module Data.Algebra.Free
    ( -- * Algebra type
    , AlgebraType0
      -- * FreeAlgebra class
    , FreeAlgebra (..)
    , Proof (..)
      -- * Combinators
    , unFoldMapFree
    , foldFree
    , natFree
    , fmapFree
    , joinFree
    , bindFree
    , cataFree

import           Prelude

import           Data.Constraint (Dict (..))
import           Data.Fix (Fix, cata)
import           Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import           Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))

import           Data.Algebra.Pointed (Pointed (..))

-- |
-- Type family which for each free algebra @m@ returns a type level lambda from
-- types to constraints.  It is describe the class of algebras for which this
-- free algebra is free. 
-- A lawful instance for this type family must guarantee
-- that the constraint @'AlgebraType0' m f@ is implied by the @'AlgebraType'
-- m f@ constraint.  This guarantees that there exists a forgetful functor from
-- the category of types of kind @* -> *@ which satisfy @'AlgebraType' m@
-- constrain to the category of types of kind @* -> *@ which satisfy the
-- @'AlgebraType0 m@ constraint.
type family AlgebraType  (f :: k) (a :: l) :: Constraint

-- |
-- Type family which limits Hask to its full subcategory which satisfies
-- a given constraints.  Some free algebras, like free groups, or free abelian
-- semigroups have additional constraints on on generators, like @Eq@ or @Ord@.
type family AlgebraType0 (f :: k) (a :: l) :: Constraint

-- |
-- A proof that constraint @c@ holds for type @a@.
newtype Proof (c :: Constraint) (a :: l) = Proof (Dict c)

-- |
-- A lawful instance has to guarantee that @'unFoldFree'@ is an inverse of
-- @'foldMapFree'@.
-- This in turn guaranties that @m@ is a left adjoint functor from Hask to
-- algebras of type @'AlgebraType m'@.  The right adjoint is the forgetful
-- functor.  The composition of left adjoin and the right one is always
-- a monad, this is why we will be able to build monad instance for @m@.
class FreeAlgebra (m :: Type -> Type)  where
    -- | Injective map that embeds generators @a@ into @m@.
    returnFree :: a -> m a
    -- | The freeness property.
        :: forall d a
         . ( AlgebraType m d
           , AlgebraType0 m a
        => (a -> d)   -- ^ map generators of @m@ into @d@
        -> (m a -> d) -- ^ returns a homomorphism from @m a@ to @d@

    -- |
    -- Proof that @AlgebraType0 m a => m a@ is an algebra of type @AlgebraType m@.
    -- This proves that @m@ is a mapping from the full subcategory of @Hask@ of
    -- types satisfying @AlgebraType0 m a@ constraint to the full subcategory
    -- satisfying @AlgebraType m a@, @fmapFree@ below proves that it's a functor.
    proof  :: forall a. AlgebraType0 m a => Proof (AlgebraType m (m a)) (m a)
    -- |
    -- Proof that the forgetful functor from types @a@ satisfying @AgelbraType
    -- m a@ to @AlgebraType0 m a@ is well defined.
    forget :: forall a. AlgebraType  m a => Proof (AlgebraType0 m a) (m a)

-- |
-- Inverse of @'foldMapFree'@
-- prop> unFoldMapFree id = returnFree
-- Note that @'unFoldMapFree' id@ is the unit of the
-- [unit](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/unit+of+an+adjunction) of the
-- adjunction imposed by the @'FreeAlgebra'@ constraint.
    :: FreeAlgebra m
    => (m a -> d)
    -> (a -> d)
unFoldMapFree f = f . returnFree

-- |
-- All types which satisfy @'FreeAlgebra'@ constraint are foldable.
-- prop> foldFree . returnFree == id
-- @foldFree@ is the
-- [unit](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/unit+of+an+adjunction) of the
-- adjunction imposed by @FreeAlgebra@ constraint.
    :: forall m a .
       ( FreeAlgebra  m
       , AlgebraType  m a
    => m a
    -> a
foldFree ma = case forget @m @a of
    Proof Dict -> foldMapFree id ma

