-- Copyright (c) 2005 Lennart Augustsson
-- See LICENSE for licensing details.
module Djinn.HTypes(
  HClause (..),
  HPat (..),
  HExpr (..),
) where

import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper)
import Data.List (union, (\\))
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (Doc, comma, fsep, nest, parens,
                                  punctuate, renderStyle, sep,
                                  style, text, vcat, ($$), (<+>), (<>))

import Djinn.LJTFormula

type HSymbol = String

data HKind = KStar
           | KArrow HKind HKind
           | KVar Int
           deriving (Eq, Show)

data HType = HTApp HType HType
           | HTVar HSymbol
           | HTCon HSymbol
           | HTTuple [HType]
           | HTArrow HType HType
           | HTUnion [(HSymbol, [HType])]  -- Only for data types; only at top level
           | HTAbstract HSymbol HKind      -- XXX Uninterpreted type, like a variable but different kind checking
           deriving (Eq)

isHTUnion :: HType -> Bool
isHTUnion (HTUnion _) = True
isHTUnion _ = False

htNot :: HSymbol -> HType
htNot x = HTArrow (HTVar x) (HTCon "Void")

instance Show HType where
  showsPrec _ (HTApp (HTCon "[]") t) = showString "[" . showsPrec 0 t . showString "]"
  showsPrec p (HTApp f a) = showParen (p > 2) $ showsPrec 2 f . showString " " . showsPrec 3 a
  showsPrec _ (HTVar s) = showString s
  showsPrec _ (HTCon s@(c:_)) | not (isAlpha c) = showParen True $ showString s
  showsPrec _ (HTCon s) = showString s
  showsPrec _ (HTTuple ss) = showParen True $ f ss
    where f []     = error "showsPrec HType"
          f [t]    = showsPrec 0 t
          f (t:ts) = showsPrec 0 t . showString ", " . f ts
  showsPrec p (HTArrow s t) = showParen (p > 0) $ showsPrec 1 s . showString " -> " . showsPrec 0 t
  showsPrec _ (HTUnion cs) = f cs
    where f []           = id
          f [cts]        = scts cts
          f (cts : ctss) = scts cts . showString " | " . f ctss
          scts (c, ts)   = foldl (\ s t -> s . showString " " . showsPrec 10 t) (showString c) ts
  showsPrec _ (HTAbstract s _) = showString s

instance Read HType where
  readsPrec _ = readP_to_S pHType'

pHType' :: ReadP HType
pHType' = do
  t <- pHType
  return t

pHType :: ReadP HType
pHType = do
  ts <- sepBy1 pHTypeApp (do schar '-'; char '>')
  return $ foldr1 HTArrow ts

pHDataType :: ReadP HType
pHDataType = do
  let con = do c <- pHSymbol True
               ts <- many pHTAtom
               return (c, ts)
  cts <- sepBy con (schar '|')
  return $ HTUnion cts

pHTAtom :: ReadP HType
pHTAtom = pHTVar +++ pHTCon +++ pHTList +++ pParen pHTTuple +++ pParen pHType +++ pUnit

pUnit :: ReadP HType
pUnit = do
  schar '('
  char ')'
  return $ HTCon "()"

pHTCon :: ReadP HType
pHTCon = (pHSymbol True >>= return . HTCon) +++
         do schar '('; schar '-'; schar '>'; schar ')'; return (HTCon "->")

pHTVar :: ReadP HType
pHTVar = pHSymbol False >>= return . HTVar

pHSymbol :: Bool -> ReadP HSymbol
pHSymbol con = do
  c <- satisfy $ \ c -> isAlpha c && isUpper c == con
  let isSym d = isAlphaNum d || d == '\'' || d == '.'
  cs <- munch isSym
  return $ c:cs

pHTTuple :: ReadP HType
pHTTuple = do
  t <- pHType
  ts <- many1 (do schar ','; pHType)
  return $ HTTuple $ t:ts

pHTypeApp :: ReadP HType
pHTypeApp = do
  ts <- many1 pHTAtom
  return $ foldl1 HTApp ts

pHTList :: ReadP HType
pHTList = do
  schar '['
  t <- pHType
  schar ']'
  return $ HTApp (HTCon "[]") t

