{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Expresso.Type
-- Copyright   : (c) Tim Williams 2017-2019
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : info@timphilipwilliams.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- The abstract syntax for types in Expresso.
module Expresso.Type where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Text.Parsec (SourcePos)
import Text.Parsec.Pos (newPos)

import Expresso.Pretty
import Expresso.Utils

-- | Source position
type Pos   = SourcePos

-- | Row label
type Label = String

-- | A string representing a unique name.
type Name  = String

-- | Type syntax annotated with source position.
type Type  = Fix (TypeF :*: K Pos)

-- | Unannotated type syntax.
type Type' = Fix TypeF

type Sigma = Type
type Rho   = Type  -- No top-level ForAll
type Tau   = Type  -- No ForAlls anywhere

-- | Pattern functor for the syntax of types.
data TypeF r
  = TForAllF  [TyVar] r
  | TVarF     TyVar
  | TMetaVarF MetaTv
  | TSynonymF Name [r]
  | TIntF
  | TDblF
  | TBoolF
  | TCharF
  | TTextF
  | TFunF r r
  | TListF r
  | TRecordF r
  | TVariantF r
  | TRowEmptyF
  | TRowExtendF Label r r
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable, Data)

type Uniq = Int

data Flavour
  = Bound    -- a type variable bound by a ForAll
  | Skolem   -- a skolem constant
  | Wildcard -- a type wildcard
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)

data TyVar = TyVar
  { tyvarFlavour    :: Flavour
  , tyvarName       :: Name
  , tyvarPrefix     :: Char -- used to generate names
  , tyvarConstraint :: Constraint
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)

data MetaTv = MetaTv  -- can unify with any tau-type
  { metaUnique      :: Uniq
  , metaPrefix      :: Char -- used to generate names
  , metaConstraint  :: Constraint
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Type variable constraints
-- e.g. for types of kind row, labels the associated tyvar must lack
data Constraint
  = CNone
  | CRow  (Set Label)
  | CStar StarHierarchy
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | A simple hierarchy. i.e. Num has Ord and Eq, Ord has Eq.
data StarHierarchy
  = CEq
  | COrd
  | CNum
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | The type environment.
newtype TypeEnv = TypeEnv { unTypeEnv :: Map Name Sigma }
  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)

insertTypeEnv :: Name -> Sigma -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
insertTypeEnv name ty (TypeEnv m) = TypeEnv $ M.insert name ty m

typeEnvToList :: TypeEnv -> [(Name, Sigma)]
typeEnvToList (TypeEnv m) = M.toList m

-- | Global map of type synonym definitions.
newtype Synonyms = Synonyms { unSynonym :: Map Name SynonymDecl }
  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)

-- | A type synonym definition.
data SynonymDecl = SynonymDecl
    { synonymPos    :: Pos
    , synonymName   :: Name
    , synonymParams :: [TyVar]
    , synonymBody   :: Type
    } deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Lookup and expand a type synonym.
-- Returns Nothing if the lookup or expansion failed.
lookupSynonym :: Name -> [Type] -> Synonyms -> Maybe Sigma
lookupSynonym name args (Synonyms m) = do
    SynonymDecl{..} <- M.lookup name m
    guard $ length synonymParams == length args
    return $ substTyVar synonymParams args synonymBody

-- | Used by the REPL.
deleteSynonym :: Name -> Synonyms -> Synonyms
deleteSynonym name (Synonyms m) =
    Synonyms $ M.delete name m

-- | Checks for duplicate synonym names and free variables.
    :: MonadError String m
    => [SynonymDecl]
    -> Synonyms
    -> m Synonyms
insertSynonyms ss (Synonyms m) =
    Synonyms <$> foldM f m ss
    f m syn
        | Just syn' <- M.lookup (synonymName syn) m
        -- check that it's not a benign re-import of the same synonym
        , (fields syn /= fields syn') =
            throwError $ unwords
                [ "Duplicate synonyms with name"
                , "'" ++ synonymName syn ++ "'"
                , "at"
                , show syn --(synonymPos syn)
                , "and"
                , show syn' -- (synonymPos syn')
        | fvs <- ftv (synonymBody syn)
            S.\\ S.fromList (synonymParams syn)
        , not (S.null fvs) =
            throwError $ unwords
                [ "Free variables in type synonym definition:"
                , "'" ++ synonymName syn ++ "'"
                , "at"
                , show (synonymPos syn)
        | otherwise = return $ M.insert (synonymName syn) syn m

