-- Copyright (c) 2005 Lennart Augustsson
-- See LICENSE for licensing details.
module Djinn.LJTFormula(
  Term(..), applys, freeVars
) where

import Data.List (union, (\\))

infixr 2 :->
infix  2 <->
infixl 3 |:
infixl 4 &

newtype Symbol = Symbol String
               deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Symbol where
  show (Symbol s) = s

data ConsDesc = ConsDesc String Int     -- name and arity
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Formula = Conj [Formula]
             | Disj [(ConsDesc, Formula)]
             | Formula :-> Formula
             | PVar Symbol
             deriving (Eq, Ord)

(<->) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
x <-> y = (x:->y) & (y:->x)

(&) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
x & y = Conj [x, y]

(|:) :: Formula -> Formula -> Formula
x |: y = Disj [((ConsDesc "Left" 1), x), ((ConsDesc "Right" 1), y)]

fnot :: Formula -> Formula
fnot x = x :-> false

false :: Formula
false = Disj []

true :: Formula
true = Conj []

-- Show formulae the LJT way
instance Show Formula where
  showsPrec _ (Conj [])  = showString "true"
  showsPrec _ (Conj [c]) = showParen True $ showString "&" . showsPrec 0 c
  showsPrec p (Conj cs)  = showParen (p>40) $ loop cs
    where loop [f]    = showsPrec 41 f
          loop (f:fs) = showsPrec 41 f . showString " & " . loop fs
          loop []     = error "showsPrec Conj"
  showsPrec _ (Disj [])      = showString "false"
  showsPrec _ (Disj [(_,c)]) = showParen True $ showString "|" . showsPrec 0 c
  showsPrec p (Disj ds)      = showParen (p>30) $ loop ds
    where loop [(_,f)]    = showsPrec 31 f
          loop ((_,f):fs) = showsPrec 31 f . showString " v " . loop fs
          loop []         = error "showsPrec Disj"
  showsPrec _ (f1 :-> Disj []) = showString "~" . showsPrec 100 f1
  showsPrec p (f1 :-> f2) =
        showParen (p>20) $ showsPrec 21 f1 . showString " -> " . showsPrec 20 f2
  showsPrec p (PVar s) = showsPrec p s


data Term = Var Symbol
          | Lam Symbol Term
          | Apply Term Term
          | Ctuple Int
          | Csplit Int
          | Cinj ConsDesc Int
          | Ccases [ConsDesc]
          | Xsel Int Int Term
          deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Term where
  showsPrec p (Var s)      = showsPrec p s
  showsPrec p (Lam s e)    = showParen (p > 0) $ showString "\\" . showsPrec 0 s . showString "." . showsPrec 0 e
  showsPrec p (Apply f a)  = showParen (p > 1) $ showsPrec 1 f . showString " " . showsPrec 2 a
  showsPrec _ (Cinj _ i)   = showString $ "Inj" ++ show i
  showsPrec _ (Ctuple i)   = showString $ "Tuple" ++ show i
  showsPrec _ (Csplit n)   = showString $ "split" ++ show n
  showsPrec _ (Ccases cds) = showString $ "cases" ++ show (length cds)
  showsPrec p (Xsel i n e) = showParen (p > 0) $ showString ("sel_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show n) . showString " " . showsPrec 2 e

applys :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
applys f as = foldl Apply f as

freeVars :: Term -> [Symbol]
freeVars (Var s)      = [s]
freeVars (Lam s e)    = freeVars e \\ [s]
freeVars (Apply f a)  = freeVars f `union` freeVars a
freeVars (Xsel _ _ e) = freeVars e
freeVars _            = []