pHKind :: ReadP HKind
pHKind = do
  ts <- sepBy1 pHKindA (do schar '-'; char '>')
  return $ foldr1 KArrow ts

pHKindA :: ReadP HKind
pHKindA = (do schar '*'; return KStar) +++ pParen pHKind

pParen :: ReadP a -> ReadP a
pParen p = do
  schar '('
  e <- p
  schar ')'
  return e

schar :: Char -> ReadP ()
schar c = do
  char c
  return ()

getHTVars :: HType -> [HSymbol]
getHTVars (HTApp f a)   = getHTVars f `union` getHTVars a
getHTVars (HTVar v)     = [v]
getHTVars (HTCon _)     = []
getHTVars (HTTuple ts)  = foldr union [] (map getHTVars ts)
getHTVars (HTArrow f a) = getHTVars f `union` getHTVars a
getHTVars _             = error "getHTVars"


hTypeToFormula :: [(HSymbol, ([HSymbol], HType, a))] -> HType -> Formula
hTypeToFormula ss (HTTuple ts) = Conj (map (hTypeToFormula ss) ts)
hTypeToFormula ss (HTArrow t1 t2) = hTypeToFormula ss t1 :-> hTypeToFormula ss t2
hTypeToFormula ss (HTUnion ctss) = Disj [ (ConsDesc c (length ts), hTypeToFormula ss (HTTuple ts)) | (c, ts) <- ctss ]
hTypeToFormula ss t = case expandSyn ss t [] of
  Nothing -> PVar $ Symbol $ show t
  Just t' -> hTypeToFormula ss t'

expandSyn :: [(HSymbol, ([HSymbol], HType, a))] -> HType -> [HType] -> Maybe HType
expandSyn ss (HTApp f a) as = expandSyn ss f (a:as)
expandSyn ss (HTCon c) as = case lookup c ss of
  Just (vs, t, _) | length vs == length as -> Just $ substHT (zip vs as) t
  _ -> Nothing
expandSyn _ _ _ = Nothing

substHT :: [(HSymbol, HType)] -> HType -> HType
substHT r (HTApp f a) = hTApp (substHT r f) (substHT r a)
substHT r t@(HTVar v) = case lookup v r of
  Nothing -> t
  Just t' -> t'
substHT _ t@(HTCon _) = t
substHT r (HTTuple ts) = HTTuple (map (substHT r) ts)
substHT r (HTArrow f a) = HTArrow (substHT r f) (substHT r a)
substHT r (HTUnion (ctss)) = HTUnion [ (c, map (substHT r) ts) | (c, ts) <- ctss ]
substHT _ t@(HTAbstract _ _) = t

hTApp :: HType -> HType -> HType
hTApp (HTApp (HTCon "->") a) b = HTArrow a b
hTApp a b = HTApp a b


data HClause = HClause HSymbol [HPat] HExpr
             deriving (Show, Eq)

data HPat = HPVar HSymbol
          | HPCon HSymbol
          | HPTuple [HPat]
          | HPAt HSymbol HPat
          | HPApply HPat HPat
          deriving (Show, Eq)

data HExpr = HELam [HPat] HExpr
           | HEApply HExpr HExpr
           | HECon HSymbol
           | HEVar HSymbol
           | HETuple [HExpr]
           | HECase HExpr [(HPat, HExpr)]
           deriving (Show, Eq)

hPrClause :: HClause -> String
hPrClause c = renderStyle style $ ppClause 0 c

ppClause :: Int -> HClause -> Doc
ppClause _p (HClause f ps e) = text (prHSymbolOp f) <+> sep [sep (map (ppPat 10) ps) <+> text "=",
                                                                nest 2 $ ppExpr 0 e]

prHSymbolOp :: HSymbol -> String
prHSymbolOp s@(c:_) | not (isAlphaNum c) = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
prHSymbolOp s = s

ppPat :: Int -> HPat -> Doc
ppPat _ (HPVar s) = text s
ppPat _ (HPCon s) = text s
ppPat _ (HPTuple ps) = parens $ fsep $ punctuate comma (map (ppPat 0) ps)
ppPat _ (HPAt s p) = text s <> text "@" <> ppPat 10 p
ppPat p (HPApply a b) = pparens (p > 1) $ ppPat 1 a <+> ppPat 2 b

