-- Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 Lennart Augustsson
-- See LICENSE for licensing details.
-- Intuitionistic theorem prover
-- Written by Roy Dyckhoff, Summer 1991
-- Modified to use the LWB syntax  Summer 1997
-- and simplified in various ways...
-- Translated to Haskell by Lennart Augustsson December 2005
-- Incorporates the Vorob'ev-Hudelmaier etc calculus (I call it LJT)
-- See RD's paper in JSL 1992:
-- "Contraction-free calculi for intuitionistic logic"
-- Torkel Franzen (at SICS) gave me good ideas about how to write this
-- properly, taking account of first-argument indexing,
-- and I learnt a trick or two from Neil Tennant's "Autologic" book.

module Djinn.LJT (
  module Djinn.LJTFormula,
) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative, pure, (<*>), empty, (<|>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (partition)
import Debug.Trace

import Djinn.LJTFormula

mtrace :: String -> a -> a
mtrace m x = if debug then trace m x else x
-- wrap :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> a -> b -> b
-- wrap fun args ret = mtrace (fun ++ ": " ++ show args) $
--                     let o = show ret in seq o $
--                     mtrace (fun ++ " returns: " ++ o) ret
wrapM :: (Show a, Show b, Monad m) => String -> a -> m b -> m b
wrapM fun args mret = do
  () <- mtrace (fun ++ ": " ++ show args) $ return ()
  ret <- mret
  () <- mtrace (fun ++ " returns: " ++ show ret) $ return ()
  return ret

debug :: Bool
debug = False

type MoreSolutions = Bool

provable :: Formula -> Bool
provable a = not $ null $ prove False [] a

prove :: MoreSolutions -> [(Symbol, Formula)] -> Formula -> [Proof]
prove more env a = runP $ redtop more env a

redtop :: MoreSolutions -> [(Symbol, Formula)] -> Formula -> P Proof
redtop more ifs a = do
  let form = foldr (:->) a (map snd ifs)
  p <- redant more [] [] [] [] form
  nf (foldl Apply p (map (Var . fst) ifs))

type Proof = Term

subst :: Term -> Symbol -> Term -> P Term
subst b x term = sub term
  where sub t@(Var s') = if x == s' then copy [] b else return t
        sub (Lam s t) = liftM (Lam s) (sub t)
        sub (Apply t1 t2) = liftM2 Apply (sub t1) (sub t2)
        sub t = return t

copy :: [(Symbol, Symbol)] -> Term -> P Term
copy r (Var s)       = return $ Var $ maybe s id $ lookup s r
copy r (Lam s t)     = do
    s' <- newSym "c"
    liftM (Lam s') $ copy ((s, s'):r) t
copy r (Apply t1 t2) = liftM2 Apply (copy r t1) (copy r t2)
copy _r t            = return t


-- XXX The symbols used in the functions below must not clash
-- XXX with any symbols from newSym.

applyAtom :: Term -> Term -> Term
applyAtom f a = Apply f a

curryt :: Int -> Term -> Term
curryt n p = foldr Lam (Apply p (applys (Ctuple n) (map Var xs))) xs
  where xs = [ Symbol ("x_" ++ show i) | i <- [0 .. n-1] ]

inj :: ConsDesc -> Int -> Term -> Term
inj cd i p = Lam x $ Apply p (Apply (Cinj cd i) (Var x))
  where x = Symbol "x"

applyImp :: Term -> Term -> Term
applyImp p q = Apply p (Apply q (Lam y $ Apply p (Lam x (Var y))))
  where x = Symbol "x"
        y = Symbol "y"

-- ((c->d)->false) -> ((c->false)->false, d->false)
-- p : (c->d)->false)
-- replace p1 and p2 with the components of the pair
cImpDImpFalse :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Term -> Term -> P Term
cImpDImpFalse p1 p2 cdf gp = do
  let p1b = Lam cf $ Apply cdf $ Lam x $ Apply (Ccases []) $ Apply (Var cf) (Var x)
      p2b = Lam d $ Apply cdf $ Lam c $ Var d
      cf = Symbol "cf"
      x = Symbol "x"
      d = Symbol "d"
      c = Symbol "c"
  subst p1b p1 gp >>= subst p2b p2


-- More simplifications:
--  split where no variables used can be removed
--  either with equal RHS can me merged.

