{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Data.Eigen.Matrix (
    -- * Matrix type
    -- | Matrix aliases follows Eigen naming convention
    -- * Matrix conversions
    -- * Standard matrices and special cases
    -- * Accessing matrix data
    -- * Matrix properties
    -- * Generic reductions
    -- * Boolean reductions
    -- * Basic matrix algebra
    -- * Mapping over elements
    -- * Matrix transformations
    -- * Matrix serialization
    -- * Mutable matrices
    -- * Raw pointers
) where

import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.List as L
import Prelude hiding (null, sum, all, any, map, filter)
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Complex hiding (conjugate)
import Data.Binary hiding (encode, decode)
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Text.Printf
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
import qualified Data.Eigen.Internal as I
import qualified Data.Eigen.Matrix.Mutable as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

-- | Matrix to be used in pure computations, uses column major memory layout, features copy-free FFI with C++ <http://eigen.tuxfamily.org Eigen> library.

data Matrix a b where
    Matrix :: I.Elem a b => !Int -> !Int -> !(VS.Vector b) -> Matrix a b

-- | Alias for single precision matrix
type MatrixXf = Matrix Float CFloat
-- | Alias for double precision matrix
type MatrixXd = Matrix Double CDouble
-- | Alias for single previsiom matrix of complex numbers
type MatrixXcf = Matrix (Complex Float) (I.CComplex CFloat)
-- | Alias for double prevision matrix of complex numbers
type MatrixXcd = Matrix (Complex Double) (I.CComplex CDouble)

-- | Pretty prints the matrix
instance (I.Elem a b, Show a) => Show (Matrix a b) where
    show m@(Matrix rows cols _) = concat [
        "Matrix ", show rows, "x", show cols,
        "\n", L.intercalate "\n" $ P.map (L.intercalate "\t" . P.map show) $ toList m, "\n"]

-- | Basic matrix math exposed through Num instance: @(*)@, @(+)@, @(-)@, `fromInteger`, `signum`, `abs`, `negate`
instance I.Elem a b => Num (Matrix a b) where
    (*) = mul
    (+) = add
    (-) = sub
    fromInteger = constant 1 1 . fromInteger
    signum = map signum
    abs = map abs
    negate = map negate

-- | Matrix binary serialization
instance I.Elem a b => Binary (Matrix a b) where
    put (Matrix rows cols vals) = do
        put $ I.magicCode (undefined :: b)
        put rows
        put cols
        put vals

    get = do
        get >>= (`when` fail "wrong matrix type") . (/= I.magicCode (undefined :: b))
        Matrix <$> get <*> get <*> get

-- | Encode the matrix as a lazy byte string
encode :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> BSL.ByteString
encode = B.encode

-- | Decode matrix from the lazy byte string
decode :: I.Elem a b => BSL.ByteString -> Matrix a b
decode = B.decode

-- | Empty 0x0 matrix
{-# INLINE empty #-}
empty :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b
empty = Matrix 0 0 VS.empty

-- | Is matrix empty?
{-# INLINE null #-}
null :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Bool
null (Matrix rows cols _) = rows == 0 && cols == 0

-- | Is matrix square?
{-# INLINE square #-}
square :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Bool
square (Matrix rows cols _) = rows == cols

-- | Matrix where all coeffs are filled with given value
{-# INLINE constant #-}
constant :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> a -> Matrix a b
constant rows cols val = Matrix rows cols $ VS.replicate (rows * cols) (I.cast val)

-- | Matrix where all coeff are 0
{-# INLINE zero #-}
zero :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Matrix a b
zero rows cols = constant rows cols 0

-- | Matrix where all coeff are 1
{-# INLINE ones #-}
ones :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Matrix a b
ones rows cols = constant rows cols 1

-- | The identity matrix (not necessarily square).
identity :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Matrix a b
identity rows cols = I.performIO $ do
    m <- M.new rows cols
    I.call $ M.unsafeWith m I.identity
    unsafeFreeze m

-- | The random matrix of a given size
random :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> IO (Matrix a b)
random rows cols = do
    m <- M.new rows cols
    I.call $ M.unsafeWith m I.random
    unsafeFreeze m

-- | Number of rows for the matrix
{-# INLINE rows #-}
rows :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Int
rows (Matrix rows _ _) = rows

-- | Number of columns for the matrix
{-# INLINE cols #-}
cols :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Int
cols (Matrix _ cols _) = cols

-- | Mtrix size as (rows, cols) pair
{-# INLINE dims #-}
dims :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> (Int, Int)
dims (Matrix rows cols _) = (rows, cols)