hPrExpr :: HExpr -> String
hPrExpr e = renderStyle style $ ppExpr 0 e

ppExpr :: Int -> HExpr -> Doc
ppExpr p (HELam ps e) = pparens (p > 0) $ sep [ text "\\" <+> sep (map (ppPat 10) ps) <+> text "->",
                                                ppExpr 0 e]
ppExpr p (HEApply (HEApply (HEVar f@(c:_)) a1) a2) | not (isAlphaNum c) =
     pparens (p > 4) $ ppExpr 5 a1 <+> text f <+> ppExpr 5 a2
ppExpr p (HEApply f a) = pparens (p > 11) $ ppExpr 11 f <+> ppExpr 12 a
ppExpr _ (HECon s) = text s
ppExpr _ (HEVar s@(c:_)) | not (isAlphaNum c) = pparens True $ text s
ppExpr _ (HEVar s) = text s
ppExpr _ (HETuple es) = parens $ fsep $ punctuate comma (map (ppExpr 0) es)
ppExpr p (HECase s alts) = pparens (p > 0) $ (text "case" <+> ppExpr 0 s <+> text "of") $$
                            nest 2 (vcat (map ppAlt alts))
  where ppAlt (pp, e) = ppPat 0 pp <+> text "->" <+> ppExpr 0 e

pparens :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
pparens True d = parens d
pparens False d = d


unSymbol :: Symbol -> HSymbol
unSymbol (Symbol s) = s

termToHExpr :: Term -> HExpr
termToHExpr term = niceNames $ etaReduce $ remUnusedVars $ collapeCase $ fixSillyAt $ remUnusedVars $ fst $ conv [] term
  where conv _vs (Var s) = (HEVar $ unSymbol s, [])
        conv vs (Lam s te) =
          let hs = unSymbol s
              (te', ss) = conv (hs : vs) te
           in (hELam [convV hs ss] te', ss)
        conv vs (Apply (Cinj (ConsDesc s n) _) a) = (f $ foldl HEApply (HECon s) as, ss)
          where (f, as) = unTuple n ha
                (ha, ss) = conv vs a
        conv vs (Apply te1 te2) = convAp vs te1 [te2]
        conv _vs (Ctuple 0) = (HECon "()", [])
        conv _vs e = error $ "termToHExpr " ++ show e

        unTuple 0 _ = (id, [])
        unTuple 1 a = (id, [a])
        unTuple n (HETuple as) | length as == n = (id, as)
        unTuple n e = error $ "unTuple: unimplemented " ++ show (n, e)

        unTupleP 0 _ = []
--      unTupleP 1 p = [p]
        unTupleP n (HPTuple ps) | length ps == n = ps
        unTupleP n p = error $ "unTupleP: unimplemented " ++ show (n, p)

        convAp vs (Apply te1 te2) as = convAp vs te1 (te2:as)
        convAp vs (Ctuple n) as | length as == n =
          let (es, sss) = unzip $ map (conv vs) as
           in (hETuple es, concat sss)
        convAp vs (Ccases cds) (se : es) =
          let (alts, ass) = unzip $ zipWith cAlt es cds
              cAlt (Lam v e) (ConsDesc c n) =
                let hv = unSymbol v
                    (he, ss) = conv (hv : vs) e
                    ps = case lookup hv ss of
                           Nothing -> replicate n (HPVar "_")
                           Just p -> unTupleP n p
                 in ((foldl HPApply (HPCon c) ps, he), ss)
              cAlt e _ = error $ "cAlt " ++ show e
              (e', ess) = conv vs se
           in (hECase e' alts, ess ++ concat ass)
        convAp vs (Csplit n) (b : a : as) =
          let (hb, sb) = conv vs b
              (a', sa) = conv vs a
              (as', sss) = unzip $ map (conv vs) as
              (ps, b') = unLam n hb
              unLam 0 e = ([], e)
              unLam k (HELam ps0 e) | length ps0 >= n = let (ps1, ps2) = splitAt k ps0 in (ps1, hELam ps2 e)
              unLam k e = error $ "unLam: unimplemented" ++ show (k, e)
           in case a' of
                HEVar v | v `elem` vs && null as -> (b', [(v, HPTuple ps)] ++ sb ++ sa)
                _ -> (foldr HEApply (hECase a' [(HPTuple ps, b')]) as', sb ++ sa ++ concat sss)

