByteSize :: Num a => IntType -> a Source #
The size of a value of a given integer type in eight-bit bytes.
floatByteSize :: Num a => FloatType -> a Source #
The size of a value of a given floating-point type in eight-bit bytes.
commutativeBinOp :: BinOp -> Bool Source #
True if the given binary operator is commutative.