{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
module Control.Monad.Action where

import           Control.Monad (join)
import           Data.Constraint (Dict (..))
import           Data.Functor.Const (Const (..))

import           Control.Algebra.Free
    ( AlgebraType0
    , AlgebraType
    , FreeAlgebra1 (..)
    , Proof (..)
import           Data.Algebra.Pointed (Pointed (point))
import           Data.Algebra.Free (FreeAlgebra, foldFree)

-- |
-- A /monad action/ is an `m`-algebra parametrized over a functor `f`.
-- This is direct translation of a /monoid action/ in the monoidal category of
-- endofunctors with monoidal product: functor composition.
-- @'mact'@ should be /associative/:
-- prop> 'mact' . 'mact' = 'mact' . 'join'
-- and /unital/:
-- prop> mact . return = id
-- There are monads which do not have any (safe) instances, like @'IO'@.
class (Monad m, Functor f) => MAction m f where
    mact :: m (f a) -> f a

instance Monad m => MAction m m where
    mact = join

-- |
-- You can use @'PointedMonoid'@ newtype wrapper if you want to laverage
-- @'Pointed'@ instance for a @'Monoid'@.
instance (Pointed r, Functor f) => MAction ((->) r) f where
    mact f = f point

-- |
-- Every algebra @d@ which satisfies the constraint @'AlgebraType' m d@ lifts
-- to an action on the constant functor @'Const' d@.  This is the same as to
-- say that @d@ is an @m@-algebra (as of /f-algebras/ in category theory).
instance ( Monad m
         , FreeAlgebra  m
         , AlgebraType  m d
         => MAction m (Const d) where
    mact mca = Const $ foldFree $ getConst <$> mca

-- |
-- Free algebra associated with the @'MAction' constraint.
newtype FreeMAction m f a = FreeMAction { runFreeMAction :: m (f a) }
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)

instance (Monad m, Functor f) => MAction m (FreeMAction m f) where
    mact mfa = FreeMAction $ join $ runFreeMAction <$> mfa

type instance AlgebraType  (FreeMAction m) f = MAction m f
type instance AlgebraType0 (FreeMAction m) f = Functor f
instance Monad m => FreeAlgebra1 (FreeMAction m) where
    liftFree = FreeMAction . return
    foldNatFree nat (FreeMAction mfa) = mact $ nat <$> mfa

    proof1  = Proof Dict
    forget1 = Proof Dict