        convAp vs f as =
          let (es, sss) = unzip $ map (conv vs) (f:as)
          in (foldl1 HEApply es, concat sss)

        convV hs ss = case [ y | (x, y) <- ss, x == hs ] of
          []  -> HPVar hs
          [p] -> HPAt hs p
          ps  -> HPAt hs $ foldr1 combPat ps

        combPat p p' | p == p'             = p
        combPat (HPVar v) p                = HPAt v p
        combPat p (HPVar v)                = HPAt v p
        combPat (HPTuple ps) (HPTuple ps') = HPTuple (zipWith combPat ps ps')
        combPat p p'                       = error $ "unimplemented combPat: " ++ show (p, p')

        hETuple [e] = e
        hETuple es = HETuple es

-- XXX This should be integrated into some earlier phase, but this is simpler.
fixSillyAt :: HExpr -> HExpr
fixSillyAt = fixAt []
  where fixAt s (HELam ps e) = HELam ps' (fixAt (concat ss ++ s) e) where (ps', ss) = unzip $ map findSilly ps
        fixAt s (HEApply f a) = HEApply (fixAt s f) (fixAt s a)
        fixAt _ e@(HECon _) = e
        fixAt s e@(HEVar v) = maybe e HEVar $ lookup v s
        fixAt s (HETuple es) = HETuple (map (fixAt s) es)
        fixAt s (HECase e alts) = HECase (fixAt s e) (map (fixAtAlt s) alts)
        fixAtAlt s (p, e) = (p', fixAt (s' ++ s) e) where (p', s') = findSilly p
        findSilly p@(HPVar _) = (p, [])
        findSilly p@(HPCon _) = (p, [])
        findSilly (HPTuple ps) = (HPTuple ps', concat ss) where (ps', ss) = unzip $ map findSilly ps
        findSilly (HPAt v p) = case findSilly p of
                                 (p'@(HPVar v'), s) -> (p', (v, v'):s)
                                 (p', s)            -> (HPAt v p', s)
        findSilly (HPApply f a) = (HPApply f' a', sf ++ sa) where (f', sf) = findSilly f; (a', sa) = findSilly a

-- XXX This shouldn't be needed.  There's similar code in hECase,
-- but the fixSillyAt reveals new opportunities.
collapeCase :: HExpr -> HExpr
collapeCase (HELam ps e) = HELam ps (collapeCase e)
collapeCase (HEApply f a) = HEApply (collapeCase f) (collapeCase a)
collapeCase e@(HECon _) = e
collapeCase e@(HEVar _) = e
collapeCase (HETuple es) = HETuple (map collapeCase es)
collapeCase (HECase e alts) = case [(p, collapeCase b) | (p, b) <- alts ] of
    (p, b) : pes | noBound p && all (\ (p', b') -> alphaEq b b' && noBound p') pes -> b
    pes -> HECase (collapeCase e) pes
  where noBound = all (== "_") . getBinderVarsHP

niceNames :: HExpr -> HExpr
niceNames e =
  let bvars = filter (/= "_") $ getBinderVarsHE e
      nvars = [[c] | c <- ['a'..'z']] ++ [ "x" ++ show i | i <- [1::Integer ..]]
      freevars = getAllVars e \\ bvars
      vars = nvars \\ freevars
      sub = zip bvars vars
   in hESubst sub e

hELam :: [HPat] -> HExpr -> HExpr
hELam [] e = e
hELam ps (HELam ps' e) = HELam (ps ++ ps') e
hELam ps e = HELam ps e

