Copyright | (c) 2011 Brent Yorgey |
License | BSD-style (see LICENSE) |
Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Inspired by the work of Kevin Matlage and Andy Gill (Every
Animation Should Have a Beginning, a Middle, and an End, Trends
in Functional Programming,
2010., this module defines a
simple abstraction for working with time-varying values. A value
of type Active a
is either a constant value of type a
, or a
time-varying value of type a
(i.e. a function from time to
) with specific start and end times. Since active values
have start and end times, they can be aligned, sequenced,
stretched, or reversed.
In a sense, this is sort of like a stripped-down version of functional reactive programming (FRP), without the reactivity.
The original motivating use for this library is to support making animations with the diagrams framework (, but the hope is that it may find more general utility.
There are two basic ways to create an Active
value. The first is
to use mkActive
to create one directly, by specifying a start and
end time and a function of time. More indirectly, one can use the
instance together with the unit interval ui
, which
takes on values from the unit interval from time 0 to time 1, or
, which creates an active over an arbitrary interval.
For example, to create a value of type Active Double
represents one period of a sine wave starting at time 0 and ending
at time 1, we could write
mkActive 0 1 (\t -> sin (fromTime t * tau))
(sin . (*tau)) <$> ui
can also be used to create Active
values which are
constant and have no start or end time. For example,
mod <$> (floor <$> interval 0 100) <*> pure 7
cycles repeatedly through the numbers 0-6.
Note that the "idiom bracket" notation supported by the SHE
preprocessor (, can make for somewhat
more readable Applicative
code. For example, the above example
can be rewritten using SHE as
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF she #-} ... (| mod (| floor (interval 0 100) |) ~7 |)
There are many functions for transforming and composing active values; see the documentation below for more details.
With careful handling, this module should be suitable to generating
deep embeddings if Active
- data Time n
- toTime :: n -> Time n
- fromTime :: Time n -> n
- data Duration n
- toDuration :: n -> Duration n
- fromDuration :: Duration n -> n
- data Era n
- mkEra :: Time n -> Time n -> Era n
- start :: Era n -> Time n
- end :: Era n -> Time n
- duration :: Num n => Era n -> Duration n
- data Dynamic a = Dynamic {}
- mkDynamic :: Time Rational -> Time Rational -> (Time Rational -> a) -> Dynamic a
- onDynamic :: (Time Rational -> Time Rational -> (Time Rational -> a) -> b) -> Dynamic a -> b
- shiftDynamic :: Duration Rational -> Dynamic a -> Dynamic a
- data Active a
- mkActive :: Time Rational -> Time Rational -> (Time Rational -> a) -> Active a
- fromDynamic :: Dynamic a -> Active a
- isConstant :: Active a -> Bool
- isDynamic :: Active a -> Bool
- onActive :: (a -> b) -> (Dynamic a -> b) -> Active a -> b
- modActive :: (a -> b) -> (Dynamic a -> Dynamic b) -> Active a -> Active b
- runActive :: Active a -> Time Rational -> a
- activeEra :: Active a -> Maybe (Era Rational)
- setEra :: Era Rational -> Active a -> Active a
- atTime :: Time Rational -> Active a -> Active a
- activeStart :: Active a -> a
- activeEnd :: Active a -> a
- ui :: Fractional a => Active a
- interval :: Fractional a => Time Rational -> Time Rational -> Active a
- stretch :: Rational -> Active a -> Active a
- stretchTo :: Duration Rational -> Active a -> Active a
- during :: Active a -> Active a -> Active a
- shift :: Duration Rational -> Active a -> Active a
- backwards :: Active a -> Active a
- snapshot :: Time Rational -> Active a -> Active a
- clamp :: Active a -> Active a
- clampBefore :: Active a -> Active a
- clampAfter :: Active a -> Active a
- trim :: Monoid a => Active a -> Active a
- trimBefore :: Monoid a => Active a -> Active a
- trimAfter :: Monoid a => Active a -> Active a
- after :: Active a -> Active a -> Active a
- (->>) :: Semigroup a => Active a -> Active a -> Active a
- (|>>) :: Active a -> Active a -> Active a
- movie :: [Active a] -> Active a
- discrete :: [a] -> Active a
- simulate :: Rational -> Active a -> [a]
Representing time
Time and duration
An abstract type for representing points in time. Note that
literal numeric values may be used as Time
s, thanks to the the
and Fractional
Functor Time Source # | |
Affine Time Source # | |
Enum n => Enum (Time n) Source # | |
Eq n => Eq (Time n) Source # | |
Fractional n => Fractional (Time n) Source # | |
Num n => Num (Time n) Source # | |
Ord n => Ord (Time n) Source # | |
Read n => Read (Time n) Source # | |
Real n => Real (Time n) Source # | |
RealFrac n => RealFrac (Time n) Source # | |
Show n => Show (Time n) Source # | |
Wrapped (Time n0) Source # | |
(~) * (Time n0) t0 => Rewrapped (Time n1) t0 Source # | |
type Diff Time Source # | |
type Unwrapped (Time n0) Source # | |
fromTime :: Time n -> n Source #
A convenient unwrapper function to turn a time into a numeric value.