-- | Matrix coefficient at specific row and col
{-# INLINE (!) #-}
(!) :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> (Int, Int) -> a
(!) m (row,col) = coeff row col m

-- | Matrix coefficient at specific row and col
{-# INLINE coeff #-}
coeff :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Matrix a b -> a
coeff row col m@(Matrix rows cols _)
    | not (valid m) = error "matrix is not valid"
    | row < 0 || row >= rows = error $ printf "Matrix.coeff: row %d is out of bounds [0..%d)" row rows
    | col < 0 || col >= cols = error $ printf "Matrix.coeff: col %d is out of bounds [0..%d)" col cols
    | otherwise = unsafeCoeff row col m

-- | Unsafe version of coeff function. No bounds check performed so SEGFAULT possible
{-# INLINE unsafeCoeff #-}
unsafeCoeff :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Matrix a b -> a
unsafeCoeff row col (Matrix rows _ vals) = I.cast $ VS.unsafeIndex vals $ col * rows + row

-- | List of coefficients for the given col
{-# INLINE col #-}
col :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Matrix a b -> [a]
col c m@(Matrix rows _ _) = [coeff r c m | r <- [0..pred rows]]

-- | List of coefficients for the given row
{-# INLINE row #-}
row :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Matrix a b -> [a]
row r m@(Matrix _ cols _) = [coeff r c m | c <- [0..pred cols]]

-- | Extract rectangular block from matrix defined by startRow startCol blockRows blockCols
block :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
block startRow startCol blockRows blockCols m =
    generate blockRows blockCols $ \row col ->
        coeff (startRow + row) (startCol + col) m

-- | Verify matrix dimensions and memory layout
{-# INLINE valid #-}
valid :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Bool
valid (Matrix rows cols vals) = rows >= 0 && cols >= 0 && VS.length vals == rows * cols

-- | The maximum coefficient of the matrix
{-# INLINE maxCoeff #-}
maxCoeff :: (I.Elem a b, Ord a) => Matrix a b -> a
maxCoeff = fold1' max

-- | The minimum coefficient of the matrix
{-# INLINE minCoeff #-}
minCoeff :: (I.Elem a b, Ord a) => Matrix a b -> a
minCoeff = fold1' min

-- | Top @N@ rows of matrix
{-# INLINE topRows #-}
topRows :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
topRows n m@(Matrix _ cols _) = block 0 0 n cols m

-- | Bottom @N@ rows of matrix
{-# INLINE bottomRows #-}
bottomRows :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
bottomRows n m@(Matrix rows cols _) = block (rows - n) 0 n cols m

-- | Left @N@ columns of matrix
{-# INLINE leftCols #-}
leftCols :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
leftCols n m@(Matrix rows _ _) = block 0 0 rows n m

-- | Right @N@ columns of matrix
{-# INLINE rightCols #-}
rightCols :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
rightCols n m@(Matrix rows cols _) = block 0 (cols - n) rows n m

-- | Construct matrix from a list of rows, column count is detected as maximum row length. Missing values are filled with 0
fromList :: I.Elem a b => [[a]] -> Matrix a b
fromList list = Matrix rows cols vals where
    rows = length list
    cols = L.foldl' max 0 $ P.map length list
    vals = VS.create $ do
        vm <- VSM.replicate (rows * cols) (I.cast (0 `asTypeOf` (head (head list))))
        forM_ (zip [0..] list) $ \(row, vals) ->
            forM_ (zip [0..] vals) $ \(col, val) ->
                VSM.write vm (col * rows + row) (I.cast val)
        return vm

-- | Convert matrix to a list of rows
toList :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> [[a]]
toList m@(Matrix rows cols vals)
    | not (valid m) = error "matrix is not valid"
    | otherwise = [[I.cast $ vals `VS.unsafeIndex` (col * rows + row) | col <- [0..pred cols]] | row <- [0..pred rows]]

-- | Build matrix of given dimensions and values from given list split on rows. Invalid list length results in error.
fromFlatList :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> [a] -> Matrix a b
fromFlatList rows cols list
    | not (rows * cols == (length list)) = error $ concat ["cannot construct ", show rows, "x", show cols, " matrix from ", show $ length list, " values"]
    | otherwise = Matrix rows cols vals where
        vals = VS.create $ do
            vm <- VSM.replicate (rows * cols) (I.cast (0 `asTypeOf` (head list)))
            forM_ (zip [(col * rows + row) | row <- [0..pred rows], col <- [0..pred cols]] list) $ \(idx, val) ->
                VSM.write vm idx (I.cast val)
            return vm

