Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Inventory = Inventory {}
- type HeadInventory = (PristineHash, Inventory)
- type InventoryEntry = (PatchInfo, PatchHash)
- class ValidHash a where
- data InventoryHash
- data PatchHash
- data PristineHash
- inventoryPatchNames :: Inventory -> [String]
- parseInventory :: ByteString -> Maybe Inventory
- showInventory :: Inventory -> Doc
- showInventoryPatches :: [InventoryEntry] -> Doc
- showInventoryEntry :: InventoryEntry -> Doc
- emptyInventory :: Inventory
- pokePristineHash :: String -> ByteString -> Doc
- peekPristineHash :: ByteString -> String
- skipPristineHash :: ByteString -> ByteString
- pristineName :: ByteString
- prop_inventoryParseShow :: Inventory -> Bool
- prop_peekPokePristineHash :: (PristineHash, ByteString) -> Bool
- prop_skipPokePristineHash :: (PristineHash, ByteString) -> Bool
type HeadInventory = (PristineHash, Inventory) Source #
type InventoryEntry = (PatchInfo, PatchHash) Source #
class ValidHash a where Source #
getValidHash :: a -> String Source #
mkValidHash :: String -> a Source #
data InventoryHash Source #
data PristineHash Source #
inventoryPatchNames :: Inventory -> [String] Source #
showInventory :: Inventory -> Doc Source #
showInventoryPatches :: [InventoryEntry] -> Doc Source #
pokePristineHash :: String -> ByteString -> Doc Source #
Replace the pristine hash at the start of a raw, unparsed HeadInventory
or add it if none is present.
peekPristineHash :: ByteString -> String Source #
skipPristineHash :: ByteString -> ByteString Source #
skipPristineHash drops the 'pristine: HASH' prefix line, if present.