ez-couch-0.7.0: A high level static library for working with CouchDB

Safe HaskellNone




EZCouch is a library which takes a mission of bringing the topmost level of abstraction for working with CouchDB in Haskell. It abstracts away from loose concepts of this database and brings a strict static API over standard ADTs.


CRUD Monadic Functions for Working with Records

All monadic functions are split into CRUD categories. The functions with a Multiple suffix are better alternatives for performing multiple operations at once.





:: (MonadAction m, Entity a, ToJSON k) 
=> Int


-> Maybe Int


-> Bool


-> KeysSelection k

Keys selection mode

-> View a k


-> m [Persisted a] 



:: (MonadAction m, Entity a) 
=> Maybe Int


-> m [Persisted a] 



:: (MonadAction m, Entity a, ToJSON k) 
=> Int


-> Bool


-> KeysSelection k

Keys selection mode

-> View a k


-> m (Maybe (Persisted a)) 



:: (MonadAction m, Entity a, ToJSON k, FromJSON k) 
=> KeysSelection k

Keys selection mode

-> View a k


-> m [(k, Bool)]

An associative list of Bool values by keys designating the existance of appropriate entities



:: (MonadAction m, Entity a, ToJSON k, FromJSON k) 
=> KeysSelection k

Keys selection mode

-> View a k


-> m [k] 



:: (MonadAction m, Entity a, ToJSON k, FromJSON k) 
=> KeysSelection k

Keys selection mode

-> View a k


-> m Int 

Reading functions shortcuts

readKeys' :: (ToJSON k, FromJSON k, Entity a, MonadAction m) => View a k -> m [k]Source

readKeysExist' :: (ToJSON k, FromJSON k, Entity a, MonadAction m) => View a k -> m [(k, Bool)]Source



Server Time

readTime :: MonadAction m => m UTCTimeSource

Current time according to server. This function doesn't actually emit any requests to the server, calculating the value from a deviation of local time from server time determined at the beginning of the EZCouch session.

Working with Views

data View entity keys whereSource


ViewById :: View entity Text 
ViewByKeys1 :: ViewKey a -> View entity a 
ViewByKeys2 :: ViewKey a -> ViewKey b -> View entity (a, b) 
ViewByKeys3 :: ViewKey a -> ViewKey b -> ViewKey c -> View entity (a, b, c) 
ViewByKeys4 :: ViewKey a -> ViewKey b -> ViewKey c -> ViewKey d -> View entity (a, b, c, d) 
ViewByKeys5 :: ViewKey a -> ViewKey b -> ViewKey c -> ViewKey d -> ViewKey e -> View entity (a, b, c, d, e) 
ViewByKeys6 :: ViewKey a -> ViewKey b -> ViewKey c -> ViewKey d -> ViewKey e -> ViewKey f -> View entity (a, b, c, d, e, f) 
ViewByKeys7 :: ViewKey a -> ViewKey b -> ViewKey c -> ViewKey d -> ViewKey e -> ViewKey f -> ViewKey g -> View entity (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) 


Eq (View entity keys) 
Show (View entity keys) 
Hashable (View entity keys) 

data ViewKey a Source


ViewKeyValue Path

A path to a field value.


A floating point number in range 0 <= x <= 1 based on the revision hash of the document.

This is used to simulate an output Math.random() for random fetching, while producing a stable value across all database replicas.


data Path Source



CouchDB doesn't provide a way to do traditional locking-based transactions, as it applies an Optimistic Concurrency Control strategy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimistic_concurrency_control). EZCouch approaches the issue by providing a way to easily isolate entities from being accessed by concurrent clients, which you can use to build all kinds of transactions upon.



:: (MonadAction m, Entity e) 
=> Int

A timeout in seconds. If the isolation does not get released when it passes, it gets considered to be zombie caused by client interrupt, then when the sweeper daemon hits the next cycle it will release the entity.

-> Persisted e

The entity to isolate.

-> m (Maybe (Isolation e))

Either the isolation or nothing if the entity has been already isolated by concurrent client.

Protect the entity from being accessed by concurrent clients until you release it using releaseIsolation, delete it with the isolation using deleteIsolation, or the timeout passes and it gets considered to be zombie and gets released automatically some time later.

The automatic releasing gets done by a sweeper daemon running in background when EZCouch is being used on a timely basis and on its launch.

isolateEntities :: (MonadAction m, Entity e) => Int -> [Persisted e] -> m [Maybe (Isolation e)]Source

Does the same as isolateEntity but for multiple entities and in a single request.



:: (MonadAction m, Entity e) 
=> Isolation e

The isolation returned by isolateEntity.

-> m (Persisted e)

The restored entity.

Restore the entity document under the same id and drop the isolation.

deleteIsolation :: (MonadAction m, Entity e) => Isolation e -> m ()Source

Get rid of both the isolation and the entity. The entity won't get restored by the sweeper daemon after.


data Persisted a Source

A wrapper for entity values which preserves the information required for identifying the appropriate documents in the db.





tryOperation :: MonadAction m => m a -> m (Maybe a)Source

Return Nothing if an action throws an OperationException or Just its result otherwise.

