effectful-core- An easy to use, performant extensible effects library.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Turn a handler of multiple effects into an effectful operation.

Generalizes Effectful.Provider.




data ProviderList (effects :: [Effect]) (input :: Type) (f :: Type -> Type) :: Effect Source #

Provide a way to run a handler of multiple effects with a given input.

Note: f can be used to alter the return type of the handler. If that's unnecessary, use ProviderList_.


Instances details
type DispatchOf (ProviderList effs input f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Provider.List

data StaticRep (ProviderList effs input f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Provider.List

data StaticRep (ProviderList effs input f) where

type ProviderList_ effs input = ProviderList effs input Identity Source #

A restricted variant of ProviderList with unchanged return type of the handler.


runProviderList Source #


:: KnownEffects effs 
=> (forall r. input -> Eff (effs ++ es) r -> Eff es (f r))

The handler.

-> Eff (ProviderList effs input f : es) a 
-> Eff es a 

Run the ProviderList effect with a given handler.

runProviderList_ Source #


:: KnownEffects effs 
=> (forall r. input -> Eff (effs ++ es) r -> Eff es r)

The handler.

-> Eff (ProviderList_ effs input : es) a 
-> Eff es a 

Run the Provider effect with a given handler that doesn't change its return type.


provideList :: forall effs f es a. ProviderList effs () f :> es => Eff (effs ++ es) a -> Eff es (f a) Source #

Run the handler.

provideList_ :: forall effs es a. ProviderList_ effs () :> es => Eff (effs ++ es) a -> Eff es a Source #

Run the handler with unchanged return type.

provideListWith Source #


:: forall effs input f es a. ProviderList effs input f :> es 
=> input

The input to the handler.

-> Eff (effs ++ es) a 
-> Eff es (f a) 

Run the handler with a given input.

provideListWith_ Source #


:: forall effs input es a. ProviderList_ effs input :> es 
=> input

The input to the handler.

-> Eff (effs ++ es) a 
-> Eff es a 

Run the handler that doesn't change its return type with a given input.


type family (xs :: [Effect]) ++ (ys :: [Effect]) :: [Effect] where ... infixr 5 Source #

Append two type-level lists together.


'[] ++ ys = ys 
(x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) 

class KnownEffects (es :: [Effect]) Source #

Calculate length of a list of known effects.


Instances details
KnownEffects ('[] :: [Effect]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Internal.Effect

KnownEffects es => KnownEffects (e ': es) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Effectful.Internal.Effect