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diagrams-lib- Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics

Copyright(c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




An animation is a time-varying diagram, together with start and end times. Most of the tools for working with animations can actually be found in the active package, which defines the Active type.

XXX more documentation and examples should go here


Types for animations

type QAnimation b v n m = Active (QDiagram b v n m) Source #

A value of type QAnimation b v m is an animation (a time-varying diagram with start and end times) that can be rendered by backend b, with vector space v and monoidal annotations of type m.

type Animation b v n = QAnimation b v n Any Source #

A value of type Animation b v is an animation (a time-varying diagram with start and end times) in vector space v that can be rendered by backspace b.

Note that Animation is actually a synonym for QAnimation where the type of the monoidal annotations has been fixed to Any (the default).

Animation combinators and tools

Most combinators for working with animations are to be found in the active package, which defines the Active type. This module defines just a few combinators specifically for working with animated diagrams.

animEnvelope :: (OrderedField n, Metric v, Monoid' m) => QAnimation b v n m -> QAnimation b v n m Source #

Automatically assign fixed a envelope to the entirety of an animation by sampling the envelope at a number of points in time and taking the union of all the sampled envelopes to form the "hull". This hull is then used uniformly throughout the animation.

This is useful when you have an animation that grows and shrinks in size or shape over time, but you want it to take up a fixed amount of space, e.g. so that the final rendered movie does not zoom in and out, or so that it occupies a fixed location with respect to another animation, when combining animations with something like |||.

By default, 30 samples per time unit are used; to adjust this number see animEnvelope'.

See also animRect for help constructing a background to go behind an animation.

animEnvelope' :: (OrderedField n, Metric v, Monoid' m) => Rational -> QAnimation b v n m -> QAnimation b v n m Source #

Like animEnvelope, but with an adjustible sample rate. The first parameter is the number of samples per time unit to use. Lower rates will be faster but less accurate; higher rates are more accurate but slower.

animRect :: (InSpace V2 n t, Monoid' m, TrailLike t, Enveloped t, Transformable t, Monoid t) => QAnimation b V2 n m -> t Source #

animRect works similarly to animEnvelope for 2D diagrams, but instead of adjusting the envelope, simply returns the smallest bounding rectangle which encloses the entire animation. Useful for e.g. creating a background to go behind an animation.

Uses 30 samples per time unit by default; to adjust this number see animRect'.

animRect' :: (InSpace V2 n t, Monoid' m, TrailLike t, Enveloped t, Transformable t, Monoid t) => Rational -> QAnimation b V2 n m -> t Source #

Like animRect, but with an adjustible sample rate. The first parameter is the number of samples per time unit to use. Lower rates will be faster but less accurate; higher rates are more accurate but slower.