-- |
-- The canonical quotient map from a free algebra of a wider class to a free
-- algebra of a narrower class, e.g. from a free semigroup to
-- free monoid, or from a free monoid to free commutative monoid,
-- etc.
-- prop> natFree . natFree == natFree
-- prop> fmapFree f . natFree == hoistFree . fmapFree f
-- the constraints:
-- * the algebra @n a@ is of the same type as algebra @m@ (this is
--    always true, just ghc cannot prove it here)
-- * @m@ is a free algebra generated by @a@
-- * @n@ is a free algebra generated by @a@
natFree :: forall m n a .
           ( FreeAlgebra  m
           , FreeAlgebra  n
           , AlgebraType0 m a
           , AlgebraType  m (n a)
        => m a
        -> n a
natFree = foldMapFree returnFree

-- |
-- All types which satisfy @'FreeAlgebra'@ constraint are functors.
-- The constraint @'AlgebraType' m (m b)@ is always satisfied.
fmapFree :: forall m a b .
            ( FreeAlgebra  m
            , AlgebraType0 m a
            , AlgebraType0 m b
         => (a -> b)
         -> m a
         -> m b
fmapFree f ma = case proof @m @b of
    Proof Dict -> foldMapFree (returnFree . f) ma

-- |
-- @'FreeAlgebra'@ constraint implies @Monad@ constrain.
joinFree :: forall m a .
          ( FreeAlgebra  m
          , AlgebraType0 m a
         => m (m a)
         -> m a
joinFree mma = case proof @m @a of
    Proof Dict -> foldFree mma

-- |
-- The monadic @'bind'@ operator.  @'returnFree'@ is the corresponding
-- @'return'@ for this monad.  This just @'foldMapFree'@ in disguise.
bindFree :: forall m a b .
            ( FreeAlgebra  m
            , AlgebraType0 m a
            , AlgebraType0 m b
         => m a
         -> (a -> m b)
         -> m b
bindFree ma f = case proof @m @b of
    Proof Dict -> foldMapFree f ma

-- |
-- @'Fix' m@ is the initial algebra in the category of algebras of type
-- @'AlgebraType' m@, whenever it /exists/.
-- Another way of putting this is observing that @'Fix' m@ is isomorphic to @m
-- Void@ where @m@ is the /free algebra/.  This isomorphisms is given by
-- @
--   fixToFree :: (FreeAlgebra m, AlgebraType m (m Void), Functor m) => Fix m -> m Void
--   fixToFree = cataFree
-- @
-- For monoids the inverse is given by @'Data.Fix.ana' (\_ -> [])@.  The
-- category of semigroups, however,  does not have the initial object.
cataFree :: ( FreeAlgebra  m
            , AlgebraType  m a
            , Functor m
         => Fix m
         -> a
cataFree = cata foldFree

type instance AlgebraType0 NonEmpty a = ()
type instance AlgebraType  NonEmpty m = Semigroup m
instance FreeAlgebra NonEmpty where
    returnFree a = a :| []
    -- @'foldMap'@ requires @'Monoid' d@ constraint which we don't need to
    -- satisfy here
    foldMapFree f (a :| []) = f a
    foldMapFree f (a :| (b : bs)) = f a <> foldMapFree f (b :| bs)

    proof  = Proof Dict
    forget = Proof Dict

type instance AlgebraType0 [] a = ()
type instance AlgebraType  [] m = Monoid m
instance FreeAlgebra [] where
    returnFree a = [a]
    foldMapFree = foldMap
    proof  = Proof Dict
    forget = Proof Dict

type instance AlgebraType0 Maybe a = ()
type instance AlgebraType  Maybe m = Pointed m
instance FreeAlgebra Maybe where
    returnFree = Just
    foldMapFree _ Nothing  = point
    foldMapFree f (Just a) = f a

    proof  = Proof Dict
    forget = Proof Dict