{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances,FlexibleContexts,MultiParamTypeClasses,CPP #-}
module Data.Encoding.ByteSource where

import Data.Encoding.Exception

import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception.Extensible
import Control.Throws
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import System.IO

class (Monad m,Throws DecodingException m) => ByteSource m where
    sourceEmpty :: m Bool
    fetchWord8 :: m Word8
    -- 'fetchAhead act' should return the same thing 'act' does, but should
    -- only consume input if 'act' returns a 'Just' value
    fetchAhead :: m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a)
    fetchWord16be :: m Word16
    fetchWord16be = do
      w1 <- fetchWord8
      w2 <- fetchWord8
      return $ ((fromIntegral w1) `shiftL` 8)
                 .|. (fromIntegral w2)
    fetchWord16le :: m Word16
    fetchWord16le = do
      w1 <- fetchWord8
      w2 <- fetchWord8
      return $ ((fromIntegral w2) `shiftL` 8)
                 .|. (fromIntegral w1)
    fetchWord32be :: m Word32
    fetchWord32be = do
      w1 <- fetchWord8
      w2 <- fetchWord8
      w3 <- fetchWord8
      w4 <- fetchWord8
      return $ ((fromIntegral w1) `shiftL` 24)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w2) `shiftL` 16)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w3) `shiftL`  8)
                 .|. (fromIntegral w4)
    fetchWord32le :: m Word32
    fetchWord32le = do
      w1 <- fetchWord8
      w2 <- fetchWord8
      w3 <- fetchWord8
      w4 <- fetchWord8
      return $ ((fromIntegral w4) `shiftL` 24)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w3) `shiftL` 16)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w2) `shiftL`  8)
                 .|. (fromIntegral w1)
    fetchWord64be :: m Word64
    fetchWord64be = do
      w1 <- fetchWord8
      w2 <- fetchWord8
      w3 <- fetchWord8
      w4 <- fetchWord8
      w5 <- fetchWord8
      w6 <- fetchWord8
      w7 <- fetchWord8
      w8 <- fetchWord8
      return $ ((fromIntegral w1) `shiftL` 56)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w2) `shiftL` 48)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w3) `shiftL` 40)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w4) `shiftL` 32)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w5) `shiftL` 24)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w6) `shiftL` 16)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w7) `shiftL`  8)
                 .|. (fromIntegral w8)
    fetchWord64le :: m Word64
    fetchWord64le = do
      w1 <- fetchWord8
      w2 <- fetchWord8
      w3 <- fetchWord8
      w4 <- fetchWord8
      w5 <- fetchWord8
      w6 <- fetchWord8
      w7 <- fetchWord8
      w8 <- fetchWord8
      return $ ((fromIntegral w8) `shiftL` 56)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w7) `shiftL` 48)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w6) `shiftL` 40)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w5) `shiftL` 32)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w4) `shiftL` 24)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w3) `shiftL` 16)
                 .|. ((fromIntegral w2) `shiftL`  8)
                 .|. (fromIntegral w1)

instance Throws DecodingException Get where
    throwException = throw

instance ByteSource Get where
    sourceEmpty = isEmpty
    fetchWord8 = getWord8
#if MIN_VERSION_binary(0,6,0)
    fetchAhead act = (do
        res <- act
        case res of
            Nothing -> A.empty
            Just a  -> return res
        ) <|> return Nothing
    fetchAhead act = do
        res <- lookAhead act
        case res of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just a  -> act
    fetchWord16be = getWord16be
    fetchWord16le = getWord16le
    fetchWord32be = getWord32be
    fetchWord32le = getWord32le
    fetchWord64be = getWord64be
    fetchWord64le = getWord64le

fetchAheadState act = do
    chs <- get
    res <- act
    when (isNothing res) (put chs)
    return res

instance ByteSource (StateT [Char] Identity) where
    sourceEmpty = gets null
    fetchWord8 = do
      chs <- get
      case chs of
        [] -> throwException UnexpectedEnd
        c:cs -> do
          put cs
          return (fromIntegral $ ord c)
    fetchAhead = fetchAheadState

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
instance Monad (Either DecodingException) where
    return = Right
    (Left err) >>= g = Left err
    (Right x) >>= g = g x

instance ByteSource (StateT [Char] (Either DecodingException)) where
    sourceEmpty = gets null
    fetchWord8 = do
      chs <- get
      case chs of
        [] -> throwException UnexpectedEnd
        c:cs -> do
          put cs
          return (fromIntegral $ ord c)
    fetchAhead = fetchAheadState

instance (Monad m,Throws DecodingException m) => ByteSource (StateT BS.ByteString m) where
    sourceEmpty = gets BS.null
    fetchWord8 = StateT (\str -> case BS.uncons str of
                                  Nothing -> throwException UnexpectedEnd
                                  Just (c,cs) -> return (c,cs))
    fetchAhead = fetchAheadState

instance ByteSource (StateT LBS.ByteString (Either DecodingException)) where
    sourceEmpty = gets LBS.null
    fetchWord8 = StateT (\str -> case LBS.uncons str of
                                  Nothing -> Left UnexpectedEnd
                                  Just ns -> Right ns)
    fetchAhead = fetchAheadState

instance ByteSource (ReaderT Handle IO) where
    sourceEmpty = do
      h <- ask
      liftIO (hIsEOF h)
    fetchWord8 = do
      h <- ask
      liftIO $ do
        ch <- hGetChar h
        return (fromIntegral $ ord ch)
    fetchAhead act = do
      h <- ask
      pos <- liftIO $ hGetPosn h
      res <- act
      when (isNothing res) (liftIO $ hSetPosn pos)
      return res