-- | Convert matrix to a list by concatenating rows
toFlatList :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> [a]
toFlatList m@(Matrix rows cols vals)
    | not (valid m) = error "matrix is not valid"
    | otherwise = [I.cast $ vals `VS.unsafeIndex` (col * rows + row) | row <- [0..pred rows], col <- [0..pred cols]]

-- | [generate rows cols (λ row col -> val)]
-- Create matrix using generator function @λ row col -> val@
generate :: I.Elem a b => Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> Matrix a b
generate rows cols f = Matrix rows cols $ VS.create $ do
    vals <- VSM.new (rows * cols)
    forM_ [0..pred rows] $ \row ->
        forM_ [0..pred cols] $ \col ->
            VSM.write vals (col * rows + row) (I.cast $ f row col)
    return vals

-- | The sum of all coefficients of the matrix
sum :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
sum = _prop I.sum

-- | The product of all coefficients of the matrix
prod :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
prod = _prop I.prod

-- | The mean of all coefficients of the matrix
mean :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
mean = _prop I.mean

-- | The trace of a matrix is the sum of the diagonal coefficients and can also be computed as sum (diagonal m)
trace :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
trace = _prop I.trace

-- | Applied to a predicate and a matrix, all determines if all elements of the matrix satisfies the predicate
all :: I.Elem a b => (a -> Bool) -> Matrix a b -> Bool
all f = VS.all (f . I.cast) . _vals

-- | Applied to a predicate and a matrix, any determines if any element of the matrix satisfies the predicate
any :: I.Elem a b => (a -> Bool) -> Matrix a b -> Bool
any f = VS.any (f . I.cast) . _vals

-- | Returns the number of coefficients in a given matrix that evaluate to true
count :: I.Elem a b => (a -> Bool) -> Matrix a b -> Int
count f = VS.foldl' (\n x -> if f (I.cast x) then succ n else n) 0 . _vals

{-| For vectors, the l2 norm, and for matrices the Frobenius norm.
    In both cases, it consists in the square root of the sum of the square of all the matrix entries.
    For vectors, this is also equals to the square root of the dot product of this with itself.
norm :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
norm = _prop I.norm

-- | For vectors, the squared l2 norm, and for matrices the Frobenius norm. In both cases, it consists in the sum of the square of all the matrix entries. For vectors, this is also equals to the dot product of this with itself.
squaredNorm :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
squaredNorm = _prop I.squaredNorm

-- | The l2 norm of the matrix using the Blue's algorithm. A Portable Fortran Program to Find the Euclidean Norm of a Vector, ACM TOMS, Vol 4, Issue 1, 1978.
blueNorm :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
blueNorm = _prop I.blueNorm

-- | The l2 norm of the matrix avoiding undeflow and overflow. This version use a concatenation of hypot calls, and it is very slow.
hypotNorm :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
hypotNorm = _prop I.hypotNorm

-- | The determinant of the matrix
determinant :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> a
determinant m
    | square m = _prop I.determinant m
    | otherwise = error "Matrix.determinant: non-square matrix"

-- | Adding two matrices by adding the corresponding entries together. You can use @(+)@ function as well.
add :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
add m1 m2
    | dims m1 == dims m2 = _binop const I.add m1 m2
    | otherwise = error "Matrix.add: matrices should have the same size"

-- | Subtracting two matrices by subtracting the corresponding entries together. You can use @(-)@ function as well.
sub :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
sub m1 m2
    | dims m1 == dims m2 = _binop const I.sub m1 m2
    | otherwise = error "Matrix.add: matrices should have the same size"

-- | Matrix multiplication. You can use @(*)@ function as well.
mul :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
mul m1 m2
    | cols m1 == rows m2 = _binop (\(rows, _) (_, cols) -> (rows, cols)) I.mul m1 m2
    | otherwise = error "Matrix.mul: number of columns for lhs matrix should be the same as number of rows for rhs matrix"

{- | Apply a given function to each element of the matrix.

Here is an example how to implement scalar matrix multiplication:

>>> let a = fromList [[1,2],[3,4]] :: MatrixXf

>>> a
Matrix 2x2
1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0

>>> map (*10) a
Matrix 2x2
10.0    20.0
30.0    40.0

map :: I.Elem a b => (a -> a) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
map f (Matrix rows cols vals) = Matrix rows cols (VS.map (I.cast . f . I.cast) vals)

{- | Apply a given function to each element of the matrix.