    -- strip positional annotations
    fields (SynonymDecl _ name vars body) = (name, vars, stripAnn body)

instance View TypeF Type where
  proj    = left . unFix
  inj  e  = Fix (e :*: K dummyPos)

-- | A useless source position.
dummyPos :: Pos
dummyPos = newPos "<unknown>" 1 1

instance View TypeF Type' where
  proj = unFix
  inj  = Fix

pattern TForAll vs t       <- (proj -> (TForAllF vs t)) where
  TForAll vs t = inj (TForAllF vs t)
pattern TVar v             <- (proj -> (TVarF v)) where
  TVar v = inj (TVarF v)
pattern TMetaVar v         <- (proj -> (TMetaVarF v)) where
  TMetaVar v = inj (TMetaVarF v)
pattern TSynonym v ts      <- (proj -> (TSynonymF v ts)) where
  TSynonym v ts = inj (TSynonymF v ts)
pattern TInt               <- (proj -> TIntF) where
  TInt = inj TIntF
pattern TDbl               <- (proj -> TDblF) where
  TDbl = inj TDblF
pattern TBool              <- (proj -> TBoolF) where
  TBool = inj TBoolF
pattern TChar              <- (proj -> TCharF) where
  TChar = inj TCharF
pattern TText              <- (proj -> TTextF) where
  TText = inj TTextF
pattern TFun t1 t2         <- (proj -> (TFunF t1 t2)) where
  TFun t1 t2 = inj (TFunF t1 t2)
pattern TList t            <- (proj -> (TListF t)) where
  TList t = inj (TListF t)
pattern TRecord t          <- (proj -> (TRecordF t)) where
  TRecord t = inj (TRecordF t)
pattern TVariant t         <- (proj -> (TVariantF t)) where
  TVariant t = inj (TVariantF t)
pattern TRowEmpty          <- (proj -> TRowEmptyF) where
  TRowEmpty = inj TRowEmptyF
pattern TRowExtend l t1 t2 <- (proj -> (TRowExtendF l t1 t2)) where
  TRowExtend l t1 t2 = inj (TRowExtendF l t1 t2)

class Types a where
  -- | Free type variables
  ftv   :: a -> Set TyVar

  -- | Meta type variables
  meta  :: a -> Set MetaTv

  -- | Replace meta type variables with types
  apply :: Subst -> a -> a

instance Types Type where
  ftv = cata alg . stripAnn where
    alg :: TypeF (Set TyVar) -> (Set TyVar)
    alg (TForAllF vs t) = t S.\\ S.fromList vs
    alg (TVarF v)       = S.singleton v
    alg e               = fold e

  meta = cata alg . stripAnn where
    alg :: TypeF (Set MetaTv) -> (Set MetaTv)
    alg (TMetaVarF v) = S.singleton v
    alg e             = fold e

  apply s t = cata alg t where
    alg :: (TypeF :*: K Pos) Type -> Type
    alg (TMetaVarF v :*: K p) =
        case IM.lookup (metaUnique v) (unSubst s) of
            Nothing -> Fix (TMetaVarF v :*: K p)
            Just t  -> apply s t -- TODO could this ever fail to terminate?
    alg e = Fix e

instance Types TypeEnv where
  ftv (TypeEnv env)  = ftv (M.elems env)
  meta (TypeEnv env) = meta (M.elems env)
  apply s (TypeEnv env) = TypeEnv (M.map (apply s) env)

instance Types a => Types [a] where
  ftv  = foldMap ftv
  meta = foldMap meta
  apply s = map (apply s)

-- | Get all the binders used in ForAlls in the type, so that
-- when quantifying an outer forall, we can avoid these inner ones.
tyVarBndrs :: Type -> Set TyVar
tyVarBndrs = cata alg . stripAnn where
    alg :: TypeF (Set TyVar) -> (Set TyVar)
    alg (TForAllF vs t) = t <> S.fromList vs
    alg (TFunF arg res) = arg <> res
    alg _               = S.empty