hECase :: HExpr -> [(HPat, HExpr)] -> HExpr
hECase e [] = HEApply (HEVar "void") e
hECase _ [(HPCon "()", e)] = e
hECase e pes | all (uncurry eqPatExpr) pes = e
hECase e [(p, HELam ps b)] = HELam ps $ hECase e [(p, b)]
hECase se alts@((_, HELam ops _):_) | m > 0 = HELam (take m ops) $ hECase se alts'
  where m = minimum (map (numBind . snd) alts)
        numBind (HELam ps _) = length (takeWhile isPVar ps)
        numBind _ = 0
        isPVar (HPVar _) = True
        isPVar _ = False
        alts' = [ let (ps1, ps2) = splitAt m ps in (cps, hELam ps2 $ hESubst (zipWith (\ (HPVar v) n -> (v, n)) ps1 ns) e)
                  | (cps, HELam ps e) <- alts ]
        ns = [ n | HPVar n <- take m ops ]
-- if all arms are equal and there are at least two alternatives there can be no bound vars
-- from the patterns
hECase _ ((_,e):alts@(_:_)) | all (alphaEq e . snd) alts = e
hECase e alts = HECase e alts

eqPatExpr :: HPat -> HExpr -> Bool
eqPatExpr (HPVar s) (HEVar s') = s == s'
eqPatExpr (HPCon s) (HECon s') = s == s'
eqPatExpr (HPTuple ps) (HETuple es) = and (zipWith eqPatExpr ps es)
eqPatExpr (HPApply pf pa) (HEApply ef ea) = eqPatExpr pf ef && eqPatExpr pa ea
eqPatExpr _ _ = False

alphaEq :: HExpr -> HExpr -> Bool
alphaEq e1 e2 | e1 == e2 = True
alphaEq (HELam ps1 e1) (HELam ps2 e2) =
  Nothing /= do
      s <- matchPat (HPTuple ps1) (HPTuple ps2)
      if alphaEq (hESubst s e1) e2
         then return ()
         else Nothing
alphaEq (HEApply f1 a1) (HEApply f2 a2) = alphaEq f1 f2 && alphaEq a1 a2
alphaEq (HECon s1) (HECon s2) = s1 == s2
alphaEq (HEVar s1) (HEVar s2) = s1 == s2
alphaEq (HETuple es1) (HETuple es2) | length es1 == length es2 = and (zipWith alphaEq es1 es2)
alphaEq (HECase e1 alts1) (HECase e2 alts2) =
    alphaEq e1 e2 && and (zipWith alphaEq [ HELam [p] e | (p, e) <- alts1 ] [ HELam [p] e | (p, e) <- alts2 ])
alphaEq _ _ = False

matchPat :: HPat -> HPat -> Maybe [(HSymbol, HSymbol)]
matchPat (HPVar s1) (HPVar s2) = return [(s1, s2)]
matchPat (HPCon s1) (HPCon s2) | s1 == s2 = return []
matchPat (HPTuple ps1) (HPTuple ps2) | length ps1 == length ps2 = do
  ss <- zipWithM matchPat ps1 ps2
  return $ concat ss
matchPat (HPAt s1 p1) (HPAt s2 p2) = do
  s <- matchPat p1 p2
  return $ (s1, s2) : s
matchPat (HPApply f1 a1) (HPApply f2 a2) = do
  s1 <- matchPat f1 f2
  s2 <- matchPat a1 a2
  return $ s1 ++ s2
matchPat _ _ = Nothing

hESubst :: [(HSymbol, HSymbol)] -> HExpr -> HExpr
hESubst s (HELam ps e) = HELam (map (hPSubst s) ps) (hESubst s e)
hESubst s (HEApply f a) = HEApply (hESubst s f) (hESubst s a)
hESubst _ e@(HECon _) = e
hESubst s (HEVar v) = HEVar $ maybe v id $ lookup v s
hESubst s (HETuple es) = HETuple (map (hESubst s) es)
hESubst s (HECase e alts) = HECase (hESubst s e) [(hPSubst s p, hESubst s b) | (p, b) <- alts]

hPSubst :: [(HSymbol, HSymbol)] -> HPat -> HPat
hPSubst s (HPVar v) = HPVar $ maybe v id $ lookup v s
hPSubst _ p@(HPCon _) = p
hPSubst s (HPTuple ps) = HPTuple (map (hPSubst s) ps)
hPSubst s (HPAt v p) = HPAt (maybe v id $ lookup v s) (hPSubst s p)
hPSubst s (HPApply f a) = HPApply (hPSubst s f) (hPSubst s a)