Here is an example how upper triangular matrix can be implemented:

>>> let a = fromList [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] :: MatrixXf

>>> a
Matrix 3x3
1.0 2.0 3.0
4.0 5.0 6.0
7.0 8.0 9.0

>>> imap (\row col val -> if row <= col then val else 0) a
Matrix 3x3
1.0 2.0 3.0
0.0 5.0 6.0
0.0 0.0 9.0


imap :: I.Elem a b => (Int -> Int -> a -> a) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
imap f (Matrix rows cols vals) = Matrix rows cols (VS.imap (\n -> let (c, r) = divMod n rows in I.cast . f r c . I.cast) vals)

data TriangularMode
    -- | View matrix as a lower triangular matrix.
    = Lower
    -- | View matrix as an upper triangular matrix.
    | Upper
    -- | View matrix as a lower triangular matrix with zeros on the diagonal.
    | StrictlyLower
    -- | View matrix as an upper triangular matrix with zeros on the diagonal.
    | StrictlyUpper
    -- | View matrix as a lower triangular matrix with ones on the diagonal.
    | UnitLower
    -- | View matrix as an upper triangular matrix with ones on the diagonal.
    | UnitUpper deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Read)

-- | Triangular view extracted from the current matrix
triangularView :: I.Elem a b => TriangularMode -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
triangularView Lower         = imap $ \row col val -> case compare row col of { LT -> 0; _ -> val }
triangularView Upper         = imap $ \row col val -> case compare row col of { GT -> 0; _ -> val }
triangularView StrictlyLower = imap $ \row col val -> case compare row col of { GT -> val; _ -> 0 }
triangularView StrictlyUpper = imap $ \row col val -> case compare row col of { LT -> val; _ -> 0 }
triangularView UnitLower     = imap $ \row col val -> case compare row col of { GT -> val; LT -> 0; EQ -> 1 }
triangularView UnitUpper     = imap $ \row col val -> case compare row col of { LT -> val; GT -> 0; EQ -> 1 }

-- | Lower trinagle of the matrix. Shortcut for @triangularView Lower@
lowerTriangle :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
lowerTriangle = triangularView Lower

-- | Upper trinagle of the matrix. Shortcut for @triangularView Upper@
upperTriangle :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
upperTriangle = triangularView Upper

-- | Filter elements in the matrix. Filtered elements will be replaced by 0
filter :: I.Elem a b => (a -> Bool) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
filter f = map (\x -> if f x then x else 0)

-- | Filter elements in the matrix. Filtered elements will be replaced by 0
ifilter :: I.Elem a b => (Int -> Int -> a -> Bool) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
ifilter f = imap (\r c x -> if f r c x then x else 0)

-- | Reduce matrix using user provided function applied to each element.
fold :: I.Elem a b => (c -> a -> c) -> c -> Matrix a b -> c
fold f a (Matrix _ _ vals) = VS.foldl (\a x -> f a (I.cast x)) a vals

-- | Reduce matrix using user provided function applied to each element. This is strict version of 'fold'
fold' :: I.Elem a b => (c -> a -> c) -> c -> Matrix a b -> c
fold' f a (Matrix _ _ vals) = VS.foldl' (\a x -> f a (I.cast x)) a vals

-- | Reduce matrix using user provided function applied to each element and it's index
ifold :: I.Elem a b => (Int -> Int -> c -> a -> c) -> c -> Matrix a b -> c
ifold f a (Matrix rows _ vals) = VS.ifoldl (\a n x -> let (c,r) = divMod n rows in f r c a (I.cast x)) a vals

-- | Reduce matrix using user provided function applied to each element and it's index. This is strict version of 'ifold'
ifold' :: I.Elem a b => (Int -> Int -> c -> a -> c) -> c -> Matrix a b -> c
ifold' f a (Matrix rows _ vals) = VS.ifoldl' (\a n x -> let (c,r) = divMod n rows in f r c a (I.cast x)) a vals

-- | Reduce matrix using user provided function applied to each element.
fold1 :: I.Elem a b => (a -> a -> a) -> Matrix a b -> a
fold1 f = foldl1 f . P.map I.cast . VS.toList . _vals

-- | Reduce matrix using user provided function applied to each element. This is strict version of 'fold'
fold1' :: I.Elem a b => (a -> a -> a) -> Matrix a b -> a
fold1' f = L.foldl1' f . P.map I.cast . VS.toList . _vals

-- | Diagonal of the matrix
diagonal :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
diagonal = _unop (\(rows, cols) -> (min rows cols, 1)) I.diagonal

{- | Inverse of the matrix

For small fixed sizes up to 4x4, this method uses cofactors. In the general case, this method uses PartialPivLU decomposition
inverse :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
inverse m
    | square m = _unop id I.inverse m
    | otherwise = error "Matrix.inverse: non-square matrix"

