directory-layout- Directory layout DSL

Safe HaskellNone




Directory layout DSL


Describe layouts

data Layout a Source

Directory layout description


Monad Layout 
Functor Layout 
Applicative Layout 
Foldable Layout 
Traversable Layout 
Eq (Layout a)

Equality check does not care about the order the files are listed insofar they are consistent, i.e. different things aren't named the same

Generic (Layout a) 
Semigroup (Layout a) 
Typeable (* -> *) Layout 
type Rep (Layout a) 


file :: String -> Layout () Source

Regular file with some contents or empty

>>> let layout = file "foo"

symlink :: String -> FilePath -> Layout () Source

Symbolic link

>>> let layout = symlink "foo" "bar"

dir :: String -> Layout a -> Layout () Source


>>> :{
let layout = dir "foo" $ do
      file "bar"
      file "baz"

dirs :: [String] -> Layout () -> Layout () Source

A nested list of directories

>>> :{
let layout = dirs ["foo", "bar"] $ do
               file "qux"
               file "quux"

emptydir :: String -> Layout () Source

Empty directory

>>> let layout = emptydir "foo"

Nodes augmentation

contents :: Traversal' (Layout a) (Maybe Contents) Source

An optic into file contents

binary :: ByteString -> Contents Source

Binary contents

>>> let layout = file "foo" & contents ?~ binary (ByteString.pack [1..10])

text :: Text -> Contents Source

Plain text contents

>>> let layout = file "foo" & contents ?~ text (Data.Text.pack "hello")

dedent :: QuasiQuoter Source

A handy quasiquoter to work with the multiline file contents

Strips the longest common leading spaces segment. All spacey characters are treated equally. The first line is ignored if it's spaces only.

>>> :{
putStr [dedent|

dedentSubst :: QuasiQuoter Source

dedent with variable substitution

>>> let hello = "bye" :: String
>>> :{
putStr [dedentSubst|

copyOf :: FilePath -> Contents Source

Contents are the copy of whose of the real file

>>> let layout = file "foo" & contents ?~ copyOf "/home/user/.vimrc"

source :: Traversal' (Layout a) String Source

An optic into symbolic link source

>>> symlink "foo" "bar" ^? source
Just "bar"

exists :: Traversal' (Layout a) Bool Source

An optic into symbolic link source expected existence

>>> let layout = symlink "foo" "bar" & exists .~ True

data User Source

File owner


UserID UserID 
Username String 

user :: Traversal' (Layout a) (Maybe User) Source

An optic into file owner

>>> let layout = file "foo" & user ?~ uid 0

uid :: UserID -> User Source

Set the file owner by uid

username :: String -> User Source

Set the file owner by username

>>> let layout = file "foo" & user ?~ username "root"

data Group Source

File group

group :: Traversal' (Layout a) (Maybe Group) Source

An optic into file group

>>> let layout = file "foo" & group ?~ gid 0

gid :: GroupID -> Group Source

Set the file group by groupname

groupname :: String -> Group Source

Set the file group by groupname

>>> let layout = file "foo" & group ?~ groupname "wheel"

mode :: Traversal' (Layout a) (Maybe FileMode) Source

An optic into file mode

>>> let layout = file "foo" & mode ?~ 0o100777

anything :: Maybe a Source


>>> let layout = file "foo" & contents .~ anything
>>> let layout = file "foo" & user .~ anything

into :: String -> Traversal' (Layout ()) (Layout ()) Source

An optic into the directory contents of the particular directory

>>> :{
dirs ["foo", "bar", "baz"] (symlink "qux" "quux")
  ^? into "foo".into "bar".into "baz".focus "qux".source
Just "quux"

focus :: String -> Traversal' (Layout ()) (Layout ()) Source

An optic into the particular node

Run layouts