termToHClause :: HSymbol -> Term -> HClause
termToHClause i term =
  case termToHExpr term of
  HELam ps e -> HClause i ps e
  e -> HClause i [] e

remUnusedVars :: HExpr -> HExpr
remUnusedVars expr = fst $ remE expr
  where remE (HELam ps e) =
          let (e', vs) = remE e
           in (HELam (map (remP vs) ps) e', vs)
        remE (HEApply f a) =
          let (f', fs) = remE f
              (a', as) = remE a
           in (HEApply f' a', fs ++ as)
        remE (HETuple es) =
          let (es', sss) = unzip (map remE es)
           in (HETuple es', concat sss)
        remE (HECase e alts) =
          let (e', es) = remE e
              (alts', sss) = unzip [ let (ee', ss) = remE ee in ((remP ss p, ee'), ss) | (p, ee) <- alts ]
           in case alts' of
                [(HPVar "_", b)] -> (b, concat sss)
                _ -> (hECase e' alts', es ++ concat sss)
        remE e@(HECon _) = (e, [])
        remE e@(HEVar v) = (e, [v])
        remP vs p@(HPVar v) = if v `elem` vs then p else HPVar "_"
        remP _vs p@(HPCon _) = p
        remP vs (HPTuple ps) = hPTuple (map (remP vs) ps)
        remP vs (HPAt v p) = if v `elem` vs then HPAt v (remP vs p) else remP vs p
        remP vs (HPApply f a) = HPApply (remP vs f) (remP vs a)
        hPTuple ps | all (== HPVar "_") ps = HPVar "_"
        hPTuple ps = HPTuple ps

getBinderVars :: HClause -> [HSymbol]
getBinderVars (HClause _ pats expr) = concatMap getBinderVarsHP pats ++ getBinderVarsHE expr

getBinderVarsHE :: HExpr -> [HSymbol]
getBinderVarsHE expr = gbExp expr
  where gbExp (HELam ps e)     = concatMap getBinderVarsHP ps ++ gbExp e
        gbExp (HEApply f a)    = gbExp f ++ gbExp a
        gbExp (HETuple es)     = concatMap gbExp es
        gbExp (HECase se alts) = gbExp se ++ concatMap (\ (p, e) -> getBinderVarsHP p ++ gbExp e) alts
        gbExp _ = []

getBinderVarsHP :: HPat -> [HSymbol]
getBinderVarsHP pat = gbPat pat
  where gbPat (HPVar s)     = [s]
        gbPat (HPCon _)     = []
        gbPat (HPTuple ps)  = concatMap gbPat ps
        gbPat (HPAt s p)    = s : gbPat p
        gbPat (HPApply f a) = gbPat f ++ gbPat a

getAllVars :: HExpr -> [HSymbol]
getAllVars expr = gaExp expr
  where gaExp (HELam _ps e)    = gaExp e
        gaExp (HEApply f a)    = gaExp f `union` gaExp a
        gaExp (HETuple es)     = foldr union [] (map gaExp es)
        gaExp (HECase se alts) = foldr union (gaExp se) (map (\ (_p, e) -> gaExp e) alts)
        gaExp (HEVar s)        = [s]
        gaExp _                = []

etaReduce :: HExpr -> HExpr
etaReduce expr = fst $ eta expr
  where eta (HELam [HPVar v] (HEApply f (HEVar v'))) | v == v' && v `notElem` vs = (f', vs)
            where (f', vs) = eta f
        eta (HELam ps e)    = (HELam ps e', vs) where (e', vs) = eta e
        eta (HEApply f a)   = (HEApply f' a', fvs++avs) where (f', fvs) = eta f; (a', avs) = eta a
        eta e@(HECon _)     = (e, [])
        eta e@(HEVar s)     = (e, [s])
        eta (HETuple es)    = (HETuple es', concat vss) where (es', vss) = unzip $ map eta es
        eta (HECase e alts) = (HECase e' alts', vs ++ concat vss)
          where (e', vs) = eta e
                (alts', vss) = unzip $ [ let (a', ss) = eta a in ((p, a'), ss) | (p, a) <- alts ]