-- Compute the normal form
nf :: Term -> P Term
nf ee = spine ee []
  where spine (Apply f a) as     = do a' <- nf a; spine f (a' : as)
        spine (Lam s e) []       = liftM (Lam s) (nf e)
        spine (Lam s e) (a : as) = do e' <- subst a s e; spine e' as
        spine (Csplit n) (b : tup : args) | istup && n <= length xs = spine (applys b xs) args
          where (istup, xs) = getTup tup
                getTup (Ctuple _)  = (True, [])
                getTup (Apply f a) = let (tf, as) = getTup f in (tf, a:as)
                getTup _ = (False, [])
        spine (Ccases []) (e@(Apply (Ccases []) _) : as) = spine e as
        spine (Ccases cds) (Apply (Cinj _ i) x : as) | length as >= n = spine (Apply (as!!i) x) (drop n as)
          where n = length cds
        spine f as = return $ applys f as

----- Our Proof monad, P, a monad with state and multiple results

-- Note, this is the non-standard way to combine state with multiple
-- results.  But this is much better for backtracking.
newtype P a = P { unP :: PS -> [(PS, a)] }

instance Applicative P where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad P where
  return x  = P $ \ s -> [(s, x)]
  P m >>= f = P $ \ s -> [ y | (s',x) <- m s, y <- unP (f x) s' ]

instance Functor P where
  fmap f (P m) = P $ \ s -> [ (s', f x) | (s', x) <- m s ]

instance Alternative P where
  empty = mzero
  (<|>) = mplus

instance MonadPlus P where
  mzero = P $ \ _s -> []
  P fxs `mplus` P fys = P $ \ s -> fxs s ++ fys s

-- The state, just an integer for generating new variables
data PS = PS !Integer

startPS :: PS
startPS = PS 1

nextInt :: P Integer
nextInt = P $ \ (PS i) -> [(PS (i+1), i)]

none :: P a
none = mzero

many :: [a] -> P a
many xs = P $ \ s -> zip (repeat s) xs

atMostOne :: P a -> P a
atMostOne (P f) = P $ \ s -> take 1 (f s)

runP :: P a -> [a]
runP (P m) = map snd (m startPS)

----- Atomic formulae

data AtomF = AtomF Term Symbol
           deriving (Eq)

instance Show AtomF where
  show (AtomF p s) = show p ++ ":" ++ show s

type AtomFs = [AtomF]

findAtoms :: Symbol -> AtomFs -> [Term]
findAtoms s atoms = [ p | AtomF p s' <- atoms, s == s' ]

--removeAtom :: Symbol -> AtomFs -> AtomFs
--removeAtom s atoms = [ a | a@(AtomF _ s') <- atoms, s /= s' ]

addAtom :: AtomF -> AtomFs -> AtomFs
addAtom a as = if a `elem` as then as else a : as

----- Implications of one atom

data AtomImp = AtomImp Symbol Antecedents
     deriving (Show)
type AtomImps = [AtomImp]

extract :: AtomImps -> Symbol -> ([Antecedent], AtomImps)
extract aatomImps@(atomImp@(AtomImp a' bs) : atomImps) a =
  case compare a a' of
    GT -> let (rbs, restImps) = extract atomImps a in (rbs, atomImp : restImps)
    EQ -> (bs, atomImps)
    LT -> ([], aatomImps)
extract _ _ = ([], [])

insert :: AtomImps -> AtomImp -> AtomImps
insert [] ai = [ ai ]
insert aatomImps@(atomImp@(AtomImp a' bs') : atomImps) ai@(AtomImp a bs) =
  case compare a a' of
    GT -> atomImp : insert atomImps ai
    EQ -> AtomImp a (bs ++ bs') : atomImps
    LT -> ai : aatomImps

----- Nested implications, (a -> b) -> c

data NestImp = NestImp Term Formula Formula Formula -- NestImp a b c represents (a :-> b) :-> c
             deriving (Eq)

instance Show NestImp where
  show (NestImp _ a b c) = show $ (a :-> b) :-> c

type NestImps = [NestImp]

addNestImp :: NestImp -> NestImps -> NestImps
addNestImp n ns = if n `elem` ns then ns else n : ns

----- Ordering of nested implications
heuristics :: Bool
heuristics = True

order :: NestImps -> Formula -> AtomImps -> NestImps
order nestImps g atomImps =
  if heuristics
     then nestImps
     else let good_for (NestImp _ _ _ (Disj [])) = True
              good_for (NestImp _ _ _ g')        = g == g'
              nice_for (NestImp _ _ _ (PVar s)) =
                case extract atomImps s of
                  (bs', _) -> let bs = [ b | A _ b <- bs'] in g `elem` bs || false `elem` bs
              nice_for _ = False
              (good, ok) = partition good_for nestImps
              (nice, bad) = partition nice_for ok
           in good ++ nice ++ bad