This is only useful for writing actions (Create, Update, Delete).

Execution Monad

class (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m, MonadReader Environment m) => MonadAction m Source

All EZCouch operations are performed in this monad.

data EZCouchException Source


ParsingException Text

A response from CouchDB could not be parsed.

OperationException Text

An operation failed, e.g. a document couldn't be created or deleted.

ResponseException Text

E.g., server provided an unexpected response

ConnectionException Text

Either a connection got closed or a timeout passed

ServerException Text

A weird status 500 response

Classes which records should implement

class (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => Entity a whereSource


entityType :: a -> TextSource

Aeson re-exports

class ToJSON a where

A type that can be converted to JSON.

An example type and instance:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

data Coord { x :: Double, y :: Double }

instance ToJSON Coord where
   toJSON (Coord x y) = object ["x" .= x, "y" .= y]

Note the use of the OverloadedStrings language extension which enables Text values to be written as string literals.

Instead of manually writing your ToJSON instance, there are three options to do it automatically:

  • Data.Aeson.TH provides template-haskell functions which will derive an instance at compile-time. The generated instance is optimized for your type so will probably be more efficient than the following two options:
  • Data.Aeson.Generic provides a generic toJSON function that accepts any type which is an instance of Data.
  • If your compiler has support for the DeriveGeneric and DefaultSignatures language extensions (GHC 7.2 and newer), toJSON will have a default generic implementation.

To use the latter option, simply add a deriving Generic clause to your datatype and declare a ToJSON instance for your datatype without giving a definition for toJSON.

For example the previous example can be simplified to just:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import GHC.Generics

data Coord { x :: Double, y :: Double } deriving Generic

instance ToJSON Coord

Note that, instead of using DefaultSignatures, it's also possible to parameterize the generic encoding using genericToJSON applied to your encoding/decoding Options:

 instance ToJSON Coord where
     toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions


toJSON :: a -> Value

class FromJSON a where

A type that can be converted from JSON, with the possibility of failure.

When writing an instance, use empty, mzero, or fail to make a conversion fail, e.g. if an Object is missing a required key, or the value is of the wrong type.

An example type and instance:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

data Coord { x :: Double, y :: Double }

instance FromJSON Coord where
   parseJSON (Object v) = Coord    <$>
                          v .: "x" <*>
                          v .: "y"

-- A non-Object value is of the wrong type, so use mzero to fail.
   parseJSON _          = mzero

Note the use of the OverloadedStrings language extension which enables Text values to be written as string literals.

Instead of manually writing your FromJSON instance, there are three options to do it automatically:

  • Data.Aeson.TH provides template-haskell functions which will derive an instance at compile-time. The generated instance is optimized for your type so will probably be more efficient than the following two options:
  • Data.Aeson.Generic provides a generic fromJSON function that parses to any type which is an instance of Data.
  • If your compiler has support for the DeriveGeneric and DefaultSignatures language extensions, parseJSON will have a default generic implementation.

To use this, simply add a deriving Generic clause to your datatype and declare a FromJSON instance for your datatype without giving a definition for parseJSON.

For example the previous example can be simplified to just:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import GHC.Generics

data Coord { x :: Double, y :: Double } deriving Generic

instance FromJSON Coord

Note that, instead of using DefaultSignatures, it's also possible to parameterize the generic decoding using genericParseJSON applied to your encoding/decoding Options:

 instance FromJSON Coord where
     parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser a


FromJSON Bool 
FromJSON Char 
FromJSON Double 
FromJSON Float 
FromJSON Int 
FromJSON Int8 
FromJSON Int16 
FromJSON Int32 
FromJSON Int64 
FromJSON Integer 
FromJSON Word 
FromJSON Word8 
FromJSON Word16 
FromJSON Word32 
FromJSON Word64 
FromJSON () 
FromJSON ByteString 
FromJSON ByteString 
FromJSON Number 
FromJSON Text 
FromJSON DotNetTime 
FromJSON Value 
FromJSON IntSet 
FromJSON Text 
FromJSON ZonedTime 
FromJSON [Char] 
FromJSON a => FromJSON [a] 
FromJSON (Ratio Integer) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Maybe a) 
HasResolution a => FromJSON (Fixed a) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Dual a) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (First a) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Last a) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Vector a) 
(Eq a, Hashable a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (HashSet a) 
(Ord a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Set a) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (IntMap a) 
(Vector Vector a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Vector a) 
(Storable a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Vector a) 
(Prim a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Vector a) 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Persisted a) 
(FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Either a b) 
(FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (a, b) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (HashMap String v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (HashMap ByteString v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (HashMap ByteString v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (HashMap Text v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (HashMap Text v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (Map String v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (Map ByteString v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (Map ByteString v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (Map Text v) 
FromJSON v => FromJSON (Map Text v) 
(FromJSON a, FromJSON b, FromJSON c) => FromJSON (a, b, c) 
(FromJSON a, FromJSON b, FromJSON c, FromJSON d) => FromJSON (a, b, c, d)