{-# LINE 1 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}

module Data.Eigen.Internal where

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Control.Monad

{-# LINE 21 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 24 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Complex
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI

class (Num a, Cast a b, Cast b a, Storable b, Code b) => Elem a b | a -> b where

instance Elem Float CFloat where
instance Elem Double CDouble where
instance Elem (Complex Float) (CComplex CFloat) where
instance Elem (Complex Double) (CComplex CDouble) where

class Cast a b where
    cast :: a -> b

instance Storable a => Binary (VS.Vector a) where
    put vs = put (BS.length bs) >> putByteString bs where
        (fp,fs) = VS.unsafeToForeignPtr0 vs
        es = sizeOf (VS.head vs)
        bs = BSI.fromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) 0 (fs * es)
    get = get >>= getByteString >>= \bs -> let
        (fp,fo,fs) = BSI.toForeignPtr bs
        es = sizeOf (VS.head vs)
        vs = VS.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 (Data.Eigen.Internal.plusForeignPtr fp fo) (fs `div` es)
        in return vs

-- | Complex number for FFI with the same memory layout as std::complex\<T\>
data CComplex a = CComplex !a !a deriving Show

instance Storable a => Storable (CComplex a) where
    sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined :: a) * 2
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: a)
    poke p (CComplex x y) = do
        pokeElemOff (castPtr p) 0 x
        pokeElemOff (castPtr p) 1 y
    peek p = CComplex
        <$> peekElemOff (castPtr p) 0
        <*> peekElemOff (castPtr p) 1

data CTriplet a = CTriplet !CInt !CInt !a deriving Show

instance Storable a => Storable (CTriplet a) where
    sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined :: a) + sizeOf (undefined :: CInt) * 2
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
    poke p (CTriplet row col val) = do
        pokeElemOff (castPtr p) 0 row
        pokeElemOff (castPtr p) 1 col
        pokeByteOff p (sizeOf (undefined :: CInt) * 2) val
    peek p = CTriplet
        <$> peekElemOff (castPtr p) 0
        <*> peekElemOff (castPtr p) 1
        <*> peekByteOff p (sizeOf (undefined :: CInt) * 2)

instance Cast CInt Int where; cast = fromIntegral
instance Cast Int CInt where; cast = fromIntegral
instance Cast CFloat Float where; cast (CFloat x) = x
instance Cast Float CFloat where; cast = CFloat
instance Cast CDouble Double where; cast (CDouble x) = x
instance Cast Double CDouble where; cast = CDouble
instance Cast (CComplex CFloat) (Complex Float) where; cast (CComplex x y) = cast x :+ cast y
instance Cast (Complex Float) (CComplex CFloat) where; cast (x :+ y) = CComplex (cast x) (cast y)
instance Cast (CComplex CDouble) (Complex Double) where; cast (CComplex x y) = cast x :+ cast y
instance Cast (Complex Double) (CComplex CDouble) where; cast (x :+ y) = CComplex (cast x) (cast y)

instance Cast a b => Cast (CTriplet a) (Int, Int, b) where; cast (CTriplet x y z) = (cast x, cast y, cast z)
instance Cast a b => Cast (Int, Int, a) (CTriplet b) where; cast (x,y,z) = CTriplet (cast x) (cast y) (cast z)

intSize :: Int
intSize = sizeOf (undefined :: CInt)

encodeInt :: CInt -> BS.ByteString
encodeInt x = BSI.unsafeCreate (sizeOf x) $ (`poke` x) . castPtr

decodeInt :: BS.ByteString -> CInt
decodeInt (BSI.PS fp fo fs)
    | fs == sizeOf x = x
    | otherwise = error "decodeInt: wrong buffer size"
    where x = performIO $ withForeignPtr fp $ peek . (`plusPtr` fo)

data CSparseMatrix a b
type CSparseMatrixPtr a b = Ptr (CSparseMatrix a b)

data CSolver a b
type CSolverPtr a b = Ptr (CSolver a b)

