{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- | This implements BootString en- and decoding, the foundation of Punycode
module Data.Encoding.BootString
        ,punycode) where

import Data.Encoding.Base
import Data.Encoding.Exception
import Data.Encoding.ByteSource
import Data.Encoding.ByteSink
import Control.Throws
import Data.Word
import Data.List (unfoldr,partition,find)
import Data.Char (ord,chr)
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad (when)

data BootString = BootString
        {base :: Int
        ,tmin :: Int
        ,tmax :: Int
        ,skew :: Int
        ,damp :: Int
        ,init_bias :: Int
        ,init_n    :: Int
        deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)

punycode :: BootString
punycode = BootString
        {base = 36
        ,tmin = 1
        ,tmax = 26
        ,skew = 38
        ,damp = 700
        ,init_bias = 72
        ,init_n    = 0x80

punyValue :: ByteSource m => Word8 -> m Int
punyValue c
        | n <  0x30 = norep
        | n <= 0x39 = return $ n-0x30+26
        | n <  0x41 = norep
        | n <= 0x5A = return $ n-0x41
        | n <  0x61 = norep
        | n <= 0x7A = return $ n-0x61
        | otherwise = norep
        n = fromIntegral c
        norep = throwException (IllegalCharacter c)

punyChar :: ByteSink m => Int -> m Word8
punyChar c
        | c < 0  = norep
        | c < 26 = return $ fromIntegral $ 0x61+c
        | c < 36 = return $ fromIntegral $ 0x30+c-26
        | otherwise = norep
        norep = throwException (HasNoRepresentation (chr c))

getT :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int
getT bs k bias
        | k <= bias + (tmin bs) = tmin bs
        | k >= bias + (tmax bs) = tmax bs
        | otherwise             = k-bias

adapt :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> Int
adapt bs delta numpoints firsttime = let
        delta1 = if firsttime
                then delta `div` (damp bs)
                else delta `div` 2
        delta2 = delta1 + (delta1 `div` numpoints)
        (rd,rk) = head
                $ filter ((<=((base bs - tmin bs) * (tmax bs)) `div` 2).fst)
                $ iterate (\(d,k) -> (d `div` (base bs - tmin bs),k+(base bs))) (delta2,0)
        in rk + (((base bs - tmin bs +1) * rd) `div` (rd + skew bs))

decodeValue :: ByteSource m => BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> m (Int,[Int])
decodeValue bs bias i k w (x:xs)
        | x >= base bs                     = throwException OutOfRange
        | x > (maxBound - i) `div` w       = throwException OutOfRange
        | x <  t                           = return (ni,xs)
        | w > maxBound `div` (base bs - t) = throwException OutOfRange
        | null xs                          = throwException OutOfRange
        | otherwise = decodeValue bs bias ni (k+base bs) (w*(base bs - t)) xs
        ni = i + x*w
        t  = getT bs k bias

decodeValues :: ByteSource m => BootString -> Int -> [Int] -> m [(Char,Int)]
decodeValues bs len xs = decodeValues' bs (init_n bs) 0 (init_bias bs) len xs

decodeValues' :: ByteSource m => BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> m [(Char,Int)]
decodeValues' bs n i bias len [] = return []
decodeValues' bs n i bias len xs = do
  (ni,rst) <- decodeValue bs bias i (base bs) 1 xs
  let (dn,nni) = ni `divMod` (len+1)
  let nn = n+dn
  if dn > maxBound - n
     then throwException OutOfRange
     else (do
            rest <- decodeValues' bs nn (nni+1) (adapt bs (ni-i) (len+1) (i==0)) (len+1) rst
            return $ (chr $ nn,nni):rest

insertDeltas :: [(a,Int)] -> [a] -> [a]
insertDeltas [] str     = str
insertDeltas ((c,p):xs) str = let
        (l,r) = splitAt p str
        in insertDeltas xs (l++[c]++r)

punyDecode :: ByteSource m => [Word8] -> [Word8] -> m String
punyDecode base ext = do
  pvals <- mapM punyValue ext
  vals <- decodeValues punycode (length base) pvals
  return $ insertDeltas vals (map (chr.fromIntegral) base)

encodeValue :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
encodeValue bs bias delta n c = unfoldr (\(q,k,out) -> let
                t = getT bs k bias
                (nq,dc) = (q-t) `divMod` (base bs - t)
                in if out
                        then Nothing
                        else (if q < t
                                then Just (q,(q,k+base bs,True))
                                else Just (t + dc,(nq,k+base bs,False)))
                ) (delta,base bs,False)

encodeValues' :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> (Int,Int,Int,[Int])
encodeValues' _  _ h bias delta _ []     = (delta,h,bias,[])
encodeValues' bs b h bias delta n (c:cs) = case compare c n of
        LT -> encodeValues' bs b h bias (delta+1) n cs
        GT -> encodeValues' bs b h bias delta n cs
        EQ -> let
                (ndelta,nh,nbias,rest) = encodeValues' bs b (h+1) (adapt bs delta (h+1) (h==b)) 0 n cs
                xs = encodeValue bs bias delta n c
                in (ndelta,nh,nbias,xs++rest)

encodeValues :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
encodeValues bs b l h bias delta n cps
        | h == l = []
        | otherwise = outp++encodeValues bs b l nh nbias (ndelta+1) (m+1) cps
        m = minimum (filter (>=n) cps)
        (ndelta,nh,nbias,outp) = encodeValues' bs b h bias (delta + (m - n)*(h + 1)) m cps

breakLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe ([a],[a])
breakLast p xs = do
  (bf,af,ind) <- breakLast' 0 Nothing p xs
  return (bf,af)
      breakLast' n r p [] = do
        v <- r
        return ([],[],v)
      breakLast' n r p (x:xs) = let res = if p x
                                          then breakLast' (n+1) (Just n) p xs
                                          else breakLast' (n+1) r p xs
                              in do
                                (bf,af,v) <- res
                                return $ if n<v then (x:bf,af,v) else (bf,x:af,v)

instance Encoding BootString where
    encodeChar _ c = error "Data.Encoding.BootString.encodeChar: Please use 'encode' for encoding BootStrings"
    decodeChar _ = error "Data.Encoding.BootString.decodeChar: Please use 'decode' for decoding BootStrings"
    encode bs str = let (base,nbase) = partition (\c -> ord c < init_n bs) str
                        b = length base
                    in do
                      res <- mapM punyChar $ encodeValues bs b (length str) b (init_bias bs) 0 (init_n bs) (map ord str)
                      when (not $ null base) $ do
                               mapM_ (pushWord8.fromIntegral.ord) base
                               pushWord8 (fromIntegral $ ord '-')
                      mapM_ pushWord8 res
    decode bs = do
      wrds <- untilM sourceEmpty fetchWord8
      let m = fromIntegral $ ord '-'
      case breakLast (==m) wrds of
        Just ([],_) -> throwException (IllegalCharacter m)
        Just (base,_:nbase) -> case find (\w -> fromIntegral w > init_n bs) base of
                                Nothing -> punyDecode base nbase
                                Just ww -> throwException (IllegalCharacter ww)
        Nothing -> punyDecode [] wrds
    encodeable bs c = True -- XXX: hm, really?