----- Generate a new unique variable
newSym :: String -> P Symbol
newSym pre = do
  i <- nextInt
  return $ Symbol $ pre ++ show i

----- Generate all ways to select one element of a list
select :: [a] -> P (a, [a])
select zs = many [ del n zs | n <- [0 .. length zs - 1] ]
  where del 0 (x:xs) = (x, xs)
        del n (x:xs) = let (y,ys) = del (n-1) xs in (y, x:ys)
        del _ _ = error "select"


data Antecedent = A Term Formula deriving (Show)
type Antecedents = [Antecedent]

type Goal = Formula

-- This is the main loop of the proof search.
-- The redant functions reduce antecedents and the redsucc
-- function reduces the goal (succedent).
-- The antecedents are kept in four groups: Antecedents, AtomImps, NestImps, AtomFs
--   Antecedents contains as yet unclassified antecedents; the redant functions
--     go through them one by one and reduces and classifies them.
--   AtomImps contains implications of the form (a -> b), where `a' is an atom.
--     To speed up the processing it is stored as a map from the `a' to all the
--     formulae it implies.
--   NestImps contains implications of the form ((b -> c) -> d)
--   AtomFs contains atomic formulae.
-- There is also a proof object associated with each antecedent.
redant :: MoreSolutions -> Antecedents -> AtomImps -> NestImps -> AtomFs -> Goal -> P Proof
redant more antes atomImps nestImps atoms goal =
  wrapM "redant" (antes, atomImps, nestImps, atoms, goal) $
    case antes of
      [] -> redsucc goal
      a:l -> redant1 a l goal
  where redant0 l g = redant more l atomImps nestImps atoms g
        redant1 :: Antecedent -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        redant1 a@(A p f) l g =
          wrapM "redant1" ((a, l), atomImps, nestImps, atoms, g) $
          if f == g
             then -- The goal is the antecedent, we're done.
               if more
                  then return p `mplus` redant1' a l g
                  else return p
             else redant1' a l g

        -- Reduce the first antecedent
        redant1' :: Antecedent -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        redant1' (A p (PVar s)) l g =
          let af = AtomF p s
              (bs, restAtomImps) = extract atomImps s
           in redant more ([A (Apply f p) b | A f b <- bs] ++ l) restAtomImps nestImps (addAtom af atoms) g
        redant1' (A p (Conj bs)) l g = do
          vs <- mapM (const (newSym "v")) bs
          gp <- redant0 (zipWith (\ v a -> A (Var v) a) vs bs ++ l) g
          return $ applys (Csplit (length bs)) [foldr Lam gp vs, p]
        redant1' (A p (Disj ds)) l g = do
          vs <- mapM (const (newSym "d")) ds
          ps <- mapM (\ (v, (_, d)) -> redant1 (A (Var v) d) l g) (zip vs ds)
          if null ds && g == Disj []
             then return p
             else return $ applys (Ccases (map fst ds)) (p : zipWith Lam vs ps)
        redant1' (A p (a :-> b)) l g = redantimp p a b l g

        redantimp :: Term -> Formula -> Formula -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        redantimp t c d a g =
          wrapM "redantimp" (c,d,a,g) $
          redantimp' t c d a g

        -- Reduce an implication antecedent
        redantimp' :: Term -> Formula -> Formula -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        -- p : PVar s -> b
        redantimp' p (PVar s) b l g = redantimpatom p s b l g
        -- p : (c & d) -> b
        redantimp' p (Conj cs) b l g = do
          x <- newSym "x"
          let imp = foldr (:->) b cs
          gp <- redant1 (A (Var x) imp) l g
          subst (curryt (length cs) p) x gp
        -- p : (c | d) -> b
        redantimp' p (Disj ds) b l g = do
          vs <- mapM (const (newSym "d")) ds
          gp <- redant0 (zipWith (\ v (_, d) -> A (Var v) (d :-> b)) vs ds ++ l) g
          foldM (\ r (i, v, (cd, _)) -> subst (inj cd i p) v r) gp (zip3 [0..] vs ds)
        -- p : (c -> d) -> b
        redantimp' p (c :-> d) b l g = redantimpimp p c d b l g

        redantimpimp :: Term -> Formula -> Formula -> Formula -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        redantimpimp f b c d a g =
          wrapM "redantimpimp" (b,c,d,a,g) $
          redantimpimp' f b c d a g

