{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
-- | Type-safe indexing for 'Effectful.Internal.Monad.Env'.
-- This module is intended for internal use only, and may change without warning
-- in subsequent releases.
module Effectful.Internal.Effect
  ( Effect
  , (:>)(..)
  , (:>>)
  , Subset(..)
  , KnownPrefix(..)
  , IsUnknownSuffixOf
  , type (++)
  , KnownEffects(..)

  -- * Re-exports
  , Type
  ) where

import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits

-- | The kind of effects.
type Effect = (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type

-- | A constraint that requires that a particular effect @e@ is a member of the
-- type-level list @es@. This is used to parameterize an 'Effectful.Eff'
-- computation over an arbitrary list of effects, so long as @e@ is /somewhere/
-- in the list.
-- For example, a computation that only needs access to a mutable value of type
-- 'Integer' would have the following type:
-- @
-- 'Effectful.State.Static.Local.State' 'Integer' ':>' es => 'Effectful.Eff' es ()
-- @
class (e :: Effect) :> (es :: [Effect]) where
  -- | Get the position of @e@ in @es@.
  -- /Note:/ GHC is kind enough to cache these values as they're top level CAFs,
  -- so the lookup is amortized @O(1)@ without any language level tricks.
  reifyIndex :: Int
  reifyIndex =
    -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock.
    [Char] -> Int
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]

instance TypeError
  ( Text "There is no handler for '" :<>: ShowType e :<>: Text "' in the context"
  ) => e :> '[] where
  reifyIndex :: Int
reifyIndex = [Char] -> Int
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} e :> (e : es) where
  reifyIndex :: Int
reifyIndex = Int

instance e :> es => e :> (x : es) where
  reifyIndex :: Int
reifyIndex = Int
1 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ forall (e :: Effect) (es :: [Effect]). (e :> es) => Int
reifyIndex @e @es


-- | Convenience operator for expressing that a function uses multiple effects
-- in a more concise way than enumerating them all with '(:>)'.
-- @[E1, E2, ..., En] ':>>' es ≡ (E1 ':>' es, E2 ':>' es, ..., En :> es)@
type family xs :>> es :: Constraint where
  '[]      :>> es = ()
  (x : xs) :>> es = (x :> es, xs :>> es)
{-# DEPRECATED (:>>) "Usage of (:>>) slows down GHC too much. See https://github.com/haskell-effectful/effectful/issues/52#issuecomment-1269155485 for more information." #-}


-- | Provide evidence that @xs@ is a subset of @es@.
class KnownPrefix es => Subset (xs :: [Effect]) (es :: [Effect]) where
  subsetFullyKnown :: Bool
  subsetFullyKnown =
    -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock.
    [Char] -> Bool
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]

  reifyIndices :: [Int]
  reifyIndices =
    -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock.
    [Char] -> [Int]
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]

-- If the subset is not fully known, make sure the subset and the base stack
-- have the same unknown suffix.
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-}
  ( KnownPrefix es
  , xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` es
  ) => Subset xs es where
  subsetFullyKnown :: Bool
subsetFullyKnown = Bool
  reifyIndices :: [Int]
reifyIndices = []

-- If the subset is fully known, we're done.
instance KnownPrefix es => Subset '[] es where
  subsetFullyKnown :: Bool
subsetFullyKnown = Bool
  reifyIndices :: [Int]
reifyIndices = []

instance (e :> es, Subset xs es) => Subset (e : xs) es where
  subsetFullyKnown :: Bool
subsetFullyKnown = forall (xs :: [Effect]) (es :: [Effect]). Subset xs es => Bool
subsetFullyKnown @xs @es
  reifyIndices :: [Int]
reifyIndices = forall (e :: Effect) (es :: [Effect]). (e :> es) => Int
reifyIndex @e @es Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: forall (xs :: [Effect]) (es :: [Effect]). Subset xs es => [Int]
reifyIndices @xs @es


-- | Calculate length of a statically known prefix of @es@.
class KnownPrefix (es :: [Effect]) where
  prefixLength :: Int

instance KnownPrefix es => KnownPrefix (e : es) where
  prefixLength :: Int
prefixLength = Int
1 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ forall (es :: [Effect]). KnownPrefix es => Int
prefixLength @es

instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} KnownPrefix es where
  prefixLength :: Int
prefixLength = Int


-- | Require that @xs@ is the unknown suffix of @es@.
class (xs :: [Effect]) `IsUnknownSuffixOf` (es :: [Effect])
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} xs ~ es => xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` es
instance xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` es => xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` (e : es)


-- | Append two type-level lists together.
type family (xs :: [Effect]) ++ (ys :: [Effect]) :: [Effect] where
  '[] ++ ys  = ys
  (x : xs) ++ ys = x : xs ++ ys

infixr 5 ++

-- | Calculate length of a list of known effects.
class KnownEffects (es :: [Effect]) where
  knownEffectsLength :: Int
  knownEffectsLength =
  -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock.
    [Char] -> Int
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]

instance KnownEffects es => KnownEffects (e : es) where
  knownEffectsLength :: Int
knownEffectsLength = Int
1 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ forall (es :: [Effect]). KnownEffects es => Int
knownEffectsLength @es

instance KnownEffects '[] where
  knownEffectsLength :: Int
knownEffectsLength = Int