-- | Adjoint of the matrix
adjoint :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
adjoint = _unop swap I.adjoint

-- | Transpose of the matrix
transpose :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
transpose = _unop swap I.transpose

-- | Conjugate of the matrix
conjugate :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
conjugate = _unop id I.conjugate

-- | Nomalize the matrix by deviding it on its 'norm'
normalize :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
normalize (Matrix rows cols vals) = I.performIO $ do
    vals <- VS.thaw vals
    VSM.unsafeWith vals $ \p ->
        I.call $ I.normalize p (I.cast rows) (I.cast cols)
    Matrix rows cols <$> VS.unsafeFreeze vals

-- | Apply a destructive operation to a matrix. The operation will be performed in place if it is safe to do so and will modify a copy of the matrix otherwise.
modify :: I.Elem a b => (forall s. M.MMatrix a b s -> ST s ()) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
modify f (Matrix rows cols vals) = Matrix rows cols (VS.modify (f . M.MMatrix rows cols) vals)

-- | Convert matrix to different type using user provided element converter
convert :: (I.Elem a b, I.Elem c d) => (a -> c) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix c d
convert f (Matrix rows cols vals) = Matrix rows cols $ VS.map (I.cast . f . I.cast) vals

-- | Yield an immutable copy of the mutable matrix
freeze :: I.Elem a b => PrimMonad m => M.MMatrix a b (PrimState m) -> m (Matrix a b)
freeze (M.MMatrix mrows mcols mvals) = VS.freeze mvals >>= return . Matrix mrows mcols

-- | Yield a mutable copy of the immutable matrix
thaw :: I.Elem a b => PrimMonad m => Matrix a b -> m (M.MMatrix a b (PrimState m))
thaw (Matrix rows cols vals) = VS.thaw vals >>= return . M.MMatrix rows cols

-- | Unsafe convert a mutable matrix to an immutable one without copying. The mutable matrix may not be used after this operation.
unsafeFreeze :: I.Elem a b => PrimMonad m => M.MMatrix a b (PrimState m) -> m (Matrix a b)
unsafeFreeze (M.MMatrix mrows mcols mvals) = VS.unsafeFreeze mvals >>= return . Matrix mrows mcols

-- | Unsafely convert an immutable matrix to a mutable one without copying. The immutable matrix may not be used after this operation.
unsafeThaw :: I.Elem a b => PrimMonad m => Matrix a b -> m (M.MMatrix a b (PrimState m))
unsafeThaw (Matrix rows cols vals) = VS.unsafeThaw vals >>= return . M.MMatrix rows cols

-- | Pass a pointer to the matrix's data to the IO action. The data may not be modified through the pointer.
unsafeWith :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> (Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO c) -> IO c
unsafeWith m@(Matrix rows cols vals) f
    | not (valid m) = fail "Matrix.unsafeWith: matrix layout is invalid"
    | otherwise = VS.unsafeWith vals $ \p -> f p (I.cast rows) (I.cast cols)

{-# INLINE _prop #-}
_prop :: I.Elem a b => (Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString) -> Matrix a b -> a
_prop f m = I.cast $ I.performIO $ alloca $ \p -> do
    I.call $ unsafeWith m (f p)
    peek p

{-# INLINE _binop #-}
_binop :: I.Elem a b => ((Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)) -> (Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
_binop f g m1 m2 = I.performIO $ do
    m0 <- uncurry M.new $ f (dims m1) (dims m2)
    M.unsafeWith m0 $ \vals0 rows0 cols0 ->
        unsafeWith m1 $ \vals1 rows1 cols1 ->
            unsafeWith m2 $ \vals2 rows2 cols2 ->
                I.call $ g
                    vals0 rows0 cols0
                    vals1 rows1 cols1
                    vals2 rows2 cols2
    unsafeFreeze m0

{-# INLINE _unop #-}
_unop :: I.Elem a b => ((Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)) -> (Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString) -> Matrix a b -> Matrix a b
_unop f g m1 = I.performIO $ do
    m0 <- uncurry M.new $ f (dims m1)
    M.unsafeWith m0 $ \vals0 rows0 cols0 ->
        unsafeWith m1 $ \vals1 rows1 cols1 ->
            I.call $ g
                vals0 rows0 cols0
                vals1 rows1 cols1
    unsafeFreeze m0

{-# INLINE _vals #-}
_vals :: I.Elem a b => Matrix a b -> VS.Vector b
_vals (Matrix _ _ vals) = vals