-- Use to instantiate TyVars
substTyVar :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
substTyVar tvs ts t = cata alg t m where
  alg :: (TypeF :*: K Pos) (Map Name Type -> Type)
      -> Map Name Type
      -> Type
  alg (TForAllF vs f :*: K p) m  =
      let m' = foldr M.delete m (map tyvarName vs)
      in Fix (TForAllF vs (f m') :*: K p)
  alg (TVarF v :*: K p) m =
        case M.lookup (tyvarName v) m of
            Nothing -> Fix (TVarF v :*: K p)
            Just t  -> t
  alg e m = Fix $ fmap ($m) e

  m = M.fromList $ (map tyvarName tvs) `zip` ts

newtype Subst = Subst { unSubst :: IntMap Type }
  deriving (Show)

nullSubst :: Subst
nullSubst = Subst IM.empty

infixr 0 |->
(|->) :: MetaTv -> Type -> Subst
(|->) v t = Subst $ IM.singleton (metaUnique v) t

isInSubst :: MetaTv -> Subst -> Bool
isInSubst v = IM.member (metaUnique v) . unSubst

removeFromSubst :: [MetaTv] -> Subst -> Subst
removeFromSubst vs (Subst m) =
    Subst $ foldr IM.delete m (map metaUnique vs)

-- | apply s1 and then s2
-- NB: order is important
composeSubst :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
composeSubst s1 s2 = Subst $ (IM.map (apply s1) $ unSubst s2) `IM.union` unSubst s1

instance Semigroup Subst where
    (<>) = composeSubst

instance Monoid Subst where
    mempty = nullSubst

--  | decompose a row-type into its constituent parts
toList :: Type -> ([(Label, Type)], Maybe Type)
toList v@TVar{}           = ([], Just v)
toList v@TMetaVar{}       = ([], Just v)
toList TRowEmpty          = ([], Nothing)
toList (TRowExtend l t r) =
    let (ls, mv) = toList r
    in ((l, t):ls, mv)
toList t = error $ "Unexpected row type: " ++ show (ppType t)

extractMetaTv :: Type -> Maybe MetaTv
extractMetaTv (TMetaVar v) = Just v
extractMetaTv _            = Nothing

lacks :: [Label] -> Constraint
lacks = CRow . S.fromList

mkRowType :: Type -> [(Label, Type)] -> Type
mkRowType = foldr $ \(l, t@(getAnn -> pos)) r ->
    Fix (TRowExtendF l t r :*: K pos)

rowToMap :: Type -> Map Name Type
rowToMap (TRowExtend l t r) = M.insert l t (rowToMap r)
rowToMap TRowEmpty          = M.empty
rowToMap TVar{}             = M.empty -- default any row vars to empty row
rowToMap TMetaVar{}         = M.empty
rowToMap t                  = error $ "Unexpected row type: " ++ show (ppType t)

-- Constraints

-- | True if the supplied type of kind Star satisfies the supplied constraint
satisfies :: Synonyms -> Type -> Constraint -> Bool
satisfies syns t c =
    case (infer t, c) of
        (CNone,    CNone)    -> True
        (CStar{},  CNone)    -> True
        (CNone,    CStar{})  -> False
        (CStar c1, CStar c2) -> c1 >= c2
        (c1, c2)  -> error $ "satisfies: kind mismatch: " ++ show (c1, c2)
    infer :: Type -> Constraint
    infer (TForAll _ t)   = infer t
    infer (TVar     v)    = tyvarConstraint v
    infer (TMetaVar m)    = metaConstraint m
    infer (TSynonym n ts) =
        maybe CNone infer $ lookupSynonym n ts syns
    infer TInt            = CStar CNum
    infer TDbl            = CStar CNum
    infer TBool           = CStar COrd
    infer TChar           = CStar COrd
    infer TText           = CStar COrd
    infer TFun{}          = CNone
    infer (TList t)       = minC (CStar COrd) $ infer t
    infer (TRecord r)     = -- NB: unit supports equality
        maybe (CStar CEq) (minC (CStar CEq)) $ inferFromRow r
    infer (TVariant r)    = -- NB: void does not support equality
        maybe CNone (minC (CStar CEq)) $ inferFromRow r
    infer t = error $ "satisfies/infer: unexpected type: " ++ show t