performIO :: IO a -> a
performIO = unsafeDupablePerformIO

plusForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> Int -> ForeignPtr b
plusForeignPtr fp fo = castForeignPtr fp' where
    vs :: VS.Vector CChar
    vs = VS.unsafeFromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) fo 0
    (fp', _) = VS.unsafeToForeignPtr0 vs

foreign import ccall "eigen-proxy.h free" c_freeString :: CString -> IO ()

call :: IO CString -> IO ()
call func = func >>= \c_str -> when (c_str /= nullPtr) $
    peekCString c_str >>= \str -> c_freeString c_str >> fail str

foreign import ccall "eigen-proxy.h free" free :: Ptr a -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "eigen-proxy.h eigen_setNbThreads" c_setNbThreads :: CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "eigen-proxy.h eigen_getNbThreads" c_getNbThreads :: IO CInt

class Code a where; code :: a -> CInt
instance Code CFloat where; code _ = 0
instance Code CDouble where; code _ = 1
instance Code (CComplex CFloat) where; code _ = 2
instance Code (CComplex CDouble) where; code _ = 3

newtype MagicCode = MagicCode CInt deriving Eq

instance Binary MagicCode where
    put (MagicCode code) = putWord32be $ fromIntegral code
    get = MagicCode . fromIntegral <$> getWord32be

magicCode :: Code a => a -> MagicCode
magicCode x = MagicCode (code x `xor` 0x45696730)

