{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Expresso
-- Copyright   : (c) Tim Williams 2017-2019
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : info@timphilipwilliams.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- A simple expressions language with polymorphic extensible row types.
-- This module is the public API for Expresso.
module Expresso
  ( Bind(..)
  , Env
  , Environments
  , Exp
  , ExpF(..)
  , ExpI
  , HasValue(..)
  , Import(..)
  , Name
  , SynonymDecl(..)
  , Thunk(..)
  , TIState
  , Type
  , pattern TForAll
  , pattern TVar
  , pattern TMetaVar
  , pattern TInt
  , pattern TDbl
  , pattern TBool
  , pattern TChar
  , pattern TText
  , pattern TFun
  , pattern TList
  , pattern TRecord
  , pattern TVariant
  , pattern TRowEmpty
  , pattern TRowExtend
  , TypeF(..)
  , TypeEnv
  , Value(..)
  , bind
  , dummyPos
  , evalFile
  , evalFile'
  , evalString
  , evalString'
  , evalWithEnv
  , initEnvironments
  , installBinding
  , installSynonyms
  , uninstallSynonym
  , runEvalM
  , setLibDirs
  , showType
  , showValue
  , showValue'
  , dumpTypeEnv
  , typeOf
  , typeOfString
  , typeOfWithEnv
  , validate
  , Eval.choice
  , Eval.mkRecord
  , Eval.mkStrictLam
  , Eval.mkStrictLam2
  , Eval.mkStrictLam3
  , Eval.mkVariant
  , Eval.typeMismatch
  , Eval.unit
  , (Eval..:)
  , (Eval..=)
  ) where

import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Except ( MonadError, ExceptT(..), runExceptT
                            , throwError)

import Expresso.Eval ( Env, EvalM, HasValue(..), Thunk(..), Value(..)
                     , insertEnv, runEvalM)
import Expresso.TypeCheck (TIState, initTIState)
import Expresso.Pretty (render)
import Expresso.Syntax
import Expresso.Type
import Expresso.Utils
import qualified Expresso.Eval as Eval
import qualified Expresso.TypeCheck as TypeCheck
import qualified Expresso.Parser as Parser

-- | Type and term environments.
data Environments = Environments
    { envsLibDirs  :: ![FilePath]
    , envsTypeEnv  :: !TypeEnv
    , envsSynonyms :: !Synonyms
    , envsTIState  :: !TIState
    , envsTermEnv  :: !Env

-- | Empty initial environments.
initEnvironments :: Environments
initEnvironments = Environments [] mempty mempty initTIState mempty

-- | Install a binding using the supplied name, type and term.
-- Useful for extending the set of built-in functions.
installBinding :: Name -> Type -> Value -> Environments -> Environments
installBinding name ty val envs =
    envs { envsTypeEnv = insertTypeEnv name ty (envsTypeEnv envs)
         , envsTermEnv = insertEnv name (Thunk . return $ val) (envsTermEnv envs)

-- | Query the type of an expression using the supplied type environment.
typeOfWithEnv :: Environments -> ExpI -> IO (Either String Type)
typeOfWithEnv (Environments libDirs tEnv syns tState _) ei = runExceptT $ do
    (e, ss) <- Parser.resolveImports libDirs ei
    syns'   <- insertSynonyms ss syns
    ExceptT $ return $ inferTypes tEnv syns' tState e

-- | Query the type of an expression.
typeOf :: ExpI -> IO (Either String Type)
typeOf = typeOfWithEnv initEnvironments

-- | Parse an expression and query its type.
typeOfString :: String -> IO (Either String Type)
typeOfString str = runExceptT $ do
    (_, top) <- ExceptT $ return $ Parser.parse "<unknown>" str
    ExceptT $ typeOf top

-- | Evaluate an expression using the supplied type and term environments.
    :: HasValue a
    => Environments
    -> ExpI
    -> IO (Either String a)
evalWithEnv (Environments libDirs tEnv syns tState env) ei = runExceptT $ do
    (e, ss) <- Parser.resolveImports libDirs ei
    syns'   <- insertSynonyms ss syns
    _sigma  <- ExceptT . return $ inferTypes tEnv syns' tState e
    ExceptT $ runEvalM . (Eval.eval env >=> Eval.proj) $ e

