dear-imgui-2.3.0: Haskell bindings for Dear ImGui.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Font atlas builder, accompanied with lower-level functions.

import qualified DearImGui.FontAtlas as FontAtlas

prepareAtlas =
    [ FontAtlas.FileTTF "comic-sans-mono.ttf" 13 csOptions csRanges
    , FontAtlas.Default
    csOptions = mconcat
      [ FontAtlas.fontNo 1
      , FontAtlas.glyphOffset (0, -1)

    csRanges = RangeBuilder $ mconcat
      [ FontAtlas.addText "Hello world"
      , FontRanges.addChar 
      , FontRanges.addRanges FontRanges.Korean

Main types

newtype Font Source #

Font runtime data handle

Wraps ImFont*.


Font (Ptr ImFont) 

Building atlas

rebuild :: (MonadIO m, Traversable t) => t FontSource -> m (t Font) Source #

Rebuild font atlas with provided configuration and return corresponding structure of font handles to be used with withFont.

Accepts any Traversable instance, so you are free to use lists, maps or custom structures.

Configuring sources

newtype ConfigSetup Source #

Font config monoid interface to be used in FontSource.

mergeMode True <> fontNo 1




fontDataOwnedByAtlas :: Bool -> ConfigSetup Source #

TTF/OTF data ownership taken by the container ImFontAtlas (will delete memory itself).

By default, it is true

fontNo :: Int -> ConfigSetup Source #

Index of font within TTF/OTF file.

By default, it is 0

sizePixels :: Float -> ConfigSetup Source #

Size in pixels for rasterizer

More or less maps to the resulting font height.

Implicitly set by addFont... functions.

oversampleH :: Int -> ConfigSetup Source #

Rasterize at higher quality for sub-pixel positioning.

Note: the difference between 2 and 3 is minimal so you can reduce this to 2 to save memory. Read for details.

By default, it is 3

oversampleV :: Int -> ConfigSetup Source #

Rasterize at higher quality for sub-pixel positioning.

This is not really useful as we don't use sub-pixel positions on the Y axis.

By default, it is 1

pixelSnapH :: Bool -> ConfigSetup Source #

Align every glyph to pixel boundary.

Useful if you are merging a non-pixel aligned font with the default font. If enabled, you can set OversampleH/V to 1.

By default, it is false

glyphExtraSpacing :: (Float, Float) -> ConfigSetup Source #

Extra spacing (in pixels) between glyphs.

Only X axis is supported for now.

By default, it is 0, 0

glyphOffset :: (Float, Float) -> ConfigSetup Source #

Offset all glyphs from this font input.

By default, it is 0, 0

glyphRanges :: GlyphRanges -> ConfigSetup Source #

Pointer to a user-provided list of Unicode range.

2 values per range, inclusive. Zero-terminated list.


By default, it is NULL

glyphMinAdvanceX :: Float -> ConfigSetup Source #

Minimum AdvanceX for glyphs.

Set Min to align font icons, set both Min/Max to enforce mono-space font.

By default, it is 0

glyphMaxAdvanceX :: Float -> ConfigSetup Source #

Maximum AdvanceX for glyphs.

By default, it is FLT_MAX.

mergeMode :: Bool -> ConfigSetup Source #

Merge into previous ImFont, so you can combine multiple inputs font into one ImFont.

e.g. ASCII font + icons + Japanese glyphs. You may want to use GlyphOffset.y when merging font of different heights.

By default, it is false

fontBuilderFlags :: Int -> ConfigSetup Source #

Settings for custom font GlyphRanges.


By default, it is 0. Leave it so if unsure.

rasterizerMultiply :: Float -> ConfigSetup Source #

Brighten (>1.0f) or darken (<1.0f) font output.

Brightening small fonts may be a good workaround to make them more readable.

By default, it is 1.0f.

ellipsisChar :: ImWchar -> ConfigSetup Source #

Explicitly specify unicode codepoint of ellipsis character.

When fonts are being merged first specified ellipsis will be used.

By default, it is -1

Configuring ranges

data Ranges Source #

Glyph ranges settings, from presets to builder configuration.

newtype RangesBuilderSetup Source #

Ranges builder monoid interface to be executed through buildRanges.

addRanges FontRanges.DefaultRanges <> addText Привет

addChar :: ImWchar -> RangesBuilderSetup Source #

Single Unicode character

addRanges :: Ranges -> RangesBuilderSetup Source #

Existing ranges (through settings interface)

addRangesRaw :: GlyphRanges -> RangesBuilderSetup Source #

Existing ranges (as is)

pattern Latin :: Ranges Source #

Basic Latin, Extended Latin

pattern Korean :: Ranges Source #

Default + Korean characters

pattern Japanese :: Ranges Source #

Default + Hiragana, Katakana, Half-Width, Selection of 2999 Ideographs

pattern ChineseFull :: Ranges Source #

Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + full set of about 21000 CJK Unified Ideographs

pattern ChineseSimplifiedCommon :: Ranges Source #

Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + set of 2500 CJK Unified Ideographs for common simplified Chinese

pattern Cyrillic :: Ranges Source #

Default + about 400 Cyrillic characters

pattern Thai :: Ranges Source #

Default + Thai characters

pattern Vietnamese :: Ranges Source #

Default + Vietnamese characters

Lower level types and functions

build :: MonadIO m => m () Source #

Build font atlas

Alias for buildFontAtlas

clear :: MonadIO m => m () Source #

Reset font atlas, clearing internal data

Alias for clearFontAtlas

setupFont :: MonadManaged m => FontSource -> m Font Source #

Load a font with provided configuration, return its handle and defer range builder and config destructors, if needed.

setupRanges :: MonadManaged m => Ranges -> m (Maybe GlyphRanges) Source #

Configure glyph ranges with provided configuration, return a handle and defer builder destructors, if needed.

withRanges :: MonadUnliftIO m => RangesBuilderSetup -> (GlyphRanges -> m a) -> m a Source #

Perform glyph ranges build based on provided configuration, and execute a computation with built glyph ranges.

withConfig :: MonadUnliftIO m => Maybe ConfigSetup -> (Maybe FontConfig -> m a) -> m a Source #

Configure font config with provided setup, and execute a computation with built object. return its handle and list of resource destructors.

addFontFromFileTTF Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> FilePath

Font file path

-> Float

Font size in pixels

-> Maybe FontConfig

Configuration data

-> Maybe GlyphRanges

Glyph ranges to use

-> m (Maybe Font)

Returns font handle, if added successfully

Load a font from TTF file.

Specify font path and atlas glyph size.

Use addFontDefault if you want to retain built-in font too.

Call build after adding all the fonts, particularly if you're loading them from memory or use custom glyphs. Or stick to rebuild function.

Call backend-specific CreateFontsTexture before using newFrame.

addFontFromFileTTF_ Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> FilePath

Font file path

-> Float

Font size in pixels

-> m (Maybe Font)

Returns font handle, if added successfully