An abstract type representing elapsed time between two points
in time. Note that durations can be negative. Literal numeric
values may be used as Duration
s thanks to the Num
Functor Duration Source # | |
Applicative Duration Source # | |
Additive Duration Source # | |
Enum n => Enum (Duration n) Source # | |
Eq n => Eq (Duration n) Source # | |
Fractional n => Fractional (Duration n) Source # | |
Num n => Num (Duration n) Source # | |
Ord n => Ord (Duration n) Source # | |
Read n => Read (Duration n) Source # | |
Real n => Real (Duration n) Source # | |
RealFrac n => RealFrac (Duration n) Source # | |
Show n => Show (Duration n) Source # | |
Num n => Semigroup (Duration n) Source # | |
Num n => Monoid (Duration n) Source # | |
Wrapped (Duration n0) Source # | |
(~) * (Duration n0) t0 => Rewrapped (Duration n1) t0 Source # | |
type Unwrapped (Duration n0) Source # | |
toDuration :: n -> Duration n Source #
A convenient wrapper function to convert a numeric value into a duration.
fromDuration :: Duration n -> n Source #
A convenient unwrapper function to turn a duration into a numeric value.
An Era
is a concrete span of time, that is, a pair of times
representing the start and end of the era. Era
s form a
semigroup: the combination of two Era
s is the smallest Era
which contains both. They do not form a Monoid
, since there is
no Era
which acts as the identity with respect to this
combining operation.
is abstract. To construct Era
values, use mkEra
; to
deconstruct, use start
and end
Dynamic values
A Dynamic a
can be thought of as an a
value that changes over
the course of a particular Era
. It's envisioned that Dynamic
will be mostly an internal implementation detail and that
will be most commonly used. But you never know what
uses people might find for things.
Functor Dynamic Source # | |
Apply Dynamic Source # |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (Dynamic a) Source # |
mkDynamic :: Time Rational -> Time Rational -> (Time Rational -> a) -> Dynamic a Source #
Create a Dynamic
from a start time, an end time, and a
time-varying value.
onDynamic :: (Time Rational -> Time Rational -> (Time Rational -> a) -> b) -> Dynamic a -> b Source #
Fold for Dynamic
shiftDynamic :: Duration Rational -> Dynamic a -> Dynamic a Source #
Shift a Dynamic
value by a certain duration.
Active values
For working with time-varying values, it is convenient to have an
instance: <*>
lets us apply time-varying
functions to time-varying values; pure
allows treating constants
as time-varying values which do not vary. However, as explained in
its documentation, Dynamic
cannot be made an instance of
since there is no way to implement pure
. The
problem is that all Dynamic
values must have a finite start and
end time. The solution is to adjoin a special constructor for
pure/constant values with no start or end time, giving us Active
There are two types of Active
- An
can simply be aDynamic
, that is, a time-varying value with start and end times. - An
value can also be a constant: a single value, constant across time, with no start and end times.