foreign import ccall "eigen_random" c_random :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
random :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
random = c_random (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 153 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_identity" c_identity :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
identity :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
identity = c_identity (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 154 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_add" c_add :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
add :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
add = c_add (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 155 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sub" c_sub :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sub :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sub = c_sub (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 156 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_mul" c_mul :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
mul :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
mul = c_mul (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 157 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_diagonal" c_diagonal :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
diagonal :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
diagonal = c_diagonal (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 158 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_transpose" c_transpose :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
transpose :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
transpose = c_transpose (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 159 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_inverse" c_inverse :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
inverse :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
inverse = c_inverse (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 160 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_adjoint" c_adjoint :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
adjoint :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
adjoint = c_adjoint (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 161 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_conjugate" c_conjugate :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
conjugate :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
conjugate = c_conjugate (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 162 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_normalize" c_normalize :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
normalize :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
normalize = c_normalize (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 163 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sum" c_sum :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sum :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sum = c_sum (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 164 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_prod" c_prod :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
prod :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
prod = c_prod (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 165 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_mean" c_mean :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
mean :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
mean = c_mean (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 166 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_norm" c_norm :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
norm :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
norm = c_norm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 167 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_trace" c_trace :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
trace :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
trace = c_trace (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 168 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_squaredNorm" c_squaredNorm :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
squaredNorm :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
squaredNorm = c_squaredNorm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 169 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_blueNorm" c_blueNorm :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
blueNorm :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
blueNorm = c_blueNorm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 170 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_hypotNorm" c_hypotNorm :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
hypotNorm :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
hypotNorm = c_hypotNorm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 171 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_determinant" c_determinant :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
determinant :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
determinant = c_determinant (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 172 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_rank" c_rank :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
rank :: forall b . Code b => CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
rank = c_rank (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 173 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_image" c_image :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
image :: forall b . Code b => CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
image = c_image (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 174 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_kernel" c_kernel :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
kernel :: forall b . Code b => CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
kernel = c_kernel (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 175 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_solve" c_solve :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
solve :: forall b . Code b => CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
solve = c_solve (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 176 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_relativeError" c_relativeError :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
relativeError :: forall b . Code b => Ptr b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
relativeError = c_relativeError (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 177 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_new" c_sparse_new :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_new :: forall a b . Code b => CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_new = c_sparse_new (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 181 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_clone" c_sparse_clone :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_clone :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_clone = c_sparse_clone (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 182 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_fromList" c_sparse_fromList :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CTriplet b) -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_fromList :: forall a b . Code b => CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CTriplet b) -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_fromList = c_sparse_fromList (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 183 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_toList" c_sparse_toList :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CTriplet b) -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_toList :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CTriplet b) -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_toList = c_sparse_toList (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 184 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_free" c_sparse_free :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_free :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_free = c_sparse_free (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 185 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_makeCompressed" c_sparse_makeCompressed :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_makeCompressed :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_makeCompressed = c_sparse_makeCompressed (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 186 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_uncompress" c_sparse_uncompress :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_uncompress :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_uncompress = c_sparse_uncompress (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 187 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_isCompressed" c_sparse_isCompressed :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_isCompressed :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_isCompressed = c_sparse_isCompressed (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 188 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_transpose" c_sparse_transpose :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_transpose :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_transpose = c_sparse_transpose (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 189 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_adjoint" c_sparse_adjoint :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_adjoint :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_adjoint = c_sparse_adjoint (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 190 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_pruned" c_sparse_pruned :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_pruned :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_pruned = c_sparse_pruned (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 191 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_prunedRef" c_sparse_prunedRef :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_prunedRef :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_prunedRef = c_sparse_prunedRef (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 192 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_scale" c_sparse_scale :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_scale :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_scale = c_sparse_scale (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 193 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_nonZeros" c_sparse_nonZeros :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_nonZeros :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_nonZeros = c_sparse_nonZeros (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 194 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_innerSize" c_sparse_innerSize :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_innerSize :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_innerSize = c_sparse_innerSize (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 195 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_outerSize" c_sparse_outerSize :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_outerSize :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_outerSize = c_sparse_outerSize (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 196 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_coeff" c_sparse_coeff :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_coeff :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_coeff = c_sparse_coeff (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 197 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_coeffRef" c_sparse_coeffRef :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO CString
sparse_coeffRef :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO CString