-- | Evaluate the contents of the supplied file path; and optionally
-- validate using a supplied type (schema).
evalFile :: HasValue a => Maybe Type -> FilePath -> IO (Either String a)
evalFile = evalFile' initEnvironments

-- | Evaluate the contents of the supplied file path; and optionally
-- validate using a supplied type (schema).
-- NOTE: This version also takes a term environment and a type environment
-- so that foreign functions and their types can be installed respectively.
evalFile' :: HasValue a => Environments -> Maybe Type -> FilePath -> IO (Either String a)
evalFile' envs mty path = runExceptT $ do
    (ss, top) <- ExceptT $ Parser.parse path <$> readFile path
    envs' <- installSynonyms ss envs
    ExceptT $ evalWithEnv envs' (maybe id validate mty $ top)

-- | Parse an expression and evaluate it; optionally
-- validate using a supplied type (schema).
evalString :: HasValue a => Maybe Type -> String -> IO (Either String a)
evalString = evalString' initEnvironments

-- | Parse an expression and evaluate it; optionally
-- validate using a supplied type (schema).
-- NOTE: This version also takes a term environment and a type environment
-- so that foreign functions and their types can be installed respectively.
evalString' :: HasValue a => Environments -> Maybe Type -> String -> IO (Either String a)
evalString' envs mty str = runExceptT $ do
    (ss, top) <- ExceptT $ return $ Parser.parse "<unknown>" str
    envs' <- installSynonyms ss envs
    ExceptT $ evalWithEnv envs' (maybe id validate mty $ top)

-- | Add a validating type signature section to the supplied expression.
validate :: Type -> ExpI -> ExpI
validate ty e = Parser.mkApp pos (Parser.mkSigSection pos ty) [e]
    pos = dummyPos

-- | Used by the REPL to bind variables.
    :: Environments
    -> Bind Name
    -> Maybe Type
    -> ExpI
    -> EvalM Environments
bind (Environments libDirs tEnv syns tState env) b mty ei = do
    (e, ss) <- Parser.resolveImports libDirs ei
    syns'   <- insertSynonyms ss syns
    let (res'e, tState') =
            TypeCheck.runTI (TypeCheck.tcDecl (getAnn ei) b mty e) tEnv syns' tState
    case res'e of
        Left err    -> throwError err
        Right tEnv' -> do
            thunk <- Eval.mkThunk $ Eval.eval env e
            env'  <- Eval.bind env b thunk
            return $ Environments libDirs tEnv' syns' tState' env'

-- | Pretty print the supplied type.
showType :: Type -> String
showType = render . ppType

-- | Pretty print the supplied value. This does *not* evaluate deeply.
showValue :: Value -> String
showValue = render . Eval.ppValue

-- | Pretty print the supplied value. This evaluates deeply.
showValue' :: Value -> IO String
showValue' v = either id render <$> (runEvalM $ Eval.ppValue' v)

-- | Extract type environment bindings.
dumpTypeEnv :: Environments -> [(Name, Sigma)]
dumpTypeEnv = typeEnvToList . envsTypeEnv

    :: TypeEnv
    -> Synonyms
    -> TIState
    -> Exp
    -> Either String Type
inferTypes tEnv syns tState e =
    fst $ TypeCheck.runTI (TypeCheck.typeCheck e) tEnv syns tState

-- | Set the library paths used when resolving relative imports.
setLibDirs :: [FilePath] -> Environments -> Environments
setLibDirs libDirs envs =
    envs { envsLibDirs = libDirs }

-- | Install the supplied type synonym declarations.
    :: MonadError String m
    => [SynonymDecl]
    -> Environments
    -> m Environments
installSynonyms ss envs = do
    syns' <- insertSynonyms ss (envsSynonyms envs)
    return $ envs { envsSynonyms = syns' }

-- | Used by the REPL, deletes any previous definition.
    :: SynonymDecl
    -> Environments
    -> Environments
uninstallSynonym s envs =
    let syns' = deleteSynonym (synonymName s)
              $ envsSynonyms envs
    in envs { envsSynonyms = syns' }