    -- infer star constraints from row types
    inferFromRow :: Type -> Maybe Constraint
    inferFromRow TVar{}     = Nothing
    inferFromRow TMetaVar{} = Nothing
    inferFromRow (TSynonym n ts) =
        lookupSynonym n ts syns >>= inferFromRow
    inferFromRow TRowEmpty  = Nothing
    inferFromRow (TRowExtend _ t r) = Just $
        maybe (infer t) (minC (infer t)) $ inferFromRow r
    inferFromRow t =
        error $ "satisfies/inferFromRow: unexpected type: " ++ show t

    minC (CStar c1) (CStar c2) = CStar $ min c1 c2
    minC CNone      _          = CNone
    minC _          CNone      = CNone
    minC _          _          = error "minC: assertion failed"

-- | unions constraints
-- for kind Star: picks the most specific, i.e. max c1 c2
-- for kind Row: unions the sets of lacks labels
unionConstraints :: Constraint -> Constraint -> Constraint
unionConstraints CNone      c          = c
unionConstraints c          CNone      = c
unionConstraints (CRow s1)  (CRow s2)  = CRow  $ s1 `S.union` s2
unionConstraints (CStar c1) (CStar c2) = CStar $ max c1 c2
unionConstraints c1 c2  = error $ "unionConstraints: kind mismatch: " ++ show (c1, c2)

-- Pretty-printing

type Precedence = Int

topPrec, arrPrec, tcPrec, atomicPrec :: Precedence
topPrec    = 0  -- Top-level precedence
arrPrec    = 1  -- Precedence of (a->b)
tcPrec     = 2  -- Precedence of (T a b)
atomicPrec = 3  -- Precedence of t

precType :: Type -> Precedence
precType (TForAll _ _)  = topPrec
precType (TFun _ _)     = arrPrec
precType (TSynonym _ _) = tcPrec
precType _              = atomicPrec

-- | Print with parens if precedence arg > precedence of type itself
ppType' :: Precedence -> Type -> Doc
ppType' p t
    | p >= precType t = parens (ppType t)
    | otherwise       = ppType t

ppType :: Type -> Doc
ppType (TForAll vs t)     = ppForAll (vs, t)
ppType (TVar v)           = text $ tyvarName v
ppType (TMetaVar v)       = "v" <> int (metaUnique v)
ppType (TSynonym n ts)
    | null ts             = text n
    | otherwise           = text n <+> hsep (map (ppType' tcPrec) ts)
ppType TInt               = "Int"
ppType TDbl               = "Double"
ppType TBool              = "Bool"
ppType TChar              = "Char"
ppType TText              = "Text"
ppType (TFun t s)         = ppType' arrPrec t <+> "->" <+> ppType' (arrPrec-1) s
ppType (TList a)          = brackets $ ppType a
ppType (TRecord r)        = braces $ ppRowType r
ppType (TVariant r)       = angles $ ppRowType r
ppType TRowEmpty          = "(||)"
ppType (TRowExtend l a r) = "(|" <> text l <> ":" <> ppType a <> "|" <> ppType r <> "|)"
ppType t = error $ "Unexpected type: " ++ show t

ppRowType :: Type -> Doc
ppRowType r = sepBy comma (map ppEntry ls)
           <> maybe mempty (ppRowTail ls) mv
    (ls, mv)       = toList r
    ppRowTail [] v = ppType v
    ppRowTail _  v = mempty <+> "|" <+> ppType v
    ppEntry (l, t) = text l <+> ":" <+> ppType t

ppForAll :: ([TyVar], Type) -> Doc
ppForAll (vars, t)
  | null vars = ppType' topPrec t
  | otherwise = "forall" <+> (hsep $ map (ppType . TVar) vars) <> dot
                         <>  (let cs = concatMap ppConstraint vars
                              in if null cs then mempty else space <> (parensList cs <+> "=>"))
                         <+> ppType' topPrec t
    ppConstraint :: TyVar -> [Doc]
    ppConstraint v =
      case tyvarConstraint v of
        CNone      -> []
        CStar CEq  -> ["Eq"  <+> ppType (TVar v)]
        CStar COrd -> ["Ord" <+> ppType (TVar v)]
        CStar CNum -> ["Num" <+> ppType (TVar v)]
        CRow (S.toList -> ls)
            | null ls   -> []
            | otherwise -> [catBy "\\" $ ppType (TVar v) : map text ls]

ppPos :: Pos -> Doc
ppPos = text . show

ppStarConstraint :: StarHierarchy -> Doc
ppStarConstraint CEq  = "Eq"
ppStarConstraint COrd = "Ord"
ppStarConstraint CNum = "Num"