sparse_coeffRef = c_sparse_coeffRef (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 198 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_cols" c_sparse_cols :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_cols :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_cols = c_sparse_cols (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 199 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_rows" c_sparse_rows :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_rows :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_rows = c_sparse_rows (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 200 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_norm" c_sparse_norm :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_norm :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_norm = c_sparse_norm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 201 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_squaredNorm" c_sparse_squaredNorm :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_squaredNorm :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_squaredNorm = c_sparse_squaredNorm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 202 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_blueNorm" c_sparse_blueNorm :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_blueNorm :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_blueNorm = c_sparse_blueNorm (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 203 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_add" c_sparse_add :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_add :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_add = c_sparse_add (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 204 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_sub" c_sparse_sub :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_sub :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_sub = c_sparse_sub (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 205 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_mul" c_sparse_mul :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_mul :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_mul = c_sparse_mul (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 206 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_block" c_sparse_block :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_block :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_block = c_sparse_block (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 207 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_fromMatrix" c_sparse_fromMatrix :: CInt -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_fromMatrix :: forall a b . Code b => Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_fromMatrix = c_sparse_fromMatrix (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 208 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_toMatrix" c_sparse_toMatrix :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_toMatrix :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_toMatrix = c_sparse_toMatrix (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 209 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_values" c_sparse_values :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO CString
sparse_values :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO CString
sparse_values = c_sparse_values (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 210 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_outerStarts" c_sparse_outerStarts :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CInt) -> IO CString
sparse_outerStarts :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CInt) -> IO CString
sparse_outerStarts = c_sparse_outerStarts (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 211 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_innerIndices" c_sparse_innerIndices :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CInt) -> IO CString
sparse_innerIndices :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CInt) -> IO CString
sparse_innerIndices = c_sparse_innerIndices (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 212 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_innerNNZs" c_sparse_innerNNZs :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CInt) -> IO CString
sparse_innerNNZs :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CInt) -> IO CString
sparse_innerNNZs = c_sparse_innerNNZs (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 213 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_setZero" c_sparse_setZero :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_setZero :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_setZero = c_sparse_setZero (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 214 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_setIdentity" c_sparse_setIdentity :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_setIdentity :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_setIdentity = c_sparse_setIdentity (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 215 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_reserve" c_sparse_reserve :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_reserve :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_reserve = c_sparse_reserve (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 216 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_resize" c_sparse_resize :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_resize :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_resize = c_sparse_resize (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 217 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_conservativeResize" c_sparse_conservativeResize :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_conservativeResize :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_conservativeResize = c_sparse_conservativeResize (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 219 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_compressInplace" c_sparse_compressInplace :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_compressInplace :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_compressInplace = c_sparse_compressInplace (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 220 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_uncompressInplace" c_sparse_uncompressInplace :: CInt -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_uncompressInplace :: forall a b . Code b => CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_uncompressInplace = c_sparse_uncompressInplace (code (undefined :: b))
{-# LINE 221 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_newSolver" c_sparse_la_newSolver :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (CSolverPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_newSolver :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> Ptr (CSolverPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_newSolver s = c_sparse_la_newSolver (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 226 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_freeSolver" c_sparse_la_freeSolver :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_freeSolver :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_freeSolver s = c_sparse_la_freeSolver (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 227 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_factorize" c_sparse_la_factorize :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_factorize :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_factorize s = c_sparse_la_factorize (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 228 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_analyzePattern" c_sparse_la_analyzePattern :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_analyzePattern :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_analyzePattern s = c_sparse_la_analyzePattern (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 229 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_compute" c_sparse_la_compute :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_compute :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> IO CString
sparse_la_compute s = c_sparse_la_compute (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 230 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_tolerance" c_sparse_la_tolerance :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_tolerance :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_tolerance s = c_sparse_la_tolerance (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 231 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_setTolerance" c_sparse_la_setTolerance :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_setTolerance :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_setTolerance s = c_sparse_la_setTolerance (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 232 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_maxIterations" c_sparse_la_maxIterations :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_maxIterations :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_maxIterations s = c_sparse_la_maxIterations (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 233 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_setMaxIterations" c_sparse_la_setMaxIterations :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_setMaxIterations :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_setMaxIterations s = c_sparse_la_setMaxIterations (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 234 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_info" c_sparse_la_info :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_info :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_info s = c_sparse_la_info (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 235 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_error" c_sparse_la_error :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_error :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_error s = c_sparse_la_error (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 236 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_iterations" c_sparse_la_iterations :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_iterations :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_iterations s = c_sparse_la_iterations (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 237 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_solve" c_sparse_la_solve :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_solve :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_solve s = c_sparse_la_solve (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 238 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
-- #api3 sparse_la_solveWithGuess,     "CSolverPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> CSparseMatrixPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString"
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_matrixQ" c_sparse_la_matrixQ :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixQ :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixQ s = c_sparse_la_matrixQ (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 240 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_matrixR" c_sparse_la_matrixR :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixR :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixR s = c_sparse_la_matrixR (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 241 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_setPivotThreshold" c_sparse_la_setPivotThreshold :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_setPivotThreshold :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CDouble -> IO CString
sparse_la_setPivotThreshold s = c_sparse_la_setPivotThreshold (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 242 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_rank" c_sparse_la_rank :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_rank :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_rank s = c_sparse_la_rank (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 243 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_matrixL" c_sparse_la_matrixL :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixL :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixL s = c_sparse_la_matrixL (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 244 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_matrixU" c_sparse_la_matrixU :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixU :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr (CSparseMatrixPtr a b) -> IO CString
sparse_la_matrixU s = c_sparse_la_matrixU (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 245 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_setSymmetric" c_sparse_la_setSymmetric :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_setSymmetric :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> CInt -> IO CString
sparse_la_setSymmetric s = c_sparse_la_setSymmetric (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 246 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_determinant" c_sparse_la_determinant :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_determinant :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_determinant s = c_sparse_la_determinant (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 247 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_logAbsDeterminant" c_sparse_la_logAbsDeterminant :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_logAbsDeterminant :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_logAbsDeterminant s = c_sparse_la_logAbsDeterminant (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 248 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_absDeterminant" c_sparse_la_absDeterminant :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_absDeterminant :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_absDeterminant s = c_sparse_la_absDeterminant (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 249 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "eigen_sparse_la_signDeterminant" c_sparse_la_signDeterminant :: CInt -> CInt -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_signDeterminant :: forall s a b . (Code s, Code b) => s -> CSolverPtr a b -> Ptr b -> IO CString
sparse_la_signDeterminant s = c_sparse_la_signDeterminant (code (undefined :: b)) (code s)
{-# LINE 250 "Data/Eigen/Internal.hsc" #-}