The addition of constant values enable Monoid
and Applicative
instances for Active
Functor Active Source # | |
Applicative Active Source # | |
Apply Active Source # | |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (Active a) Source # | Active values over a type with a |
(Monoid a, Semigroup a) => Monoid (Active a) Source # | |
Wrapped (Active a0) Source # | |
(~) * (Active a0) t0 => Rewrapped (Active a1) t0 Source # | |
type Unwrapped (Active a0) Source # | |
mkActive :: Time Rational -> Time Rational -> (Time Rational -> a) -> Active a Source #
Create a dynamic Active
from a start time, an end time, and a
time-varying value.
modActive :: (a -> b) -> (Dynamic a -> Dynamic b) -> Active a -> Active b Source #
Modify an Active
value using a case analysis to see whether it
is constant or dynamic.
runActive :: Active a -> Time Rational -> a Source #
Interpret an Active
value as a function from time.
atTime :: Time Rational -> Active a -> Active a Source #
atTime t a
is an active value with the same behavior as a
shifted so that it starts at time t
. If a
is constant it is
returned unchanged.
activeStart :: Active a -> a Source #
Get the value of an Active a
at the beginning of its era.
Special active values
ui :: Fractional a => Active a Source #
represents the unit interval, which takes on the value t
at time t
, and has as its era [0,1]
. It is equivalent to
, and can be visualized as follows:interval
0 1
On the x-axis is time, and the value that ui
takes on is on the
y-axis. The shaded portion represents the era. Note that the
value of ui
(as with any active) is still defined outside its
era, and this can make a difference when it is combined with
other active values with different eras. Applying a function
with fmap
affects all values, both inside and outside the era.
To manipulate values outside the era specifically, see clamp
and trim
To alter the values that ui
takes on without altering its
era, use its Functor
and Applicative
instances. For example,
(*2) <$> ui
varies from 0
to 2
over the era [0,1]
. To
alter the era, you can use stretch
or shift
interval :: Fractional a => Time Rational -> Time Rational -> Active a Source #
interval a b
is an active value starting at time a
, ending at
time b
, and taking the value t
at time t
Transforming active values
stretch :: Rational -> Active a -> Active a Source #
stretch s act
"stretches" the active act
so that it takes
times as long (retaining the same start time).
shift :: Duration Rational -> Active a -> Active a Source #
shift d act
shifts the start time of act
by duration d
Has no effect on constant values.
backwards :: Active a -> Active a Source #
Reverse an active value so the start of its era gets mapped to
the end and vice versa. For example, backwards
can be
visualized asui
snapshot :: Time Rational -> Active a -> Active a Source #
Take a "snapshot" of an active value at a particular time, resulting in a constant value.
Working with values outside the era
clamp :: Active a -> Active a Source #
"Clamp" an active value so that it is constant before and after
its era. Before the era, clamp a
takes on the value of a
the start of the era. Likewise, after the era, clamp a
on the value of a
at the end of the era. clamp
has no effect
on constant values.
For example, clamp
can be visualized asui
See also clampBefore
and clampAfter
, which clamp only before
or after the era, respectively.
clampBefore :: Active a -> Active a Source #
clampAfter :: Active a -> Active a Source #
trim :: Monoid a => Active a -> Active a Source #
"Trim" an active value so that it is empty outside its era.
has no effect on constant values.
For example, trim
can be visualized asui
Actually, trim ui
is not well-typed, since it is not guaranteed
that ui
's values will be monoidal (and usually they won't be)!
But the above image still provides a good intuitive idea of what
is doing. To make this precise we could consider something
like trim (First . Just $ ui)
See also trimBefore
and trimActive
, which trim only before or
after the era, respectively.
Composing active values
after :: Active a -> Active a -> Active a Source #
a1 `after` a2
produces an active that behaves like a1
but is
shifted to start at the end time of a2
. If either a1
or a2
are constant, a1
is returned unchanged.
movie :: [Active a] -> Active a Source #
Splice together a list of active values using |>>
. The list
must be nonempty.
discrete :: [a] -> Active a Source #
Create an Active
which takes on each value in the given list in
turn during the time [0,1]
, with each value getting an equal
amount of time. In other words, discrete
creates a "slide
show" that starts at time 0 and ends at time 1. The first
element is used prior to time 0, and the last element is used
after time 1.
It is an error to call discrete
on the empty list.
simulate :: Rational -> Active a -> [a] Source #
simulate r act
simulates the Active
value act
, returning a
list of "snapshots" taken at regular intervals from the start
time to the end time. The interval used is determined by the
rate r
, which denotes the "frame rate", that is, the number
of snapshots per unit time.
If the Active
value is constant (and thus has no start or end
times), a list of length 1 is returned, containing the constant