        -- Reduce a double implication antecedent
        redantimpimp' :: Term -> Formula -> Formula -> Formula -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        -- next clause exploits ~(C->D) <=> (~~C & ~D)
        -- which isn't helpful when D = false
        redantimpimp' p c d (Disj []) l g | d /= false = do
          x <- newSym "x"
          y <- newSym "y"
          gp <- redantimpimp (Var x) c false false (A (Var y) (d :-> false) : l) g
          cImpDImpFalse x y p gp
        -- p : (c -> d) -> b
        redantimpimp' p c d b l g = redant more l atomImps (addNestImp (NestImp p c d b) nestImps) atoms g

        -- Reduce an atomic implication
        redantimpatom :: Term -> Symbol -> Formula -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        redantimpatom p s b l g =
          wrapM "redantimpatom" (s,b,l,g) $
          redantimpatom' p s b l g

        redantimpatom' :: Term -> Symbol -> Formula -> Antecedents -> Goal -> P Proof
        redantimpatom' p s b l g =
          do a <- cutSearch more $ many (findAtoms s atoms)
             x <- newSym "x"
             gp <- redant1 (A (Var x) b) l g
             mtrace "redantimpatom: LLL" $ subst (applyAtom p a) x gp
             (mtrace "redantimpatom: RRR" $
               redant more l (insert atomImps (AtomImp s [A p b])) nestImps atoms g)

        -- Reduce the goal, with all antecedents already being classified
        redsucc :: Goal -> P Proof
        redsucc g =
          wrapM "redsucc" (g, atomImps, nestImps, atoms) $
          redsucc' g

        redsucc' :: Goal -> P Proof
        redsucc' a@(PVar s) =
            (cutSearch more $ many (findAtoms s atoms))
            -- The posin check is an optimization.  It gets a little slower without the test.
            (if posin s atomImps nestImps then redsucc_choice a else none)
        redsucc' (Conj cs) = do
          ps <- mapM redsucc cs
          return $ applys (Ctuple (length cs)) ps
        -- next clause deals with succedent (A v B) by pushing the
        -- non-determinism into the treatment of implication on the left
        redsucc' (Disj ds) = do
          s1 <- newSym "_"
          let v = PVar s1
          redant0 [ A (Cinj cd i) $ d :-> v | (i, (cd, d)) <- zip [0..] ds ] v
        redsucc' (a :-> b) = do
          s <- newSym "x"
          p <- redant1 (A (Var s) a) [] b
          return $ Lam s p

        -- Now we have the hard part; maybe lots of formulae
        -- of form (C->D)->B  in nestImps to choose from!
        -- Which one to take first? We use the order heuristic.
        redsucc_choice :: Goal -> P Proof
        redsucc_choice g =
          wrapM "redsucc_choice" g $
          redsucc_choice' g

        redsucc_choice' :: Goal -> P Proof
        redsucc_choice' g = do
          let ordImps = order nestImps g atomImps
          (NestImp p c d b, restImps) <-
              mtrace ("redsucc_choice: order=" ++ show ordImps) $
              select ordImps
          x <- newSym "x"
          z <- newSym "z"
          qz <- redant more [A (Var z) $ d :-> b] atomImps restImps atoms (c :-> d)
          gp <- redant more [A (Var x) b] atomImps restImps atoms g
          subst (applyImp p (Lam z qz)) x gp

posin :: Symbol -> AtomImps -> NestImps -> Bool
posin g atomImps nestImps = posin1 g atomImps || posin2 g [ (a :-> b) :-> c | NestImp _ a b c <- nestImps ]

posin1 :: Symbol -> AtomImps -> Bool
posin1 g atomImps = any (\ (AtomImp _ bs) -> posin2 g [ b | A _ b <- bs]) atomImps

posin2 :: Symbol -> [Formula] -> Bool
posin2 g bs = any (posin3 g) bs

posin3 :: Symbol -> Formula -> Bool
posin3 g (Disj as) = all (posin3 g) (map snd as)
posin3 g (Conj as) = any (posin3 g) as
posin3 g (_ :-> b) = posin3 g b
posin3 s (PVar s') = s == s'

cutSearch :: MoreSolutions -> P a -> P a
cutSearch False p = atMostOne p
cutSearch True p = p
